To one and all we say A Happy New Year Mfy Joy and health And luck and wealth Line all your paths Like radiant flowers; Bright sunshine cheer . All through the year, And gladden all your- New Year hours. 1 Where Most People Trade V FAMILY SHOE STORE ITU PHONE-357 (Estab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. i'RINCE KUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN --- Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Far lesser periods, paid In advance, per -week. . .10 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British. Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year .. 9.00 ADVERTISING HATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising; and Circulation Telephone News .Department Telephone DAILY 'EDITION Have New Year's dinner at THE KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" R. BHASELL phone 71 98 86 N. M. BHASELL 1.00 .02 .25 Thursday, Dec. 31, 1936 Another Year Gone Another year is past with all its joys and sorrows and at midnight tonight we enter upon a new year with a new set of problems, new difficulties to be overcome and, let us hope, plenty of new joys. Some of us will benefit from the experience of the past and others will not. Some will become richer and some poorer. Much depends on our own attitude toward life. In any event it is up to ourselves what we do with our time. While we must admit that some people get the "breaks and others do not, we must also acknowledge that in many cases we are masters of our own fate and what we are depends largely on what we do. The past year is gone, the year 1937 is ours to do with it as we will. Getting Ready to Call Halt Evidently the countries of Europe are getting ready to call a halt in the civil war in Spain. That country is becoming a danger to the world and should not be allowed to carry on the fratricidal combat whether they wish to or not. It is-the duty of the great world powers to step in and end it all. The dream of the world having to police those who misbehave may yet come true but in a different way from what was expected. The powers may be forced to act m order to insure stability. It is years ago that the governments of Canada and breat Britain disallowed cock fighting. It is illegal for the owners of two respective birds to take them out into a pen or a field :and let them fight to a finish. How much more reasonable then is it that the countries surrounding bul .fighting-Spam should step in and prevent the people of that country killing each other. A New Year and New System . New systems .have to be adopted in the world as the exigencies of the case demand. Surely the whole world knows by now that a new system is badly needed in Spain, Sf,?i I ne ?SLwere con(luere(l the civil war there would be such bitterness follow that it would take generations of peace to allay. If an outside police system were in roduced for that country there might be some hope of establishing a settled government within a reasonable time. The decision of Italy to take no sides in the dispu e seems as if the nations might be getting together The ZTtZe S better' 14 W0"1(1 be a Jew WORK IS STARTED ON RINK v Joint Morse Creek Project of Oyroj sentative on a special Joint com mittee with the Rotary Club on the Morse Creek skating rink de velopment project, that the inten tion was to .start work today pre paratory to providing a suitable sheet of ice there. The nlan that has been agreed upon Is to repair and false the dam, cut off the tops of stumps at the present ice level which will be a couple of. feet un der the surface when the dam Is raised, make a suitable path and provide lighting. A shelter may also be put in if there are any funds left from the estimate of $500. The Canadian National Railways and Northern British Columbia Power Co. will co-operate in certain ways with the project and certain assls tance will also be sought from the city. The Rotary Club's renresentative on the skating rink committee is J. J. Little. The ultimate idea Is to develop Morse Creek as a swimmlne resort for the summer and skating rink for winter. Huge Crowd To See Big Game At Rose Bowl PASADENA, Dec. 31: The crowd en record will see the football classic at the Pasadena Rose Bowl tomorrow between University of Washington Huskies and tmsourg Pirates. An extra 3,307 seats have been provided, making a total of 87,196. There Is a complete sell-out. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Oakland" 2, Seattle 2 (overtime). ESSINGTON CHRISTMAS Activities in Connection With Pierce United Church 'Create Considerable Interest PORT ESSINGTON, Dec. 31: There were activities in conneetior, with Pierce Memorial Church during 'Christmas Week. These in- qluned special services on Sunday, both before and after Christmas as well as the customary season functions. All eveaits were well attended and aroused much Interest On Sunday a ssrvlce of unusual inteiest was held, belner fullv en- Joyed by a large congregation. Tht Fcrt Esslngton Band was in attendant, playing on their firk new tll'tirUm'SIlt nnrier ihn -- v. . V a bUl I - ductorship of David S paid hie... I h congregation sang carols ana hymns and the band played sev e-rtil. Items. The naslor. Rev. Fmnfc aiuhlit J, was in charge of the service and gave a brief arldrpic suitable to ths occasion. The legular Christmas service took place on the Sunday preceding Christmas DlV. Thnrp rrr - anthems toy the Junior and ladles' choirs. On "Wednesday l:t n Christmas Tree entertainment was held In the church, an inteieiting and enjoyable program being put on by the children, The final Itf-m was a tandb lighting ceremony by fourteen memhers nt tu v wail- adlan Girls In Training under the direction of Miss C. L. Clark R.N Santa Claus was assisted in giving "UI ,Pf"'a " bag of candles and a beautifully wrapped and labelled gift by St. Giles TJnltvl nY..u - 1 vituiv.ll VJi Vancouver. On Christmas Eve enml Bung at -various points In the vil lage Dy t,ne choir of Pierce Memorial Church. The young men drew the church organ on a sleigh and after a most enjoyable time for both singers and listeners, supper was served at th hnm r Bolton. SUDBURY, Ont, Dsc. 31: (CP) -James Nloholls, Orelghton Mine, has increased his all-star Joke collection from 500,000 ito 1,000 -000. He expects many appeals from radio comedians. THE DAILY NEWS IFRESH AIR ! FOR TRAINS Ventilation Equipment is Heine Extended by Canadian National Ana notary Clubs Getting: i MONTREAL, Dec. 31. Air con tinder Way Today ; dltlonlng of passenger train equip The Gyro Club was advised yes terday by W. II. Tobey, its repre ment on Canadian National lines will be considerably extended be fore the opening of the next sum mer season, it was stated today by officials of the National system. With approximately one hundred and twenty-five air condi tioned units now in operation, in cluding Pullman cars operating on Canadian National lines under contract, this service has been most popular with winter and summer travellers alike. All experiments with air condi tioning in the United States have been closely studied and the best features adapted for use in the system installed on Canadian National cars. The result has been that both the travelling public and car department officers have found the equipment most satisfactory In its operation. Air conditioning embraces more than simply cooling or heatiiiir the air within a car. The nrnnpr Hr- culation of correctly tempered air' is the principal requirement. The problem of car builders has been to provide the correct amount of fresh air in proper condition as to both temperature and humlditv The air conditioning equipment in use on Canadian National cars provides a plentiful supply of fresh, filtered outside air, controlling the weather factor and maintaining balanced comfort within the moving vehicles. Fresh air from outside the train is drawn into the cars by powerful fans, passing first through a filter which removss all dust, pollen and other impurities. Then the air parses over heating or cooling units, according to the outside temperature. Properly tempered, it Is then forced into the car, replacing the used air which Is driven by fans through an exhaust yent. Individual control of the fresh air supply, is a; feature in Canadian National" air conditioned sleeping cars. Each berth arid room has an individual,, air Inlet which can be operated by the passenger to control the air supply In such manner that drafts are eliminated. In club, lounge and observation cars, fresh air is distributed through the cars from Inlets in the celling. Some of these duett are combined with the lighting fixtures, others are separate. Outlets and inlets are so arranged as to prevent drafts and provide an even circulation or filtered air throughout the cars. Winter And Summer The air conditioning equipment on Canadian National trains functions throughout the year. In summer it obviates stifling heat and dust within the moving train. In winter it Is no less beneficial, providing an even temperature without drafts and discomfort. The warmed, fresh air entering the air conditioning units augments the floor heating system and maintains a better balanced temperature throughout long or short Journeys. Declared by many travellers to be one of the greatest Improvements In train travel In recent i?ears, air conditioning of principal passenger trains has come to stay, so far us the C. N. R. system is concerned, it was stated today by ,C. W. Johnston, general passenger traffic manager of the National system. Air conditioning equipment Is being installed in many units at present in the shops and the 1937 program will see the number of units greatly increased. WILL BE TAKEN SOLO STRATFORD. Ont., Dec. 31: '(CP) City council here placed Itself on record as opposed to group pictures, one alderman claiming there were always one or two who "managed to spoil" such a picture. So the councillors uvUl be photographed individually this year. 'ft This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of 'British Columbia The Season's Greetings Again Yuletide, with its inspiration of good cheer is with us the New Year approaches. We sin- W eerely extend to you all our best wishes for a $ Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous Nine- teen Thirty-Seven. 3 annex lou will U delighted with thM " "ellcloua (IdH from South AMra . . . appalling and delightful la flavour and quality. 9! vm 11 Ot. Bot. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. a1 Now when holiday hospitality centres in your home, choose wisely from these world famous brands, which offer you the utmost in value and quality Ancient OLD PARE Scotch Whisky - - - . SANDY MACDONAl.n special Liqueur Scotch Whisky 26oz.$3lS VICKERS' Finest London Dry Gin - Sir Robert BURNETT'S London Dry Gin - . . SEAGRAM'S "83" Rye Whisky .... SEAGRAM'S .... Special Old Rye Whisky tint ft lihUmhm.t . . . ... 13oz.$li5 25oz.$Sl5 13oz.$15? 25oz.K5 16 oz.$I55 25 oz.Z5 16oz.$15? a 25oz25 .... Thill's1 -..-,.,.... temper 31. 193. m To our ever growing number of friends and customers we wish to express our appreeia-tion of your valued pat. -ronajre and wish you all health and a large measure of prosperity which we may well ex-poet in 19:57. Kaien Hardware 65 Taxi 5y And Messenger Service Stand: Empress Hotel P Bill Stuart Al French 5? John Saunders TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until .you see Frank Lockwood IK O. llox 200 Perfection in canned .salmon GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye till PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed .by the only Salmon Cannlng t'ompany with an all the year round payroll in "Prince Rupert. Start a Happy New Year by burning Jasper Hard Coal Hyde Transfer 1 8