FADE, FOUR V CORN increased in nutritive value by canning Royal City offers the hostess i perfectly creamed corn, either Sweet or Golden Bantam, as an added vegetable to her carefully planned meal. MOTORISTS STOP ! ! Have you tried Home Ethyl Gasoline? For Highest Antiknock Performance and Driving Satisfaction Fill up With HOME ETHYL At RUPERT MOTORS Second and Park Avenues When You Buy Home Gas You Can Buy No Better MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE BARRYMORE CARPETS-Wilton and 'Axminster All sizes with the exception of 9x9 50 Axminster Mats ' c&c n p 27x48 ...... 327 Third Ave. ..... , Phone 775 WE PAY MORE For Raw Furs than anyone else. It pays to ship to us. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable Trappers at Port Essinjton or Port Simpson who owe money to us will have the debt, cancelled If they ship ui, their furs this winter.. There is a good market for all varieties of furs and we pay the "hUhest prices. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers ,1 leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJM Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.8. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. pi Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from ..... A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and. Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide' every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct - SS. "Princess Norah Nov. 3rd, 19th, Dec! 3rd. 17th. . .." To Ketehlkan, Wranjell, Juneau and Skagway , SS. "Princess Norah" Oct. 30th,, Nov, 15th, 29th, Dec. 13th. WINTER EXCURSION FARES TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN S32.00 .1 Tickets on. sale Novr 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th. 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 1937.' " For Information and Reservations , W. L.-COATES, Gen. Agent, Prlneo Ruprt. B.C. i LOCAL NEWS NOTES A meeting of the Women's Labor League took place last night in the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall. A good! many were In atten " ' dance. . Dr.Judd, secretary of the. coun cil for social service will address a meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. in St. Ancfrew's Cathedral Hall. (265) Mrs. Agnes Haldane of Klncolith underwent an operation in the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Tuesday and is now reported to be doing well. All unemployed ex-service men are urged to register at once so that Veteran's Assistance Com-i mittee may make a complete survey. Forms may be had at Can adian Legion Clubrooms. Prince Rupert Branch Legion, B.E.SX. No. 27, Canadian (29, 5, 12, 19) Stan Alton, former private secre tary to the general manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co. and now engaged in the Insurance business. arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning from Vancouver. Mrs. Carl Lundqulst,, Hays Cove Circle, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning from a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. She attended the wedding of her daughter, Miss Clara Lund qulst, in Vancouver. Corp. M. F. Foster, Royal Cana dian Mounted Polio, returned to the city on the Prince Rurert ves- terday morning from' a brief trip to Ocean Falls on official duties. H. V. Morehouse, district mana ger for the B. C. Packers, came north from Vancouver nn thp Prince Rupert Tuesday and dis embarked at Namv Cannery. L. A. Grogan of Victoria, nrovin- cial prior of the Pacific Coast dis trict of Knights Templar, arrived in me city irom the south on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning. He win pay an official visit to Klncolith Preceptery tomorrow evening after which he will sail by the Prince Rupert on his return to Victoria's Mr. Grogan is a chartered accountant in Victoria. Miss Beatrice Hunter of the Capitol Theatre staff will leave on Friday evening's train for Glscome to attend the marriage of her sister, Miss Nina Hunter, to Martin Johnson of Wells. The marrlaP takes place next Sundav. Thp bride-elect lived In Prince Rupert since early girlhood until a few years ago when she left for Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sawle arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train from New Hazelton and will hp here until next Mondnv pvpnina when they will return to the in terior. Mrs. Sawle is here for mpdl. cal treatment, having been In poor neaim or late. Mr. Sawle's hand Is recovering from the effects of a rather severe injury in an accident in his printing plant Fred Emmersoro,.son. of-Mr,&and Mrs. R. G. Emmerson of niphv Island, was rushed to the cltv Tuesday night by Capt. Charles Haan's selneboat Beatrice H., an operation for acute anDendlcltlR being performed soon after his ar rival. He is now reported to be doing nicely. The patient was accom panied by Dr. G. A. Charter of Queen Charlotte City, Peter Haan of Queen Charlotte also making the trip. The Beatrice II. will leave early tomorrow morning on the re turn 10 tne Queen Charlottes. Announcements Catholic Tea at Mrs. Burhanir's November 12. S. O. N. Bazaar, Moose Hall. No vember 13. V ', L. O. B. A. Bazaar. November 19 Cathedral Christmas ha7flkr? Nnv 26. . ' Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole Ha 1, Nov. 27. C. C.fF. Bazaar, December 2. United Church Bazaar, 3. , See the display of evening, purses at the Dollar Store. Makes a dainty elft for vour Birl-friend, (tf) Owing to. other Masonic Activities, the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Shrine Club will not be held tonight. S. O. N. 5th Annual Bazaar. Moose Hall, Friday. Nov. 13. After noon Tea and Homecooklng, 1 o'clock. Dance, grand drawing, raffles, 8 o'clock. Refreshment;. Hadland's. Orch: Adm. 35c. (26P) G. W. Nlckerson. who has been on a trip to Eastern Canada and the United States, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Nickerson who has been visiting in Seattle -and elsewhere in the south. At the first SNIFFLE Quick! Use this specialized Vicks aid for nbse and upper throat, where most colds start. Helps prevent colds. VicksVatronol Ellen Brown, Indian, Is appear ing before Magistrate McClvmont in city police court this afternoon on a charge of drunkenness. Mrs. G. H. Hartley, wife of one of the United States customs officers here, is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to California. Alex Q. Rix, district manager of the Imperial Oil Co., returned to the city at the first of the week by gasboat from a business triD to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Steve Ferris, well known Ketehi- kan hotel proprietor, and Mrs. Far-ris were Dasseneers ahnarrf thp Princess Norah last night going through for a trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the. south. L. A. Prosser, of San Diem who is Interested In the development of an airplane landing field near Hazelton. arrived in the cltv on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning and proceeded .east on last evening's train. FOR SALE FOR SALE Victor Comblnatfnn ten-tube electric radio. Perfect condition. Phone 564. 269 FOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461v FOR SALE-Barred Rock minors 6 week old pigs and. Chinchilla rabbits. Apply .W. L. adden, Quiet Station, B.C V (265) 7 FJUriklTURE Factory samplerfmiist en this wppV "fvirofcit-A. 60 high-grade pieces, guaranteed the most sensational bargain ever offered In Western Canada $160.00; 10 -piece Chesterfield Groups $65.00;, genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14.50. Terms if desired. Free storage. Write today, Julius Shore Mall Order House, 801 Beklns Bldg., FOR RENT RENT Four-room nwl ------ 14VUVli nats. Pantry, bath, Monarch range and wafr. $12.50 to $17.50 Helgerson Ltd. (tf) WANTED WANTED-Leather Phone Red 801. Baby PERSONAL carriage. (269) OENTLEMEK'a Sanitary .Supplies, JHsnesi, grade ,15 for $1. Paclfii Supply, 751 OranvUle, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands, if not . delighted, maker refunds -few cent paid. Call ox wilt., onnu IimlUd. tf. RICH IN FOOD VALUES Veal Steak 2 lbs : Veal Chops 2. lbs Pot Roast Beef 4 lbs : Short Ribs "3 lbs Spare Ribs 2 lbs T-Bone Steak 2 lbs .. Prime Rib Roll per lb Shoulder Steak 2 lbs w&uj daif- in eo&uj home. CRISP, golden-brown Shredded Wheat Biscuit are packed full, of vital food essentials in Nature's own balance. Shredded Wheat is whole wheat: nothing added nothing taken away. As easily digestible as it is delicious. Try it with milk or cream, fruit, fresh or tinned. It will delight your palate and help to keep you "in the pink"! 12 big biscuits in every box Order Shredded Wheat for tomorrow's breakfast ! THI CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD., Niagara Filli Canada New Instruments For Boys' Rand Are Now On Hand Five fine new instruments, the purchase bf which has been made possible as a result of recently raised funds, have arrived for the Prince Rupert Boys' Band. The in struments cost a total of $550. : TORONTO THE SWEET TORONTO, Nov. 12: (CP) Ar rivals at Toronto's union station wondered how officials kept the city smelling so sweet. A fire at a plant dealing in extracts and bak ing powder about 100 yards awav caught fire and uncorked a pec uliar raspberry odor which sDreart through four city blocks. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Loin of Pork Chop per lb. Lamb Chops per lb .. Shoulder of Lamh Hperb..W-.A- Fresh Side Pork per lb. , 1..... Ayrshire Bacon per lb Frying Sausage, 1 lb. & Vt lb. Liver Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 1 Green Cabbage .. PHONE 957 35c 35c 35c 25c 25c 35c 15c 25c 25c 20c 25c 15c 15c 25c 50c 25c 35c DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In -Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 C OA L TO PLEASE 'EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PUONE: 58 and 558 ThursdayLNomber )3 SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT Announcing: The Rexall.Drug Store PRIZE CONTEST FOR GIRLS AND HOYS Sixteen Wonderful Prizes to he Given Away 8 for Boys 8 for Girls To the girls and boys securing the largest number of votts In out Rexall Girls' and Boys' Prize Content All you have to do after you have been nominat- d as a contestant Is to ask your mother, father, aunts, uncles and Wends to make purchases at our store. Two votes will be ulven lur rich cent of purchases of United Drug Co. (Rexall Product and products of our own manufacture. One vote will be given lor each cent of purchases of all other merchandise In our store. Nominations are now open and will close Smyrna- November 14tK at 10 p.m. No nomlnatfons will be accepted after that date Voting starts Monday. November 16th and clo.. at 10 pa Christmas Eve. Prizes will be presented to the lucky winners at our store Christmas morning. See Our Windows For the Sixteen Wonderful Prizes Come in and ask Us for a list of the prizes and ui 3 nvemlnj the contest Ormes IM. "Jim Pioneer Druqgists tt,t BexaU lUrt Phones; 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 pjn. till 9 m 1 Used Goods 1 j Picture Frames, price 25c, 50c & 75c Wringers 51.50 & $2.00 Hand Sewing Machine SIS.00 Badminton Racket, Slazengers -H00 Violet Ray ,S;-.:US, Vibrators .....U.......S2.50 & $M Radios, Battery Sets . :;.!. . . .$10.00 & $25.00 Violin, full size :vr $12.50 Tenor Banjos Flute Clarinet ...rnmfWH'"- no. $18.00 AW The above mentioned are on display at D. EL ,$12.00, $15.00 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy Used Goods of Any Description For Cash Phone Green 421 Third Avenue Business Hours.' From 8 a.m. to 5 as usual. half bdiday p.i ?.rri. -Thursday