Greetings and a nice, warm FURRY HOLIDAY is the wish for everyone from G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable OurcoAm m "ZSrSiL a New Year wVSY , . , ... , ... Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at 10 ,p.m, To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Norah," Dec. 3rd, 17th, Jan. 3rd, 14th, 28th. Tn K.llilln IVrotiuoll liinran ami KkaewsiV SS. 'Princess Norah," Dec. 13th, 30th, Jan. 10th, 24th, Feb. 7th. WINTKB EXCURSION FARES TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJtt. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. purchase tickets at office. If convenient please reservations and tickets from Further information regarding A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ursday December 31, 1S38 THE DAILY NBW8 PAtH6TBBRBJ Heartiest Wishes for a Happi Veu; Year I to all our customers and friends to whom we express our most sincere appreciation. MRS. H. S. PARKER I The Exclusive Ladies' Heady to Wear '':,A?'fc nav,nK your M)ai mn Vouil like full of the best coal in m&XY" ....... PHILPOTT- EVITT &Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 651 PHONE 652 S32.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th. 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 1937. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Trince Rupert, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES ' Salvation Army watch night ser-, MrS. Al Berner returned to the vice 11:15 to midnight at Citadel. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be on time. Tonight's the night. Meet me at the Moose Hall for a good time. Dancing starts at 10 p.m. (305) VicksVatronol Fancy Work At Reasonable .Prices Palmistry Suite 7, First Floor FEDERAL BLDG. Phone Green 701 JONES Family PHONE 957 T-Bone Roast 6 lbs Rump Roast of Beef 7 lbs Prime Rib Rolled 6 lbs Off the Round 5 lbs Pot Roast 6 lbs PORK Leg of Pork 5 lbs Loin of Pork .5 bs Shoulder Pork 6 lbs. Leg of Mutton per lb Market Specials PHONE 95 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 50c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 MUTTON and LAMB Shoulder of Mutton 6 lbs Leg of Veal 6 lbs Rolled & Boned Shoulder Lamb, per lb POULTRY Cteese per lb Ducks per lb Turkeys From -8 to 18 lbs., per lb Roasting Chicken per lb Special Made Sausage Meat 2 lbs 18c 75c city on the Prince Rupert yester day from a .trip to Vancouver. ; Savory and will proceed on the j Prince Rupert tonight to Butedale ! enroute to Surf Inlet where she will ; visit with her sister, "Miss Irene ! Ross. I Victor I. Hahn, superintendent of the Yukon and White Pass i Railway at Skagway, and Mrs. ion were aboard the Passengers Miss Gibson, .daughter of Very Rev. Jama, B. Gibson, will Prn2ess uNorah yesterday return- school teaching duties at Massett after having spent the Christmas and .New Year holiday season her home here, at B. T. Phillips of Ocean Falls, who lias :been appointed to the position of Indian Agent for the -Queen Charlotte Islands, will sail tomorrow -night on the Prince John for; Massett to assume his duties. He will be accompanied by "W. E. Col-llson, local Indian Agent. Mrs. W. P Armour and daughter, Miss June Armour, are re turning home on tonight's train from the East. They have been at Rochester, Minnesota, where Miss Armour received treatment at Mayo Clinic, .and also visited with relatives :at Drumheller, Al-.l berta. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Morgan of Blllmor returned to the city on the . Prince John this mornln? jafter spending Christmas at Sedge-Iwick Bay, Queen Charlotte Isl ands with Mr. Morgan's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Morgan. $1.00p 20c 25c 25c 30c 25c New Year's Eve was observed by the Prince Rupert Rotary Ciub today at the regular weekly lunch eon with informal story telling and singing. President C. V. Evllt was Jn the chair and there was a good attenedance of members with a few guests. Children's Party At Army Citadel Enjo.vablf Affair for Kiddies Held Yesterday Afternoon A jolly children's Christmas party was held at the Salvation Army Citadel Tuesday afternoon. nine adult workers who directed proceedings. The afternoon was spent In playing of games after which refreshments were served. Each child received a bag of nuts, candy and fruit and for each child of the cradle roll there xras a gift. Timely Recipes .APPLE PJJANUT , SALAD CflJery. mix a messing 01 .peanut butter, usirig 5t tablespoons lemon iuice to one tablesDobTi ' Deanut $1.00'buUer- m the dressinB through 111c .upiicd aiiu kiic ucivijr. iiv. season with salt and cayenne pepper. Chill and serve on lettuce; garnish with peanuts. CATHEDRAL XMAS TREE The annual Christmas Tree en tertainment of the Sunday School New Year's Eve Midnight Frolic, ' 0f St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Capitol Theatre Tickets now sel- Was held yesterday afternoon, ling. General admission 50c. Loges ' About 150 were present and the ireservea; ac. i jus) &f fajr waSi as usuait very enjoyable. 1 The first part of the proceedings , C. W. Cash, well known mer-' to the was glven over piaylng 0 pantile man of Fairbanks, Alaska games wlth N R Jones in charge un si nnsspnorpr ahnarrl t.ho Prln. ..... was u ' . . - , - . - ., aiier wnicn supper f I vsras served . - rJ JX Vt KJ taken up .at a meeting of the .7, ,wlth an interestlng program fol- artr a to 8xae- mp Moose Lodge last night. There was.norin lowing before Santa Claus arrived ' a good attendance of members . and distributed fruit and sweets. James M Ryan, Indian, am. appeared in with the dictator, James Taylor, in .. vpst(irH"v The program Included a piano city .tv n police pniirt court yesterday m on n a the chair. At the first SNIFFLE Quick! Use this specialized Vicks aid for nose and upper throat, where most colds start. Helps prevent colds. rharirp nt oommrn nssnnH. nnnn 1 ...... .,... v ti . . . t r: n 1 1 i his wife and was remanded for "ucls DC" J" ""'" B,1U Mary Baker and Pal h- and Hems- eight days on ball -of $50. by King; vocal solos by David Jom;s' Mary Margaret Bulger and Miss Ethel Ross arrived in the cltv mi Tnesriav nfohtM train f mm , Beverlv Barrv: slunt DV Mrs- ' I Tnnoe' loc' !evtoftco "tt T Trunin I Jack" and "Little Town of Bethlehem," Bobby Carr. Hemsby King, Dan Vukovlch. David Jones, Boyo Gurvich and Harold Norden; tap dancing by Margaret Davis; play, "The First Santa Claus, Beatrice Grosvenor, Doris Leach, Bill Baker; Harold Norden and Eddie Dawes, directed by Norma Smith. Accompanists were Catherine Baker, Maureen Kir kp a trick, Norma Smith, Mrs. JJ. R. Jones and J. E. oavey. Dean Gioson acted as chairman. Serving of refreshments was in charge of Mrs. W. A. McLean, Miss Eileen Gibson, Miss Jean McLean, Miss Edith Smith, Miss Nancy Dawes and Miss Noreen Gibson. Announcements Orange Hogmany Dance, Decern, ber 31. , Elks' New Year Dance, Bostoi Hall, December 31. Erik Frey's Concert, January 15. CUssiHE FOR SALE Some fifty-nine children were r-0R, good jjicieiii, us weu us ouiiic eigm, ur WalltA- Cash nr terms, n V. Symes, 653 Fifth East. FOR SALE General Electric hand Cleaner, 1935 model. Like new. Phone Mrs. Pullen, Black 272. LOST (tf) LOST Hand truck from front of Happy Wong's Store, 3rd Ave. W. i Finder please return. (305) PERSONAL ' Pare, core and cube slightly- j GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies acia, uanaaian-grown appies. Ai i highest grade 15 for $1. Paclllc them with half as much, cubet) Suppiy( 751 Granville. Vancouver MEN &et vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw I oyster invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted "'aker refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited if To all our friends on land, in light houses and at sea we wisn ; A Happy and Prosperous New Year THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do is send $3.00 to cover the icost of snipping and the oil for 6 complete Permanents. Will not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from us at fifty .cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. 1 : The old year is' swiftly drawing to a close and we sincerely trust it has . been .a successful one . for, all. : . For the coming year may we wish you every happiness, good luck t i and prosperity.' Oraics Ltd. ie Pioneer Driuzgists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 8( 82, Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 pan. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 pan. New Goods BLANKETS Just Arrived Four Popular Leading Lines that Cannot be Beaten SILVER TIP 100 percent pure woorblankef. ATT" excellent household blanket. SILVER KING The finest camp blanket in mar ket. SILVER CLOUD All wool silver grey. - , POINT BLANKETS Their excellence is well' known. . ', Used Goods Girl's Bicycle, first class .condition, price $12.00 Hand Washing Machine, nearly new, price . . .$10.00 We wish all pur patrons and friends ' 'i A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year and continued prosperty throughout 1937. May industry stir this little town into activity and may there be that co-operation among the citizens that is essential to success. We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Business Hours Open. from 8 a.m. to '5 p.nwXhurs. 8 a.m. to 1 f m. ft I. t e !I if ! it if '! !! ' : I" is !J II it if It i i :i r i If ,: ; r i t