ys i ( fd e —_—<——_—— \e t a ing ' NEXT MAILS te ative Library xing a.m, For souTH me A Be Prince Rupert....Friday, 8 a.m. Temp, MIN.TEMP. BAR. IN. RAIN Princess May.....Saturday, a.m. Max 44.0 930.369 .00 | vom Note re Princess Royal..Thursday, p. m. Lal Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRICE FIVE CENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, OcToBER 26, 1911. ON IN CHINA IS IN FULL SWING RI SUING SS 2" ts ONE HUE DONS DISMISSAL OF PREMIER Se Iie Philadelphia, Oct, 26. x! Defence Department at Ottawa | x Philadelphia Athletics #| Quebec Liberals Decide to Al. Will Court Martial the Offi- | x today won the World's | low New Ministers a “| | cers of the Niobe. | 3 Baseball Championship m) over for Their Seats. a British Government Takes Precautions to Protect the (Chien: Proax Dahan x by avictory overtheNew x (Canadian Press Despatch) Federal Assembly Piactically Goes Over to the Rebels Despatch York Giants by 13 to 2. x | Or ete : | Ottawa, Oct. 26.—The Liberal | Imperial Family are Meditating Flight— ae — With Refugees "iy | Europeans in Pekin-—-Report That Rebels Have Ottawa, Oct. 26.-—The Taken Imperial War-Chest With $1,000,000 The score was: New York 2 runs, 4. 3|/c@ders have made an announce- | hits, 3 errors. jment that the return of the Philadelphia 13 runs, at abine Ministers from Quebec Pekin, Oct. 26.—The British Soldiers Leave Pekin | the officers of the Niobe in con- 14 hits, 5 errors. | will not be opposed. Thd nomina- Inniskilling Dragoons which had Every train for the south is|mection with the stranding of Bender and Ames star- | tions take place on Friday. The| x Depatr-}* x x bd x J : ‘ “ . : aa : x | iral i ion ha 2 | started to leave for India have}Jaden with soldiers. Five thou-| the ship off Cape Sable last July. |yg ted the game. This is /0'08!'4! Intention had been_ to| 7 x x KR x x x ment of Naval Defence have de- |cided to hold a court martial on (C anadian Press Despatch) Pekin, Oct. 26.—To add to the gravity of the Chinese situation, the assembly which met yesterday in small numbers has practically gone over to the rebels. They have given what is practically an ultimatum to the Manchus Canadian Press Despatch) loose in the exultation of vic tory. Set ordered to return to Pekin|sand_ soldiers started today for : the fourth win for Phil- | CO! ae cae opposition against and are now on the march back, | Sin Yang Chow to. strengthen It will be remembered that the adelphia out of six games | Hon. Mr. Pelletier. will arrive heré tomorrow]the Imperial forces there under| Charge was freely made on Con- and carries the World's y| There is still some talk of i aac They Championship. x Opposition to the Ministers in from Tientsin, whither they had| | Generi ul Tchi ing. Another battle] servative platform ; that the Niobe gone to embark for Calcutta. | with the rebels is sure to ensue grounded while on her way to % | Ontario, but principally from dis- to leave the country, and have tt Cities Join Rebels |Capture $1,000,000 War Chest| take part in a Liberal pieric. MMR MM MM OM a oe a ax) grurtied Tories. impeached Sing Huai, the President { Advices from revolutionary sour- | London, Oct. 26.—A report of the Chinese Ministry, demanding ; Ath that the rebels have| as reached here by cable from his instant dismissal and severe { ed the city of Hukow, and|Pekin stating that the Chines punishment. ‘ the rebel forces have been Fe ne 7 ae gh icp oo a Royal Family Prepare 5 ae Oy tes are at | seized thi milite ary war chest con- It_ is commonly reported that e ing and Kwei Ling, whic oY dethitior Panttitan dallate: the Imperial! family has prepared over to the revolution-| |for flight and will make for Jehol i »|}about 115 miles north of Pekin. The road to Jehol is. practically City of Sian, One of Government’s Stronghold’ s, Surrenders With-| out a Blow---City of Hukow is Captured After a Fight | ined with troops. ° Others AM ‘ that the linking of the Jehol CHINESE GENERAL REFUSES TO FIGHT 282.9884 sc Re SSSA ae | Rebels are Cautious INDOOR BASEBALL | 1 | } ports all agree that the} ries are taking precau-| prevent their at Giants vs. Phillies ‘onight at the Auditorium itting any excesses Game called at 8 15 sharp. Skating however, that there er of them bre ithe First Premier of China, whose foreign settlements at Tientsin or some of the other ports. dismissal has taken place. TO CONFER OFFICIALLY WITH RUPERT’S SHIPPERS W. W. Foster, Deputy Minister of Public Works, Will Meet Citizens Interested, After Inspection of Government Wharf in Order to Report to Department . after the game Admission 25« General Yin Tchang of the Lvapaertad iedahe; tialets on Having More Guns and Wages for His Troops Before He Will Advance—Federal Assembly is Deserted—Foreign Residents in the Coast Cities Clamor HICAGO SUFFRAGETTE HAS : : NOVEL MARRIAGE CONTRACT ee na Pekin, Oct. 25.—-There is no longer any doubt as to the success of the Chinese rebels The city of Sian which has been looked-on as one of the strongholds of the Governnent eae and He in gach ye op ne His has gone over to them without striking a blow. The whole of the southwest corner of ank Account an ot Seat ro the Chinese Empire is rapidly becoming inflamed, and the people are siding with the of any Man Who Admires Her rebels. GENERAL WON'T BUDGE rs, Gertrude Matt Agrees Not to Buy Her Husband . 6 Herts So ae W. W. Foster, Deputy Minister] bers will also consult with Mr. Chicago, ‘Oct. 26.—Chicago's| her plans. I wil] be good and kind : care ¥ : . ‘ \ irst suffragist marriage has taken|to her. I promisc to spill all my General Yin Tchang who is in command of the main body of the Imperial troops of Public Works, who’ arrived} Foster on the same occasion. ; tween Edward Matt and! earnings into her lap, and it shall at Sin Yang Chow has declined to move upon the rebels there. He says they have four from Victoria yesterday paid a _ It is upwards of two years now ! erturde Ellis nenre sig * s be her privilege to do with it as hundred guns with them, and he refuse to advance unless supplied with additional ee ree ee. core since ae wine th = mony was performed they both|she likes so long as she feeds me 5 ; ; to the Governmen narf which} towards the building of the Gov- ed th county recorder, ‘with| we 1. : When a have a surplus guns, and money wherewith to pay the Imperial troops their back pay. is now practically completed ex-|emment Wharf at the foot of ' NATIVE BANKERS REFUSE LOANS cept for warehouses, etc. McBride street. Difficulties were i? 1 Mr. Matt officially filed the | and it goes into the bank I agrec : ° . : J Before it can be opened for| experienced in the placing of the pou thdavit to be sworn|thar I will not hold the keys. The native bankers are alarmed at the success of the rebellion and refuse to lend c : Pe ‘ fo before a notary: “To whom it/Cheques may be signed by both any money to the Government. Their action is very significant of Chinese opinion on steamship Crallic, "aiid: G08 hts | Soocinrr pene ook eee ees ane may concern—I, Edward Matt,|/to make them good, I promis« y Y SRE hag ° y sig P rangements made for the manage-|come, andthe wharf is now ; hgree to allow my wife all thelnot to be afraid io go home’ at the rebellion. ment of the wharf a report from] practically all decked and ready priviles fa free-born American night, and to be there at all MEMBERS ARE ABSENT | Mr. Foster has to be submitted for traffic. woma She may hav her own] proper times or to make valid Even the members of the Federal! Assembly which was to open its business sessions to the ¢ a Pen, Victoria, and ee riers P ty ythis g K« oe in buy-|excuses. I further agree not t in Pekin yesterday, show their indifference to the Government. In the face of the crisis, ae ot 7 Foster is now collecting} Mr. W. W. Foster, Deputy ng my cigars); she is free to goltalk < : 5 ot : 2 ; information. pape oy 4 7°, aa ’ et uk about the pies my mother only ninety of the two hundred members attending the opening of the House yesterday. oe ; ; ; Minister of Public Works, will when she likes, to choose}used to make, or to grumbl Th ‘. ol saliva t th : fH 5 ist ee Cilisiiih loday he is conversing with sev-| meet shippers and others interested friends, and I agr €/because the buns are soggy. I ere was not a single representative from the provinces of Mupeh and oze Chuen. eral of the leading citizens in|in the Government Wharf, in the hot to be jealous. I agree not to|further agree to let her get a FOREIGNERS ARE ANXIOUS terested in waterfront business, | police station at 2 p.m. on Friday, { 80 gunning for a fellow because | Bea o divorce right here in Chicago ‘ : : : f and tomorrow afternoon at two] October 27th, to hear their views ; nt s her beauty or because|if I do not behave as a kind, The foreigners are becoming anxious at the state of affairs. At Sian and Hukow o'clock he will meet with the|on the management of same. This she smiles when he tips his hat. loving, gentle and considerate hus- which has also fallen, British and foreign warships are protecting their own country principal shippers in the police] invitation extends to the members “I will not interfere in any of} band.” people. At Foo Chow there are a large number of Americans, and they have asked that court room to discuss the matter}of the Board of Trade.—M. M. fully. The Board of Trade mem-|Stephens, Secretary. the warships arrange to protect them in case of an uprising there, as it is certain that the revolution is rapidly travelling eastwards. CHILE BUYS BATTLESHIPS WILL HAVE TWO SUSPECT ARRESTED [MAYOR AND ALD. HILDITCH RY. COMMISSIONS — Te Ms, Dumpneyraton an Betigidlite Homsiiasane 2 UMISSIONS TE TSGSTRS" 'MANY SPEAKERS FAVOR COMMISSION GOVT. “sissies be Divide the Work of the Pres- V: roa tiso, Oct. 25.—Replying en Anxiety at City Hall Over News ent Commission, to what is described as the bellicos (Canadian Pre Des I Edit LM Sa Ald oO describ e bellicose I SS patch) itorial. ayor ys . | Presbyterian Club Discussion Last Night Aroused ri davakin Interest and is Not Vancouver, Oct. 25.—Watson| Hilditch is Appointed to Help b. lattitude of Peru over the boundary t On Mn Press Despatch) | dis spute Chile has repurchased the the Last to be Held on This Great Subject Snowden, a laborer resident in| jp Hydro-Electric Specifica- oo va, Oct. 26.—One of the} | British battleships Triumph and rth tl MGs Gane 9 iple id S Ti ae Hi South Vancouver, was arrested| tains Onl I ( . | . ‘ t . por Ss . sa , s » ' : a4 ‘Ol 1o “ - *x- é yst legislative acts of the new|Swiftsure. Troops are embarking] With the important subject Mrtracs POW C) 48), POR. CONG Ie 10. O COUGH ah nema a8 OWA) Os tonight charged with the murder y ment will be to introduce | « ‘a ‘Municipal Government by Coun-| of initiative, referendum and re-| perience at Victoria of politicians Wil U I eereerry » hs ; : for northern frontier ‘ : s ” ane said Cc fa’ ar ea Victoria chadenl hi ot iltiam rquhart, a Cordova | * . gb ding the Railway Com- cil o by ( aon aaloes A ds vate ca Panada's nearest approach | { toria iad shown pan that} [street merchant, about six wee ks| Mayor Manson this morning was ee | a two parts, one for WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP the Pre byte man Church . ub met; to the CORUTESION form of gov Sie the idea of having any changes in | ago. Snowden is alleged to have | Most anxious that the News should ba ind the other for the SERIES last night in their ne w hall pt ae for citie s as yh a I | me present he system of| mi ide a confession to a party in | make a correction in reference Che headquarters of the first time for thie en IF ay le = aware a the 4 oard | < cates the so pois eq Nanaimo. After two weeks’ hunt| t© the editorial published yester- we . ; nres ( ) sever . y yl nlean S re. | se oC ge , . > » \ ommission will be at Details of Yesterday s Ball Mayor presided ane everal wel jor ontre P besa us really re-| to use _ guage which he mu daly through logging and mining c: imps day re garding the appointment int . > . . > . 1 rif | s al ie > rashv- é 7 S. .'niipeg and the eastern at Ot-|” Game Wired in the P. M. known speakers Jed the de bate} solved itself principally into an} described as “not strictly Presby-| ine local police locat d him to- of Alderman Hilditch to the water awa which resulted indecisively the | Advisory Board in most cases. terian. | committee : vely 74 . night in a down town hotel. ; ' Details of yesterday's world’s|matter being really only broached) One point Mr. Sawle brought} Success in Des Moines pe entersterenntere “Alderman Hilditch is not chair- Be desi (vale pian ae qutgdns | for deeper discussion later. Speak-| out emphaticaliy. That was the| ag , We OWE parce 0 a. et RENTICE DEAD series of ball games were as follows: i. On sent, however gave in-| certainty that it will be necessary Prince Rupert more than any|SIR Wm. WHYTE HONORED/™2n 0! the WARES CPENEERCs Was Fi New York 4 runs, 9 hits, 2 errors, | view in f wor of com-|for Prince Rupert—if she desires} Other city in Canada needs a ~ said the Mayor. He is con- "ing b2i6 * : . = - . resting ews i ~| te ice uy she desires oe > “ oT : a , nance Minister in the Philadelphia 3 runs, 7 hits, 1 teresting , ‘cl ial Ba Pasi Oe ; |stable form of government,” de-|All Western Officials of C. P. R. nected with the committee only ; Unsmuir and Prior Admin- mission government which furnish} commission government—to in- | r io hale wlth dhels aeketRaaenene & istrati error. the foundations of further thought | ARK RA Scan othkneitina ia iace |clared George Angell. He went Banquet Him and Present I I é aon) Ten innings. aR ot apna toh } ee cee c,/0n to deseribe the success of| Silverware for Lake Woodworth waterworks, Pitel Marquard Ames, |0n the subject which is to come! to adopt the same system because | mmission, government i ay D : ind has not to do with the spending } itcners: Vie ‘ ’ 4 ” : . | . co S51¢ 2OVe en n es - . = * ( idi Pais s : again Attorney General Bowser has an-} ; ; . eee MyBies eAS & \ A ian I ress Despatch) Crandal!, Coombs, and Plank. VP Se Hi ical R Seat hin ifs ’tnatatent An | Moines, Iowa, a city which he Winnipeg. Oct. 25.—A notable of the money at all. Here are the ; i icto oR A | noui sel sisten ’ At) ; . an , tice My Sct, 26.—J, D. Pren-| The game was an up-hill fight Gave aBtOFEGR Pee snifasimn, evetem othmuniaioal ote ‘| had himslef lived in’ first under gathering assembled here tonight) Minutes on the appointment. in the Pree r finance minister] for the Giants who won only in} G, R, T. Sawle opened the} a4 ment throuchoneR.C mee council and then under commission} when all the Western officials| The excerpt from the minutes Miniatrag eat and Prior ad-|the tenth inning ubject of the evening after a| p li we Don’ Ww, I |} To him there seemed no reasonjof the C. P. R. tendered Sir redds as follows: ‘ home at Li died today at his Philadelphia scored three in the} few complimentary remarks by| oliticians Dont ant It |why a city should not be run| William Whyte a banquet and “The Mi: Lyor appointed Alder- Wf : Allooet. third. New York score none}]the Mayor on the advantage of | Announced to lead the debate as systematically as a department|made him a present of handsome | Man Hilditch to act with the SNOW eyes > until the seventh when they scored] the church club, Mr. Sawle briefly on the side against commission store. He suggested that a com- silverware water committee to confer with : AT WINNIPEG one. They made two more in} summarized the history of the|government Orlando H. Nelson} mittee should be appointed in the Ce oe at bed os aac the City Engineer on the subject Four | the ninth tieing the score. The}system of government by com-|was non-commitial, He declared] city to follow up the question and| ‘TEC’ CAMPBELL CLEARED |0f specifications.” The ‘latter nehes of the Beautiful last one they scored half way] mission which, he said, dated|himself, however, conservative/that Prince Rupert sheuld not clause the Mayor desired em- Fell Yesterday through the tenth inning. back to the flood—the Galveston enough to desire to stick to the rest until all the cities in B. C.| Officer who Shot and Killed phasised as being the essence flood, Commission government in-| present system until something] wanted commission government. Runaway Suspect of the appointment of Alderman Wh ‘adian Press Despatch) Calgary's Member Moves Ad-|stituted then by three strong better were shown him, Galveston! “Make Prince Rupert the busi- 8 Hilditch, on, pes, Oct, 26.—Between dress citizens who had stepped into the} might have recovered just as well] ness end of a’ live wire extending (Canadian Press Despatch) The Mayor pointed out that mn and four ee of snow fell Ottawa, Oct. 25.—(Special)--R.} breach when the existing council | from the flood under a counci! as} aj] through the province to create Vancouver, Oct. 25 —The police Alderman Newton in his letter est 4 re : . . ‘ > : ; rae s Zz qiise ” . $19 : : yesterday in W innipeg and dis rict.| B, Bennett, member for ¢ > jos Y:| became demoralised by the diab pt pe r omealan M, WNe i matter) commission government,’’ he said.| commissioners in session today | te the electors had got the matter ‘ .e Jlecte yve address ‘rr, Was a great’ success and} o ren att r. Nelson Was . eaele 5 -rate stective *. . id i > Belgi has been selected to move a Dor- i 1. N Naty f xi yell Lafaid ee scnikiainatnd” dadieben: Fire Hose Politicians exonerated Detective Campbell | of the appen tment of Alderman elgians for B. C. rthur Sevigny, member for Vor-jlasted. Now city after city all) alr i « ssion govern who shot and killed a man named} Hilditch wrong also, and said Wi d 1 gn) ha: Statens jopting vith 1 offered bette itie A new speaker, Mr. Donell ; : ‘ : NG nnipeg, Oct. 25. (Special) chester, to second over the States is adopting the ment ote ea »etter opportunities danliam “Anil bias 7 ve i Webb who was attempung to it was not air to Alderman “'ge party of Belgian settlers system, : for graft. Three men could graft} dealing » AIS OWN CY Of) evade arrest. Hilditch. He hoped the News left Almost inseparable from the} amongst themselves with city funds] —— —— Ss saaaesncene| Mn eae annem Au. would give the matter publicity US evening for By Tor the dance—fancy hair bands. pai & British Col- For the d 2tlidea of commission government,| better than the same three could Wallace's. F CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4.'in fairness to the alderman. um bia to settle on the land,