Today's Weather (S AJV1.) Prince Rupert Foggy, calm; barometer, 30.50; temperature, 52; sea smooth. Vol. XXV., No. 275. Did Spokesman Reached "7 Talk of Recall Of Mayor Dor e Apparently Some Dissatisfaction Is Developing Under Chief Magistrate of Seattle SEATTLE. Nov. 24: On the grounds of malfeasance and misfeasance of office, preparations Gasboat Lost FOR For Employees Says That Point Has Been Where Patience is no Longer Virtue Is It Possible, Asks Chairman arc being made to circulate a recall petition against Mayor John F Dore. Sponsors of the petition j declare that they could get 25,000 signatures which would be suf-1 flclent to bring about a recall election. cod on board, was allowed to proceed to Seattle yesterday after Capt. Sigurd Jacobsen MONTREAL, Nov. 24: (CP) Canadian railway employees may be obliged to call a strike vote in order to obtain a wage increase from the companies, Howard Chase, spokesman for the workers, told the wage conciliation board in session here. His statement came after the chairman of the commission, Mr. Justice A. K. Mac-Lean, said that the whole question '. ' before the board was whether the companies had the ability to pay. Chase said that the companies were In a better position than they had been for years. He added that the employees had reached a stage where patience was no longer a virtue, FOOD NOT UNLOADED Kmprcss of Japan Raced With Fine, Keeps Cargo Aboard at Hawaii HONOLULU, Nov. 24: United States shipping laws are not helping to provide food for Hawailans whose supplies are running short on account of the Pacific maritime workers' strike. The Canadian steamer Empress of Japan brought to Honolulu 30 tons of food originating In California and loaded at Vancouver. The C. P. R.( owners of the Empress of Japan, decided not to unload the cargo rather than pay a fine of $8,000 which would have been lm posed by the courts under the Am erlcan shipping regulations which prohibit shipment of American goods to an American destination on foreign ships. AMERICAN FISHING ROAT IS FINED $200; POACHED IN WATERS OF DOMINION VICTORIA, Nov. 24; (CP) The American fishing vessel Forward, seized last Thursday by the Canadian government fisheries patrol steamer Mai- aspina with 18,000 pounds of... pleaded guilty to fishing lh i f Canadian waters without a licence and was fined $200 In provincial police court here. Fight For Big Prize in Baby Derby Starting TORONTO, Nov. 24: (CP) In upholding the validity of the Stork Derby clause of the will of the late Charles Vance Millar Mr. Justice Mlddleton expressed the opinion that the will could not be successfully contested. The Judgment was against relatives of the eccentric Toronto law yer who challenged the clause on the ground that It was contrary to public policy. It willed $500,000 to the woman having the most babies in ten years following Millar's death. The litigation to determine the wilier of the $500,000 will now pro ceed. Trains Cross Salvus Again .Through Traffic 4 Mortar Unln-I terrupttd Oncer More en Local Line of Railway , It was expected at the office of tirwurinipndpiii of the Can- lad lan National Railways here this morning that Salvus bridge, wnere At Vancouver WSiS caused by re cant hinh water has been in pro- Igress for the past few days, would Small launch Relieved to Ilave'be In shape to carry trains by Come to Grief in Rouen Waters Uhls evening, The plan was to send Of Burrard Inlet out an extra through train at noon ! the first to leave since last Wed- TVuilsht's train, due here has been made for the small gas- from the East -at 10:20. was re boat. "t', , ,. ui-t, inn'rvitprf this morning io be run BODIES 'Frisco Bound, Was Diverted VANCOUVER, Nov. 24; The Japanese freighter Asana Maru, originally destined for San Francisco but diverted from there on 'account of the maritime workers' strike, has arrived here to unload cargo from the Orient. BALANCED BUDGETS i Foreseen For Canada by Minister Of National Revenue Things Looking Up MONTREAL, Nov. 21: (CP) non. J, L. Ilsley, minister of national revenue, said here that Canada would enter an era of balanced budgets if the present economic progress continues and forecast an increase of $600,000,-000 in Canada's 1936 income as compared with last year, Mr. ilsley said that the increase In revenue was' closely related to revived export trade and added that the Dominion's total exports would exceed the billion dollar mark this year. Believes Russia Helps For Peace War 'Would Disturb Soviet gram, it is Felt Pro- MONTREAL, Nov. 24: (CP) Be cause war would result in interruption of the Soviet program over a long period Kussia is one of the strongest influences for peace today, said A. Kirk Cameron, addressing members of a number of Jewish women's organizations gathered in a peace meeting. Mr. Cameron, recently accompanied Hon. W. D. Euler, minister of trade and commerce, on a trip to Europe. EveryDoay works In Russia, women as well as men. Mr. Cameron said. Equal pay for equal work is the rule, and if a woman's work exceeds that of a man In amount or quality she receives more money. : Mr. Cameron thought the social condition of the Russian people was "terrible" according to Canadian standards, yet saw no evidence of desire to return to the old regime. Toivnof Windsor To Honor Memory Of Former King LONDON. Nov. 24: The town of Windsor Is the first in England to prepare a memorial for the late King George V. Two ancient houses are to be demolished to provide a site for the memorial which will be unveiled next April by King Edward VIII, Blind For Twenty Years, Sees Again Medical Authorities Puzzled By n At i North Vancouve four hours late, having been'here who regained her sight fol-for ' Saturday night tag .llie the south 2 side 5 of Burrard nS!L TnlPt Inlet , deLyed aeiayeu by j connection at Jasper 9.9nx"-L lowing uj a dizzy ,,. spell after fniinw. having na U. feared to have come to grief, Fa, ""IZL? C" Ing llness V" JL7n when 7. a small Z , Z child. 7 ,n rough waters of the harbor. a jn. at the earliest. Case of Young Woma Little Rock, Ark. LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Nov. 24: Medical authorities are puzzled at the case of a 27-year old woman an a vrv ' 1 TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 3. D. Johnston Co.) ' Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .32. Big Missouri, .50. Bralorne, 8.15. B. R. Con., .04. B. R. X., .09. Cariboo Quartz, 1.74. Dentonla, .11. . Dunwell, .03. Oolconda, .12 V. Minto, .27. ' Meridian, .02. Morning Star, -.02 V4. Noble Five, .04V'2. Pend Oreille, 1.75. Porter Idaho, .06. Premier, 3.20. Reeves McDonald, .20. Reno, 1.39. Relief Arlington. .28. Salmon Gold, .0814. Taylor Bridge, - .07. Wayside, .06. . United Empire, .01 Vi. Reward, .oS'j. Pioneer, 5.70.. Toronto Beattle, 1.31. Central Patricia, 4.00. God's Lake, .71. Inter. Nickel, 63.00. Lee Oold, .01. Little Long Lac, 6.80. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.65. Pickle Crow, 6.35. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.63, San Antonio, 2.49. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.33. Slsco, 4.50. Smelter Gold, .08'. Ventures, 2.90. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.80. Oklend, .51. Mosher, .42. Gllbec. .05. Madsen Red Lake, 1.10. May Spiers, .42. Sullivan, 1.93. Stadacona, .69. Frontier Red Lake, ,16. Francoeur, 1.06.-. Manitoba ft Eastern, .14. Perron, 1.65. New Augarlta, .35. Moneta Porcupine, 1.45. Sladen Malartlc. 1.20. Bouscadlllac, .45. Lapa Cadillac, .85. , Old Diamond. .38. Gold Eagle, .75. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1936 Embassies of Germany And Italy in Madrid Are Taken Over by Spanish Government MADRID, Nov. 24: (CP) Heavily armed government militiamen today seized and sealed up the German and Italian embassies after arresting a number of Spanish political refugees who sought safety in the German embassy. Fully armed militiamen, commanded by a lieutenant, took up positions behind trees and roped off the entire block, diverting traffic. The militiamen were reinforced at noon after the exit of only a few refugees who authorities said had abused the right of asylum. Machine guns were moved up to the main door of the Italian embassy. ' h n r Kj.w.r, campaign Manager Leaves Ofj Florida Trip NEW YORK. Nov. 24: John Hamilton, Republican campaign manager in the recent presidential election, left yesterday for a hide out -In. FloridaVHe-ls 'accompanied by four-secretaries and. plans writ ing a book. ii Sympathy Parades , For Salengro Are Staged in France PARIS, Nov. 24: Thousands of French leftists paraded the streets and otherwise demonstrated In French cities In sympathy for the late Roger" Safengro.4mlntster of the Sentence of Edward McNamara Commuted at Trenton, NJ. lleavle?t Break in Recorded in New Is TRENTON, NJ., Nov. 24: Edward Byng McNamara of Brooklyn, who was to have died In the electric chair here for murder, has had his" sentence commuted to life Sharp Decline In Stock Mart Recent AVeeks York Trading NEW YORK, Nov. 24: Stocks declined sharply in New,, York trading yesterday with one of the heaviest breaks in recent weeks. The industrial average at, closing was off 3.37; rails, off 1.32, and utilities, off .77. v 'i Tomorrow's Tides Hlgh 10:10 a.m, 21.3 ft. 22:56 p.m. 18.9 ft. Low 3:38 a.m. 7.3 ft. 16:44 p.m. 4.4 ft. TRICE: S CENTS IN JUNEAU RUIN C AMMAN RAIL WORKERS MAY STRIKE Six are Known Dead This Threat is Made Before Conciliation Sitting in Montreal I Japanese Ship. I And Thirteen Still Missing After Slide Further Avalanches Are Anticipated so Residents Danger Area Move to Safer Parts Of Alaskan Capital In JUNEAU. Alaska. Nov. 24: (CP) SburreH nn hv th recovery of six bodies from the ruins of Sunday's land- ...... , . , 1i,lA ll i. J. ,1 1 uue, xe&cue crews coniinuea io aig into me aeons today, searching for, perhaps, a dozen other corpses. The death list now stands definitely at six with ten injured and thirteen missing. Four bodies were recovered from the ! DEFENCE IS HOLDING ON Heavy Insurgent Shelling Falls To Take Madrid U. S. Embassy May Move to Valencia Germany Charged Government Alleges That Foreign' era Are Attacking Loyalist Warships MADRID, Nov. 24 Rebel ar tlriery continued" tok hurl shells irr- InterJor. who committed suicide to the centre of Madrid yesterday last week after criticism of his war aS the rebels renewed their offeri-record continued In suite of the Chamber pi Deputies hiving clear- ingiy ineffective against the loyal- ed him. Premier Leon Blum de- jst defence. dared that. Salengro had been the! international volunteers remil- vlctim of an unjustified newspaper. campaign. Steady Rain Ahd Strong Winds In North Province Continuous rain and strong 'nd has been general throughout ,ne Telegraph Creek and Atlln district during the last 48 lours according to the dally weather report of the Government Telegraphs. District weather readings for the day are as follows: Terrace Cloudy, calm, 38. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 42. Smithers Clear, calm, frosty. Burns LakeFog, calm 27. Hazelton Foggy, calm, 26. ' Stewart Fog, calm, 37. , Dodges Hot Seat; Gets Life Term ed a fresh Fascist attack today on the northwestern University City as the Socialist government for mally charged foreign warships with attacking Its ileet. Socialist Minister of the Navy disclosed alleged activities of German and Italian warships along the Spanish coast. He said that fragments of a torpedo which had damaged a government ship were neither Spanish or Italian, Inferring that 1' was launched by a German submarine The United States embassy is preparing to move from Madrid to Valencia after having been nearly struck by bombs., Dope Charges On Which Big Terms Were Handed Out VANCOUVER, Nov. 24: (CP) The charge upon which Joe Fer-raro was sentenced to two terms of seven years' Imprisonment with Chief of Police Gets Man Himself Col. W. W. Foster Apprehends Bandit Who is Alleged to Have Robbed Chinese Store VANCOUVER, Nov. 24: Chief Constable W. W. Foster and his driver caught a hold-up, man .on Saturday night soon after the robbery of a Chinese store had been reported. Chief Foster, who was driving home, heard the call In his car and ordered the driver to proceed to the scene of the robbery, r- iop of the wreckage. The body of a woman, with a dead baby In her urns, was found in debris. Residents have been warned that other landslides may follow and many have fled to safer parts of the city. It Is the second-serious landslide that Juneau has had during the past year. MARKETING ACT IS UP Amendments Put Through in Dying VICTORIA, Nov.. 24: (CP) Be fore its adjournment at the end of jie week", the British Columbia Legislature, after a hard last minute battle, finally adopted new amendments to the Marketing Act. As finally amended, the Act adds packing and storage to the present control of -the marketing board over marketing of natural products within the province. Authority to regulate the transportation of pro ducts was given the Lieutenant Governor In council. A clause was ' added, retroactive to March 1934, precluding legal action against of ficers of the provincial or Dominion marketing boards, this being designed to stay court actions now In progress. Montreal News Man is Killed John McNaughton Loses His Life While Mountain Climbing Near Geneva GENEVA, Nov. 24:-John McNaughton, Montreal newspaperman, attached to the League of Na- $500 fine and five lashes by Mr.tions staff, was killed In a fall Justice A. M. Manson In Supreme jnear here while mountain climb-Court here was conspiracy to dls-'lng. His body was found Sunday, tribute morphine. Mike Punak was' similarly sentenced for selling Crownine ParaAp drugs. Having drugs In his posses-1 U7 U Ft w 111 0e slon the y was charge on which Shlnlcharo Hiklda was similarly School Children punished. LONDON. Nov. 24: At the request .of King Edward VIII hlm- Iself, special accommodation will bo provided along the "Victoria Embankment next May for thousands of school children to view the Coronation procession. Unemployed Par tide ... In y.ancouver Was Stopped by Police VANCOUVER, Nov. 24: A squad of police on Saturday night broke up, a parade of two hundred men who were demonstrating on Granville Street at the sentencing last week by Mr. Justice A. M. Manson They apprehended a man who was. of two men for having participated skulking thereabouts, Other officers in the recent riot at Hamilton retook a second man believed to have. lief hall. There was no violence and been Involved In the same robbery. I no arrests were made..