PAQfi xnq KEEP TilC ELGIN DAILY EDITION MY Use Storm King Boots "Alllengtji mmr 'boot, -Shiny tfirtiSh, Uliat will Inmteet lyou f 'from the Kveatheh SilS4ll (0lfi Member f Audit ot Circulations ? Social Credit Weakening 1 nr. Vhere ,Most PeopJe Trade T I 'IMIlIS!Dli.l PHONE 357 H. (Estab. 1908) F..PULLEN - Managing-Editor THIRD rAVENUE XHE '15AILY HEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon', Except : Sunday, by Prince Rupert pally News,. Limited, Third Avenue ! Saturday, Nov. '21, 1936 Judging by 'the election .returns in Calgary 'it seemsas if Social.! Credit may be weakening. Also-there 'is an organized opposition being formed -in the various centres of the province which may be. effective in bringing about a change in thattprovince. The longer the delay in: putting his theories into practice the less likely isPrenher Aber hart to succeed. We have felt all along that Aberhart should be given every opportunity to test his theories and see if they-are workable in Alberta. , lie had splendid support from the peoplefthere and the Ottawa government has done.ndtht ing so far to intehfere, even though;they might have felt it their duty to do so. Natui:ally 'British Gblurribia people are watching the movement closely: and success there would have an effect in. advancing the cause here. 'Excuses Why it did not succeed willibe rjf no value. We still wish "Mr. Aberhart well in his. effort but we fear, for the result. Candidly we are not expecting to see him win out now-that. he has taken so long in his preliminary measures. ?It: looks to us as if he tlid not know what he wantedtbido-when-he started and his failure to secure the did of Mrijor f Douglas in working out. a practical scheme was. a body blov he did not expect. At any rate we are still watching and hope he will 'be given the" opportunity tqtmake.gbod.if hei can. It is Alberta'3 prob lem, not ours. . Thank You, Mr. , Asselsline Hon. T. D.'Pattulld,imen1ber (for Prince 'Rupert, gives credit to W. J. Asselstinp, member or Atlin, for having secured the vdte of $2,000 for an ore sampling mill at Prince 'Rupert to serve'nbt only -his district butalso the points aloijg the. railway where mining is carried on. It would serve the, Portland 'Canal areaQueen Charlottes Porcher Islandand also the interior and it. hag been generally recognized that Prince Rupert would be the pro-; '.per location for it. For many years the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- merce had .asked ;for such a sampling milL Its advantages had -been (pointed out to the successive govern-? ments!but it' remained' for-' a member Who knew about min--ing and who represented; a mining constituency to finally close the "deal with" the vernment and bring the plan to fruition. The people of ;the .surrounding mining areas will be particularly i pleased to hear of this excellent move. Winter is ,flgain iv.ithj ms and as usual ve are atiyouf service totssist you sdlve fybur 'fuel prdblems. 4wb. have1 coals for ill stoves, heaters arii); furnaces. Phone us for prices, t mm .Winter wittdswirt, arechillzng- needs refitting: II -YOUI 4 T-EVITT & Co. Ltd. Old Country Soccer English Leaptie-nrst Division Arsenal 5,'Mlddlesbrough 3.- Bolton Wanderers 0. Manchester city 2. , ' Brentford 2, West Bromwlch Albion . Everton 4, Portsmouth! 0, Huddersf lld "Town -4, CheLsea 2. Manchester United 2, Liverpool 5. : Preston N6fth End j2, Birmingham 2. Sheffield 'Wednpday 1, -Leeds United 2. Sunderland 3, Stoke City 0. ; Wolverhampton 'Wanderers 6, Charlton Athletic 1: Scottish Leajue First Division Aberdeen 3, Clyde 0. 1 Celtic 6, Thirdf Lanark. 3. -Dunfermline UPajrtlck; Tblstlejli Falkirk 5, Dundee U Hamilton Academicals 2, 'Albion Rovers 3. ' Hibernians '4, Arbroath ' 1. Queen of South 1, Kilmarnock 0. Queen's Park ,0, Hearts 2. Rangers-O.-St.. Johnston 0. St. Mlrren 3, Motherwell 0. BRIDGE SCORES Musketeers 5, Rupert Dairy t4. Ramb'ers 5, C. N. R. A-4 B. & K 4, Canadian Lejlon 5. Grotto vs. S. O, N. (postponed). Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Mills wen', to Prince Rupert on Tuesday's train and Constable H. L. Mt-Kenney. went on Uie samo tralij for treatment. Jack McCulloch came In to Tor-race Wednesday night for treatment for an Injury ,to his hand received while at work near W. Atwood of North Vancouver Is; t Terrace on a visit to old friends. Mr. Atwood and his fam ily Jived here some years ago. The; United Church Ladies' Aux iliary held a supper Wednesday night in' the Orange Hall. The affair was very well attended. The leather remains very mud and there has been a, heavy fall of rain duning the past few days with the result the river Is at a high level and Is causing some anxiety' Ipi those who live near the river banks. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 - BEEF Pot Roast 6 lbs Hump Rdast per lb Prime Rib Roll per lb., Sirloin Tip 5 lbs. T-Bone Roast per lb i Round Steak per lb Sirloin Steak 3 lbs : Hamburger, 3 lbs. . & 2 lbs. Onions Shoulder Steak 2 lbs VEAL Shoulder of Veal Boned and rolled, per lb Leg of Veal per lb Rump Roast ' per lb Fillet Roast- per lb PHONE SSI Saturday Specials Biew veai t 3. lbs ;. LAMB & MUTTON Leg of Lamb t per lb. f I - a per lb f ROlled Shoulder of. Lamb i per lb. Leg of Mutton per lb Mutton Chops 3 lbs PORK Leg of Pork per lb Pork Chops pr lb. Shoulder Pork per lb. 50c 15c 15c 75c 18c 15c 50c 25c 25c 15c 15c 20c 25c 25 c 25c ;20c 18c 50c 20c 18c DAILY SKI .CLUB Smithers Has Complete New OflO'fflcers This S'Mn Set SMITHERS, Nov. '21 : - -The Smi- fhers fikl 'Club got away pn 4ts 1936-37 reason .when It held Its annual meeting In the Municipal FivePinBowling FJve Pn . Bowling .League results lastt night: I Five Jokers 1st 2nd 3rd Ding well ,160 225 159 Da vies .......128 .131 110 Stiles J-.v189'-158 244 Comadhna : , 108 244 177 Mcintosh ..T..',182 -288 177 Handicap 77 77 ,77 Totals ......Mi 4 1 123 938., (Qyto Club .will.j , play 'against' above scores Mater.) Pioneer -Laundry-Houston X... lst -2nd '3rd -.253. 254 -212 Wesch ....... 4i9i Klnslor . 157 Joy . ,138 Asemissen ........;.243 Handicap .; ' "-'78 .166 '135 192 274 205 208 193 158 . ! 78 78 Totals ...M ;I060 1088 1065 i Old Empress 1st 2nd 3rd1 Gunderson 203 Ross 'i7fl Shrubsall Calderone ....156 McKay 141 Handicap 51 174. 150 134 225 143 51 Hobby.ShowJBy - 225 206' 190 202 184. 51 Total ...897 877.1058! New'GhecktRoom At . ! Capitol Theatre ... . Owing- to the fact that a- number r of overcoats' have-been stolen -from the Capitol Theatre,' the management ann6unced last night that arrangements had been made for the establishment of a-check room on the right hand side entering' the Dunaing. Those not wishing to check their coats and hats can use' the cloak room pn the left entering' the theatre. ' The theatre will make no revenue1 from the Check room but has ar-! ranged It purely for the protection of the patrons. ' Trail Rangers A .Jrge; gathering of friends and parents of the-Hawks' Trail. Ran-. gtrs met last evening in First uni Hall on -Monday evening for the j . church ' to witness 1 the boys' purpose of .electing officers efforts' In the'form of afhobby planning the winter's campaign. ghow lhe. exhibltswere many and a wnp:eii rcnange or on.cers took place and L. Fraser . found himselfiUie neiw president succeed? ng A. O. Bowie. The office of secretary .will be filled by Miss Irene Mclntyre while H. Q. Wind will handle the finances of the Club ;as i treasurer. " , fGunnar Llridqulst is club - cap tain, .succeeding Smithers' vace Jumper, Chris fDatiUe. AVith Jill. Aew officers taking a erbatMntjrest In ttia sport, tha retiring officers felb'thit. tie's was Uie. procedure. requind to keap up the' enthusiasm jnUhe 'work. During their term of office the Tearing officers had done an immense amount of hard work, hiv- ling eitabllstiedi a s:a!om hill a, Id ll.lJ L . . iaiu out-ana- cut trails ana routes for skiing throughout the valley. They .were unfortur, x j w'.t'i the weather, however, find found ;lt necessary to postpone trie .b;g Jump as there was a big blizzard on the -day that . th? tou,mneht was scheduled to take placs and this- prohlbted the oarryins o,ut of that event lit is expected that this winter will show the same enthusiasm among skliers as lias teen evidenced from the start of this sport in Smithers three years ago. yirled and were greatly -appreciated ias sonie-of them wre very in-tere'ting to both young -and old. .sssssssssssssflslal Another t c6rner held an array tot railway 'equipment, electric and 6therwlse A which attracted an audience; .oftyoung people. , I During the course of the evening moving pictures were shown of to- Larce, Gathering ,of Parents .And , Friends 'at Novel 'Affair cal scenes and a musical program. inciuaea.piano.Jspios, gy uian i-artse and Edward "Dawes; mouthorgan, selections by David Jones; violin solo by Elmore Hailklrtson, aocom- panled by Miss Nellie Lawrence. ... 'TheVguests'leftat.the end of the :showSyith a i little more knowledge - and happier 'hearts -than they had when they came. Asf theshaw was a. profitable suc,- The electrical corner hejd much cess the boys 'Intend to have an-attentlon showing a number of ap- other gala affair lnthec6'mlrig" newl pliances such as crystal sets, etc. year "The purest form in which tobacco cart be,molfc!."" 'Plan now $or C IIHISTM vs IxV XIIE nOIE hATSO :TI)U is the year' to plan that Clirl8t;nas lli'Hday reunlv" aiugiiK tfricixlH in (lie Old ? Country. 'Let u help ou iplan'.Jour1 itinerary ami 1kw, )j6uihow inotlcfatettlie coAtn can he. WMrtiHm Hound TtiptFtire (THIRD CLASS OCEAN) -jillg. from -Ww Hon ttontrcal. lre Salpt J11I111 or) H 1 iM I PI J k 3 SIBRBVE A ipcll quality eld ryt f tfint Hvor thoroushly milurcd In 'ok.. -9180 113 OZ. Ml 25 02. Mali fa 1. Canadian Pacific - Cunaril. WJtlte Star Canadian Servicf , (On ile daily. ItelurulIiAlt kU inojitbt. OfTIONAL KOITINGS AGE GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED f. AnrAr.fcNTsroH All. STKAMMlll' LIMES S FURNITURE CHRISlfMAS .GIF3TS Solid Walnut Toa Wagons. Solid Walnut iHp'pe Chests with Tennessqe - Cedar 'Liiriilig ' 327 Third Ave. A A A 'Phone 775 Rex i Bawling iGlub 'Exchange Block St. and Third Am. Phone 658 O0 A L M-OSHLKABEEVEUYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed (fAMOUS EDSriN ALBEBtt COAL . HULKLKY VALLEY COAL ,VACOlVK 'ISLANll COAL 'I'lt'iNiJK ItUiRUT iPKEI) COMPANY WW- S8.anl S58 ' 'HOTEL 3 respect of the premises, trie ouiKung Hotel, situate wiw :w.fiv-A:i 1 J. 'ZarelJi ProprHor "AljlOJlE AWAY FROM HOME" Hates .Jl OO up 50' liooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kuprt. B.C. PJi6ne-281 P.O. Box 198 l,N TIIK Sl I'KKMK (Ol'HT Of UB1TISH j ( 1)1.1 Mill V IN IMtOlUTK In the Slaltrr of tlir -linlDli4ritlui Art" And In tJi"Kl.tT c tb Er:t or-WBUm Gordon '.tntlrrun, I, InlHalf TKE. .NOTICE U: by order of V Hencr. 'W. -E. F!h. tlw 20th tbi : .Novrnkbrr. A. D. 1938, I 111 appoint 'amiul'in'T t te of WUliu 0:rdcm Andrew. dfc:.'d and al psrttrt irtog claims nstlmt the ui; t-ttait'e are tifrcJby itquUfj ta fumli: ijnr.. i;iwly vr (l -1, it me cn c Jbff-e the 2 1st day of December, M 19S6. Qd J1 tir'.l4 Wed to U Me ire required to f iy the umm tif ynr trjlrt rirr t- ortiwlt). I NORMAN A. WATT. Offlal Administrator, I . prtrui- Ru-xTt. B C . th 80th day of 'NGvrail S.A. D 18?fl. I llIK M VItK.MK ('t)t'KT 01" toWIW' 1 roi.rMKit INJ'liDllVlK ! tr laffrr of (lie -Admliilnth: Art" unit In )br .Mallrr of Hie Ftalf of Jollu Jnhnii. Drcrn-rd. lnfflte jTiKE NOTICE that y orflor.ofiH Honar; W. E. FJsrKT. yie lth day ( fvfmber. AD. IMS, I ppolnf f.AdntniUrator of the tl of uin Johfmon. deoeaspd, and wi piruM n Ing . claims ag&innt njve aald eUte ' hcreiby requtml t Jur4lh same, proi erly verllled to' me on or Wore tl 17th day of Deosmtjer, A D. 1936, w all J.rtle Indebted to the eJal f rtiqulted to pay the amauM of ti IndetotedneM to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Admiototrator. Prince Rupert. B. J Dated the nth day of November, M 1P38.. I.AM ACT Nolke of Inlrntlon to Apply WW Land In he Prince Rupert Land RfW DUtrlct of'Kftnge 4. Coast Land DWM and altuate n-pproxlmatoly one mu a Southerly direction along the cm-line or Princes Royal Uland rrom w Pern Point. ald Red Fern Poujti', approxlma.tely our mllea in a .w1 direction Troon Barnard Cove. Take Notice that Hana Prince . Rupert, B.C. P110" J , Packer ntenda to apply tor a IWje the fdllowlng. deacrlbed IwrC' mericlaK at a post Pat'.M11 , in Water mark on the hore-lUie " middle of a bay being ?Pr,linp' one mile Bouth of Rd theoc three chain North-Ewt J fifteen olialna Eat thence f w South, thence fifteen chaini ,W thence Northerly to the nearest P at low. water,-thence ,'', ' waiK io a point oPPJJs more post and .containing five acres, HANS HANSEN . vbalfKl'.lSth dav nt nber. 193 ACT" iollee vf '.tppllraUou fr on V NOTICE, la hereby given Uiai , h(tnth day of BWiAW " ifl , urwfcMlened mtnds to apPy " , t n,4Ml TVmtwI Tor P , te on on womii -rt6 C: C. W Upon the wie rBlod eS . !! Massett, B. as Leta 'No. 1, '2. w Map , Massed TMn'V Prtfice '.Rupert Land WggrttM triot In the province T Btiu "r"gIM bla. tor the sale of JXr or the bottle tot consumption preml -or elsewhere, wr; "twl thin 8U1 day of November-T8S8. rli.fT4 OnVatBXMENT' Ml'" (Swllon ,?'.. rNOTICE Of APriirAri"- .Notice Is -hereby 've"tntli. KW 3rd day of 'December Vh J.!WW' signeid 'intends .U j, Control Board for a Suildl-of jprwrtl being part 01 r kJioiwn 'to KMX JWS V' Avmue Prince nufm dcac described r tunhla. ipon U1 'NO. 13 ana j. U rand " , 1,. Map !33,, Prince Rvipcrt 0 i.:ii 'rt.4M- In trie l - ttMt ter by .tmijlaw or-by-tlw a .tJH tj651'BHONE 652 tunptlon on the- prenw 40 OZ. where. Dated thU Slat day i Thf, tdvertliemcnt U Hory Um Bow4 or c. Trusts ol 'rMp