ffjdBtyUr. May il, 1?38 WAKE-UP YOUR LIVER BILE fai Yu11 Jump Out ( tUi la t) Jtfofning Rarin' to Go vka Hfr ihoold pouf ovt tws tomdi at f aAtt bil ! root dT. U this Ml bmt (lewi f '""d Wt dirt. Start! Inn In th bow.ta. Gu Moats p ili. .Mmuh. Yoo rt eontthatad. Harmful J, r lto tha Wr, .wf ytm (m sac. JJak ass tba world looks ponk. . j" n bml momrxnt doraa'tatirar ft t tha csom. Yoa wl smathlai- tht works tha H '" Uka tbcM awad. eld LittJ Urn Pills la rt tbo two, jrtmls otW flow)" " TW ILi "p and vp Harmlaaa and rant)a.Uar liU tha f raalr.They do tlx work TtaHiMl hot haa no eatomel of mercury In fjUm Aik for Cartaf'i UUW Unr Pill, br Jn. Stubborn! refosa anything aba..e. PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD. SEAL Fancy . Red Sockeye CIIIS5! In 1 "'oaoer L.iNO ACT PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed" by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the" "Year round payroll In Prince Rupert, 1 1HK- (t i'KCMK I'OtKT ,OV I1UITIMI coi.v.Min i r noli vn; IV lilt MAT1KH OF TUB "AUMIMS-TKATIO' ACT" AMI IX f lit MATTER Of TUB KHTATE Of JOHN JOY, lra.fa. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of H' Honcur Judge. PUhr; Uocal Judge of the Swrne Court of British Columbia, mwle the Z2nd day of May, 1936, I wbv appolb-W Admlnlstraitor of the EstatK of John Jcj, Deceased InteaUU. lat o! Prince Rupert.. B.C., "who died' on Uit Mth, day of April, 1938, All persons harlu; claims against -th said ftat&re hreby required to furnish same pro perly: vettlied' to m on or before the 23th day of June 1938; otherwise dls-; portion of Uw eald Estate will be mad4 without regard thereto. All parties Indebted' to the said Estate are required to' pay the amount of their Indebtd-nns to me forthwith. . . DATED this -22hd day of May 1936. NORMAN A. WATT; Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT Notlre of intention to apply to Leat Land In Prince, Rupert Land Recording District .of Range 6 Court, and altutte close, to Oalloway Rsj)tds Bridge, near Prince Rupert. B. C. Take notice that I. Martin Miller o' Prince Rupert, B.C. occupation Lumber tntn Intend! to apply, for a lease of tie foQiWlng' described Foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted p-proilmatelT 3.000 ft, north of Lots US-118. D. L. 341. Range 5 Coast District thence about 500 ft. south to opposite shore thence northerly Iollolng th shoreline to post of commencemeni and containing U4 acre, more or lent MARTIN MILLER Pt4 Uarrh 4 LAM ACT Kotlre of Inlrnllnn lo apply to Pur chae Ijind In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dutrlot of Queen Charlotte Islands and situate on the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet immediately South ol Lot 45. Q. C. I. , Take notice that the Allison Logging Company Limited of Vancouver, B. C Intends to apply for permission to put chase the toUowlng described lands:- Commencing at a post planted at the 8. W, corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 60 chains East along South boundary of Lot 45; thene due South to' shoreline; thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 40" acres more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd. Dated April 31. 1936. ' LA.MI ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leae Land In Prince Rupert Land , Recording. Di-Wet of Range 5 Coast, snd situate or Kalen Island close to Oalloway Rapldf Bridge. Take notice' that I. Martin Miller o Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Lumber inan intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: . Commencing at , a post planted ip-proimatley 3 000 ft. north of lots US-JIB, t. L; 351. Range S Coast thence 860 feet west; thence 760 ft. south thence 680 feet east; thence 360 ft nth thence following the ahore j Uo to post of commencement and contain' ten acres, more or less. . , ' MARTIN. MILLER Dated March . 1fl.1i Nolle e of Intention to apply to Lease i.anu Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Ohftrlotte Wanda, apd Jituate on Cumshewa Inlet fronting on unsurveyed Crown Land which la situ-Jn hnmedlaitely South of Lot 45, wen Charlotte Islands DUtrlct. Take notice that the' Allison Logging wwnpany Limited of Vancouver, U.O. intends to apply for a lease of the tot wjhf described Foreshore Lands:-, , . Commencing at a port planted at the -W, corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence .chains due South; thence 60 chain iu! thence due North to Shore-": thence West along .shoreline to iV L of commencement and contain-"i ?0 acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. . . Pres. Allison Logging Co, Ltd. ""ted AjrU 21, 1936. NAME 'MAC with POPULAR McDonald Most Common Name. In TWO P.E.I. CountlesFrnMi; Canadian "Arsenauit" Pop- ular in Third Prince county ihows 8,960 names with 1,288 of them Mc's. McDonald appears only 168 times though, compared with the 600-odd times Arsenauit is listed. "John A. McDonald" is Prince Edward Island's most popular name, with "John J.", "James", and "Joseph" runners-up. ways of preventing confusion which might arise when several families In one community bearing the same surname choose Identical Christian names for their offspring. Down west there was a Olg Mal colm McDonald whose son was called Johnny Big Malcolm, and his son, Alex McDonald. There were so many other "Alex McDonalds" about that the grandson was called "Long Alex" which made him "Long Alex Johnny Big Mal- COl"l" Donald Alexander McKlnnons or other similarly popular combinations In some quarters are dif ferentiated by the old Highland use of "Black" before the first name, giving "Black Donald". In other parts of the province affixing the name of an object like "axe" or "pump" before the surname, giving "Johnny Axe Campbell" or "Malcolm Pump McDonald", solves the problem of probable confusion quite satisfactorily. Great Britain's prime minister Stanley Baldwin, had a good word for the common "McDonald" when he visited Prince Edward Island a few years ago. "I understand," he told the people of Charlottetown, "you have about 30,000 Mc's In Prince Edward Island and a very great number of McDonalds. "It is only natural that there are so many McDonalds. A McDonald Is worth 10 other Mc's anyway." LOCAL NEWS Rev. Evan Baker is here today returning to Anyox after attending the sessions of United Church Presbytery In Vancouver Pleading guilty to a charge of contributing to Juvenile delinquency, Mrs. Mary Mlchaluk was given six months' suspended sentence by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday Dr. Neal Carter Is scheduled to be' thfc speaker 'tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. He will present his report on the recent district convention of Rotary In Vancouver, Everybody reads the Dally News There's reason. ARE FEWER Summary of Decree Results in Col leees Shows Tendency Towards Specialized Education (Canadian Preei) A tllwVit riefllno In 'th. nnmhpf uw..,mdjr iivrtor graduates from Canada's unl- -.: udinea oi arout one-quarter verslties and degree-granting in- oi nee Edward Island's 80,000. thousand buttons Is indicated as are Mc-somethlng. ;of studcnts throughout the couri- , w,,, ,uuu names are as- try take part In graduating exer in me most recent provincial cises Taken the aftermath of rectory ana almost 6.000 of them years of ec0nomtc stress, the de wiwi mc t Mcuonaia dominating. pre- crease Is not regarded as slgnlfl 'rant hv fapnltv heart In t.h' var. In number, the Mc's top the list in, nhn lnr9iiv i.Tn4 Im - 11 1 ... . Bw.w..rf w- -w. counties, in Queen's the that bet . , opinion prospects are and In Klnc's, "McDonald" is the tr than fnr SPvPr9i vMM. -uiiunon name. in ITlnCe COUn- RonnrU imm IB .nll, shnw ty, all the Mc's together comprise that about 5500 parchments were VL rlc-su"n 01 ine names distributed at ceremonies this In the western part of the pro- sprlng or approximately 250 less yince but none of the Scotch fhan ,aKt. VPar The fMai Vun groups of names taken individually )Silghlly improved by graduates ca,. uuu umr w.e irequenuy-oc-, from theological and other col currlng "Arsenauit". "Arsenauit" U u the most popular name In Prince) , There appears to be a definite County with "Gallant" second in' trend' among graduates In arts to qrder. Combined, the two French- regard their degrees merely a ; it . iu ' compnse one- stepping-stones to :more special tenth of the total number of names ized fields of endeavor. This is par in use In the county. tlcularly true In the eastern un ine queens county list naa 8,- verslties where manv are remain 96 names. There are 2.530 Mc's .t and 392 of them are McDonald. (Worid afrajrs h mor pronoilnced; ' Slightly more than 7.000 names, in Western Canada th? optlm-are listed under King's county and ism expressed at last year's gTa- 2,188 Of them are MC'S With the'rtnatlnne U mti a. nmn'n.inr-l McDonalds, 560 In number,, again' this spring. University of Alberta'? iar aneaa or any otner name. graduating class has proven , to be the largest ever to leave the lristl-: tution. An Increase is noted In thii University of Manitoba with slight declines In the Universities of Sa! skatchewan and British Columbia. Brighter Prospects Brighter prospects, particularly In regard to professional faculties .such as engineering, agriculture Besides the McDonalds, other land home economics: are seen In clans are well represented by Mc-Hhe west. University heads reDort Klnnons, McLeods, McNeills, Cam-1 an increasing number of Inquiries erons, uampoeus, erasers and. for graduates. esDeclallv In mri. Stewarts Preventinjf Confusion Prince Edward Island families: neerlng. Development, of the. great natural resources pf the north and north-west continues to be' refec.- a i t a 1 i u . j.m "a... Mc" names have their own ?Q "l uie iarBC 01 aents graauating irom ine lour western universities. More than 200 have been successful this yearj the number being slightly less than in 1935. 'Heads 6f eastern universities aH a little more cautious than their colleagues west of the Great Lakes commenting oh business prospects In the near future. But they sub scribe to the view that conditions are improving. Graduates in arts and science throughout the country show .a de crease of approximately 300, the total being estimated at 2700. The '36 engineering graduates are al most as many as last year 295 compared with 3i4. Household science retains its appeal for women but In most colleges the num ber of co-eds among the ranks of the graduates has thinned. Queen's University reported the largest de? crease In Its women graduates. Fifty have received caps and gowns against 90 last year. Agriculture courses, with 220 graduates from seven colleges, in eluding two strictly agricultural institutions, did not share in the decline to the same extent. The total was only 10 less than last year but 50 more than In 1934. University of Toronto, largest in the Dominion, has graduated, approximately 1500 students, about the same as in 1935. At McGill. '425 hoods have been distributed, a arop of 75 from last year. j Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. Norman June 3. Hmqtherhood Wllks' piano recital, P. T..A. tea, June 5, at Mrs. Win o.ow's. Eastern Star tea at Mrs. F. V. Allen's, June 9. Prince Rupert Tennis, Club an nual tournament Saturday, June 13, Canadian Legion Picnic, Digby Island, June 14. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, on June 16. Hill 60 tea at Mrs. Macey's June 17. Anglican tea. Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, June 18. V Many. Medical Developments Ilelp Advance to Safer, Happier .-rr.' Lives a NEWj-yORK;, May" 27f (AP) - Nine greati advances in ease of motherhood have been made by the medical profession in the lasi 25; years,' : Eclampsia, the cont vuislotis whicH caused frightful suffering, 'have become ahnost a rarity, un-numperea lives have Oteii .saved .'by Jhe. elimination, oi this' "slnele ' implication. Cbiapled with rfddinsc motherhood L.,. ledfce of' diet, vitamins and, gland products for this pfj-bd, The great diet change. :lle.s In feeding starchy foods, eggs and milk with fresh vegetables. Formerly the expectant, mother was fed on "delicacies" evenif . 'they killed her. . Third, Is the effort to alleviate pain. This' began with the much heralded ' twilight sleep. It is not solved The trouble with all artl f Iclal 'pav relief"" .U ' risk of injury X-Rays Helpful X-rays' rkvtf removjd the dalt Mr: and Mrs. - Thomas Fraser, whp were recently married In ths ' city, the bride having formerly been Miss Cathie Irvine, returned on. the Prince George. thls morning from their honeymoon trip to Vancouver, Victoria and elsewhere In the south. They will take up .re sidence oh Fifth. Avenue West. WORTHWHILE SAVINGS On Food Large, per bottle BUTTER First Grade per lb 3 lbs. ROYAL CITY PEAS Sieve 8. tender, sweet, per tin SALAD DRESSING Kraft Miracle Whip. 8-oz. jar .. TEA Blue Ribbon per lb - DOLLAR SODAS Red Arrow, wooden box1 to the habVi But the recent anal- SPICED HAM Hormel gesics, or pain relievers,, known as 15-oz., per tin rmbltyratcs;, are; making progress. PEACHESMaikin's Fourth, anpT' more dramatic than sliced, per tin any other, is the dating of mother- DUNBAR SHRIMPS hood, wlthln.a week lo 10. days af-J Wet, or Dry, per tin ter conception it is possible now j TUNA FISH erhobd Is: on Its ay. One method COOKING CHOCOLATE consiaeraDiy used is to note se-1 Rowntrees, 8-oz., per cake creuons or , the pltulury gland, at I CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS the Base of the brain. They change. Red Arrow Fresh, doz ana injected Jnto Immature fp- rhale mice they-:glve visible evi dence. Traniusions are the firth boon They save- many lives and much LqlLED OATS-B '&. K auiiCiiiiK. SWANSDOWN FLOUR per pkg I SHELLED WALNUTS Light pieces, 1-lb. cello Extra Cream, 6-lb. sack SLICED PINEAPPLE Choice, No. 1 tins. 2 tins ger fromone worrisome question 1 WHOLE CLAMS Saanlch the chance , of a. Caesarian opera; per tin tion. The rays Warn definitely COTTAGE ROLLS Swift's when it Is needed, and long enough Mild Cure, per lb. In advance to perform the opera KELLOGG S ALL BRAN won more .safely. The result is that per pkg once rare cesanan operations are now no .more dangerous, than other abdominal 'operations'. Anaemia is .anomer nobaomin new vs i n n he mother for essential elements r avm a for skeleton building". Feedine lime salts,, or. mflk with plenty of root vegetaoies, replenishes the store. : The dally lckneSs for weeks or months that, has been a burden for many mothers is now mostly relieved: Its cause . was a toxic condition, from food. Adding car bohydrates to the diet is one treat ment: Hated, by medlcai men as the! most Ittiportaht Is, jihe ninth ad-yance. This is, substitution of normal, activity 'for the .old Idea of mvalidlsm ' arid "delicate Condi-' tioh!." Instead of Isolation at home. today's mothers are advised to get outdoor exercise, fresh air, suitable fodd, adequate rest, freedom from worry arid care, to feel assured of' the safety of chlldbear-Ihg". . . Best of all. the medical profession Is not satisfied. The present death rate of American, mothers, It asserts; .should and can be cut 50 per cent. Hotei ArritiaU Savoy cV f; Graham, Montreal; L. F filtter, Funis, 'Switzerland. Royal G. Sanvlio,- John Johnson and Chong Yee, city;. W. L. Jordan Terrace, . Prince Rupert D. J. MuYr, Inverness; M. Dahl-qulst, Cedarvalei T.' Van Dyk, Prince George; David Roumleu, Burns Lake; C. E. Salter, Haysport-H. L, McKenney arid Harry J. A- tree, Terrace; J. Laknes, New Westminster; J, N. Mclsaac, Mont real. Central "W. ciappertonarid J. N. Gjlng. sto, city; William Noble, Stewart; i runner, Trixie; I. Bradford, C N. R. ' 4-J. Ztreiii, Proprietor "'-i HOME AWA? tttbMT ; ' ." HONK' , tot tilt p . ;tyRcm: &ot & Cold Wier Pjrlnce niipeirt, .fi.cf. Wone-MV P.O. Box 199 21c 27c 80c 13c 21c 46c 42c 39c .19c 18c 18c 17c 15c 31c 29c 31c 27c 13c 24c 19c Above Prices In Effect 1 Thursday, Friday & Saturday heirly; gone; It jnay .arise from the 1 hrilt L&SI1 & LaifrV linhnm rhllrt Heanjln ViaavUir rtv. I Third Ave. CLASsinEO WANTED GIRL wants light Phone Black 446. housework. 121 AT ONCEI Two men (21-35) ol neat appearance and fair education accustomed to meeting pub-and willing; to work 8 hours a day. Average weekly earnings .o start $20.00. Steady employment with all-Canadian organization and opportunity for advancement. Local territory will be allotted: men with cars preferred. Apply giving past experience. Room 1. Bradburn-Thompson Block. Edmonton, Alta. 127 FOR KENT 6-ROOM house, thoroughly reno vated. Apply 709 Fifth Ave., W. FOR RENT 4, room furnished flat, Monarch range. Phone 547. (tf) COMPLETELY Furnished fully modern 5-room suite with oil burner and electric washer, close In, reasonable. Apply Box 12, Daily News. (128) FOR SALE DELCO Engine, 32 volts. Supplies 28 lights. In very good condition. Apply Box 11, Dally News. (128) FOR SALE Two 11 passenger busses. Apply Box 789, Prince Rupert. (128) NEW 1936 Johnson outboard motors, Vancouver prices, W. R. Love Electric Co., agents. (124) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sundries. Highest Grade Latest Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville. Vancouver. FOR SALE solid oak dlnlngroom table $7.50, library table $10, ladles' combination desk $12 and many other bargains including family sewing machine. 337 2nd Ave. or Sarn Wood's store. 124 PAGI THMi SPECIALS Klenzo Child's Tooth Brush and Rubber .Y .. Sponge Ball.; b , t ..! Both for 19c 25c Mi 31 Shaving Cream and 20c Mi 31 Tooth Paste Both for 35c 35c Mi 31 Tooth Powder and 25c Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c Sharp's Assorted or Rum and Butter Flavor Toffee 30c lb. Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate Buds 50c lb. OvmesLtd. Ztfie. Pioneer Drvuzgrists i be Keia.ll Star . Piiones: 81 & ti Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., J p.m. till 9 p.m. t . ;- - DELUXE WALL TINT The bright and cheerful colors of De Luxe Wall Tint ! will fill your rooms with sunshine. Easy to mix. Hiasy to apply. Ana it costs you less. KSO 5-lb. package VOX, THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE PHONE 775 24 Only Simmons AH Felt Mattresses All Sizes Q7 A from $aU MAIL ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY Third Avenue Prince Rupert Phone 775 Used Furniture At Reasonable Prices i: 1! lie -it ,3 ? X V '. Dressers, Beds all sizes, Tables, Chairs, ; Kitchen Ranges, Hand-power Washing t Machine, Refrigerator For the Baby Simmons' Steel Crib, English Coach . Buggy, ' - .1 '":" riore carriage, ribre oulKie, ; : t Folder Carrier WE BUY MEN'S CLOTHES, ETC. D. ELIO PHONE GREEN 421 FURNITURE EXCHANGE It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same. j