NOTICE The Knox st, if necessary, according- to in-ructions in the box. At the same: time, if you have a re throat, crush and dissolve tte "Aspirin" tablets in one-third iss of water. And gargle with thu liiture twice. IThe "Aspirin" you tale internal-i will act to "combat fever, cold lins and the cold itself. The gargle ill act as a medicinal, gargle to uviile almost instant relief from wness and pain. It is really mar-Ims; for it 'acts like a local anes-i-tic on Uie irritated membrane of mr throat. iTry this way. Your doctor, we puw, will endorse it. for it u Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. J.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. - - - J?2Mr NSW- . -' 77 .,v - r- ... j --iT"-- i-iirSBi "i , , Hotel LQCMJNEWS jNOTES i :ggg3iS5S8H ' I is under new ownership. "Come up and see us some time." BKASF.LL N. M. BRASELL erels Simple Way to Curb a Cold Two Quick-Acting, Quick-Dissolving "ASPIRIN" Tablets with a Gtass of Water The modem way to curb a col J ii this: Two "Aspirin" tablets the moment you feci a cold coming on. Then re quick, effective and ends the taking of strong medicines for a cold. "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of tle llayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario.' Ixwk for the name llayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK KU. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers, leave. Prince Rupert for Vancouver: IS.S. CATALAi EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJW. Due Variiouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Trince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 Canadian Pacific to Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports ! SS. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at, 10 p.m. Vancouver direct fo SS. "Princess Norah," Nqy. 3rd, 19th, Dec. 3rd, 17th. o Ketehlkan.fWrarigell, Juneau and Skagway L os. "Princess Norah, Oct. 3Utn, nov. loin, uec. iu. WINTER EXCURSION FARES TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN S32.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th, 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 1937. For Information -and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. fieFxshwhichimade Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Br and" SMOKED r BLACK COD Prepared Daily By (Canadian Fish Xrild Storage Co.ttl tPRINCE;RUPERT, bc Nice1 line of new evening slipper? just received at t Fashion .Fpotwear, Alex Rlx,,'district manager of the Imperial oil Co., returned to 'the city on last night's train Iromra brief trip to .Terrace on . company business. , ' Mr. and ' Mrs. ;Ingvald Fenriess and child, returned ! to .the ,cJy-orI the Princess Adelaide' yesterday' ternoon from '.a '.vacation 'ttipi"tt Vancouver. '. W. H. Tobey, cVNR. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on last evening's train-from a trip up the line on official business, He wentas faras, Prince, George. E. J. Fitzpatrick, road superintendent for the ; provincial department of public works, returned to the city on the Princess . Adelaide yesterday afternoon from .a trip to Vancouver and .Victoria. A. P. Allison, Queen -Charlotte Island logging operator, arrived iii the city on thV Princess Adelafde esterday afternoon from Vapcou-ver and proceeded by the 'Prince John last night to 'his camp at ' 3umshewa Inlet. Mrs. E. T. Kenfiey arrived In the ;lty on last evening's train from Terrace and sailed this afternoon; jn the Cardena for Vancouver .vhere she, will join Mr. Kenneyf f ol lOwlng- the. prorogation of the Legis lature and with him make a ' trip1 to California. George Corkle, formerly a well Known local baseball player and athlete during shin constructioi Jays at the dry dock arid how "with the. White; Pats, arid Yukon Route shipyards 'at Whitehdrse, -was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver for the winter. Arthur Robertson, ,'Massett saw ailU operator, sailed by the Prince John last night on his return 'to the Queen Charlotte Islands after having come to town "with Mrs: Robertson who left on yesterday train for Halifax Vhere she will embark November 25 on the steamer 'Duchess of Bedford for a visit to the . Old " Country. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon DanlelsJ who were married a couple-of weeks agdr the bride having formerly been; Miss Beulah McKlnley, daughter of Mr. .and -Mrs. J, W. 'Mckinley, . fe-! turned on the Princess Adelaide yesteerqay arternoon from a -honey moon trip to Vancouver, tVlctoria and Seattle. They are taking up residence in the house on Fourth Avenue East formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. T. N. LePage. Rey. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, who' Is on leave for a year as,pasn tor of First Presbyterian Churcl here In order to conduct an exten sion survey for the church, through-: out the nrovlnce' arrived in the city : -! ' ."-'"i On last j evening's train.' from 'Prince next fw days before , returning ,to tne central interior to conunue nis special work there. He expects 'to be back here again for Christmas, Announcement s Entertainment Cabaret Style; Catholic Hall, -November 25. 26. Cathtdral Christmas bazaar, Nov. CO. F. Bazaar, December 2. v 'United Church Bazaar, Decern. ber 3. (Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole'llall; December 4. 1 Presbyterian tea, December 9. ''Cambral Christmas "Spinsters' Spree, becember 11. (Recreation dance, Hall.'December 18. OddfelloW ISUlilHlFrilOEiCRE'Alw! In 'V4iO-lloru and lOUr MliENTIN iDAlilY FHONB 687 ;Oashfor old gold. Bulger-a (tf) SMlssipoMypstulo; sailed ,tbls af- j ternoon on the Cardena for a yaca- i ti6n tHpito Vancouver. i . i -- j iMr.arid Mrs. Duncan Kennedy; sailed this afternoon on the Car-! deriaifor vacation trip to Vancou-t j Ver. .Game Warden (Ed.! Martin sailed this' morning' on Ihe'Princess Adelaide -for a trip to Ocean 'Falls on cffielaldutles. jStaff Sergeant O. H. Greenwood 1st quite pleased over 'the -fact that he has a '.bunch of primroses blooming1 uv the police gardens and also roses, still coming, in bloom. iMr. and Mrs. Lee' Sam and fam ily left on the 'Princess Adelaide today, for Vancouver where they vll lembark November 27 on the (Empress of Asia for Canton province, in China. Mrs. John R. Morgan arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon 'from Vancouver and sailed last night on the Prince John for Sedge wick Bay; Queen Charlotte-Islands. iNorman L. Freeman, local repre sentative of the 'International Fisheries Commission, returned to Ihe eityJon'the'Princess Norah yes terday afternoon from a trip -to Juneau on official business. Order was madeat a session of immigration court here this w'eek by T. F. Fitch, local Immigration v)f freer, for the deportation: of "Si w.lshlU.'Japanese.'.Iwashlta. lt was Mr.' and'Mrs.-w.iCBlanchard of J Skagway were passengers aboard the Princess Norah.yesterday afternoon going "through to Seattle where they will : $perd the fainter. Mr. Blanchard ls( a .well .known, of ficial of thcYukon 'and'Whtte'Pass Route. Robert p. McKee of. Los Angeles was a passenger ..aboard the Prin cess Norah yesterday afternoon returning south after having spent the summer in Alaska -as-representative of the'Mergenthalef Linotype Co. He was a visitor at the Dailjf Newg) pf flee - while 1 in town. 1 Spotlight on the equlnlne sports world was turnejd to Langhome; Pennsylvania, last Sunday when. 24. bhiebloodeU yearlings who d under the hammer at the Old Glory sale In New York next week, paraded for "hundreds of buyers from home dnd abroad. CHURCH La' The Letter 'Box iA REQUEST Editor, -Daily -News: To the' boys imho have-xlestroyerl our shack. Hew much' pleasure! did you get? Perhaps; f(ve minutestfun, after we four boys had been worl:-Ing ;hard for weeks, - under gret cfiffljuUCss, sarins our 'peonies to buy nails, etc.,: the .scouting around for pieces of wood, has taken -all our play time. When nearly completed what did you do, on Thursdiy night, 19th, you pulled It dawn. Boys, ;we will fbuild -another playhouse, play the game 'and : bo sports, ana iet us enjoy our simple fun. Slsned iBruce Carter jKenneth Brockleaby ; David-Carter HemsbyiKing Dr.-W. C.Asplnall; returned to the foynd.entered' ihlscountry. illegally f 1 ?n st evening's train from a in: 1916 by deserting a ship at' Van- l"p 'w &miin- couver. r" j ' ; " '" MIT '28 Graham 34-ton Covered Truck No Car? With ThisnVcather . , And These ;Bargains! '31 Ford Tudor $250 28 Chrysler 7 Passenger CQ'9C Sedan JU;.J 29-Ford DeLuxe' Sedan j2g 28 Ford Tudor 0 '28 Hudson 7 Passenger Sedan '31 Ford Tudor I '29 Whippet Coupe '26 Chevrolet lVi-ton Truck $200 $250 $100 TermsvtoSuit- Any, Purchaser Demonstrations' Gladly Given S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford & Lincoln Zephyr Dealer Phone 83 Third -Ave. (East NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CArHElDRAL (Church of EngiandJ"' Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean 11 "AM., Morning Prayer-and Sermon Jpreacher,:Lord Bishop ottCaledonla. The Dedication of the yTdWge Woodland Memorial Window vVtlll be conducted at this service. ' i2':30, Sunday Sehooi '7:30,'EveningPrayer and' Sermon."SubJect: 'TllE UNlVERSAL LORD" A Mission conducted by Bishop Wells will commence on Advent S.uriday,.'November':29 PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY "Fifth 'AverYiie' East Pastor TI.'J. North Sunday, il A.M., Speaker, Rev. C. Personeus, Juneau Sunday School, 2 P.M., MrsjGllmor will-address the.chlldren undayfiUs'P.oiungiPeople'sIeetlng. Mrs.'VaUghn from Ketchikan will speak .teunday,',7;30!PM.,,Evangelist j..oilmor will give .the-closlng campaign address SPECIAL SINGING AND MUSIC NEXT WEEK'S SERVICES .Tuesday ah'd'Frlday, 8 P.M., Special speakers. Everybody Is welcome ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LAWRENCE'C. ttENSEN.'Paitor 11 ?A.M., "IS THE 'WORLD LAUGHING AT -JESUS?" (Mt. 9 : 24) t ;. '12115, Sunday School 7j.0PiM., "KOKiTHI JEO VIL 'tNGENLUNDE STODElDIG UT" -.'AliL-'ARE WELCOME USUI BiiM8MBmH mmmmmm Ndw ton display- it AW' ir-l? The'Larest Assortment iQt Christmas Ell 2- Cards We Ha ve 'Ever .Stocked NEW ASSORTMENTS EW nESIGNS Cards from 2 for:5cto:3t5cea(ih Boxed Assortmentslfrdm'Zoc SEALS - TAGS - RIBBONS:-ENCB0Si3rE 'CARDS -HVRAPPING TISSUE anclsee our 'complete assortment v IRE3IEMBER-iV0tingiis how onfdr the!Re'xdUl Boys' and. Girls Gontest OrmesLld TJhtt Pioneer Drtuigists the' KcxbII Str Phoney : 81 -82 Open Daily From8 a.m. till 10 1 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m 7' p.rfl. till Jn. We loan you free. a complete5 Home Permanent Wdve'Machlne'for 3 months. All you need;do Is send $3.00 to cover the cost. of shipping and the oil lor 6 complete Permarfents. Will not harm the finest halr,Ahy-one,caniguarantee a perfect wave with this.rnachlne.NoJeletrl-city or experience needed. When you have Used these .supplies more oil can be. obtained from us, at .fifty centra ' ' Marvel Wave Fafctdiry Used 'Clarinet 1183'East 41st. Ave. Vancouver, ) B.C. (ioods Picture (Frames, price Wringers J.-:. .$l.50.$i2JO() Hand Sewing Machine.;. tv?, v.....:.$i8,00 Badminton Racket, Slazerigers v7 ..... ........ $00 Violet Ray -ivk. .. . ... $5.00 Vibrators . ... , , .' ..' . )?2.50 "$5.00 Radio's, -BatterySets . . . f i, :Kh00rt825;00 Violin, fill size - ' .w........ ...$12.50 Tenor Banjos -Flute i,-, , ci t .'l,'',., , .$6i00, '$18i00 ..l.;-; ...$12.00 ,.,ivV-- .$15.00 The above meritioned;lHre on display at D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCH We IBUy Useilidodds iof Any Description For Cash PhoneGrben-421 third Avienue Business Hours: FromtSmrn. to 5 pjnv Thursday halt holiday as usual.