PA03 SIX r if It's eaiy to own an Electric Range. Just make a small down-payment the balance on comfortable terms. Combination electric and coal or wood ranges are available for those who require heat for warmth. 60 PHONE GO Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Service COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE, RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONIJ: 58 and 558 Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 I Ik 1 rn rl PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Tm First Aid to Strained Budgetsy "I know lot of people have to cut corners on their housekeeping . expenses these days. That's why I have such fun helping folks .stretch every food-dollar to its uttermost limit. I help in two ways. . My fuel electricity is the cheapest form of cooking fuej yu can use. And I retain every last bit of flavour and nourishment in everything I cook which means that every dish goes farther. My perfect, even cooking heat saves you time and footsteps and you never need worry about anything being underdone or burnt. Just 6nap my switch and leave the cooking AND the saving to, me." season is announced as follows: First Half May 29 Sons of Canada vs. Canadian Legion. June 2 Canallan Legion vs. Elks. June 5 Elks vs. Sons of Cajiada. June 9 Canadian Legion v?. Sons of Canada. June 12 Elks vs. Canadian Legion. i June 1G Sons of Canada vs. Elks. June 19 Sons of Canada vs. Canadian Legion. I June 23 Canadian Legion vs I Elks. ada. I June 30 .Canadian Legion vs !sons of Canada. July 3 Elks vs. Canadian Legion. July 7 Sons of Canada vs. Elks Second Half July 10 Sons of Canada vs. Ca nadian Legion. July 14 Canadian Legion vs. Elks. July 17 Elks vs. Sons of Canada July 21 Canadian Legion vs Sons of Canada. July 24 Elks vs. Canadian Le gion. July 23 Sons of Canada Elks. July 31 Sons of Canada Canadian Legion. August 4 Canadian Legion Elks. August 7 rvks vs. Cons of nada. August 11 Canadian Legion Sons of Canada. August 14 Elks vs. Canadian Le glon. August 18-Son3 of, Canada Elks. ,...;:& '!; v1'' ' FATAL BOUT vs. vs, Ca- vs BRISBANE, Australia. Way 27 (C TM lin.Ut...)! . . .1 Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited BASEBALL High Wins Over SCHEDULE! Borden Streel Fixture List for 193C Announced I ' Game Played In RaT.n and Mud oi: Season iv Saturday Ends in 3 to I Score The Prince Rupert Baseball Association League schedule for the W. High School 4 Booth 1 Borden 0 The Junior Football League game between King Edward High School and Borden Street School, played pn Saturday afternoon In the rain and on a muddy field, resulted In a win for High School by a score of 3 goals to one. Houston secured High School first goal with a long high shot which gave Mah no chance to save. The first half was very evenly con tested and no further scoring took place. From a free kick Currle drove the ball into the net for Borden but the refree decided Judge was in an offside position and disallowed the goal. In the second half Mah again displayed his skill as a goalkeepei I but, at last Smith got through for j High's second goal. Long kept close watch on Smith and Scherk and McLcod defended well. Currle was almost through but shot behind. A clever run by Schubert was blocked by Fitch and Christian. Cook stop ped P. Knutson, and Currle. got away and forced a corner. Schu bert placed the corner well and Kl- i hara scored for Borden. In a scrim vs. mage after Mah had saved. Smith breasted the ball through. Final score High School 3, Borden St. 1 Teams Borden Street Mah; Scherk McLeod; Cook, Long; Wong; Schu bert, Kihara, Currle, Bill, Judge. High School Barton; Shcehan Brown; Christian, Fitch, L. Knut son; p. Knutson, Wikdal, Smith I Houston, Holkcstad. Referee J. Carroll. vs.;, Linesman Jack Campbell, and I uoo raritcs. ., .. TOMMY WALKER STAYS ri uuuuy iwemis, KnocKcci EDINBURGH. Mav 27 (CP) oui in me inn round In his Au-i Tommy Walker, much-sought Heart airanan nyweignt cnamplonsh'.p. of Midlothian soccer star, has set bout by Challenger "Tiger" Don- at rest all fears that he would neuy, cnea snortiy afterwards in I quit Scottish football. He has sign Hwyiirfu. . vleda 193G-37 contract for Hearts, DAILY NEWS Wednesday, May 27. n,. THEY'VE STARTED ON COSTUMES FOR CORONATION England's peers will have to d g down into their coffers for about $300,000 all together, for costumes alone, in which to at.ter d the coronation of King Edward VIII, one year hence. Already the court rcbemakers Ede and Ravenscroft are working on the colorful regalias. The average cost per robe, including coronf t, is about $400. The coronets are in the process of manufacture in the above picture. Messrs. Ede and Ravenscroft have made robes for nine coronations, and King Edward's will be the tenth. They report that even at this early date orders are piling in. DATES OF LUTHERAN FOOTBALL May 28 Dominion Dairy vs. Ca nadian Legion. ! June 1 Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve vs. Dominion Dairy. June 4 Canadian Legion vs. Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. June 8 Damlnion Dairy vs. Canadian Legion. June 11 Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve vs. Dominion Dairy. . . June 15 Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve vs. Canadian Legion. Dominion Day Cup The following is the draw for the preliminary round of the Dominion Day Cup, the final for which will be played on Dominion Day: June 18 Dominion Dairy vs. Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, June 22 Canadian Legion vs. Dominion Dairy. June 25 Canadian Legion vs. Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Softball League Is Reorganized Mex Cameron is Elected President The City Softball League reor- ganlbed for the season at a mcet- ng last night with officers as fol lows: Honorary President, W. H. Tobey. Honorary Vice-President, W. M. Watts. President, Alex Cameron. Secretary-Treasurer, W! F. Stone. The season will start next Mon- lay with four teams in the run ning. For Year and Bill Stone, Secretary-Treasurer 3aseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. 3t. Louis 24 11 'Jew York 23 12 Jhlcago 17 17 Pittsburg ..n 18 Cincinnati 17 19 Boston 17 19 Brooklyn ...14 23 ' Philadelphia 14 24 AMERICAN LEAGUE : w. l. New York 25 13 Boston ......25 14 Detroit .21 17 Chicago 18 16 Cleveland ...ig n Washington 20 10 Philadelphia u 24 St. Louis 9 28 C. N. R. Trains For llic East 1 ft Pet .036 .650 .500 .486 .472 .472 .378 .368 Pet. .658 .636 .553 .529 .528 .515 ,314 .262 Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fri days c p.m I rom the East Tuesday, Thursday .and Saturdays -i; 10:20 p.m If you wish to swap a classifies. ' " Splendid Program Enjoyed by dience of About Eighty Persons Au- The Ladles' Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran Church sponsored a very enjoyable concert on Tuesday evening at the church. There were about eighty people present. Fol lowing tne program, a generous sliver collection was given. The program consisted largely of organ, piano, and vocal music. ably rendered. It opened with a hymn sung by the congregation. The "Gloria" (Pergolesi) and "Canon" (Bussek) were beautifully rendered on the organ by Peder Lien. They represent the old style t writing; being written about the year 1730. Other items were as "In the Garden", sung in the Norwegian language by Mrs. Karl Dybhavn. Piano selections by Mrs. H. O. Johnson, "Rustle of Spring" (Greig). "Scene in the Embers" (Charles Huerter.) Girls Choir, "Oh God, Our Help in Ages Past" and "Alone With Thee." Taking as his subject "Music in The Old Testament", Rev. L. G Jenson discussed briefly the many places where mention of music was made in the Old TestamenJ It was used to express Joy, triumph In battle, to sooth the troubled, drive out evil spirits, and more especially was found In the temple, In the worship and religious life of the people. A chorus and orchestra numbering 4,000, and divided into twenty-four sections trained by able musician.-. ECONOMY SPECIALS Mean More Savings For You All The Year Hound PORK & BEANS Llbby's 2C-OZ. family, 2 tins PLUM JAM Pure 4-lb. tin SLOANE'S MALT 2"2-lb. tin DOMINION HOPSt- VVs, 2 for L BOTTLE CAPS Jolntite 1 gross pkg YELLOW SUGAR 10 lbs 27c 39c $1.13 15c 27c 55c WESSON OIL 1-lb. tin at (For baking, frying, mayonnaise) Cherries Arriving Wednesday MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have P. O. Box 575 More Cents Phone 18 composed the temple chorus, sic played a great part then and good music today was still a source I illMl HK I 0f much oy and lnsPiratlon- Lll 1 I Male Quartette, "Zlon's Vaegter I Never Rosten" and "Jesus, du Som Har Mig KJaer,,' I. Feness, Peder Lien, Nils Gunderson, and Inge Valen. In the second selection, Mrs. L. C. Jenson sang the solo, accompanied by the quartette. Organ solos, "Pilgrims' Chorus" (R. Wagner) and "Melodl" (Christian Slndlng) Peder Lien. Vocal solo, "Sorgen og Glacdcn de Vandre til Hope" (Ludvig Unde-man) Inge Valen. The concert closed with congrc gatlonal singing of the hymn "Vaer nu Glad og Vel Til Mode." LAST TIMPC f rvv, Last Complete Show ntj. FILMED OUTDOORS 1M NATURAL COLOR! "THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE" With SYLVIA, SIDNEY Fred MacMurra? Spanky McFarland (At 7:23 ii 9:25) ALSO NEWS and CARTOON COMING! Thursday, Friday, Saturday "CAPT. BLOOD" HOLIDAYS For Adults and Children on the Famous North Beach, Graham Is Fishing, Bathing, Badminton. Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shootin in Season. Cottages fully fur-nlshed, also Tents and Dlnine Room. Good plain cooking at reasonable rates. Apply for full particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sangan River, Near Massett, B.C. Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and in order to induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them In and we will wire the money Immediately. GOLD B LOOM The Old Reliable Built to Outlast TWO CMmw'WASaEKS 1 MO i Easy on itself . . . easy on the clothes L!t us show you the fca"ircs and explain the Easy LIFETIME guarantee. irmr $10950 ram eMasMvs.M The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous upert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., PR I NCR RI1PRRT. B.C. Ltd.