Play Ball ! After Games the Gall Baseball in t0 1 n I! r$ ssrown s Stores m Let's All Go! If It's For Sports We Have It! KAIEN HARDWARE ANNETTE'S Ladies Wear Co. "The Store of the Better Dressed For Less Come in and see our new line of LADIES' SLACKS and JACKET SUITS OLD EMPRESS HOTEL . Home of the .Fisherman, Logger Mfnor, ROOMS $10 per month, $3 per week, 50c per night SHOWER BATHS Jimmie Ciccone Third Ave. Phone 946 Overwaitea Ltd. PHONE 843 Cash or CO.I). A 100 B. C. Firm OUR TEAS and COFFEES ARE THE BEST Quality First 'arid Always City League Season Opens FRIDAY, MAY 29 Acropolis Grounds, 6:30 p. m. With a Suit From LAMBIE & STONE You'll be a "Hit" Anywhere 1 A HAT TO THE HIGHEST BATTING AVERAGE OF THE SEASON BULGER'S JEWELRY STORE You'll make a "hit" with the girl friend if you get her "ring" here! FRASER & PAYNE Dry Goods and Mens Furnishings AKE YOU WATCHING EXPENSES? Buy a Reconditioned Guaranteed USED CAR The automobile you buy this year should give the service that Is olfered by our thoroughly Reconditioned Used Cars. Each carries a 50-50 30-day warranty plus bur 3-dayt money-back guarantee or 5-day tree-exchange privilege. See them, Let us explain how these guarantees save your pocket, protect your purchase. Several makes and models. Convenient terms, S. E. PARKER LTD. Ford Dealers Admission 25c GOOD FOR PRIZE DRAWING Phone 18 P.O. Box 575 BEFORE, AND AFTER THE GAME Drop Into MUSSALLEM'S Ice Cream and .Confectionery Store Fresh Fruits Candies Tobaccos See the NEW SUITS; Spdrt Models fo'PSpring and Summer, tailored by .Fashion Craft, ready to wear .. at $22.00. Pressing Free. . A Guaranteed Forsyth Shirt Free to the ' " first home run! BRYANT COMPANY LTD. 'i ' 0RMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists "Always Play Good Ball" ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 COAL Complete-Line of Builders' Supplies Sons of Canada vs. Canadian Legion Sons of Canada Line-up GURVICH, c. LINDSAY, p., rf. LETOURNEAU, rf., p. DOMINATO, lb. CALDERONI, 2b. JOHNSON, ss. LAMBIE, 3b. MORGAN, If. CAMPBELL, cf. DRAWING FOR PRIZES 1st Prize $10.00IN CASH, donated by P. R. Baseball Association 2nd Prize RADIO LAMP, donated by Northern B.C. Power Co. 3rd Prize ELECTRIC TOASTER, donated by Kaien Hardware 4th Prize $3.00 IN TRADE, donated by Lambie & Stone 5th Prize $3.00 IN TRADE, donated by Fraser & Payne 6th Prize $3.00 IN TRADE; donated by Grotto Cigar Store 7th Prize 5 SACKS OF COAL, .donated by Albert & McCaffery 8th Prize SHAMROCK HAM. donated bv Burns & Co., Ltd. 9th Prize PREMIUM BACON,.donated by Swift Canadian Co. 10th Prize 4 lb. RILEY'S TQFEEE, donated by Scott-Bathgate Drawing on Opening Dayof, League, Friday, May 29 ' This Page is Sponsored and Paid for by Public Spirited Firms and Individuals of Prince Rupert. Canadian Legion Line-up BURY. c. COMMONS, p. ARNEY, p. ANTONELLI, lb. NAKAMOTO, 2b. ROGERS, ss. HOWE, 3b. STALKER, If, SIMONSON, cf. HUNT, rf. and have one. of our (Rig) MILK SHAKES and ICE CREAM f SODAS Eleven Flavors to choose from NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Always Fresh Next to Capitol Theatre and' Moose Hall PHONES S70 & SO You Can Buy No Better 80 of Public Motor Transportation Companies in B.C. operate on HOME GAS Exclusively HOME OIL Distributors Ltd. COMPLIMENTS of the RUPERT PEOPLE'S STORE and CUT RATE SHOE STORE Regain the Joy of Youthful Feet BUY MURRAY'S SHOES Made by Canadians for Canadians FASHION FOOTWEAR Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company Limited "RUPERT BRAND Fresh, Frozen and .Smoked Fish BURNS & COMPANY Manufacturers of Shamrock Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc. V