n Optimistic Hunter . AUIT STfr MARIE, Onfc. Nov. - (CPJ Mose kusscil was weu nri fi i irr nLii Lru u u a. UiPpt'U "IT harp on a nunune inn. ML .7 " ".( . othor thlnes he carried an hlla. "It's tb .keepithf flies i . ..mU 1 nan . I DON'T BE LATE Order Your Amas SUIT or COAT - today Torn House 'o.roppne or House o IlQbberllrLclotb.es , Urge selection, fit gUaraf teed. LING - The Tailor 817 Secpnd Ave, Phone GJ9 AlCTION SALE " Timber Nale X?OH08 ... . . - I a There win roe . .,. i.iiim fit ntm on the 8th. UOMQ. .w ------- ..trt North CI Ui near ougur Three Jars wUl be tuiawea ior re- a w -- ... Provided an? one uaanie to attend ...... h ah ,1.11 riCUT OI aUO nn and treated as cnc bid. Pnnther rartlcwars may De ootainea District Forester, mumocpB. Timber Sule 20l i.ur k n twin rn txl 1 ft h rltv b uiw December, 1939. for the purchase oT iv X20921. to cut 1.852 000 lect 01, qrriCT tarn CY nrril stf t a Tl a nH Tann Two years will be allowed for re-, 1VB1 Ul LHlliLJari ' Further particulars of (the Cftiel Pot- ; Timber .Sale XITSS Sc-Vd tenders will be received by the er than noon on Ithe 24th day of, nber, 1936. for the purchase of 'ma. TC17H.V to nit 3 345.000 feet. Of l . V. ' 1 rW.ii am an' V 1 One year win be allowed for removal Umber further xartloulara of the Ohtef Fo- "GOVERNMENT MOTOR ACT NOTICE is hereby given that on la ersuned nteuu to awr w. W tmmr r7r.nt.rAt TVmrH for A licence m Lou Not 1, 2, and 3. In biock o, Wa. for the tale of beer by the giM r T.nja nni t i a t nr ihiii 1 1 l liii 1 uii va re Dated thla 6th day of November, A D. CARL KIRMIS Applicant. "OOYKRNMENT I.IO.i:R ACT" (Hertlnn 27) 0TlrE or application fen HF.CU LICENCE Notice la hereby elven that on . th bla. imim the Lnjlri described ait tota No. 13 and 14,. Block 2, Section I. Map Q?3, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province, of British Columbia, for the sale of beer i tjia mac- ha rt a rw-kT t i m mr ujli- Dated thU 3 1st day of Oct6ber. 01 . 7 ipplloant OPORQE U RORIE. TruaVe of Knox Hotel Company Limited; in Bankruptcy. V Tilt' l l.ul.'ML nil'IlT nl' ItltlTlSII COI.lMIIIV IN PKOHATE tl tl. ' 4 rul Will Art" And i i . . . . . t. . . . wj iiiain oiirniin Aliilrput Ilereniieil. inirMiii- TAKE NnTtm?' hi onlex of hH Honor. W e Fihor 20th day of November, A, D. 1938, I waa appointed AdmmUtratnr r,t t,h t.,t at William Gordon Andrews, dmwl and all Pnrttea havlruF rlrWn nm I ii.it. the a'a taii are hereby required to furnlah fme. (properly verified, to me on or wore tn 9.1 tt .in f rwinrjer. a u and J1 Tvnrt)e: Inrlebted--to' IhO "ir inacDiedneM to me loruiwiui NORMAN A, WATT, VUIU04 JKUHvii.(-y-ii . ' TOtHrtSA 'tJ,irukrt.B. C Putfd the aath day of November, A. D. lfnn. LAND ACT , A Land .' 1 .. " wiots nutert ijtuiu xvwtviwo ui"rlct of Range 4, Coatrt Land DUtrlct. na situate approximately one mile In Southerly dlrnntlnn nlonff- the coait "ne of Prlncesa Roval Iland' from Tied JJ Point, said Red Fe(-n Point belfi nn-.v """,y Iour roue m yi?,J.l riLir. M .... i . . ,a i, z, xi Trv . www tlHbb IUUL1 UttH't ' w " 1 1 TtC P iitu tin . . .... I VlfiYl - . -. . 'UAJ.a UiLlVMlMUt - " ftfT 'ntendi to apply fora leaae of " roiiowing described landa. Com "fnelng at a post blanted at nig; marlt on .the ghortinne jn the "'ItWle Of n Vl .nr,.A.In,lll r." Ollle Bmi.h rf nH wrn Point fence three ohalm North.Eaat: thance WTi ohalna Eaat thene. five chain! t7".l? thence fifteen chalna West. :V Northerly to the neareat DOln' tow water, thence followlna lo rr'T Ifl t oolnt nntvoltA the Initial rt and containing five acre, mora or HANS1 HANSEN DfL UW4 nth day tvf OotoMt. llir Even Police Protection Failed to Save BlacksKirts Issued His Own 'Money to Keep Wheels Turning ELLERHOUSE, N. S., Nov. 24: (CP) Old ear residents of Eller- lfiese pictures show the tnRrc.h. Qf Sir fii.wald Mosley and his F4sclst follower in Lonqtf s, tast -and cn Sunday iCstQtf?K.4). Despite a )ieavy gutotce,- ?elnin picture, diMrdes. ,cciitrf d almost as ican .as tiipro,-! cession got under way and, in the fighting that ensued ibtffoYe1 the -parMuwrtflAhal- received Inluriej.,.. rpnutrlng hospital treatment. The fact that jit least 100 000 angry antl-Faschts had lined up along the route made police compel Sir Oswald to halt the parade, fearing greater rioting and casualties. Sir Orwald and )ii lieutenants In their natty uniforms are shown receiving ,the falute from a company of girls. 1 money stated and used thess with Aini. pV 1 HUm n 01 T dV ! which to pay the men." "This 'money' In turn was spent j WaKK DAfi! i hv thP emritovees -at the village i U CMU Lr,Ca store owned by Frank Stevens ! when funds arrived from and, Succumhed to IIeart Attack While srupmenw, ws paper wus unvcn i up by Mr. Ellershausen." ! "The storekeeper enjoyed trade, I which he would not have obtained , ftSVPgSjln..new In . A-lf-the paper issue had "nof Teen. berta's scrip money. This little mad;,. for lf he had' waited, for Nova. vScotla village has . had In payment of bank currency, most circulation s n c e conieaerauon , 0 the money wpuld then be spent many fonns of "money not issued by the federal government or chartered banks. Outstanding Is the , paper cur- they wanted delivery. . "So it would appear,"' continues rency ;of Francis V. EllershauspMr- Blanchard, "the manufacturer, who developed large lumber ' In- acting under, legal advice as he dustrles, saw mills, paper and pulp did, was perfectly safe In Issuing mills near and around the little ; his 'value vouchers provided his village which now bears his name, creditors were satisfied to. accent Attending Funeral of Her Niece In 'Frisco 41.. SAN jreANQISfiQ, NP.y24.: Miss Beatrice Webb dropped dead qn Saturday at the funeral of her in the, town of Windsof;and the I niece, Fay Webb,' divorced wife pf men received' goods on; the day Rudy Vallee. She was a sister pf Former Chief o Police Clarence Webb of San.Frarjpteco. Heart failure was stated to be the cause pf death. The funeral of the elder Miss Webb took place yesterday. "Mr. Elershausen" says H. Percy the same and he were able to filar value vouch?rs with good ef Blanchard, "was by no means the honor them when called on. Incl- feet. millionaire that tradition assumes dentally, these bits of paper float- Ellershausen "money" Is sitAll n him to have been. His working ed' him across the hiatus between i existence but without value as capital was supplied by Winder pay-day and receipt of returns such. The five-cent scrip looks gentlemen who had faith in him." for work done. It meant thoiu- somewhat like a modern f Ive-dol-"As his work Increased, pay- ands of days wages earned by lar bill, bearing the figure "five" ments came too soon. He was un- men who otherwise would have In each comer, artistic scrolls, a been in destitution, oiit of work.' reproduction of the Ellershausan tufed stuff in time. So, to meet Later, when Mr. Ellershausen mills with smoke, rising from the the emergency) he printed' paper ;)eve.oped the copper mines of stacks, the number of the issue notes .with a. certain sum of Newfoundland, he again used Sim- and an all-Important signature. "TILLIE THE TOILER kpizraiFiC SHOCK TO MAC VJHGfO TILUlG HIM THAT THE EM c5AflEMEMTl IZIM6 HE HCtt WAS ALL HS HAtR ovJT T LLlE UJILL MCVJEti MARRV ie mow jn 7 KPr ,V ty.AcMi. Iiw . W.H4 wt'iti fitmi 1 1 ' IMOTHIW6 MATTEtZ MOVAjiWy IVJHV DD TH HAVIB TO rVO' S HAPPEM TO ME 1 )TVXIM Wilson-Murray i Speaker Before ' Briiish-hrael Speaki'ng befors the local Bri- Ifrael So:iety at Its regular f oi'41ght:y meeting Jaat inlght, W, H. TlEionrMurray associated ls-tor;ca' lrpFTviona from a. recent .p to England and Scotland with Er tah I'-iaeJ theories. More particularly he dealt wttii the coronation chair In Westminster Abbey together wlt4i some of the tuitions connected witli It. president P. H. Linzey was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of members, ..I i i. Helps -'Keep Government" I CHATHAM, Ont., Nov. 24: (CP) -"It's men lilce me who keep the gqvernment," complained Wil liam Eottertll, fined $1 and costs in police court. He thought It un reasonable, that he should be ask ed to carry his auto driver's 11 cence w-lth him constantly. For Your Christmas Baking We haye many useful and practical items that will g mil?e your Chvistmas baking a pleasure CaUe Tins, Mixing Howls, Piuldinff Bowls, CpqKle . Formers, Cookie Presses, Cookie Cutters, Cookie Tins, Icing Sets. GORDONS HARDWARE f yon lose nnythin?. try h :iasiflec nd. Announcing the opening of the MAYFAIR GIFT SHOP VE HAVE A-LARGE VARIETY OP TOYS AND SUITABLE GIFTS for; everybody f '(.-. t-- 'f Weu'nvite your .inspectioi) pf our new stock of Christmas Gift Sugges- . .v : tions. .... ,-4-.:: Mac's Secret Loss iiw , 1 , . w j - - - , ' 1 1 iim v v --i' . 1 facing Bare Facts fiY TIL LIE MUST MBIEia J 6CX)D MOr2.rJ.KJG, KKiOVO THAT I'VELOST U -2Sft e l ' ' ' ' 3 fl AT V4A IM THE PEfiOJ UVTERJ . Ort J FtMfiET AiHLE THte LISTEW.MAC AJERB NCff MaEBIED veT OMiw e4cSAaECX-fbu STilL MiQVfri tip Youfz hat Tor vitAN VJMefcri Look uke vou'uh .lost voor sst ML fcl(aH"Cl MCAM 1 , V "Do you't stopping, for your "Christ mag shopping" at. the' MAYFAIR GIFT SHOP Corner Third Ave. & Fifth St, Prince Rupert, B.C. By WstftYer 4TPO ,DOM:T.SOvji4L yYHPPY VMELlL.VOO VAJOULDN'T ONpfcSTAM, YOO'ME f4EVET2 LOST OF ANY VALUE 1, ' " , r?i My rVXi . "