PAGB rOTTB CLEAN UP! BEAUTIFY! Inside Your Home With STET The Washable Kalsominc 21 Beautiful Shades 75c per pkg. Kaien Hardware PHONE j For Service eo nioNE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Service COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: .58 and 558 MRS. HALLIDAY announces the reopening of the Modern Beauty Shoppe 530 Third Avenue formerly located at 210 4th St. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 There will be a sprrial for one week of a free electric manicure with every shampoo and finirerwave or marcel. NEW ROYAL ; HOTEL 3. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 n 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Watei Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Rnx I9 Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Landings Not Heavy This Week Over Million and Half Pounds in April Stewart Speedboat Re-engined Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1936 season up to and including yesterday had reached a total of 2,440,100 pounds of which 1,329,800 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 1,110,300 pounds from American. For the week ending yesterday landings totalled 288,-. 500 pounds consisting of 88,500 pounds from Canadian boats and an even 200,000 pounds from American. There was little change during the week in the price range. The high price of tnc week for Canadian fish was 6.5c. and 5.4c. which the Cape Spear received for 12,000 pounds and the !ow 6c. and 5c. which the Bum and Ingrid H. were paid for catches of 8.500 and 9,000 pounds respectively. For American fish the high price was 7.5c and 6c which the Norland received for 13,000 pounds and the low 5.5c. and 5c. which the Nordby was paid for 32,000 pounds. During the month of April a to tal of 1,682,000 pounds of halibut was landed at Prince Rupert as compared with 717,000 pounds dur ing the same month last year. The American landings for this April were 782,000 pounds in comparison with 323,000 pounds last year while this April's Canadian landings am ounted to 900,000 pounds against 394,000 pounds a year ago. McNeil and Lewis of Stewart Remember Her On Mother's Day With a Box of CHOCOLATES We have all the better makes LOWNEY'S GANONG'S MOIR S From 25c and up Quality Guaranteed We know we can please you have re-englned and repainted the well known northern speedboat Marjorie which they picked up on the bargain counter at Anyox last year and have a mighty trim and speedy craft. The vessel, 21 feet long with 5 foot beam, now has a 1919 Chevrolet engine with Fron- tenac head and can travel smoothly at a 20-mlle clip. Extra fittings Include windshield, double rudder and special visible filter in the gas line. All control equipment Is mounted on a dashboard. The vessel will be entered in a regatta to be held at Stewart oi Dominion Day. The Vancouver commercial boats "Marshal-Well," "Sundown", and "Belmont", each with parties of travelling salesmen aboard, have been In Prince Rupert and at other points along the coast during the past week in the course of commercial cruises. Boat owners and loggers! No reasonable offer refused on any of the following: 40 h.p. Frisco Standard. $125; Eastern Standard 32 h.p., $100; 10 h.p. heavy duty Imperial, $100; 20 h.p. N. & S. as is, $25; 20 h.p. Star Conversion, $25. We have everything to fix up that boat. One fast runabout, 25 feet, starter, etc., $125. Two logging donkeys and gear. Act quickly! We need the room. Armour Salvage and Towing Co. (HO) Yacht For North The handsome Seattle IVFITQQAI I PIVT'Q Seattle business man, arrived from III U O U l Li Li Ei 111 iJ the south on the Princess Adelaide CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DA lit Y Phone f57 last evening to Join the yacht here. (The Principia is 96 feet long with 18-foot, 6-Inch beam and Is equlp-iped with a 250 h.p. Atlas Imperial Idcisel engine. The vessel, built in Seattle In 1928, Is outfitted with all the latest equipment Including radiophone. She moored while here at the floats of the Armour Salvage Co. The Frank Waterhouse freighter Southholm, Capt. R. B. Bennett, arrived In port at 8:45 this morn- JOIN Our Rental Library For a small fee you can rent the best new books. You will be delighted with our representative and up-to-the-minute mysteries, romances, character novels, adventure stories boohs for every taste. Come in and see them. New books added every week, here are some of the latest: "THE VANISHING IDOL" Glbb3 ' "BUBBLE REPUTATION" Wren "MULLINER NIGHTS" Wodchouse "FREEDOM FAREWELL" Bcntlcy "HEAVEN HIGH, HELL DEEP" Archibald "THE UNDAUNTED" , Hart "DEAD MAN MANOR" Williams "DREADED HOUR" mil "HERE LIES A MOST BEAUTIFUL LADY" Maker "FASTER, FASTER" , Dclaftekl "THE FOOL HATH 8AID" Nichols "STRONG POISON" Saycrs "SOUTH RIDING" Holtby "TO THE MOUNTAIN" smith "THE GOLDEN LADY" , Gardener "THE THINKING REED" .. West "THE CLANSMAN" Boileau BP i ; : . ing.: from cargo. DAILY kbws Vancouver with local The local Indian Department cruiser Naskeena, with Dominion Constable A. J. Watkinson on board, returned to port late last night after a trip to the Naas River with Dr. A. L. McQuarrie of Vancouver, departmental medical officer, on board and left this morning for the Queen Charlotte Islands. Dr. McQuarrie is on a tour of this district. Making her first voyage of the season on the Alaska route, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 8:30 this morning from Vancouver and sailed an hour later for Skagway and other northern points. The vessel had on board 153 passengers of whom five disembarked here while eight went north from this port. The list Included sixty members of crews of Yukon and White Pass Route boats going north for the summer. There was also a heavy cargo of freight for Skagway. Capt. S. K. Gray has taken over command of the Princess Idelaide for the summer, Capt. Henry Anderson taking his place on the Princess Adelaide which was in port last evening. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. I. E. Boden, Is reported due at 6:30 this evening from the south and wil lsall an hour or so later on her return to Vancouver and way-ooints. On account of heavy freights for cannery points on the way up the coast, the vessel is again running almost a day late. Seven Working On Mine Property Seven men are now employed un der Superintendent Alexander Smith preparing camp buildings at the Eddye Pass mine on Porcherl Island which was recently taken up by the Reward Mining Co. During the coming week machinery to be used in an extensive development power I campaign by the bonding comDanv yacni irincipia, wnicn arrived m is to be delivered from Vancouver. port from down the coast earlier in the week, left at noon today for a fishing cruise to various points In this vicinity. The owner of the iPrlncipla., A. Macomber, retired Solvlnr At $200 CASH PRIZES MUST BE WON! PRIZE WINNERS rurzle No.' S Mr., x. 3. Cartfoot, 832 E. 5th Ave. Vancouver; L JVpieon, 3771 Otrord St, Vancouver; R. H. Macaulejr, S75 K. Xootenay L. Vaucauier; H. Paul-n, B1 Mtxrt!l St.. Ken- Wetm!o. ater, all tied wlib 201 poli;U. aa.1 won $25 neb! Robert ColUrt, 657 t. 4Ui Avt., Vancmner, 70S txilnla, $3; Ctrl Paulaec, tills Majaell St., New Weitaiuit.r, eH7 ilr.l, on $5: A. J. Bennett. SV.& w. Mm, Vancouver; t'teUr r!ui,l. Kinitt, "";?'. Tbc. Hint. B C : Bert Howard. VSHS Auaria AV.. y'f'ori! Mle r.ertie MI'ated, i n. . Vancouver R. Ni:oii. ward E. Vancouver Gerera! Ilnecita' Vancouver; E. A. WUH.maon. 1.V) SL' Vancouver, ail tied !th 205 point, won $J each: P.oUrl ri. 5t",,Y!r2.on- B C i if- on 1051 Fort St. Victoria; Mm Mar-faret Itard. 8f0 Arundel Dr.. Vic-?, .VJUr'- E- Bn,lth- I-n'otd, V.I , all Ued with 2055 polntl ami won 11.25 each: C. C. Chambcrlin, 427 Columbia St. New Wetmlnter; M;ae a. roroe, 375 Sunaet Ave.. Vancouver, tied for low acort with 887 polnta and won 112.50 each. CerlUed ehare for above amonnta ava mailed to tba wlnneri. SHIRLEY IS HERE Diminutive Star in "The Littlest Rebel" at Capitol Theatre This Week-End Little Shirley Temple Is starred In her first big dramatic role in "The Littlest Rebel." which has come as feature offering to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end. John Boles, Jack Holt, Karen Morley and Bill Robinson, Shirley's old tap-dancing friend, appear In the supporting cast. The locale of the picture Is old Virginia at the height 'of the civil war with Shirley and her parents loyal supporters of the losing Confederacy. Much of the pathos and tenderness of the picture centres about Shirley and her mother, Karen Morley, who finally suc cumbs to the hardship of the war There are adventures In her scrapes with the Yankees and a thrilling fight as her father, John Boles, attempts to smuggle her through the Yankee lines, only to be captured and held as a spy. The closing se quences show how the tiny girl manages to win President Lincoln to her cause and saves her father and the Yankee officer who befriended them. In the course of the picture "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" Is sung by Shirley and John Boles. "Polly Wblly Doodle" Is sung by Shirley herself. C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 p.m Dally News want-ads bring CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Rev. W. I). Grant Ilollingworth, IJ.A. Organist; Mrs. E. J. Smith "dpi 11 A.M., Special Mother's Day Service. Speaker Mrs. F. M. Da foe The Sunday School will attend in a body 12:30, Westview Sunday School 7:30 P.M.. The Minister will preach. Subject: "TREASURE UPON EARTH" Special music at both services iSSriJ "UCtlnR them can be even more la-lr. J'l thU VAl.tMVOKliS competition you iVSJfri l71.t?1con,tn,cl 'mple croM-word puzzle,,nJ? one' V"" " no c'u" to bother M JL? iLtJe.11!Fm 18 alrMd; Provided tor you. uimrJ?fSd i 1. i" to tomplete the crosa-word. Jomf,tT ortl Wch wect wlth th, na" ,c. "Down" word must interlock, o aa te form a complete cross-word puzzle. Eacn letter has been irlven a certain number of points, as shown ln the above table able of letter-value. mi? core maae uy the words acroas. Then add the score FIRST UNITED CHURCH C. D. CLARKE, Minister Choir Leaders Organist J. S. Wilson, Geo. Wilson Miss S. Olafson, A.T.C.M. 11 A.M., Mother's Day Service conducted by Mr. W. Hicks Speaker, Mr. P. H. Linzcy The Sunday School will worship with the morning congregation 7:30 P.M., Mr. N. Redman will preach Welcome to all Totally New! Better Than Cross-Words! No GufMlngJ Valu-Words JUBILEE Competition (Hnom 30! PrtiTlm Rldg.) First Prize $50. Second Prize $2r. Third l'riie $15 Fourth Prize $10. Ten Prizes S5 Each Special Lowest Score Prizes 25, S15, $10 Total TKIvLafPi t (NaTs sfijE Mljalilri PfJff A.jljj T Ijm joUlc BricJUH v'M i jffill Tiw rJoE UsjiV Futile No. 3 Hlfbeat Score, rt prlte Winner, 2080 Point PtlMle Xo. S Iiweil ftrnre Prlft Winner, 861 Polnte SPECIMEN FIZZLE 101C COMPILER'S COMMENTS Tou will notice that the word 'twy appeara In the winning eo-lutlon published for No. 3. Tbla word la dlaquallBed In all aubae-quent competition, btrt accepted for the fint three punlea In accordance with the rule a they then ezlated. Soma conteatatita lurite In liking If the low acor prlaea are to be tried for, or are they merely booby priae. To thl we reply that tber I aa much aklll involved In muring a low acore a a high acore, and, therefore the low acore prlaea are to be tried for aa much aa the high onea Winning aolutlona are on hie In oar office for thoe who wlah and are able t,i thera. I'L'Zl f; no. mqb Ma gmfia" 1 " Point Across 528 Points Down 488 Points Across .... Points Down Total rOINTS TABLE A 15 N it n - 20 o - a a - r - is H S3 Q 28 K - 10 11 - 25 - 31 8 - 1 O - 21 T 37 11 60 TJ 26 1-14 V - 23 J - 24 W 39 K - 27 X - 22 L 34 Y 40 M 19 Z 0 Ittfr Valiifi Will lie tiiaiuM Euch wwk HOW TO WIN! I fcMftvET.r....... RULES Vhen you have completed your made b puzzle add up the T trie vnrnm flnwn I in .v. marked by a email V count one war onlv. The aneel. men shows you how to do this. The hlgheit total wins first prize, next highest second prize, and so on. Now it is up to youl Fill In your word lightly in pencil until jrcu have (elected Uiom which yon have decided upon finally. Then Ua Ink. la the avent thai you aooll the printed form, you may aend In your own copy on plain paper. WRITE roR WMPLKTr list ok worm THAT MAY M. I'bEU IS Till COMPETITION a-ir rni or 50 cah will ha awarded to th antram ZHaS J.-uUo1 h" h'Kheat total. Decond Prlif of m Third Prle of tit. rourm prli of 110 and Ten Prliei S.hJ? '"u', to th ". at aolutlona Ii th. 1" 51" 'or "' LOWMT score. IIS foe prue money will be pooled and divided. 'SV onW'lHi ,nU"? 14 "4 I"1" ' . high, and or., only, and to ona prlr.e la a lr, and out only. 3-r.ntry fra, 25 for earb entry. 4rTicruo,.'rCh. 5 N0T ,PM" "Hlthroade" abbmllnon. i,rWr ' '1Mfled. Root, feltefa wh?eh il I .'. pr"U" or njr wW"ons of M AWtPTKD ,?.,0rI! word' ""lvta CAN NOl h.n'm,dT;;n,b'K.7;.,":,i .v. .. l lMhVSS "s21- lJL.?J V ?t cc,pt.d: prominent rari . '"yP1" "i trust wan a -'ine JMgeT deaaiofff on OTHoatlon. Emp oyeVa of thfi conJni''i ,na 0",ain on " ""'-are not allowed to tSSprtL'11 n,'mb", 01 ",,lr "m1"" M of th. nt a l.o to Bon.nt?anTin' ""u,,u"- will be. ttibllahed In ;.n!n.,;..,,n..r,,'u''- Winner, will be ICnlrlca Must lie Mailed by Midnight, SATURDAY, MA YIJ I agree to abide by the rules of this competition and enclose ' NAME (amount) ADDRESS , PJ) MAIL Tn "VAT.iT.wnnnc" nn nnv .!'.' 222- "" ' ""'T,' ,v' - JJJf VANCOU VKH. R. C. 11111333 LAST TIMES TOMr.iiT Last Complete Show 9;03 SHIRLEY TEMPLE in - "The Littlest Rebel" - v 1th John Holes Jack Holt Hill Itolrinson (At 7:50 & 9 541 ALSO News - Comedy - Cartoon Sportlijht WANTED Camp Kun Hemlock Logs, Phone Orccn 687 or Write Stanley Bislioprick jr. Prince Ktiprrt DKLICIOUS BUTTERMILK 12c per quart Dominion Dairy Phone Kcd G08 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder and En fir far anal Bras Caeting. DetHa and AretylM WrMlm. BrvexJallats on SswentD and Mining Machinery. AD Type Caa fnflrMa Retpalred and Orerhaoled. Ban BBBr Jlatlc In Twenty-One Tints 75c p!f,r. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., ITO. PKRKKCTION IN, CANNED SALMON SEAL Fancy Red Sockcyc PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the oi Jg Canning Company wltM" , the year round pan ITlllCC ivuhv'-