if paoi tpun THE DAILY NTTB Buy at Mussallem's QUALITY GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES Mall orders receive prompt and careful attention Confectionery Store In Connection MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE MaciKENZIE'S FURNITURE Complete Home Furnishings Everything for the Home Phone 775 327 Third Ave. SUMMER PRICES FUR COATS Five dollars will hold any coat until fall. Make money by buying now! GOLDS LOOM NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll, Proprietor "A DOME AWAY FKOM DOME" Rates 11.00 np 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Waker Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box lwfl PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Jurrri PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll ln Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Light Delivery Service PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue I jr t j rJX ill Waterfront Whiffs Improvements at Fishermen's Floats Commence American Halibut Landings Light Sockeye Quite Good Considering Weather ings were recorded: Area 2 U. S 6.594.285 Canadian 4,915,718 Total 11,510,003 6,372,495 ioy2c and 7c. It will be remembered that, al-1 though the halibut fishing season' Capt: Jacob Engdal m Improvements at the fishermen's floats just east of the construction of the floating break water, for which the contract was awarded to John Currie & Sons, is expected to get under way shortly. Coast Halibut Landings The records of the International I For the month of June. 1936, the catches were made, the average, j f f ( Q ff T A I being from 25 to 30 fish per boat ril 11 1 I A.L1 iper nay. me specne ui a aumc j was raised during the week but latest word Is that the strike h being confined to Rivers Inlet where it originated. Strike votes, according to reports, have been taken among fishermen in some of the other areas but they have I decided against striking. The Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. big fish packer Western Princess, which ran ashore in a fog on the dry dock got under way during the week when the Ar-!early Wednesday morning while mour Salvage Lo. started on the dredging contract wnicn bound for North island trolling it recentlv received from the federal trovernment. The grounds, was refloated the sauu work consists of removing rocks between the floats and dav, tne, Armur wSalvafg( Ca ., ,. and, being found to be not dam- 1 - .1., ? r the railway grade, thus facilitating the mooring of boats aged t0 any extent( eft at ., on the inside of the floats and ( o'clock Thursday afternoon to re making fuller use possible. The , forced by the halibut fleet. sume her packing work. following amounts of halibut were The Armour Salvage Co.'s big landed: service boat Algie, under a sixty- Area 2 Area 3 day packing charter to Nelson U. s 3,141,231 3,016,233 Bros. Fisheries Ltd., was loaded at Canad'ian 1.705.717 37.271 Shag Rocks, Graham Island, on Thursday 01 this wees wun a run ln 1935, a period voluntary clo- port j entlre day of Thursday July 30 sure from March 1 to 31 was en- depredations, of sea lions in mutl-jherei accordlng to information h- LAM) ACT on and Dundas Islands, being one' mile south ot the most northerly or tne Nares Islands. Take notice that Robert Irvine, of Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dealer Intends to apply tor a lease o the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted on a rock one-half mile south of the mo?t northerly of the Nares Islands, Uience west IS chains; thence south IS Chain thence east 15 chains: thence north 13 chains to point of commencement and containing 22.5 acres, more or less. itmtKiiT (ii.i: iitviNt: Dated May 20th. 1936. I.AM) ACT Notice of Intention to apppl)' to Lease IjiikI ln Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range S, Coast, and situate fronting on the north shore of the most southerly of the Nares Islands. Take notice that Robert Irvine of Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dealer Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted on a rock 200 feet north of the north shore of the most southerly of the Nares Islands thence west 15 chains; thence south 15 chains thence eaat 15 chains: thence north 15 chalm to point of commencement and containing 22.5 acres, more or less. koiii:kt (ii.i;n iicvini: Dated May 20th, 1936. IX Till; smiKMK COL'KT OFIHCITLSH toi.r.MiiiA in ritms.m: IN THE MATTKK OP TIIK "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" AMI IN THE MATTEIl OK THE ESTATE OI JOHN JOY, Defeased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Kit Honour Judge Fisher, local Judge ol the Supreme Court of British Columbia, made the 22nd day of May, 1936, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Joy Deceased Intestate, late of Prince Rupert, B. C who died on the 25th day of April, 1936. All person having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 25th day of June. 1036; otherwise dL position of the said Estate will be mad" without regard thereto. All parties Indebted to the said Esate are required to pay th amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated this 22nd day of May, 1936. NORMAN A. WATT, " " - ceived irom New York wnere tue jbeen often told by Prince Rupert Lrulse startcd on July 2. Coming . V o 1 J Kit are On rf T7V or! r 1 nnlntc In . . . I'"""""" '-"'s""' .. -"-.via the Panama canal, the Prince Miiue or intention to appiy to Lease me operations oi macnme gunners dJ by Canadian authorities against in Prince Rupertfend Recording trict of Range 5. Coart. and situate m sea lions. The American authori- uuason uy mmmy a-Jtlps h nrtrpc shnnlrt fnllnnr Pan. -halli ada's example and make the kill ing of sea lions worthwhile which should be easy in view of their abundance on the Kodiak banks and elsewhere, Landings of American halibut at the port of Prince Rupert was very light during the past week, amounting to only 120,000 pounds brought ln by five boats. Canadian landings, from thirteen boats, totalled 144,000 pounds, making the week's total landings 264,0001 pounds. The grand total of halibut landings at Prince Rupert up to and Including yesterday was j,- 636,000 pounds in comparison with 5,532,650 pounds at a corresponding date last year. The Canadian landings for this season have reached a total of 3,047,000 pounds as compared with 2,536,650 pounds in the corresponding period of 1935 while the American total so far this season stands at 2,589,000 pounds as against last year's 2.-997,000 pounds. There was little change in the price situation during the week. The high bid of the week for Canadian fish was 7.5c and 5.5o received by the Pair of lacks for 14,000 pounds and tbei low 6.4c and 5 3c which the An-nabelle was paid for 8,000 pounds American prices ranged from a high -of 8.8c and 6c which the Sstep.Was paid for 20,000 down to 7c and 6c which the Atlas and Liberty received for catches of 29,-000 and 38,000 pounds respectively Salmon Fishing Cloudy, cool and showery weather was not very auspicious for salmon fishing on the Skeena River during the second week of the 1936 PrtncT wawn nevertheless, fair "TILLIE THE TOILER" YOU'RE T21C3HT. TIL-LIE V GOTTA CHANGE THIS LIF SPIUACH. BUT HOVAJ SHALL TfclM.tT. S: TOST A Ml MUTE MAC call at Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Taku Glacier, Juneau, Skagway and Sitka. She is due here at 7 o'clock on the morning of July 30 sailing at 5 o'clock that evening direct for Honolulu. On the way back to New York calls will be made at San Diego and Mazatlan. It had been originally announced that the Prince David would be here August 1 but, according to private advices, this has been changed. Capt. R. A. Clarke, formerly master of the R.MS. La3 Hawkins on the West Indies run, is. in cdmmand; Capt. James Watt and Capt. Caldwell of the Cana dian National Coast Steamship local fleet are to be assigned to the Prince David as pilots while she is on this coast. It will be the Prince David's first visit to this port. Southbound from Skagway to Vancouver with a capacity list of passengers, C. P. R. steamer Prln-jess Loiuse, Capt. S. K. Qray, is due ln port at 3:45 this afternoon from the north and will sail south at 5:30 p.m. Union steamer Cardcna, Capt John Boden, arrived In port from the south at 11 o'clock last night and sailed at midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypoints WAVT TILL SOIT THESE OUT MEETING N., lady superintendent. j A communication from the B. C. oraerea ana aenverea. ine uoaru authorized that the work be proceeded with. In view of the probability of a new hospital building, extension of time until February 28, David, before arriving here, wllit1938, was granted the board for other elevator changes wheh had! been ordered by the Inspector. Miss Harrison gave a brief re-! port on the recent biennial convention of the Canadian Nurses As- soclation which the board had sent her to attend. The gathering had been one of great Interest and value. Education, public health nursing and private duty nursing had been the three principal subjects of discussion. The Importance of making nursing service available to people who required it but were unable under the present private nursing plan to get it had been stressed and certain experiments In public health nursing along this line were to be instituted. There was still unemployment among nurses' but this, ' it seemed, was reduced to some extent. Health insurance and tuberculosis among nurses were other matters which I had been discussed by the convention. Reports Presented As for the hospital, Miss Har rison reported that it had been A Mustache Model BE WISE- BRING. 7lentholatum Iht healing Cream for Bums Scalds, Bites CtC. MADE IN CANADA , Dance to Naval Officers Here Attendance Board in Monthly Session Last,11"";' . . . N, ht Night Various Matters Under m "VVJ , Consideration limit, cnmmander Rollo Mala- ' .... A ntticor of II. M. The question of the new hospital , guy. 6. and r oincers , " win wcrB . . .. . t'r r Vancouver, was the only maner 01 any grew., " " '-,the mess of wardro0m importance to come before the . guesU 0 the hospital board at Its meeting last 'the local Royal Vtfunteer Rerve night. Those in attendance were W. M. Brown, president; Frank naval danc headquart yarters Muste was Dibb, G. V. Wilkinson. City Com- mlssloner W. J. Aider, ut. , . . "ref-rsehments were served. Carson and S. D. Macdonald, direc- wgie tors; H. W. Birch managing sec- was ln pro retarv. retary, and and Miss Miss Jean Jean Harrison Harrison R. ... gress until s a.m. Hospitals Association laid before fairly quiet during the past month the board the latest information In with about fifty patients .receiving regard to provincial state health treatment. The average of patients Insurance plans, details of which since the first of the year had been were not yet available. There was some fifty-three which was higher no possibility of state health ln-: than last year, surance coming into operation be fore the end of the year. Fisheries Commission show that; 'Total 4.846.948 3.053.504 cargo of co-operative salmon with' The board, asked for Its views as pairs. The work completed, he I matterS( couW present UUb again immediately were as 1 had not k been helPta any- Areas 27.000 nounds. Booth. lOKc and 6,267.857 73; Summit, 17,000, Booth, 10c 104,638 and 13,aC, Westfjord. 16,000, San Juan, IOV2C and 734c; Ionic, 15,000, Prince David's Visit In the course of its Pacific cruise cruise from irom New New York yorK with with Fire Chief J. R. Morrison repor- 1 Bringing In a load of 1500 pounds, . . . . Total 14.676.880 9.933.354 tntninnir 7snnn noimds at flattie th th hnd from a fire standpoint. A communication from H. Doug-. las, inspector of factories, ordered ai"1"1' .-" ..io c.. .F.v.v. j National Tour nartv of some thre2lments to the hospital elevator , .. : hundred persons on board, the snouia oe m.aae at once. Action naa of the big r ., Nntinnai Rtpamshins il-1 already been taken, the house corn- was was officially officially opened opened on on March March 1 1 Seattle Seattle halibut halibut scho schooner Eagle I Prlnce Davld will spend the'mittee reported, cable having been I, tnoc n MAln1 of nf ..ftl.mf n v.. 4n1lo tells In in tVin the Ditrrof Puget CminH Sound nsirt n of f tVlA the ! I , i , 1 1 i rm i I The report of the house commit tee. G. V. -Wilkinson, dealt with a recommendation from Smith for the period from March 16 toj which she arrived here this after- to wnen tne annUal convention of iMallett that certain spare parts for June 30, this year, the following . c P 'Ri steamer Princess Ade-!nor- , the British Columbia Hospitals As-1 the iron fireman of the heating amounts of halibut have been lan- iaide, Capt. Henry Anderson, ar-1 soclation should be held, decided to system, at an estimated cost of ded ln the various ports on the Pa-' rived port at 6:30 last evening ' Skipper O. P. Smith was in por4. recommend that it be deferred un-1 $64.25, be ordered so as to be avail cific Coast: .from the south and sailed at 10 weonesoay irom tne nose bpu tll early In November when Dr. able In case of emergency. It was Area 2 Area 3 lpm, on her return to Vancouver womng grounds, having Drougnt Harvey Agnew of Toronto, an out- U. S 9.074,935 9,718,815 and waypolnts. m tne mny tsoy ior generator re- standing authorlty on hospital Canadian 5,601,945 214,539 Four halibut boats sold catches 'enfc decided by the board that the parts should be. ordered. The finance committee report presented by S. D. Macdonald showed expenditures for the month For the period from March 1 to yesterday, California orders being ,he reported that fishing had been'been made of hospital and nurses' , totalling $3637.64. There had been June 30, 1935, the following land-; responsible for an uprise in prices. fmewnai, improve?. 01 iaie ai- hQme bulldlns and everythlng had 1 1352 hospital days at a cost per -m, The sales el ne fiWc follows. Aleutian. AiH0n "ugn persistent T, 1suu,'I":tt0, souuieast wuius . . 1 1 Saturday, July H, 1939 H:HLJ.H LAST SHOWINGS Last Complete Show, 9:08 WARNER BAXTER In - - 'Robin Hood Of Eldorado" with Ann LOKING, Bruce CABOT, (At 7:42 ii 9:50) ADDED MICKEY MOUSE News - Travel - Musical PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder apd Engineer. Irwi and Rraa CaatiB. Eleetrle and AeetjleM Welding. Specialist on Sawmill and Mining Machinery. All Type Caa Engine Repaired and Overhauled. Aircraft Service TO S.MITHEltS During railway tlc-up. $30.00 a passenger providing full load of five pasoengera can be arranged for TO STEWART $12.00 single fare. $22.00 return. Fishing Trips to Khatada or other lakes and Special Fliehts to any point arranged, For more information apply. PACIFIC AIR W A Y S For information enquire Union Oil Dock or Phone 32 Taxi Clias. Elliott, Pilot NEW CHART Queen Charlotte Islands SOUTHERN SECTION Dominion Government Chart- Number 053 Survey of 1935 East and West Coast of Moresby Island. Just received, price Wc carry a complete slock of British, Canadian and United States charts of local waters. Standard prices. Don't take chances with obsolete charts. Get the latest surveys from us. -By Westover ifilSL ( TMEfeE YOU ARE, MAC, PICK OUT THE "1 i23iirs dl;TWk 'L WB&kr J i-LOOKING BOY jy (SEMDj j KM. tint Tauuu SymJkUt, he, WwU riW ml f-jt