Many Children Being Tested Dr. A. S. Lamb, Provincial Chest ' Specialist,- Having Busy Time In Prince Rupert Dr. A. S. Lamb, provincial chest specialist, and his staff nurse, Miss J, B. Peters R.N., who are here to conduct tuberculin tests of local school children under a new provincial government medical service, have been having .a busy keew at the local schools. Dr. Lamb and tlsitOTu. ...411 u nir lne tuberculosis clinics at the Prince Rupert General Hospital Here's a Mean Thief v HAMILTON, Ont., Nov. 24: (CP) -i-Sent to a realtor family rent, 12-year old Marion Alexander confided In a man on a street car. At her destination he helped her off, then snatched her purse. NOW-TestThis Famous Cough Mixture-FREE A Singje Sip Proves Its Flashlike Action It costs nothing to And out why BUCK LEV'S, the Alkaline Cough Mixture, gives iuch quick, luting relief. Recognize the fct that BUCKLEY'S is economical it Is t times as powerful and effective as ordinary cough syrups BUCK-' LEY'S is alkaline penetrates air passages soothes heels helps you instantly to get . rid of germ-laden phlegm. Put it to the test today. Stop In at your favorite drug store and find out for yourself why BUCKLEY'S outsells all other Cough and Cold remedies in Canada if not 100 per cent, satisfied get your money hack. npss BIRTH-RATE INCREASING Advance in 300 Years Greater Tli an in all Previous History Peak in 2100 BALTIMORE, Nov. 24; (CP)-- Two research workers have coun-' ted noses throughout the world. I figured trends and arrived at the conclusion the peak of the world population probably will be reach-1 wm !LZlvl " ed In 2100 with 2,645,500,000. least another week and, while here, , - win Aim mnrinM nn nf h. mut. ! Present population was placed at 2,073,300,000, an Increase of nearly five-fold' over th 445,000,-000 In the world of 1630, the earliest time of a recorded estimate. 'InJ! ? p,enu,nc aempt hV the eovernment to enable home Improve and modernize their homes, and it is to be iuu aa vantage will be taken of it Stetson Hats Style - Quality - Character f Canadian-madc, styled and priced for world markets . . . The Canadian-made Stetson Hats will lead the Christmas K f4,rade' of course, for Stetson is the accepted quality head- -wear for discriminating men throughout the world. New Stet-2 sons are now on display ready for your inspection, ready for your selection, ready to give you the style and quality that M belongs to Stetson alone. You will wear a Stetson proudly! BRYANT i The scientists pointed out thatf that stratJing rapidity of recent populaitfon growth means that in """f" wCijr unci JJwiluu Ul fr t Iho 10 me pay , . . . WWW JWtWaJ WilV 41111 Utlw iUlU VUlT stripped by nearly five times that of all previous history of mankind, estimated at from 100,000 to 500.- 000 years. Little wonder, the study, implied, that civilization is a little groggy and dazed by .this multl-1 plication of its people. 1 The present rate of growth, Is approximately one percent annually, but the research workers do not expect this rate to continue long and believe that in shortly more than 150 years the top will be reached. The scientists who made the count are Dr. Raymonl Fear and S:ph!a A Gould of !he John Hop-k'ns UnJvsMsity School of Hygiene and Public Health. Their study, published in "Human Blcroy," rtM the txnrendous population fniciease of the last 300 years as a p-"-slh5 basis of some of the unsolved complexities and problems of the modern age. Home Improvement Loans For Those Wishing to Extend or Improve Their Homes Members of the Chamber of Commerce Committee, in ya WoUinny an jju&siuie miormauon to anyone interested will make themselves available at the following places and times: f. . . Ri M. Winslow at the Cold 'Storage Office, any week-day , br,n brings noon between 1 and 2 n'olnok nnrl avnninn uni.n c ifl i disturb J55 MATTHEWS Star in "It's Love Again" MUSICAL PICTURE Jessie Matthews Here in "It's Lovr Again" Murder' Mystery Also On Double Bill ) "It's Love Again," dance and musical romance starring Jessie Matthews, the popular British star. and "Preview Murder Mystery' police melodrama, comprise the double bill offering on the screen of ths'Capitol Theatre here at, the first of this week. A show girl with looks but no luck and a gossip columnist with s big. imagination but no conscience share the sprightly comedy and gay adventures set forth in "It's Love Again." Jessie Matthews Is the am bitlous chorine and Robert Young the tabloid Journalist who fabrl- ! bates his news when. things are dull Complications follow when he In vents in his teeming brain the. exis tence of a dangerous and myster lous Asiatic adventuress whom Jes- to life In a convincing but ng imitation. The picture Wfilrlnn MAfJ o nJ "u V: I BMUs Matthews ample oppor ,.. -.v-J.v,v- i u. xj. tiuiuioLuii a, uiiiccj oi t oeconci Avenue. Thursday evening between B and 9 o'clock, J.: J. Little, Power Corporation office, Tuesday evenings, 7'to 8 o'clock. John Dybhavn. 315 Third Avenue. Thnrsr? tuhltyfor slhglng,:'daik)ing. 'and de yeloplng. her smart screen person allty. kurder in a moving picture, stu-.J aio is ine ineme oi ine review i' , u i . . J uulul i Murder Muraer Case." uase," a a thrilling tnruung yarn yarn set set I Q.1m Between. A and 4 o clock and evenings, 7.30 in Hollywood. There is a series of tO o:o0. mysterious murders which start at A. Brooksbank. 315 Third AveniiP Amr f? ,1.; uoJ a picture preview and continue on koo hours.' ' j uuimg uuol"a movie lot. The oast includes snrh favorites as "Reginald Denny, Frances Drake, Gail Patrick. Rod La-Roque,. George Barbler, Ian Keith. Conway Tearle and Jack Mulhall, g The "Playboy" and "Bantam" (air-light Stetsons), are ...$5.00 KeSular WelSht Stetsons are $7.50 Unlined $7.00 M From the Canadian Stetson factory the comes $5.00 Brock Hal, styled I and created by the same hands and machines. The surprising quality of g this hat surpasses even that of previous years. 1 $350 is indee? a price for the man-on-the-strcet to pay for a hat $5 P?SSf sl"g th q.uali,ty an(1 value so apparent in the Kensington Hn rpui u jjP iiat. I his hat, also is made in the Stetson factory. Lined- g gg Rtf Also a bic SelppMnn nf Mate fn. nn -i. 'i .i ' V book 5- "ATS! A hk SClCClin 10 8ulyour-.talc and pocket COMPANY LTD. Local Girl Is Giscome Bride Miss Nina Hunter Becomes Brid Of Martin Johnson of Wells At Church Ceremony A pretty wedding was solemnized on November 15 In SU Francis Church at Giscome with Ucv. Father Oilhooley officiating when Miss Nina Elsie Hunter, eld-cst daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs. James Hunter of Prince Rupert, became the bride cf Martin Johnson of Wells. The pretty tirade, who was giver, n marriage by A. W Allan of Prince George, wore a gown of white satin with lace yoke and ln-erts In the sleeves, her silk em-roidered veil being fastened with wreath of orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of red roses. Mrs. J. C. Naef, sbter of the bride, was matron-of-honor, wearing a gown of pink organdie and carrying a shower bouquet of pink carnations ind farn. J. C. Naef was grooms man. During the signing of the .agister, Mr. Owen played a violin solo, "Ave Marie." Following the nuptial rites in he church, a reception was held t the home of tho bride's grand- varents, Mr. arid Mrs. Bateman. ocal friends as well as a number !rom outside points being In at-endance to tender their feliclta- lons to the .happy couple. The I jrettlly decorated bride's table wa :entrcd with a three tier wedding ake. Later Mr. and Mrs. John-pn left for Wells where they will eside. The bride is a well known 'rlnce Rupert girl, having lived icre. from early girlhood until a ew years ago when she left for ,'rince George. Her sister, Miss Beatrice Hunter, had planned gong from here to the wedding but vas prevented by the railway tic-ip Irom doing so. New Books For Local Library dumber of Volumes Added To Shelves, Librarian Announces Recent additions, to the pay sec-ion of the Prjnce Rupert Public library are as follows: "Summer Liffhtnlne" (Corliss). Hen Pleases Tilbury Owner TILBURY, Ont., Nov. 24: (CP) Those double-yoked eggs will have to take a back ' seat now where young Clifford Warnock Is concerned. On, his parents' farm near here one of Clifford's Ply- mourn KocK hens laid an egg four Inches long and six Inches In circumference. Deer Fails in Swim BROCKVILLE, Ont., Nov. 24: (CP) The long swim across the St. Lawrence River from Brock-vllle to Morrlstown, N.Y., proved too much for a, large buck deer. Overhauled by a ferry and lassoed by members of the crew, the ani mal was dead from exhaustion or drowning before it could be lifted aboard. It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rorers Silverware. TO Prince Rupert, B.C. IMUSSALLE'M'S 1 ECONOMY STORE WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront At a recent conference In Victoria' of a delegation of fishermen's organizations with the' fisheries committee of the legislature when various matters concerning '.he fisheries were discussed, M. E. Guest took strong objection to a proposal of abolition of the marketing board. Mr. Guest 6ald the various marketing schemes were of great value and any interfcr-rnce with the Halibut Marketing Board, for instance, would be trongly opposed by Prince Rupert "Ishermen. Union steamer Caiala, Capt. John Muir, returned to port at 1:45 this afternoon from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and called an hour or so later fcr Vancouver and waypolnts. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Daly, Capi, Reg Giecn, returned to port yesterday afternon from the upper end of Grenville Channel where It delivered Aurlol's logging camp outfit whloh has been moved from Denis Arm. The outfit had been tied up at the fishermen's floats here fcr the better part of a week owing to unfavorable weather. The Daly is today de livering to Big Bay sawmill a rafi' of logs from Denlse Arm. Also on account of the stormy weather, these logs had been tied up for the past Week at Metlakatla. Tweedsmuir Park Lands Discussed Allegations are Subject of Inquiry By C.C.F. Mrmber In Legislature In answer to questions by R. B. Swallcs. C.C.F. member for Delta Hon. A. Wells Gray, minister of '.ands. stated In the Legislature last week that some of the land wimm tne area now known as Tweedsmuir Park in the central Interior in the vicinity of Oots?. Lake had been alienated from the province previous to tne area being created a reserve. These alienations had been made between September 1018 and February 1029. No arrangements had been made with the owners. Th Rough.'pag;; t Gavin Douglas), Reserve related onjy to crown WhlteiiBanriers"' Wh(kLtini!r',j .Yr.ltwA ! Lloyd -xTvttiffi!i.) Douglas). isranted land. ' 'A Cloak ,Qf, .ionkey Fur" (Du-juld), "The bid; Xshburn Place" (Flint), "Farewell' Romance" Frankau), "Lost Wagon Trail" ?Zane Grey), "Candle Indoors" Hull), "Great Laughter" fHurst), 'Two Keys to nore), "Great Aunt Lavlnla" (Lincoln), "Best Ulays of 1935-36" (Burns Mantle), "Golden Wed ding" (Parrlsh), "Manila Galleon" (Rogers), "Fortunes of Captain Blood" (Sabatlnl), "Kidnap Murder Case" (Van Dine). "So Long to Learn" (Wallace). Two Dogs No Relief WELLAND, Ont., Nov. 24; (CP) Welland relief recipients will be cut from relief rolls If they pos- I eocc mrtro tViAn rv a nn( Jnn. tu. a Cabin" (Larri-.' MC lJCk UU(i' U1C wen are Doara nas aeciaea. Persons who own two dogs must destroy one if they wish to continue receiving the public benefits. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 l'IIONE931 Specials HKKI' Pot Roast QC 4 lbs t T,,r!:. : 30c Short Ribs njj 3 lbs Hamburger, 3 lbs. & OEJn 2 lbs. Onions Sirloin Steak f?A 50c 3. lbs Round Steak -i ner lb IDC VEAL snoumer or veal I A per lb. J.UC Leg of Veal A m per lb. IDC Veal Chops Off 2 lbs ODC Stew VeaU- q 3 lbs . 4DC LAMB & MUTTON r . per lb: aDC Lamb Chops a- per lb. ADC Shoulder of Lamb a m per lb IDC Shoulder of Mutton A per lb 1UC Loin of Mutton 4 . per lb. IDC Sausage, 1 lb. & 0- Vi lb. Liver iQDC .lit !!.' J Bishop Dedicates Woodland Window Memory of Well Known Local Man Is Honored by His Widow (.Dedication of a beautiful, .stained, glass memorial window Installed by the widow in memory of her husband, the late G. A. Woodland, long a prominent member of the church, was conducted at morning service in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral on Sunday by Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix, Bishop of Caledonia. The Bishop, In the course of the dedication, explained the emblems Graduates Find Employment appearing on tho glass-rohe rep'-,-resentlne the Resurrection: an-i' other, the Volume of the Sacred Law on the altar, representing Masonry, and a third, a lyre, rep resenting music, T Inn. U131 TIMFC n.,.r me country Beyond" JESSIE . MATTHEWS - In - It's Love Again' With IIOIIERT YOUNG (At 7:00 & 9:42j plus REGINALD DENNY '"PREVIEW MUKDER CASE" - tAt 8:37 Once Only) World News (At 8:22 Hir Coming; Wednesday Robt. Montsomcry, Rosalind Russell in "Trouble For Two-Plus James Oliver Curwood', TORONTO, Nov. 24: (CP) A 1936 class has bn employed, It is survey of graduates of University reported. Only about nine percent oi loronto snows n percent or tne are classed as "unemployed Christmas Cards Now in the time to pick your cards. It will be to your definite advantage to look over our immense stock and make your selection. Conveniently arranged and priced extremely low. A fine selection of beautiful cards from 5c to 2.r)c each. Elk Slippers A splendid Christmas gift, easy to send. We have a nice range of real Elk Slippers that wear for a long time and are very beautiful, $.').50 pair. Also we have, just received a special shipment of Infant's sizes in White, fine quality, at $1.25 pair. Infant's sizes in Rose (Suede) 85c pair. I BUY YOUR XMAS GIFTS AT Dry Goods & Novelty Shop Children's Coats and Dresses Hose, Gloves, Scarves Novelty Evening. I Jags Novelty Jewellery Pick out your Christmas Gifts and we will lay them aside for you. Oil Heaters n . Now is the time to prepare for the winter, be warm and con fortable, buy a new type "QUAKER HEATER" made In sizes suit all requirements. NO WICKS, no moving 'parts, chaP . operate and the most modern and beautifully designed, Mait on the market, passed by the Research Burcauat Ottawa. We are. also agents foi "KKESKY" a Hotel 11ULCI tWIU nnd Restaurant lliataUiailt Burners UUlllVid for u nil j -jj A t tin 44 i.'i'n.t tt s-xii i ri - rittrnnrft. v... iinma ju ijcuiera una marine oiuvt; u in-.- suit any demand, let us give QUAKER." you a demonstration Ward Electric & Marine Supply Co. Cow Bay, Prince Itupcrt ft