.orsday. Apr" 1936 Prlnco Rupert B.C NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarcIU, Proprlctoi A HOME AWAY FltOM DOME" Rates $1.01 ap SO Rooms Hot & Cold Watei rtune 281 P.O Ooi 18d Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcyc Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Sal- yu vanning uompany wth an all the vear round payroll in Prince i j . j. mm Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 0ffice ii- 013 c second Avenue Pure Wool Navy Frcize Slacks Perfectly tailored. Reg. value $2.95; sizes 14 to 20. Pre-Easter Sale Special $1.95 SATIN OVERBLOUSES Sizes 14 to 44, all colors, pastel shades. Pre-Easter Sale Special $2 95 New Gyro Ward : Slang Has Place Now Furnished Professor Feels . Members of Service Club Visit ll'.nslMi Spelling Needs Trimming, Hospital May 1 Chosen Tor And Grammar Revision Says Hocdown Dance Expert Following the regular weekly! luncheon yesterday, members of i the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, led' by their president, Dr. It. O. Large, visited, the Prince Rupert acncralj Hospital to inspect the newly fur- nlshed Qyro Ward on the men's floor. The service club members were" welcomed by Miss Jean Harrison R.N., the lady superintendent, who expressed much appreciation for the fine and up-to-date ' furnishings. At the club luncheon It was announced that May 1 had been chosen as the date for the spring hocdown dance, the general convener for which on this occasion Is C. C. Mills with committees as follows: Tickets and advertising J. E. Wickett. Raffles W. M. Watts, Dr. II. N. Brocklesby, Dr. R. G. Large, William Cruickshank, G. A. Hunter and J. E. Morris. Decorations William Cruickshank and C. C. Mills. Refreshments W. H. Tobcy. Music and program C. P. Balag-no. . i Treasurer C. W. Dawson. Door Frank D!bb. H. S. Mea? dows and Dr. H. O. Johnsen. The luncheon program Included autobiographical talks by William Cruickshank, G. A. Hunter, S. J. Jabour, Rev. W. D. Grant Holling-worth, Dr. H. O. Johnsen, Dr. R. G. Large and T. N. LePage. Jack Bulger, captain of a losing team in a recent attendance contest, presented a prize to the captain of the winning team, D. O. Borland. SPECIAL Chevrolet MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 11)36 Licence Just Like New $950.00 Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 MONTREAL, April 2: (CP)- Prof. H. D. Brunt should be the school boys' hero-he declares modern grammar Is useless, the dictionary hopeless, spelling Illogical and slang all right -In Its place. Associate Professor of English at Macdonald College, he recommended a revision of the present system of spelling and then explained he was not defending bad English but Just clearing up a few misconceptions. Prof. Brunt urged immediate revision of the "crazy mechanisms" so as to bring spelling of wods into closer conformity with pr-, nunclatlon. The dictionary was not an authority on pronunciation but only a concensus, he said: Thei9 was no authority for pronunciation. He described grammar as' only an Investigation Into tho language, , Slang filled a, very real heed, the professor suggested. In course of tkae It became respectable and' formeci part and parcel of th.r language. However, It should be used only when no gbod: English word was available to express the same Idea. Prof. Brunt characterized the English used In business letters as just "sheer bunk," pointing out "there is a thing called business Jargon, "it Isn't English and it Isn't simple. There Is brie, thing; worse than business man's Eng-; llsh and that Is professional English." The better standard of English spoken in Canada was not Inferior to thai of England, Prof. Brunt believed. He found there was a tendency among Canadians to bo slovenly with tho language, flattening the vowels, whereas Old Country people had better Intonation of voice, except for "the ungodly Oxford accent." TELEPHONE INNOVATION LONDON. Anril 9? CP) An automatic signal to long distance telephone callers, warning them when thrlr (.Imp U npnrlv tin. 111 be Introduced this summer, by the British post office Cornish Tunny Fish LONDON April 2: (CP) The first tunny fish evprsccn in Cornish waters Jumped out of the sea as a Porthlevcn fisherman was walking on the sands. He promptly captured the 50-pound prize. Try a Dally News classified .advertisement for best results. Spr DAILY NIWI PAGET THRBB 1111D What Prince Rupert Has Been Waiting For rfFTI ANNETTE'S PRE-EASTER SALE DKKSSKS Sunday-niti-s, Street Dresses, Canton Crepes, Jacket Frocks, Evening Dresses in taffetas and satins; sizes from 14 to 44. Ueg. values to $19.50. C A A Pre-Easter Sale Special Vv V POUCH DRESSES Just arrived, a new shipment; sizes 14 to 52. All sunfast and tubfast. Q4 A A Pre-Easter Sale Special V-J-v v PUKSES New shipment of Spring Bags in red, green, grey, brown, navy and black. Fitted C-l A A uilh xiiinnni VvV -ri 20 Percent Discount District News VANDERHOOF James Travis, district agriculturalist of Prince George, and Shirley G. Preston, district agri culturalist, of Smlthbrs, last week conducted an agricultural courso In Vanderhoof primarily with the object of Interesting' young people On A 11 I " 1 iii I -V MM M A MM ing Coats and Suits NEW SPRING FELT HATS In all the season's shades. fl-f QC? Pre-Easter Sale Special , WAISTS New 'waists in novelty stripes and polka dots; sizes 14 to 44. Qj A A Pre-Easter Sale Special ?J..UV PURE SILK FULL FASHIONED IIOSE-In Chif fon. Service and Semi-Service. Reg. 7IZn value $1.00. Pre-Easter Sale Special IM In the farm and' "agriculture 'geiv'j' gujl(j!ay crally. The series' of addresses was Wednesday sponsored by the Nechako Far mers' Institute, in Vanderhoof recently, officers for the year as follows: president, Herbert L. Black; Vice-president, E. B. Smith: secretary-treasurer, Edwin C. McGeachy. F. E. Durnant, manager of the Vanderhoof branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has been reappointed organizer of boys' and girls' calf clubs In the Vanderhoof district; Miss M. E. P, Campbell R.N. of Vanderhoof has been on a trip to Smlthers to take an Indian i woman from Fort St. James to the hospital there. . K. B. Woodward, school inspector with headquarters at Smlthers was a visitor last week in the Vanderhoof, district. George Sharpd of Fort St. James Is acting; temporarily' on the Stuart Lake-agency of the Department of Indian Affairs at Vanderhoof. An epidemic of influenza which has swept Vanderhoof of late appears to be on the wane. Those who have been suffering from the malady arc recovering and no new cases have been reported during the past week. The annual Farmers' Institute ball to have been held a few nights ago at Vanderhoof had to be cancelled on account' of -Illness and condition of the roads. Lion Dies Suddenly LONDON. April 2: (CP) Twelvc- ycar old Sam, one of the Zoo's old est lions noted for his "uncertain" temper, died suddenly recently. Sam was brought to the Zoo from Africa as a cub. 60 rrtONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Qrades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate ' CO Messenger Service PURE WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS All new shades and styles; sizes 14-42. Pre-Easter Sale Special Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednctday and Friday 5 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - J 0:20 p.m. For Vancouver Tuesday 12:30 pjp Thursday 9:30 p.m. Friday , 9:30 p.m. April 2, 13 and 23 p.m. From Vancouver , ... 4 p.m. 10 a.m. Friday 4 p.m. ' April 9, 19 and 30 a.m. For Anroi anil Sfptv.irt 1 The Nechako Valley Liberal As- ' Sunday 7 prn sociauon, at lis annual meeting- I, Wednesday .. 3 n in. elected From Allvox aml stewart Tuesday 1130 a.rr Thursday 8 p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday ... ..7 p.m From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands Aprll10 and 24 9 p.m; From Queen Charlotte Islands April 8 and 22 a.m. For Alaska April 9, 19 and 30 a.m. From Alaska-April 2. 13 and 23 p.m. INDIANS CONVICTED; SENTENCE RESERVED Nathan Shaw and Jock Tolmic, Kitkatla Indians, have been found guilty by Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson in provincial police court on charges of killing two does and one fawn and have been remanded until next Monday for sentence. C. N. R. Trains For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays . 6 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 p.m Fresh Delicious Collage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL $1.00 SKIRTS New spring styles all wanted colors; sizes 14 to 20, Pre-Easter Sale Special $1.95 dhoes ohoes I Just arrived a new shipment of Spring Shoes Sandals, Pumps, Ties The New Flattie, QO I ff Etc. Priced up from . . V.leJ Novelty Striped Rayon Pajamas & Nightgowns Lace trimmed, .extraordinary value (JJJ: QQ pfiffiS We are now showing a larger sel- Bffffil OgllfJ cctlon than ever before of the KgM popular "SUNWORTIIY" Wall- kgjH papers. The patterns are newer I$mR 1 and smarter, and the prices arc yyjS Gordon's Hardware COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 McRride Street Street rhonc 311 Beaver Pelts J UP 20: I have large orders for Beaver . Skins at highest prices. Also'l " am buying Rats or, any other ? furs. Ship them in and cash; will come back on next mall. GOLD BLOOM The Old Reliable Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:-T.S.S. C ATA LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJM. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJVI. Due Var.:ouvcr, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone" 568 The Fish which made Prince Rupert tamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. t t .i a i i ; c i : . t A ! I .5 ; - I 2 : vrn i Mi: i j:i at - 4 - Uo-j It . ,r..' n r.ri '. Ml!.) ! t B i -a i j si i s i I s ' :S 9-, i - I M ' I 1 'iS I s S5