Hand- tailored by Men's Tailors, In the newest shades, satin lined. Value $27.50. MEN'S Cravenette RAINCOATS $5.95 All Wool qioth, navy & olive shades. Value $15. Don't, miss them! BOYS' PYJAMAS 79c Flannelette and Broadcloth, nice patterns, all sizes, values $1.25. Friday April 3rd. at 9 a.m. REORGANIZATION At The RUPERT PEOPLE'S STORE LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE, 59c Made by one of the leading Canadian manufacturers. Service and chiffon weights all new shades. Sizes 8'2 to 10 V2. Values to $1.00. Men's Work Shirts, 69c Broken lines, all sizes in lot. Value to $1.95. Ladles' Cotton Vests Sacrifice KnpHal Girls' 3a Mercerized Sox Sacrifice Special Children's Cotton Hose-Sacrifice Special Ladies' Rayon Hose-Sacrifice Special Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose-Sacrifice Special 25c 25c 19c 19c 35c 395 $6.95 Included In this group are regular and halt sizes. Women's and Misses' Blouses and x Sweaters, 69c Broken linss of our better grades, assorted patterns and colors in the lot. HOUSE DRESSES, 59c Smart styles In prints with organdy and contrasting trims. Small, medium and large sizes. Value" $1.25, Buy all you need! 1 CHILDREN'S SLEEPING SUITS, 59c Made of good quality flannelette in plain shades. From 1 to 6 yrs. CHILDREN'S OLIVER TWIST SUITS, $1.19 Made fo Broadcloth and Serge combination !n a variety of styles and shades. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Values $2.00. Men's and Boys' Caps, 59c B!e variety of patterns and cloths. Value $1.00. REAL BARGAINS! Pure Botany Wool Hose-Sacrifice Special Women's Kayser Waffle Knit Panties and Vests Ladies' Silk Knit Bloomers and Panties Heavy Ribbed Cotton vests and Bloomers Pure Wool Vests-Sacrifice Special ME At The CUT RATE SHOE STORE With values never seen in Prince Rupert, we have to make room for the new merchandise which arrives daily. We must prepare the opening of our new MFN'S - - --- - v STORE. Therefore we are forced to clean our shelves. To do so, prices have been slashed costs are forgotten. We only know WE MUST CLEAR OUR STOCK This is your opportunity, to buy seasonable goods at prices far below their value! MISSES' AND WOMEN'S SPRING COATS $6.95 Variety or Checks and Twseds, all wool, silk lined. Smart new styles, Be on time for these! LADIES' AND GIRLS' SWEATERS 98c Clearing all odd lines, pure wool and silk and wool, pullover and coat styles, Values to $3.50, LADIES' HARRIS TWEED COATS $19.95 AT THE Rupert People's Store WOMEN'S AND MISSES DRESSES Grouped In 3 Lots For Fast Selling LOT NO. 1 C9 QC Value to $0.50 O&O0 LOT NO. 2 Value to $8.00 LOT NO. 3 Value to $16.50 SUITCASES, $1.98 Twenty-five fibre Suit Cases, brown and black, metal trimmed. Value $2.50. MEN'S PURE WOOL WINDBREAKERS, $1.49 Large assortment of colors and sizes. Value $3.50. Men's and Boys' Sweaters 98c This Is more than a bargain. V and Crewe neck pullovers & coat style. Values to $3.50. Men's Combinations, $1.98 All wool, heavy and fine ribbed, broken lines of our best brands. Values to $4.50. 49c 25c 35c 39c 69c BOYS' TWEED SUITS $3.95 A strong material, we'll tailored, long pants. Slzra 27 to 32. Value $6.50. Men's and Boys' Underwear Two-piccc Style LOT NO. 1 each LOT NO. 2 each 49c 98c Boys' Heavy Plaid WINDBREAKERS, $1.95 You must sec them to appreciate their worth. Value $3.75. LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS $7.95 Tailored and 34 Swagger styles, all wool material, silk lined. Navy, gray. brown. Latest spring styles. Mad? to sell at double the price. Limited quantity. VOILE CURTAINS 49c' Complete with valance and, tie-back, cream color with contrasting trim. A snap. LADIES' SWAGGER SUITS $12.95 Finger tip & full length coats, newest tweeds. Fishtail & English models. Fancy new patterns. Made to sell at $22.50. MEN'S AND BOYS' PANTS 98c A clearance of odd lines, Breeches, Long Pants, In whipcord and tweed. Value to $3.00. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 69c Plain colors and fancy patterns. Broken lines. Values to $2.00. Don't overlook this item! ffl AT THE Cut Rate Shoe Store Just a few of our Store Full -of- BARGAINS Child's Calf Oxfords and Pat- 24 Pairs Womr n's Black Broken lines- Rubb T" Dot. ent & Calf Straps and Boots. Pumps, Straps and White Fasteners & Slippe: - mc . cfi or.m,ank.es ,nJlsJ2t P""1- B"od quality, various women's and children Sizes 8 to 10!.. B"fl 1Q styles. Mostly sizes QQo lot. jt On Sacrifice Clearance O !! t to 4 JtfC To ciear ftuC Women's Black Kid Oxfords Women's DOr.wy Slippers In Misses' High Orade Oxfi:;:i with leather soles and low black patent, blue, red and and Straps in black ic brim rubber heels. Just the shoe green kid, blue & red velvets, Large variety to chc 1 f for the house. QOp in Cuban heels. All Qr Sizes U to 2, CM QQ T cr UUK, Sizes in this group tOl while they last QX0J prices lower man cost GKOUP 1. Women's Black and Brown Straps and Pumps. apanisn ana uuoan nceis. Kcai snaps at GROUP 2. Women's Calf and Kid Pumps and Straps in black and. brown and white, in spike, Cuban and military heels. Large variety of styles to choose from. Q-k jq Sacrifice Clearance tXDt SL49 GROUP 3. 192 Pairs Ladles' Oxfords, Straps. Tics ai'.J Pumps. All styles and leathers in thus group All sizes In lot. Come early! Qi 08 Sacrifice Clearance t?xvv Youths' Slorm Calf and Box Men's Dress Oxfords in black Boys' Box Kip and Box CJf Calf School Boots, best qual- and brown. Latest toes and School and Dress BooU. i Ity. Sizes Q-fl qq styles. All sizes Q-t QQ ther & Panco soles Qi US 11 to 132 ln i0t $ orcat value - Ladies' Runners, broknn line Boys' Lcckie School Boots ln Mcn's Work Boots' Guaran- in oxfords & Straps. Suntan black and brown. Storm calf teed solld leather. Qfl QO wnitc with red trim & All sizes. on Q Come early 7At70 and brown straps, 7MC Sacrifice Clearance yAttu to clear - Men's Storm King Gum Boots - " Goodrich. Kaufman, Gutta Youths First Quality Storm Women's and Men's English Pcrcha, Dominion, Sizes 10, Rubbers. Plain or red Check Felt Slippers. 7l0 11, 12 only. Q QQ Sizes 11 to 13'- ZUQ All sizes Values to $6.50 ipO.OtJ Sacrifice Clearance uv Men's Mining and Logger Boots at 25 Off All Lines MEN'S PYJAMAS, 98c Striped Broadcloth and Flannelette of the better kind. Value $1.50. MEN'S AND BOYS' COAT SWEATERS, $1.19 Heavy gray worsted. Sizes 32 to 44. Hundreds of Other Items Too Numerous to Mention. All at Substantial Reductions. MEN'S SOX Men's Heavy Work Sox Sacrifice Special Men's Pure Wool Work Sox Sacrifice Special Men's Heather Worsted Sox-Sacrifice Special - Men's Extra Heavy Wool Sox Sacrifice Special Mcn's Fancy Cashmere Sox Sacrifice Special 12c 25c 29c 69c 25c Remember the d.te-FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd-The places-77,e Rupert People's Store and The Cut Rate Shoe Store-znd don't forget how much you can save!