m PAUE FOUR Tax Slot Machines BLENHEIM, Ont, Nov. 24: (CP) 1 By a vote of four to two, Blen- helm town -council decided to tax - slot machines operated in the town. A fee, of $50 for the first machine in eai!h establishment , and US: for 'each 'additional will be levied.:. . 9 Move Soldier s Grave HAMIJfON, Nov. 24: (CP) Twenty years ago Private William McBrlde Marshall was killed In France. His brother has Just been notified his graye has been discovered arid the boay removed ttt a 'rnore' suitable resting place in Orvtllers Cemetery, Prance. NOTICE The Knox Hotel is under new ownership. "Come up and see us some time." R. BKASELL N. M. BRASELL SHNf TO PROSPEROUS BRITAIN Britain rejoicing In prosperity looks forward to a gloriously happy Christmas. But Christmas festivities will begin for you the moment you board a Cunard White Star or Donaldson Atlantic "Christmas Ship" a wonderful foretaste of the Yuletlde happiness you will find among "the folks at home". jrom Haiijax Dee. 5 - "ASCANIA" to Plymouth, London Dee. J - "LANCASTRIA" to Glasgow, Belfast, Liverpool Dec. 12 - "AURANIA" to Plymouth, London titular uvtkly tervtct from Montreal to all abovt ports until Nor. 27. LOW OCEAN RATES IN ALL CLASSES Apptr to jour local aftent (no on ran mtyc you better) or to 117 CranrltW Street (Seymour 3448) Vancouver n il iiiisar"Tii re We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do Is send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping and irre ou ior o complete remanents, will not harm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience needed. When you have used these supplies more oil can be obtained from Us at fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 1183 East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. Union Steamships, Limited 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.8.S, CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 I'M Dot Vancouver, Thursday p.m. ; T.8.8, CARDENA 'FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn., If convenient pleas purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. Wr NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 Used Goods Picture f rames, price 25c, 50c & 75c Wringers' , . ..$1.50 & $2.00 Hand Sewing Machine .$18.00 Badmintpri Racket, Slazengers $4.00 Violet Ray $5.00 Vibrators ". . . , . . : . . . k S2.50 & $5.00 Radios, Battery Sets .$10.00 & $25.00 Violin, full size 4 . . $12.50 Tenor Banjos $6,00, $18.00 Flutes h . -,V. ; . . : ,; . . .$12.00 Clarinet $1500 The above mentioned are on display at D ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy Used Goods of Any Description For Cash Phone Green 421 Third Avenue Buslnes Hours: From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday half holiday as usual. turning to Terrace on Wednesday evening's train after spending the past few da's y- Mrs. Stanley Mills of Terrace un derwent a slight operation in th Prince Rupert General Hospital yesterday and Is making a good ie covery. George McAllister, manager of Rivers Inlet cannery, and Mrs. McAllister were passengers aboard the Cardena Saturday afternoon going through to Vancouver to spend the winter. Walter Blanton, well known Alaska mining man, arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide Saturday from Ketchikan. During the past season he has been active in the Unuk River district. Miss Wadea Mussallem, who has been visiting' here for the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mussallem, will leave by tomorrow evening's train on her return to Smlthers. Mr. and Mrs. G.' P. Tinker and young son, Percy, are expected home on Thursday night's train frcm a visit In England and Scotland after having attended the Vimy Pilgrimage. J. M. Browning, Inspector of beer parlors for the provincial government, sailed, by the Catala this afternoon on his return to Vancouver after a visit to the city and district on official duties. At the recent session of hf leg'sliture In Victoria, R. B. Swalles, C.C.F. member for Delta asked the minister of public works If any buildings had been constructed at Southbank for the department during 1936 and, if so, for what purpose, of what materials and What dimensions and at what cost for material and labor Southbank is a settlement 6r Francois Lake. mm FOR SALE FOR SALE $250 takes 10 h.D. Frisco Standard gas engine. Boat "Lion." Fishermen's Floats.. (278 1 FOR, SALE Large wicker doll- buggy, corduroy lining with storm curtains. Like new. Phone Black 489. (27$) FOR SALE General Electric Hand Oleaner, almost new, $15. Phone Blue 272. tf, FOR SALE Second hand lumber and piping at Mussallem's Bldg., Sixth Ave. E. See men on Job; (tf) A CHRISTMAS Present that will please, a Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461 or Green! 106Y. (tf) FURrxURETactory-samplei rnn$t go this week. Three-room groups, 60 high-grade nieces, guaranteed the mos sensational bargain ever offered In Western Canada $160.00: 10 - piece Chesterfield Groups $65.00; genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14.50. Terms If desired. Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore Mail Order House, 801 Beklns Bldg., Van couyer. FOR RENT FOR RENT Four-room modern flats. Pantry, bath, Monarcji range and watr. $12.50 to $17.50. Helgerson Ltd. (tf) LOST LOST Child's dancing slippers. Dally News. tf. PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanltarv EuDDliei. highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain riw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or-gans, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid. Calf or write, Ormei limited, tf VkXLt KMW ,fuesy, NoTl i LOCAL NEWS NOTES i 1 ! Dr. Stanley Mills will be re . Nice assortment of new stamped Iwxxrs at the? DoHar Store: tf. Mrs. Mike Lemon sailed UUs afternoon oh the Catala tor a trip to Vancouver-Rev. W. D. Grant Holflngworth, T. Nv LePage and S. J. Jabour were recent visitors at the Vancouver Gyro Club. Mr. Jabour is affiliating with the Vancouver club. . The act respecting the abandon ment of certain tax sales in the city of Prince Rupert was one of the measures that was read" for a third time and passed Just be fore the closing of the session of the Legislature last week-end. I tntdicattti with throat-soothing ingredients of Vlcks VapoRub. Mrs. M. F. Nlckerson sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip o Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Indian Agent W. E. Colllson made a trip to MeUakatla yesterday, meeting the village council there. G. A. Cowan of Montreal, com mercial representative of the Marconi Co., sailed this afternoon by the Catala for Vancouver after spending a couple of days here In the course of a business trip to the coast, w Ross S. Ingram, manager of the Thrift Cash tt Carry Grocery. sailed this afternoon on the Ca tala for a trip to Vancouver. On his return In three weeks, he will be accompanied by Mrs. Ingram and family who have been visiting in the south: Captain Richard Tomllnson of the Salvation Army at Cedarvale and his daughter. Cadet Kathleen Tomllnson, left by last evening's train on their return to the interior after having accompanied an Army brigade from Skeena Crossing on a tour of various villages on the coast and up the Naas River. G. J. Alexander of Victoria, de puty commissioner of fisheries for the province and chairman of the International Fisheries Commission, and Dr. W. F. Thompson of Seattle, director of scientific Investigations for , the International Fisheries Commission left on last evenng's train on their return south via Jasper Park. A. J. Whlt- PTiore, another, member of the commission, also left by the same train on his return to Ottawa. HOTEL ARRIVALS , Royal 26. Clausen, rinceRjipert.. ' Central John L. Osborne :and E. P. An derson, C. N. R.t R. P. Wllmot. Victoria. Knox Fred R. Orant- Prince Rutvrt v. Dunnerson, Vancouver. Announcements Entertainment Cabaret Style, Catholic Hall,- November 25. Cathedral Christmas bazaar, Nov. C. C, F. Baxaar, December a, Mrs. Mandy's lecture, Presby ternlan Hall, December 2. United Church Bazaar, Decern ber 3. Lutheran Bazaar. Metro Dole Hall December 4. ' Presbyterian tea, December 9. Cambral Chrlstmsij BDlnsters spree December.Jl. '. . Recreation danc?, Oddfellows uau, ueceraber 18. Name is Chosen By Young People For Their Group At the reeular bi-weekly meet ing of the non-denomlnatlonl Young People's Society last night In the social panors of First United Church, an important matter of business was settled in the choosing of a name for the society. Henceforth this organization will be known as the Christian Youth Society. It was felt that this name embodies the spirit of the bxoud which stands for the fur therance of Christian fellowship. The society Is not affiliated with any particular denomlnaUon but Is open to alL The speaker on last evening's program was Dr. Victor MacLean, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, who. gave an Interring talk on the all-sufficiency of Christ. Dr. R. O. Large rendered a solo. accompanied by Dr. II. N. Brock- Jesby. A short comedy, "The Mental Specialist," was the chief Item on the program ivhlch proved to be highly entertaining. Those taking part were the Misses Wlnn Canuron, June Armour, Messrs. Bob Irvine, Brute Stevens and Funk Derry A social half hour brought the rr.et.Lng to a close. Steamship Sailings Tor Vancouver Tuesday Catala 1:30 Thurs.-ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 Friday ss. P. Adelalde..10 Ss. Cardena 10:30 Nov. 19 ss. Pr. Norah 5:30 From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 Frl. ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 4 Ss. Cardena Nov, 15 ss. Prln. Norah Nov. 29 ss. Prln Norah Fer Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala 8 Wednesday ss Pr. Rupert 3 All for p.m p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. i pm a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m, p.m. p.m. THRIFT FOOD VALUES For the Week KELLOGG 'S ALL BRAN Op J.OI per pks. SALAD DRESSING 91 p Nalley's, per 12-oz. Jar CRABMEAT Queen Charl- OOp iotte Pack, per tin AAV, SODA BISCUITS 91f Red Arrow, per pkg. Axj CORN STARCH 91 2 pkgs &Xj ROYAL CITY FOODS Combination Deal2 tins Royal City Corn; 2 tins Royal City Tomatoes, 2's; 2 tins Brentwood Peas, sieve 5 17 COFFEE Empress Vacuum, per lb. CAST1LLE SOAP Genuine Conde's, 2 bars COSgD .BEra-El Ranco JJC bill .. PEANUT BUTTER Squirrel per QQp 2V2 tin OUVr 4 tln JELLY POWDERS Empress, 3 for Ull 35c 15c 12c Brand 49c 13c HEINZ PUKE FOODS Heinz Cream Soups, per tin 10c 3 Tor 29c Heinz Old Fashioned Pickles 20-oz. Jar for ,25c The Superior Quality of Heinz Soups Will be Demonstrated in the Store on Saturday FLOUR Alberta Rose per 49-lb. sack FORT GARRY TEA 1 lb. with at tractive China teapot Q( COWAN'S COCOA 2-lb. Jp Mb. tin tin.. $1.89 25c Fruit and Vegetables California Lettuce, per head 5c Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs 25c Uprlver Cabbage, per lb. Gc Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb uc Celery, Crisp, Firm, per head 10c 12c, 15c Grapefruit, Juicy, 4 for ,isc Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 We Deliver You'll like the rich, fi.n of Salada Orange Pekoe Bi!! nam SALADA TEA Now oh Display We Have Ever Stocked Winter is again with us and as usual wc are at your service to assist you solve your fuel problems. Wc have coals for all stoves, heaters and furnaces. PJioric us for prices. WJnttr winds dfdin TiTtayvur co&lbin needs The Largest Assortment Of Christmas Cards NEW ASSORTMENTS NEW DESIGNS Cards from 2 for 5c to 35c each Boxed Assortments from 25c SEALS - TAGS - RIBBONS - ENCLOSURE CARDS - WRAPPING TISSUE Come in and see our complete assortment REMEMBER Voting is now on for the Hexall Boys' and Girls' Contest Orates Ltd, Vftm. Pionter Drtuzg tats I he KexaU liar fhones: 11 t n Open Dally Prom a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and flolldays Prom 12 noon til) t p.m, 7 p m. tni 9 p b. PHILPOTT- EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 PHONE 652 Canadian Pacific 'it To Vancouver Via Ocean, Falls and Way Ports SS. 'Trlncess Adelaide,' everV-Trlday a 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct . SS rlnceNcrohr-v. 3rd, 19tlv Dec. 3rd, 17th. To Ketchikan, Wranjell, Junean and Skajway .,( SS. ".Princess Norah," Oct, 30th, Nov. 15th, 29th, Dec. w WINTER EXCURSION FARES C09 OH TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN lOtitVV Tiqk?ts oh sale Jiov, 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th. 1937. Final return lim.lt March 31st, 1937, Fnr Infnrmntlnn nnrt Reservations W. L;COATE8, Gen. Aent. Prince Rupert. B.C. TheFuh which made Prince RupertFamM "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK COD 11 Prepared Daily By Cuadiu Fish & Cold Storage Co., A PRINCE RUPEBT, B.C,