m PAQE TWO Away the b in This new Tan 3 Flexible Instep t dins instepl ' f-f instep just is insteps be smooth, comfortable natural no bulging(.no bind' In3. In black, blue, white and brown-patent or kid. t keep your 'OTrrrJ' 6. g.50 Where Most People Trade F AMILY SHOE STORE LtD. PHONE 357 (Estab. 1908) THfrtD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance .'i, $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week 10 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance i.... 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year ...1......... 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . .02 Local readers, per line, per insertion' , 25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone ... . 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY UDmON The Age of Youth Thursday, Nov. 12, 193U In a recent address a local speaker dwelt upon the of youth and urtred older ueonle to steo aside and and he was very appreciative of the need at that time. While the city has no money fpr tjiis purpose and cannot borrow unless it might be from tjife provincial government, it is expected that-the money, will-be raised arid that it will be only a short time before the hospital will be erected. The preliminary - step; wfis the voting ' of the amount necessary to commence the work. The Letter Box LOCAL RADIO INTEKFEKENCE Editor, Daily News: In regard to complaints by irer- son or persons 'asi to the local station In Its broadcasts. casing in terference to reception i of other j give the younger people a chance. While not nreauminp- Mrs- c- . Sawie. New Hazeiton: in any way to belittle the idealism of the younger mem- stutchbpurv- stettier; h. l. Meter of the community, we suggest that possibly what is ."dTa. needed is for the older people to renew their youth, to keep their minds open to the idealism,, the frankness, the courage, the optimism and the joy of youth. These columns have often urged the young men of the day to press forward andiake, their places with those who are fighting for the betterment 6f. the community and the nation. We still feel that the salvation of the countrv. torla; Mrs. E. E Hyndman, Telk-wa; Martin Budlnieb, Seattle; Mr. and' Mrs U.'D. Peterman and James J. Mullen Jr., Juneau; M and Mrs. W Thomey, Atlm; H. k Kelser, Inverness. ' Central M, H. Lawrence, N. Lang, R. if it really needs saving, lies with the young men and wo- !Lr.'3t men who are crowing nn. At. tli snmo fimo cnir.ntv.;rtf, '.r ' must be said for the older men and .women who have been mellowed by experience. The danger with the older people is that they may allow the moss to cling to their backs because of lethargy. They become too fearful of hew movements and new ideas. They need the prodding of the young men to keep them going, especially in a place like I rmce Rupert where we are very much cut off from the active, strenuous life of the larger cities. Usually what is known as successful men are the ones who become the leaders, ihey have earned for themselves U degree of leisure and have time to devote to public affair? while the younger men have yet to make their mark and earn the respect and confidence of the .community. While we still claim that this is the age of youth, we are gradually coming to the opinion that it is the age of the men who have had experience but have renewed their youth and are able to look on public affairs with tlm fnHii optimism and hopefulness of the vountr mon vah afraid of new ideas because they are new but are willing to adjust themselves to the-,chahging conditions of life. - A New Hospital t A special grant is being made by the Legislature at the instance 01 me member tor the district, Hon. T. D. Pat tullo, toward the erection of a new hosnital 1 pert. This is a good betrinninrr. The hosnital hoard hlrpnrlv has the nucleus of a fund for the same purpose and it is possible that a further grant may be made later If the money is needed, as it undoubtedly will be. When the Premier was in Prince Rupert, the matter was taken up, with him by members of the hosnital hoard Welle, city; Mr. Johnson-. Prlnc. Georgef-e; C; Anderson-and C. B. Lenke, C.N.R.; p. vick, Kwlnltsa; Martin Budinlch, Seattle. r "Knox H. McEwan, Stewart; C, Weeks, Alyansh; G. Moskylos and J. Mur-enia, city, J Sorensen, Lewis i Thursday, NoyPmter DAILY NEWB 12 Had Agonising Pains in Her Back Free From I'aln Since Taking Kruschcn .Like many other rufferers from .backache' ahd rheilhatlc ailments! thls.w6rhan decided1 to try Krus- tations, especially Sunday-evening ichen Salts In a last attempt to'Ob- broadcast. If you don't like to lis- tain relief from pain. To her sur-ten tothe service on Sunday eve-;prise, the pains did grow less, and nine don't blame the local station 'in a few months the backache naa as it is-a credit to the local boys that built it for your enjoyment. And, we, .the-.jpeople .of, this. city, should do our best to help them along in every way possible. I am only sorry that 'the-' Sun day afternoon service is off the air, as It was doing a lot of good. I listen to my radio as often as anybody and the local station never caused any interference. So more power to our local boys and CFPR. ONE OP THE PIONEERS. LIKES TO HEAR IT Editor, Daily News: ' Having heard Rjv. Clarke's remarks at his service on Sunday evening, November 8, regarding-the interference of our local station, as they are on the air the same as any other station in any city, the citizens of those cities like to hear their radio station as well as others and if all these stations were closed down by the citizens as our citizens wish ours to be, we would have nd radio, therefore their sets would bs no good to. them. So come, you complalners, get cured of your selfishness and let everybody live and listen. W. J THOMAS. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Mrs. J. Campbell, Anyox; Wil liam Jones and R, O. Cunning ham, Port Esslngton; S. O. Cooper Terrace; Mrs. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs Magee, Usk; Dr. G. A. Charter, Queen Charlotte; Car' Nordin, Smlthers; Roy Fisher. Hyder; A. Thomey, Stewart. Royal Mr. and Mrs. G. Anderson, Palling; 8. Bergstad, Usk; T. RKeliy Copper River; S. H. Alton, Vancouver; P. Hudson, city; H. Ole-sen; "Dawson; X. ttbJd, Kstchikan. Prince Rupert w. Lt Newell. Stewart: Mr. and disappeared. Having made sure or, the results, she now writes as fol lows:- ' ' I "For about four months I had agonising pains hi thy back, and could not turn' In bed. During that time I tried variou3 remedies, but obtained no relief, and was seriously considering, going into hospital. However, seeing a1 case similar to mine described in an advertisement for Kruschen, I thought I would try it, and was more than surprised to find the pain getting less. I have been taking Kruschen for four months, ar,d would not be without It for anything. I must ray I am free from those dreadful pains," (Mrs.) B.Ci : Kruschen Is an excellent diuretic that is, it helps to stimulate kidney functions. When 'kidneys are restored to healthy, normal action, poisonous waste l.v properly eliminated, the blood-stream Is purl tied, and you get' welcome- relief from the dragging pains of back ache. RELIEF IS HIS0BJECT Premier Hepburn Would Have Federal Government Assume So:rie of Provincial Burden TORONTO, Nov. 12; , (CP) Pre mier Mitchell Hepburn has sub mitted a plan which he hopes the federal government will accept whereby the Dominion, wquld take over health,, labor and agricultural services at present maintained by the province. It would 1 relieve the province of some of Its- financial 1 burden. L, , ! ; r iPigeons NovfUsed By Defence Wing Birds Have Important Role to Play With Military Forces HALIFAX, Nov. .-12? (CP) Not only men go under training In flight tests with Canada's defence forces carrier pigeons- have an Important role to p'.ay.rFor several months, officials of the' Royal Ca-naduyi Air Force base at EasteTr Passage have been sending consignments of homing pigeons to various parts of the province with: tha Instructions tn liberate therr at a given time and the flight bacP Is timed and carefully checked. A flock of 12 were sent to Wll Ham MacLeod, Canadian Natlona. terminal agent at Trurq,. N,S., thf other day by Aircraftsman Trel fall. While a crowd of Carnation Milk and " this because he knows that Improved Carnation Milk is super-digestible, nourishing, absolutely pure and convenient. And it is WHIFFLETS Ftota the7 Waterfront Local halibut buiers are no expecting any. furthei- arrivals here this.sejason from Afcftn ,ve5e. 1he,kst Canadian boats to be accounted for were,Lr last week. The Margaiet'l, Capt. peorge Frtta, was in. this morning witn a caicn 01 some 20,000 pounds of sableflsh for Canadian Fish St Cold Storage-CO. A notice to mariners announces that the gas and whistle buoy formerly maintained on the westerly edge, ;or bval Bvt'hli In Hecate Straits has been permanently dis continued; A new gas and whistle auoy has jjeen established in nlne- .en fathoms soutnward of oren- ;llle Rock. It Is a red steel cylln-itlcal gas and whistle buoy show- ng a flashing red light, the whistle ;elrig sounded by the motion of the buoy on the waves. It was a rather arduous trip which Bishop O. A. Rlx had up the Maas River last week for the pur- ;ose'of visiting the missions at :uch point3 as Greenville and to town on Tuesday, while going up river, was aboard a boat which first broke its rudder rope In Gwlnsha Canyon and then dropped ts propeller; Fortunately, they were able to get Info a back eddy ind tie up to a rock from where they signalled to ;a nearby boat for help. C. N. R. steamei Prince Rupert,' 'api. 11. n. weaaen,, arrivea in port m time at 10 o'clock yesterday horning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 4 o'clock In the afternoon for Ahyox and Stewart whence she A'ill return here this evening southbound. The vessel, which had l stormy voyage up the coast, had but a fair sized lLst of passenoers. Capt. David K. Hlrss arrived in .he city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert yesterday to stand by the steamer Prince George which Is tied up for the winter at Jie local dry dock. ( Yesterday's stormy weather held the C. P. ;RV steamer' 'Princess' tforah. Capt. William Palmer, Miithbound from Skagway to Van-' ;ouver, at Ketchikan for' six hours' ind it was 10.-15 last night before the vessel arrived, from the north, . 3he sailed at midnight in continuation of the voyage to Vancouver. Ort board was a capacity list of 170 passengers consisting largely of Alaskans who have no other' means of steamer transportation south. alt the American vessels being tied up on account or the maritime, workers' strike. Fifteen passengers disembarked from the vessel here Including' a number who will pro- ceed east by rail. The vessel had no space for passengers from here. dato'rsgathered around,, the birds' were released fVom their cage,1 circled through the air until reaching a high altitude and, after iocatlng .their bearings, they began flying in a -direct line for Halifax,' curious speci all arriving In fast time. irradiated enriched with bone buUding "sunshine" vitamin D. Ask your doctor about a Carnation Milk forrruila for yoiirbaby It is the mllL the Dionne Quintuplets have been getting since 'way back in Novenv ' ber, 1934. Our valuable booklet, "Contented Babies," is free. Write for a copy today. Larnation Surnrise Shower ? XSJStaf?. L. 1 Held Saturday iIrs. G. M. Hunt and Mrs. Waller Thompson Hostesses For New Bride , Mrs; a. M. Hunt and Mxs, Walter Thompson were hostesses at 2 delightful miscellaneous shower at tlie home of the latter Saturday evenhiK for Mrs. William Lund nee Miss Nellie Johnson. The rooms were tastefully decorated; for the occasion In pink and white. The buffet supper was served from a charming table decorated with pink and silver, taper, and centred with a two-tier wed ding cake made by Chris Mill The evening was spent In tnc playing of bridge and games, PrlzA winners were: Mrs. W. Lund, Mrs. J. Preece, Miss Frances Yager and Mrs. A. Dlngwell. The bride was presented with . beautiful basket decorated in pink ind white which contained many beautiful and useful gifts. The toast to the bride was proposed by Mrs. W. A. McLean ar.fl responded to by the bride. The party came td a close in the wee small' hours of the morri.- jing. Those helping to make the ihower a success were: Mrs. A. Parlow, Mrs. A. Mc-i Alllster, Mrs. H. Ward, Mrs. F. N.f Good, Mrs. R". Bartlett, Mrs. H. K.J Campbell,-Mrs, W. Lurfd, d , . mly, Mlsj OF"- I . .J rj'u nn nL i fenscn, Mrs. Pederson, mm, yagsr, aw, w. w. G W. A, McLean, Mrs. A, DinesMi. Mrs. W. Barton, Mrs. O. m M I. IrO ' Mrs. Walter .Thompson and Mi Margaret Chjteusen, BOY MEp7 GIRL? LONDON,. Ont, Nov. 12 (n, A 29-year bid London ni... girl, with reddish g.ld hair blue eyes and a s;im figure sekj a jvrtjuuuu, JHi.. nusuanrl i,. ------I Ing to a . letter , received bv Mn. " 1 1 T1 Tl 1,. promises to forward municatlons. - mayor a"y com- We sell circulation, We aave It. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of BJ la tit Morning R&rln' to Go .. ""a i5Tr ,hooM P" mt ' fait Ikutd bite Into rour hrntla dmil7. It thli Uk U Dot flowin f reel, your food duran't dliL It Jolt Wy in lb bowtU. Gu blmtt aa Tout Itawk. Yoarct eonitictud. UtnnftJ pottuDM go lata Un body, tnd roa fad ku iakaadU world look punk. Awn bwJ ttiottmcnt donn'tahrin nt t th raoM. Yoa twed omUiiD that irorkt on tb Urr u welL It Ukn thuia loud, old Cuurt Llttto Ut Wl to (tt tbaMTtm pound of bll flowing; freely nd luk m faei' ipuidop". lUrmlau ndtotl.lLi make tho nil flow freely. Thty do the wort of caJoinel but hiTenoaioinelornmrtirrtB Um. Aek for CuUft Utile Urn Hllibi umat BttlLhORdy refoM uUus i g, TT4-F38 IRRADIATED Carnation Milk VV7HEN the doctor orders that W baby be bottle-fed, what milk .does he prescribe? In any number of . cases, the formula calls forTrrarJiar A CANADIAN PRODUCT - from Contented Cc lUiaisTDHBVnnMMSMSMaa. MEASUREMENTS ASSURE PERFECT f IT mm Flawleti fit In any clothing mut be carefully built-in, itrp hj atep, Tiji Top Tailor make thia perfect Ct a "ture thing" Ly handultuif and tailoring your Tip Toy Clothe to your own fuenly-ona perianal measurtmtnlt. The remit ii that a Tip top mil or coat say it ha keen mad for you awl only you. The way the 'collar) hug your 'neck, the roll of tha lapel, the attractive rut, the smart atyling -all ipeaV of1 rneamrement carefully taken aol akllfully. folio we J. Don't delay -aee the new wooleoi and ttyle interpretation. Tour unreitricted choice at one standard price. UNRMTWCTtO CHOtCI BRITISH WOOIHS TAHOItft TO YOU I MUtut 2Sa1 TIP TOP TAILORS LIMITED P, CRAVETTO Fonrtli Street Phone: Ulue 418 JujrtPabll.hedl A btauttful ntw Carnation Cook Boofc. I$ gIorloM(, full, pat', Mi-colour phofografhi. 96 pags 0 unutuarreciptt, menu,, party wggr.tlon., eoofcer, htlp,, etc. Yourt for 10, ttambi or coin. Carnation Co. Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B. C. s k sv it f 1V1 1 1 K Hfor -SonshfneV- "VYitiminD- C2KHES!K!SjassLEflaK!