,lirsday April 2, 1936 DAILY NBW? LADIES'' BOWLING ON.R.A. vs. Doodads. April 30 Doodads , vs. ' RangeM, 111 PREPARING Aprllr16 Annettes vs. Brunettes.! p.r. Orads vs. Brunettes. April 2 Bluebirds vs.;.. P. Maccabees vs." Pit. Grads. . May 4 Maccabees . vs. CN.lt A. Orads. Brunettes vs. C2JMA. April '20 CNJI.A. vs. Annette'. Bluebirds vs. Annettes.-' J 'SPORT FOR RACE April C -0.N.R.A. VS. Ranger Maccabees vs. Bluebirds. May 7 P.R. Grads v.: Doodad. FOU KENT Doodads vs. Bluebirds. April 23 Ransers vs. P. It Rangers vs. Brunettes. Seven Boats Already Entered For April 9- P.R. Qrads vs Annettes. Grads. Brunettes vs. Doodads. .... . ' Annual Model Yacht Competition Brunettes vs, Maccabees. April 27 Maccabees vs. An- The Dally News is an A. B. C. nm i? vn roomed modern r Here April 13- Rangers vs. Bluebirds, nettes. Bluebirds vs. C N.R.A. paper " "M -t' Reds ArP R,,U !D17ADIWri7 Hflgprson Ltd . v. , -M FOR SALE .ir fnrv R;if. Annlv Dallv News Ollire rimiic uo. in; . .!.- oa h n riiilnupn Orel Semi-Diesel Kngine complete with nropeller and fittings. Can be In- . , i . i j spected ai uuiowsen uryi nam. Cheap for promnt salq. Sunde It dEver.s Co. Seattle, Wash. WANTED .u mo sai.i: Tlml.fr Sale VIS?!! (M-tf) j-iflt. nlffhpct. nrndn Iatust T)M Parlfie Supply Vancouver LOST 751 Granviile, ST- Graduate pin of Royal Co lumbian Hospital. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward. (80) logj. For further information Inquire Geo. W NIckerson Co. (80J .uttiox su.i: Timber Sale .lViO-. Tbrr vU be offered ior isale a. .t of Mnv. 1930. In the cfflce of tbe .-".rt roiv. ur. iTtnre Rupert, u. c. Utr.e XI 8500 in cut 2.070 000 boBrd mfo.-.ure. of Nfirure, Certir i-j tit. mi ivrmnrn Ann uiwn 0i year 1U be all owed for re- fcpvkied uiy one unable to attend nujuoa in rernnn may submit .o be opened" at tl- hour of and treated as one bid." ftmlvr parUculara may be obtained l f iwn.m 1 1 ....... n r Ttif will be offered for Mil at Pub- m tqir in v. r . i ni.i.'h '"vrr, rrince Kirocrr. uv Licence -I - ' ,,1T,,UUV J . k, WUU. ww k. 1 u,r. . i.ii .mi . i . ill : on ui.i tltuated on Hut Ion Inter. ion oouna, wueen i;nnriOvie TWf yearn wUl bo allowed for re- .4111101 . , nwweu any one unabl to attend miwju m wwm may tuomi nrwer- particular mav he obtained Osma rororier. Prince Rupert, B.C. Ttfr ci' in. ...... . .... . . fi.riit.Mi, i in in in million roi.VMltl.l IV I'liimiTi' ..inurr in i lie ".iiiininiMrniicn Act" .'-urr in me i.mnie or neoite A. I' .i TAKE HnTTnv w j I . .. - - - urwiai ,.. . ' , . uirun a.ij. lMjii. i was aD- itmKU ..... . 7 " .. - iviuirr, iwcpowa and an r arrvoy remurnd to rum sn rvijrui vvn 1 1 pel ti-k m nn or n. . . - - ii Lilt? ninm nr. nr tnir in 'Szlfu40 forthwith. the J4I4, day of M4roh ma OfflctnJ AdmlrUstratnT, ATIJN, B. O. KAN I) ACT "f Intention In apply to Lease , 1-and 0 Prlrvru. n.. . . . .. rke liotLr-. 1 1, . . .... 1 . "uom, B.rj- rwvMitviflnn Tumlvr. iiloZ11 WPly for a lease of toe r;""" lcrnod landa: ,.--wey 3 000 ft. north of loU U5- 60 f-. ' u. unngo o coo thenes t , tM,.lntnc 7601-ft. south - more or lesa. Do, MARTIN MILLER lIarcl 6, 1030. I.AM ACT "tenliiMi t4i ,R(nlr' r iVasJ "l Prln.- n . . to n?ii8e 5 c9!'t. md situate 5?rvE Sr nrldge,ear iSi? 11 "MarUn MUler o' lnT"' B.C. ocCuoatloh Htmber. ""oviitt H-.!'W),y 1oT a.lose:ot the minencin rwaBhoro land: ft. rinrf.h ruf n ri ft, Con&t District tlerSi 800 opposite n th to r..t commencement, H V4 i uKTta, more or lrna MAr RTIN MTLLKR Urcu A. 1030 With Iron Hand Charley Dressen Is Disciplinarian Of Old School CINCINNATI, April 2: (CP)--, Charley Dressen; fiery manager of the Cincinnati Reds, Is a disciplinarian of the old school. Four Reds' pitchers In the Florida training camp trifled with Dicsscn's rules by going to the clubhouse without permission during a practice session. Dressen routed them out and sent them on 50-yard dashes around a mile tracx surrounding the playing field. The quartet ivered. 15 for $1. .plain wrapperi.!sue,ht, thelr snowers thoroughly winded. Bowling Play-Off Dates Are Chosen Five Pin I.edut Championship Will be Decided Thursday And Saturday Play-offs between Five Jokers, winners of. the first half, and Pioneer Laundry, winners of the second half, to decide the Five Pin Bowling League championship for the season will take place tonight and Saturday night. In the event Of a lie ln games, total pins will decide. The play-off dates were set at a meeting of th Prince Rupert Bowling League on Sunday with President Bert Morgan in the chair. SPORT CHAT "The badminton season closed at Vanderhoof last night with i flndl tournament. The sport has en-Joyed much popularity In the Interior agricultural centre this win ter and has had many devotees. Despite wide interest ln hockey. bowlers after a survey of winter activities challenge the ice sport with the claim that knocking down , the pins Is Reglna's greatest winter sport. Pete Gottslelg, brother of the famous Black Hawks player, Is responsible for the claim. Under a five-year plan approve.' by the federal government Alberta's lakes this year will be stocked with 1,200,000 fish eggs for hatching. It Is announced by V. A, Newhall, chairman of the angling section, Calgary Fish and Game League. The move follows representations made by fish and game leagues ln the province for iciitocklng of flshed-out areas. English Foot lal Adjustment Cover Matches Until April 18 LONDON, April. 2: tCP)-Rc ! arrangements of football fixturcr by the English League during It; brief campaign agaiast betUm- pools will result ln adjustment to the original schedule until Apii 18. On Feb. 29, .when the firs, change was made, games set Ioj two weeks ahead were substituted and the same action was takrr March 7. Hie reversion to the old schedule was made March 14 when the fixtures for Feb. 20 were .reverted to by nil the divisions ex cept the second,. On March 21 al! divisions, except the second, play ed games arranged for the original! schedule. Second league teams met in matches fixed for March 7. No change from the old list was necessary March 23 but on April 4, first division clubs will meet in matches that should have been decided March 7. On this date the other leagues will play according to the original schedule. The following week the only alteration from the original contest list concerns second division clubs who will revert to the Feb. 29 set of games. April 18 the northern and southern sections of the third division will change to games at first ar ranged for March 7 while the two premier leagues adhere to the original schedule. For the two remaining Satur days of the soccer season no re adjustments are necessitated. Encourages Dart Game PEEN, Eng., .April 2: (CPi Miss isnbei MacDonaid, now tne u- 1 censee of the Olde Plowe Inn here; II "TILLIE THE TOILER" you 1 lviH Mac, that was CiOIW'.TtLU3, ( A fcuSlMP.iSS OUT TO. MSK-T SlLRTTEl?. JF! UiU GUY 1iAX'S T"CT." v.!2T.U' N'SO ! T im Kim r''' CvVmm. fc. Q' Srw rnUi i.wT 'V VMW IM "1K VJCfcLD -;00 "THIS I eTTCO. A1D StCTNnia IT "ROMAMTIC t?.CMUrO 'S .5. UrUT-V ! ' f T7:" Preparations for the annual model yacht race on Good Friday 001711 T I 17 or Eastcr Sunday for the Prince jLWflOUlLlVGlWBC ('up weie ln mol,on at a met!inig oi mouci yucuy mtms enthusiast on Tuesday night with Capt. Elfert presiding. There are severi entries to date and more are -sxpected especially from smaller joats for which it is planned to lave an extra race exclusively. Entries to date are as follows: Talisman. A. J. Crnxford. ' Allen Glen. Bob Davie. . An , unnamed boat built by A. J. Jroxford and nowbelng rafffrd at In? cluadlan tegluh. ; Maple, 'Oscar Bather, Nordic. Cyril Bowes iVancmivcr). Kla Ol'a, J. Eyrcsr?Vaiicrtuver'). Vagrant, J. Gibson last year's jvinnpr). Committees and officials fdrthe race, in which, mutji. Interest It already being takerfi'in be named later. ' LADIES' BOWLING STANDING G. Ttl. Annet'teV.....-- 18 13968 Blue Birds ,.:.'....:2.L. 16 11931 Rangers 18 12941 Doodads 12858 P. R. Grads !. 1G 11290 Maccabees .. 18 11939 Brunettes 1G 9712 C. N. R. A. 10 9589 TEN PIN STANDING Av. 77G 74G '719 714 706 GC3 G07 599 W. L. Grotto ....v.; 25 11 Knox Hotel - 22 17 Rose, Cowan & Latta . 21 18 Power Corporation 20 1G Canadian Legion r.:lS 2 Atlln Fisheries .... 14 19 Moose 13 20 ; Elks Jl3 26 T: : Xr " FlVr. PIN. STANDING' recently took a team of darts play- Pioneer Laundry ers to High Wycombe for a match Five Jokers at an inn there. She says it's a fine Old Empross game. Lambie & Stone w. .27 1G 14 15 Th!a advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British OlumbU. VMHEI2.e?S -VHAT Of. t-AbING FOR "THAT COTTOM OI2XiEri? J V THIS FSRLlCrA.U'O I VAJHEff-tt HE SiJS- I vi WHAT AFAa";- "-T L. 9 20 22 21 The Boss' Error IrUnufuttrtri HAyee this is at When Three Make a Crowd yES, AND L,OVE IO My C3Ol0lVl5 M.OVllf YC'VJ rtlCV JSTAft." THAT SVtAP-LV SLAVS ME i .1 i -.Tr i jjurr " i sw.1 . jtjt.x . . . British America Paint a, , Ltd. VicUrli, Vimxiir, Cliry, lJoikot. KUi iqp OFF V3 GALS. Eiv-AH. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY MARCH 28 TO APRIL 4 Thi it the only time of the year when 9at'tn-Glo is old at less than regular price v, thcrtfore yoif should make it a point to buy all the Satin.Gki you need for ALL your Spring decorating. Your dealer can supply extra coupons. High-gloss, durable enamel, in 17 beautiful colors. Etc. Price Salt frlc Half-Gallons : Ouarta . 1.75 Pints i Half Pints , .15 2.35 1.25 .70 .40 Clsar or stain colors for floors, linoleum, woodwork and furnhure. Extremely durable. En. Price Sl Frkt Half-GaUons 3.00 2.00 Quarts - 1-U5, Pints . . . Half-Pints -50 35 A seml-flois finish in pastel tints for walls. High-grade quality. Washable. Kef. prlet Slt lrl Half-Gallons -co 1.80 Quarts Ptnts- Half-Pints OFF QUARTS DE LUXE WALL TINT THE SANITARY KALSOMINE This finer quality kalsomine dries with an exceptionally hard surface that won't rub off. It also contains a sweet-smelling antiseptic which leaves the room clean and fresh. All colors. In 5-lb. packages. 1.4( .BO .-15 50r 2& OFF PINTS SALC PRICE Thompson iHardware Ltd. iincc iiupcrt, h.c. .90 .55 391 Bv W-tover Spt-UTTEPt Hy MISTAKE 31 i -t luiNi i i ii ii ii . i r ' a. x . i i -' f . vuhv, mac. jg&i J Yes, so ' ( Is CRAM ! U-Hovm vce I MICE of -v rfc i j "1