PAGK TWO Ypu will need a pair of SHOES to match yijur new spring, dress, oryou men, a pair df OXFORDS to go with the new- suit. Let us help you. Our name suggests what you can get from the tiny tots to Mother - - and Dad. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. FKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SUBSCRIPTION RATES ulty delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance - . By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessir periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all other countries, per year , . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men, per Insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line . Advertising; and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 - Member ot Audit bureuu ot Circulations DAILY EDITION 4 Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managlng-Edrcor $5.0Ci It 9.00 1.10 .02 .25 DAILY MEWS Thursday,-Apm 1.935 Cancer Causes Twenty -Five rfENT FDR GmiHB Most Deaths Years Ago These Are Worst Maladies in Saskatchewan and New. Brunswick, Official Discloses REGINA, April 2: (CP) Heart disease and cancer cause- more deaths lh Saskatchewan than ; any other ailment, Dr. R, O. Davidson, deputy minister of healthatold .the Social Service Courlcjl of ihepro-. viuur 111 uji, From 1914 to 1919 heart disease caused 30 deaths for each 100.000 population. This figure has now Heart failure and cancer were responsible for nearly one-quarter of the 4,665 deaths recorded in New Brunswick during 1934, according to Dr. William Warwick, chief medical officer and registrar of vital statistics, in a report to the provincial legislature. Diseases of the heart took a toll of 646 while'410. persons died from cancer, the repprt stated. Other principal causes of death were I pneumonia wlthi359; tuberculosis, 285; old age, 25G; and cerebral hemorrhage, 235. The counties of Gloucester, Ma- dawaska, Restigouche and Kent stui maintained tneir relative po-' sltions with the highest birth rates, land Kings, Charlotte, Queens and 1 Saint John City and County, had the lowest. , j Last year, New Brunswick had Thursday, April 2, 1938 the smallest number of diphtheria - cases ever reported, 83. Of these 10 were fatal. April 3, 1911 Aid. T. D. Pattulio, writing from i Vancouver, says that the Bluet Funnel ahd' Harrison ttJbollik contemplate running their Jfihipsg. into Prince rtjipert .at anarl- aate. rne xuture iooks very, ww"- for Prince Ruhertjsays tuiio: 'who urges that a For Vancouver 1 Jby the ommon reached 80 for the same ponula-, blouses this spring Aid? Pat-4 11 i&ff.r-ir !.' Chiffon and marquisette arc proving very popular .materia1!; for tlon. Cancer claims 63 victims for! -; ' each 100,000 population. a. j. Prudhomme. nroprictor Despite ravages of the two dis- the Savoy Hotel, announces his eases the Saskatchewan Depart- intention of aDDeallha to the ment of Health has lowered the courts against the 'Judgment. death rate for many other mala- the licence commission In refus-dies. When the department was ing to either renew his licence or first organized communicable dls- grant a new licence for his hotel ease.-; caused most deaths. Ten , years ago diphtheria cases averaged 200 a year. Today there are less than 20 annually. . In New Brunswick, Too FREDERICTON, April 2: (CP) Tuesday Catala 1;30 p.m. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelal'de....l0 p.m. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. April 2 &J. Prin.' Jforah -.5 p.m. April 13--ss. Prin. -Norah 5 p.m, , April 23 ss. Prin. Norah 5 p.m. 1 From Vancouver i Sunday ss. C.itala 4 p.m Wed.- ss. Prince Rurt 10 a.m fclWNU 1JKAU 1 Y EVERYWHERE i'f. the last five or six yearspro Queen Char,pU js,ands ill uuei eNLinfr visirnr rn Knnnp Kiinprr. up .sphPnpif liiuic wmu umuicu uuvc n ------ w asarw vvMf w A. kVliVlbi ot uarmstadt, Uennany, is evidently a man who sees beauty in everything, everywhere. - He is much enthused pert and the members will look forward with great inter-, rnrt nnmritinnn HEALTH INSURANCE ADOPTED The Health Insurance Act caused a temnest in a tpjinnr but, after much criticism and some excitement in the country in regard to it, the measure has become law, subject to proclamation by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Coun-cil. In the meantime the machinery for administering the act has to be set up and it may be a little while before it becomes operative. Once we get used to the idea of having to provide the fee, we shall find the benefits are outstanding if the act is well administered. , There is one thing that cannot be forgotten and that is that all these things have' to be paid for by the people generally. The employer of labor who has to pay part of the fee has to secure that much more from his customers. That makes it jnore difficult to compete with other provinces or other nations. "DEMERS" lAre Showing: a Beautiful Selection of Spring Coats, Suits and Hats Come in and look them over. been given protection through free clinics, but the real problem now jt, Kivuii; iitutvLuuii ui uic iu." over tne beaucitul scenery around Prince itupert. He 000 children bom each year, n echoes what has been said by many visitors, that we live, these could be protected in in- m a paradise of beautiful things. We thank the genial fancy- diphtheria would soon dts r .1 ? 11 j nnnpnr appear from from thn the nmvlnna province,'' ' tU, visiiur lor tirawing our attention once more to tne wonderful country in which we live and the happy condition in which we are placed. THE LEGION CONVENTION the report continued. "For the calendar year 1934, the tuberculosis death rate reached a new low figure, C7.1 per 100,000, of population. The best previous fl- Prince Rupert people will be particularly pleased at the gure was 79 ln -1932 news that the annual, provincial convention of the Cana- " ' dian Legion of the British Empire Service League will be, held in Prince Rupert in 1938. President Jack Preece is, undoubtedly responsible for securing that convention, for this city and citizens generally will join with him, when the time comes, in making this event an outstanding success. The Legion has a strong organization in Prince Ru-' Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 Ss. Cardena April 9 ss. Pin. Nh'rah April 19 ss. Prin. Norah April 30 ss. Pfin Norah p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ssCatalaT.' 8 p.m. Wed. ss. Prince Rupertf ;4 p.m. From Stewart and Ariypx Tuesday ss. CatcJa .... 11:30 a.m. Thursdayss. Pr. Rupert p.m; For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Catalan. .. 8 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala: i... U:30 a.mi For Queen Charlotte .Islands . Aurll 10 and 24 ss. P, April 8 and 22 $fu Pn John a.m. From Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Plrnce Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena ; p.m. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. For Alaska April 9, 19, 30 ss. P. Norah 5 p.m. From Alaska-April 2, 13, 23 as. P. Norah 5 p.m. From Skeena River . Friday &s. Cardena p.m NEWS OF. THE MINES Rig Dredging Outfit Nearing Alanson Creek Now Status of Road North pf Vanderhoof Changed Capt. Adams Going North Again After "many difficulties the 28-Um Marion steam shovel which Bert McDonald has been taking into the Manson Creik icpuntry north from Vanderhoof during the past two years Pass on the banks of Is now at Daldy , Works, nevertheless it has his sup the Nation River not far from Maiison Creek. There it will remain until the sea son opens this spring when tht! Journey north wlllv the big piece of equipment will be resumed with the expectation of the destination being reached this summer. The Job of taking in the shovel has been an enormous one. 1 ' Ml 111. titmt 1 John am lraui'i'i wivn many auiicumes ana risks but Mr. McDonald has stuck 'I fade that, while the, road into the Manson Creek minim; country ha-s now ijasseil the status of a trial and, has become a hiuhway project under the Department of Public port from the point of view of mining development and he shall be glad to do everything possible to promote continuation of its Capt R. Adams, mining engineer for the John Hammell eastern Interests, arrived in Vanderhoof at the end of last week and Is making arrangements to spend the oming seasonl as he did last year. at .lt resolutely: It Is expected to in th6 Manton Creek district op-pi o've a great boon to gold mining 'crating a Keystone drill. when it arrives at Its destination.; - Classing of bin river with the; Approves Holiday machine presented problems which t required much insenuity. Ji sue- LONDON. Anrll 2: iC.P Vflnir cession of sand hills aLso caused I Edward hxs approved a recommen-rcaUrief. Many miles of road have, laUon that durlng his relgn ,hc had to be built especially for the Saturday before Whitsunday shall '&b- j continue to be the day fixed for "" j th King's birthday holiday in the Hon. George S. Pearson, mints-! civil Service: iter of mines,- has Informed the I . Vanderhoof nrul District Uaird of Try a Dally News want-ad. Britain Building Fighting Air Force of 6,000 Aeroplanes Nearly every motor car factory ln Britain Is now turning out aeroplanes for British and oUier governments. Some firms have even stopped manufacturing motor cars altogether except on special orders, finding more profit ln manufacturing enough aeroplanes, to build Britain's air force to the required total of .n... .0.000' lighting .and.bomblnguirart. The British government Is da- termlned to achieve the world's most powerful air forr in fln ditlon. however, to building aeroplanes Pfc r home tie firrS & exportlnB. hundreds to .foreitm countries. Top righf cosleii ment ready for Portugal. Left, Brl ish -ttghihg Slmostomln a oeuvres. Below, a section or Britain's already Tuge "ne " Sh " ' totals more than 1,000. ."r wnJc":- W110W WHEAT is the ideal food for.growing children. It supplieVhe fitaj'fijod esh-tials that lielp to make strong muscles and ound teeth and bones. Anfl Shredded Wheat wbpit wheal f) most delUhtii tfMh'f form. The children love its crispy deliriousness. Serve- it at least once a day. As an l , 1 extra treat let them try it with sliced iiananas or other fruits. THE CANADIAN IHREDOCD WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Faltt - Canada SHREDDED WHEAT Steamship Sailings 1 made in canada - of Canadian wheat I ROYAL LUNCH The best place in town to eat WHITE COOKING HOME RAKING Try our Sandwiches & Cofee Phone. Rfil 10 Third Ave. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Window Shades OUt' Q.(r 30-72. each Curtain Rods, extend KC to 4 feet, each ' Rubber Door 7Sc & $1 Mats ? lubber Stair Treads QC xl8, eadlt IMione7'hirrAveMu7 TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKRATS 5,000 REAVER Wanted at once for Immediate delivery HiailEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. .1. CLONES Ruver and Exporter IMtlNCK C.KOKGE, B.C. SWEET PEAS HayneV Exhibition Collection 12 Named Kinds $1.00 or 10c Packet All llrlght, Ambition, Bluebell, Chieftain, Model, Huntsman. Mrs. A. Soarles, Warrior, Vouth, Ivory Picture, Sunklst, Sybil lleashaw. Oladiola Itulbs-Namctl kinds 25c per cloven ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave. Phone fiJ1) They Are, Here At Last ,. Stainless Steel Cooking Utensils The beautiful fnlsh cncurfs and." improves with each Chip-pTOOi1, Rust-proof Non-absorbent, Taintless Buy it piece today-start a Stainles. Steel Kitchen Set. See thft Lifetime Stalnj Sled are . - at - Kaien Hardware