r ft 8 i t i t jm.-ttty-" 'I ' """n'f'"'W .) ii.itWlf;,!-..;, . PAGE-TWO DAILY rNKWfi ' Wednesday, May 27,1930. May Some Day Pule Over Many Villages LOW HEELS!!! From WHIFFLETS the Waterfront GO FISHING he Low Heeled Sandal'Type "of Shoe is the Vogue Smart for all occasions We are showing a wide variety in WHITE, BLUE, BROWN, GREY and BLACK ,The materials are such that they will SUIT ANY QOSTUME Suede, Patent, Cali or Linen The ideal shoe for the well dressed lady. Priced from $025 3 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. rRINCK RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations colm M. Lamb, Harold C, Parkes, John. II. Pllnt, W. IL Wilson-Mur-ray, iv Hall? A. II. Waddington and wife, Allan M Da vies, Mrs. George S. Mayer and sons, Henry and George (Port Clements), Wesley Singer and wife, ( Masse tt), Harry V. Taylor (Vanderhoof), W. D. Smith (Stewart). For the East Wednesday Phone 357 PublUhed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor 8 UBSCRUTl ON KATES t,uy delivery, by mall or carrier, yeany period, paid In advance , IS.uv By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and By mall to all other countries, per year t or leaser periods, paid In advance, per "week ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incn, per rnsertlon . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line - , 86 9.00 1.40 .02 25 Wednesday, May 27, 1936 do not play cricket but baseball is just as good training, if not better. Ther& is no gpod reason why Prince Rupert should not excel in sports. There are slight weather difficulties to contend with but'that is not avery serious handicap. We urge the older people to encourage the youngsters in their games and, if they cannot play themselves, let them watch th6 lads do their stuff. The first game of the season is Friday evening, THE KING'S CORONATION Several Prince Rupert people have already made their plans to attend the coronation of King Edward VIII next day. Others will doubtless make their arrangements later. It is a great event in the English-speaking world and London, the greatest city in the world, will find its hotel capacity taxed to the limit to accommodate the crowds that will attend. WILL MAKE I Mail Schedule VIMY TRIP Some of Those Going From This City and District Announced The f eljowingfc will 'be among Vlnry excursionists from Prince Rupert fflsir1WkaV'w6'"here July 10 for overseas: D. Crerar and son, AUlstalr, Mal Monday, Wednesday and Friday . ...5 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday . . 10:20 p.m. For Vancouver. .Tuesday v. i 12:30 pm Thursday'...... . 9 :30 "p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. May 4, 13 and 23 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ... . , ; 4 pin. Wednesday . 10 a.m. Friday . 4 p.m. May 9, 18 and 28 a.m. For Anyox and Stewart , Sunday . . . 7 p.rh Compared to the model docks besides which they stand in the m ;del village of Bekonscott, Buckinghamshire. Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose, daughters of the Duke and Duchess of York, assume the stature of giants. Princess Elizabeth, eldest Rrand-daughter of the late ft.ing ueorge, is secona in line or succession to the throne of Britain. Perhaps this picture propheUc of her future status In the realm. She was ten years old on April 21. DELAY IN OPENING MUSEUM Failure of Some of Cases to Arrive Has Made it Necessary to Wait Week or Two . Owing to the -fact that a number of show, cases for specimens V.n..A - n.i.lA If ..'til .A lmnn. pumiiirjn oruivio oanaun . cikta tnrtPri-tKyiA.nW,"trt th -inis numuer or tne uauy iews marks tne opening oilpubiic next week as was expected, the 1936 baseball season in Prince Rupert and we wish the j These cases should arrive within boys a season of real good sport. If they provide good ball a Jew days and, as soon as the games there will be, no doubt, about the attendance of the ZZnT li Inobed fans. They will be there, provided the sport is all right. If Tnat was -decided at the regular they do not come the players can bet tneir bottom dollar meeting of the board yesterday tif-that there is something wrong with the play. Just now it ternoon. looks like a successful season and we advise every person The question. oftpiacing the mu-in'the city to climb the hill occasionally and see what they SSJ3.d StSL are doing city responsible for the housing of football has already started. Tennis is already under the exhibits, ail exhibits, except way. Softball is sure to provide good sport and there is those loaned, to become the pro-lawn bowling for the older men. .J' of the clty-" The matier wm The amount of interest taken in sports is an indication fJtTn UMhcity ., 1 , . solicitor. It was felt that the Car- t ii i... T - of the condition of the city. If the young men lose their negie representative at ot- pep at oaseDan, iooiDan anu otner games n is a sign oi tawa was waiting for this action decadence. The Battle of Waterloo is said to have been won on the cricket fields of England. Here the' vouner men before making the proposed grant to the museum. The skeleton . of the basking shark Is being placed in position to mak3 it look as much as possible like It was when found on the beach. It cannot be rebuilt as the drying of the vertebrae has put It out of shape, Rev. Canon Rushbrook presided at the meeting and others present were Mrs. J. B. Gibson, secretary, A. E. Parlow, Dr. Nell Carter, Rev. W. E. Colllson, City Commissioner W. J. Alder, Dr. J. T. Mandy, C. G. Ham and the custodian, N. L. Jones. The Custodian reported receiv ing five new memberships, bring ing the total to 100. Following are donations received. Rib of a whale, donated by Fisheries Experimental Station, Prince Rupert. 7 pieces local wood carvlnp, loaned by A. O. Morse Prince Ru pert. ' ' Indian skull and stone implements, donated by H. Ponder; DIgby Island, Mountain sheep head from Elk Valley B.C., mountain sheep horns from East Kootenay, B.C.; gaunt lei gloves made by the Beaver Indians; gauntlet gloyes made by NEW ONE HUNDRED MILE RAIL WAY PROJECT IN THE MINING FIELDS OF QUEBEC IS PLANNED BY C. N. It. (Continued from Pace 1! the Canadian National Railways for operation. The National Trans- continental Railway was Initially constructed through this region especially for the development of the northern" sectiqn of Quebec. During the past two. decades development, while slower than was anticipated when the line was pro-"lected, lias heen proceeding from year to year and latyerly at an ac celerated rate. The .population in the Abltlbi district in l3l6 was 3,-000. It Is now over ,48,000. It has oeen the aim of the, railway management to foster settlement and Industrial and mining development along the line and in the territory contiguous to it in every way pos sible. The community is now mak ing a real contribution toward the wealth production of the Dominion. Today mining development promises to outreach In Importance all other forms of natural resources in the territory. In this particular field, as In others, the Canadian National has been alert to aid whenever possible. Vision Is Justified "When It was reasonable to expect that the prospects In, the vl-clhlty-of the original jHorne discovery, approximately 35 miles south or the National Transcontinental Railway, would develop Into a mine, a branch line was built from Tas- chereau into the area, providing the transportation facilities necessary for the development of what is now the Noranda mine and smelter. This was in .1025. Antic! patlng that further discoveries would Justify additional mileage through the mineralized belt, gov- Noranda to. Senneterre. The onset of the depression and the necessity of keeping capital expendi tures of the railway to the lowest possible figure deferred the completion of this branch line betwten Noranda and Senneterre. The many f pectacular finds as a .result of recent work In this mineralized belt have; brought confirmation of .he rallways);opinlqn that he area in question offers the best long con tlnuous stretch of country at present known in Can adarAlready'there'arfc-&'niMbfTd'f well established, mines in active the Slave Jndians Fort Nelson, B.lm'M"T " u; 2 pairs mocassins made' by ' same as above. toaned by1 Staff Sergt. G, H. Greenwood, ( v ' -5v v are j numerous Pjfojpecls der de velopment. Theifcreniproductlon t 9 m4 iihIhh M t a 1 i. II.'. - A ut u" "mica m ai nritus rvvinmw j i me rate Fo7;; Depar mnt, TonTtS. by ?7mZ to4n indication of the A. E. Parlow. Importance of the British Columbia mineral sam- ... pies. Mining Department, donated lM Af,tcrLglvl"B ?freful consIdera bv Dr J. t vrnrfw it,on the situation and notwlth- j i . . ... ,, ... i awuiuing mc necessity lor Keeping expenditures on the government Reach .the most people In city! owned railway to a minimum, the IS McGill Professor Visitor to City Dr. Harold Hibbert Here in Course of Trip to Pacific Dr. Harold Hibbert of Montreal arrived In Prince Rupert on the rlnce George this morning from Vancouver In the course of a vacation trip to the Pacific Coast and will pay a brief visit here. Dr. Hib-'iert is professor of Industrial chemistry at McGill University vc.l) special reference to pulp and inper research. An honorary L.L D. degree was recently conferred ipon him at the. University of British Columbia. Dr. Hibbert, under whom Dr. Neal Carter and Dr. H. V. Brocklesby of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta- . i ! 1 i uuu smuieu, w3 speaner ai me regular weekly luncheon of tho Prince Rupert Gyro Club today with Dr. R. G. Large, president, in the chair. conclusion that the time has arrived for the Immediate building of this line between Senneterre and Rouyn and has brought its views io the attention of the Dominion government. The development of t A 1 & l me territory nas now reacned a tage where It becomes attractive 'x. private railway Interests and, if the Invasion by such Interests Is permitted, the people of Canada fll be deprived of the benefits for which, they have already paid In capltii costs and operating deficits. Instead of reaping the reward' of a development project, the people oddly conceived, the people of Canada will have .to- .recognize the National Transcontinental Railway is a permanent drag upon the fin ances of the country if this Inva- aU!hlTil WaS. fk is allowed. We hope, therefore, at that h- tlmefo build easterly from make an early start on the building of this branch line from th2 National Transcontinental Railway." Headlnc Off C. P. R. President Ilungerford and A. E. Labelle, trustee of the National system, accompanied by a number of thj. officers; of the system, left for Quebec last, night to appear before the committee of the Quebec Le glslature to. oppose the granting of gold bearlngia charter to the Temlseamlngue ana aoiudi Kanway erne Canadian Pacific subsidiary) and the Quebec OOld fields .Transportation Com pany. t, Today's Weather (8 a.m.) Terrace Cloudy, calm, 52, Anyox Clear, calm, 50. 8tewart Cloudy, calm, 47. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 55. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 50. and district with an advertisement . management of the Canadian Na- Dally News want-ads bring re- 3 p.m. In the Dally News. Itlonal Railways has reached the suits. . 1 yifter spending theVeefc'-end In port, the snagboat Essington, Capt. J. D. Watson, left 'Tueiaiy morning on her1 return to the 'Siteenii River. Schools of herring were running In Ketchikan Harbor at the weekend according to wird received in-Prince Rupert. Hie Ifch wre of such a large size that It was-thought by some that tiiey1 iil.'giu' be a species of sea trout. However, It was officially decided that they were herring. The run was not large enough to warrant flsftlnu operations. The Tuscan was 'n Ketchikan with 14,000 pounds of halibut on Saturday and received an offer of 6y2c and 4.8c which she refused, coming on to Prince Rupert Monday to sell for 7.7c and 6c. Later In the day the Bollnda was In Ketchikan but did not sell. The small Ketchikan boats Eljl- nore and' New Zora arrived In port this morning, each bringing on carload of fish for trans-shipment east over Canadian National It will be about Friday, It Is expected, before the British steamer Hartlngton, loading, timber here for the Orient, gets away to the West Coast of Vancouver Island and Vancouver to complete, Paying Its first visit to this port, the Seattle halibut boat Banner was In port today with a catch. The En tier has a steel bot tom and steel masts. She Is the first halibut vessel of that type' of construction. C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in lort at 10:45 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Vean Falls and will sail at 4 o' clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening BRIGHT COLORS VOGUE FOR CARS Greys and Tans Are Favored Foi Automobiles This Year DETROIT, May 27 Brighter col-rs are the vogue In automobiles .his year manufacturing compan-;s report. Grays and tans are the 'avorltes. Blacks and dark blues .re not so popular. the 24th ff'.'-n;4 - ,f,Boys Outfit Rod tthei'antL'UeerAlj For OtHer Outfits, $1.89. .and up,, i Fish Baskets , $1.45. land; up to, , f , . $5.50 PLAY TENNIS Use SPALDING BALLS with the new cover; club price, 3 for $1.25 Regular 50c each Everything for Sports at, Kaien Hardware DELICIOUS, SUMMIT ICE CREAM In K-Gallons and Uaflsns VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 WANTED Camp Phone Run Hemlock Green 687 or "DIRECT H. E. CUTTING Logs. Write Stanley Dishoprick, jr. Prince Rupert Do You Return From Your Vacation lttO 'percenl Fit?' s SURE, When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME KAMUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands Try a Dally News want-ad, MiMiir, Tb Quaker 0t Compwr. PUrbrglik . 'V . The periont wHo conium are as important as the per0 who purchasei. Newspaper give us direct acces to all men bera of-the 'family." R. C. CUTTINQ Union Steamships, limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJVL Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. TS. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 IM. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and N' WTtr' Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information reeardlnir &alllnea and tickets from It. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third AVe. PboneoJ