Friday August H. HOW TO MAKE ICED TEA w . '. I C.I.J. Dl.-L T-. t- ... ' . !SwilmlnMteiitollqld,liito hMirl Whllt hot, .d. ' rit of .MlrtwH"Sjrnd '". SUt w.ll until w. liSolvidl cupi fi conUIntf with cold wat. Do act a ifov a to not ttfet aJc.n, Lm cold wawj vm-i-"------ -IHa wnppca ,ct ALADA GOOO FOR ONE FULL-SIZEO PACKAGE OF braid's mmmi ZK&ZZ JELLY POWDER HAND THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER KLU rOW0 1AKIN3 OW0 TIA COfFtt SHCtS XTACTJ BtAIS, TOCK & COMPART Iti. VANCOUVM. B C ftttam t Mete to TO -. I c. i. GKUUK . PLAIN JANEwJIM C-K-W-X EVERY MOWING AT B '3S Week-End Special Friday and Saturday Only r Betty Ann Chocolates One Pound Box Special 40c OrmesLtd. 3irt Pioneer Drut&ists TUt Ktull Store Phonei: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. Ull 10 pjn. Snndayi and Holiday. From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 pm. till 8 p.m. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaveTScE RUPERT Mondays, 3 p.m., and Saturdays, 7 p.m. Canadian National Steamships V8-36 TheFxsh which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.,M PRINCE BUPEBT, B.C. aboard the Princess Alice this morning going through on a trip, to 'Dawson. Jack Bulger returned to the city on the Pjrmce Rupert this mom-' mg from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs' Bulger and daughter, Mary Margaret, are remaining in the south for a while loneer. I Mrs. W. B. -Morgan, who -has ibecn on a trip south, returned, home from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning, accompanied by her grandson, Billy, and her daughter, iMrs. H. C Rochester of Montreal, and the latter's daughter, ;JCathieen. ,Mw. Rochester and daughter will -pay a visit -here. Dr. A. L. Pritohard of the .sclent tlfic staff of the Departure Bay Biological Station near Nanalmo arrived In the city pn the Prince Rupert this morning "from -the south and will p rowed on the Prince diaries tomorrow night to Massett Inlet in connection wluh pink salmon investigations being conducted there. "W. H. Tobey. C. N. R. divisional superintendent, left on Wednesday evening's train for Prince George to meet H. A. Dixon, chief engineer of the western region with head-: quarters in Winnipeg, and S. Morrison, district engineer, Vancouver, who are to make an inspection of the line following repairs to flood damage in the lower Skeena valley. The officials are expected here at the week-end. Mr. Tobey will soon be leaving for the Okanagan district to spend a two weeks' vaca tion. William Bajagno, former well known local violinist and for the past several years located In Seattle where he has been engaged in concert work as a member of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Is ex pected to visit Prince Rupert around the end of September or early In October in the course -of a concert tour which will Include principal points on the British Columbia and Alaska coast. Mr. Ba-laeno will be assisted .In a local concert by his brother and niece, Charles P. and Miss Marie rBalagno, pianists. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kilpatrtck cd Montreal arrived in the city oa the Prince Rupert this mornin? from Vancouver to pay a visit here with Uiedr .son, J. W. Kilpat- rlck, Fifth Avenue East. Next week they will proceed, to Smjthers ,tr visit another son, Norman Kllpat-1 dck. "Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick are former residents of Prince Rupert, ! Mrs. "Kilpatrick "having been fori some years general superintendent for the Canadian National Rail ways here, and they are receiving a hearty welcome from many old friends. L Try a Dally News classified ad. Announcemeats Bazaar ifor Boys' Band Septem- ber 19. 8. Catholic Bazaar, October 7 and) Canadian Legion Bazaar, Octo-!i ber 15, ' ', Captist bazaar carnival, Oct. 44,. L. o. B. A. Bazaar, rldvemfttr 19. DJJXT KHWI p&g. K- LOCAL NEWS NOTES j Dress special $2.95 Friday ana Saturday. at Pemers. Mrs. J. C Alien and daughter, ; (191) "Betty, returned to ihe ity on tba, jPiinee Rupert this morning fiom I Doug Ohrtstison, who has been 'a' trip to Vancouver, Alex Macdonaid of the Fire Hall ;laff returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver. Miss Myrtle Base, who has beet on a holiday trip south, returned ftome from Vainopuypr on the Prince Rupert this morning. The iPrlnce Rupert s a result of a recent melee on the salmon fishing grounds, Japanese from Inverness cannery have been summoned to appear in pro- vincial police court, tomorrow afternoon on charges of assaulting a white man. ! ; I F. A. Mac Call um, manager of I the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, is leaving on tWs evening's train for Terrace to be away a rweek on bank business. He ahc expects to get in at Lakelse and Lakes. Church Auxiliary Holds Shower For Popular Member On Friday evening of last weec city on ttie Prince "Rupert hs. ; S; E, Alexander returned to th: the Young women s Missionary moinjng. city, on the Prince Rupert this Auxiliary Invaded the home oil morning from a two weeks' trip Mrs. j Bremner, FJtyh Avenue tO Vancouver. .. u y.olT,a a ..AHu nnrtviull ' i.0.i i C VJUO ll V -. Tonight's train, due from theiMarv b-,. who is a membei east at 10:20, was . estimated thlsjof gTWp whQSe marriage morning iq oe iwo nours ana m-Stakes place next week to J. Mc-teen minutes late which would jeod .'" bring It in at 12;35;mldnlght. Trades anu During Che evening .the President, Miss Beulah 'McKlnley, presented the many gifts to the labor Council was In regular (bride-eleit, after which dainty E. M. Haynes, Post Office In- monthly session with President o. j refreshments were served by tnose spector, Victoria, who is in the p. Macdonald in the chair. Con- present .who were Miss pnerre district on official business, kit slderable business was transacted 'Finlay, Miss Elsie Finlay, Mls ion .this morning's way freight for' ' - Sheila Stuart, Miss Beulah Mc- i Terrace. V -W. O. -Fulton is leaving on thU Kinley, Miss Helen Walker, Mls- , jeyenlng's train to. spend a fewRuthanna Wood and Miss Clec Roy Wrigley, head of the cllly'- hls sunimer home atiMussanan. known Vancouver AlrMtnrv con-akelse ;-Lake -.where Mrs. Fulton I cern, and Mrs Wrigley were her? V",u .t'J - G A dence fpT. &e season. "Dr. J: T. Mandy left this after noon on the Prince George for Portland Canal points In connec tion with his duties as resident mining engineer. He expects to be away tfor several weeks. Dirome of Premier jis a passenger aboard the Prlace -j Rupert today turning north af ter a trip to Vancouver. Found guilty of assaulting John Barseth, Anton 'Urvik was fined $2-5 and costs by Magistrate Mc- Clymonit in city police court yes terday afternoon. The charge was Mrs. Hans Underdahl and Gun- reduced from one of assault occa nar Sejvlg returned to the city onjsionlnS actual bodily harm to the Prince Rupert this morning from Seattle where they have been attending a Sons of Norway convention as delegates of the local lodge. common assault. Each pad will kill flic all day and every day for three week. 3 pads in each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET Some anglinsj at DruegitU, Grocer$, General Storei. Kitsumkalum WHY PAY MfYRF? 1 THE WILSON FLY PAD CO, Hmilton, OnU UNBLEACHED SHEETING 72 inches wide, fine .pure quality. 3 yards WHITE FLANNELETTE Horrockses quality 5 yards - - FEATHER PILLOWS Art tick covers, each. - CRUVED END CURTAIN RODS KNITTING YARN In 20 shades, pure wool, 42 balls . - Third and Fulton $1.00 S1.00 FLENNELETTE, SHEETING English make, 72 Inches 04 QA wide, heavy quality; 2 for STRIPED FLANNELETTE 36 inches wide, jassorted ' stripes, 6 yards TJJRfCISH STRIPED ROLLER TOWELLING 'Guards - - CHECK TEA TOWELING 18 Inches wide 7 yards ; UNBLEACHED STRIPE TURKISH TOWELS 18x36, durable quality, 6 for $1.00 . " .ft, $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 SHADOW CLOTHS AND CRETONNES Double width, v Q jQQ assorted patterns, 2 yds. for PRINTS Tub fast assorted patterns, 36 inches wide, yard - RAYON TAFFETAS Assorted colors, 3 yards - SILK CURTAIN NETS Assorted patterns, 3 yards - COTTON NETS AND SCRIMS 5 yards ..-i-.,....-, ...... JASPE BEDSPREADS Fast color stencilled design, 80x100, each ..1 - PILLOW SLIPS 40 inches, fully bleached 4 for - 19c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.00 79c 25c $1.00 , Children like Kellogg's , -Rice Krispjea for supper. They're jo criep tixty crackle in milk ot cream. Jsourithing. Easy to digest. Promote sleep. Kellogg's Rice Krigpies s, are eold Ly grocerg. every-4. liere. Ready to aerve, A . Slollier Gooee story on the back of every package. Mailt by Kellogp in London, Ontariq. Quality RICE KRISP1ES IB 1 i'4 & JML I guaranteed. SO CRISP they actually crackle in ftilk or cream Smile If You Like . . . But How Do YOU Carry Fresh Milk? You would not take a full-sized cow on a fishing trip but you may work almost as hard by t alking long distances to a farm for the day's milk supplyj or loading yourself with unnecessary weight, So take'KLIM, the camper's friend. It's full-cream milk, powdered for lightness. KLIM keeps perfectly without ice and is always pure and dairy-fresh. Simply add KLIM to cold water and you have rich fluid milk again. ai - uMr .awoiaI CAMP AND HOME COOK IOOK For your enjoyment,, we have. fithcred the but reel pel .of famous tjportunen and cooki. Book will be lent FREE. Jult 611 in and man coupon. KLIM THE: BORDEN COMPANY, LIHITED,-25- K9-J6 Yardley Uouie. Toronto 2. Fltaie tend me the new Cook Book, "Eaiy Rectpea lor imp na.s.itefn,- tree. Nimt Sttett City FINGERING YARN In heathers. andplains. 8 skeins ? MAITLAND RUG WOOL In 2-oz..skeins, fskeln - -? SUEDE TAFFETA BIAS CUT SUPS Lace, " trim, white or flesh, each - . -Pi or. Mid-Month Specials WALLACE'S FOUNDATION GARMENTSdrnolet's girdles, full range, each GOSSARD FOUNDATION GARMENTS Assorted Styles, to $4.50, to clear . SPORT SWEATERS Assorted mesh and knit ' balance to clear at each - LADIES' SKIRTS An assortment of llnens.iplaids, and cords, values to $2.95, to clear WHITE PIQUE WAISTS Vest style, regular $1.25 to clear, each - BOYS' & GIRLS' SWEATERS-rrSome with zipper fastener, new stock, each WOMEN'S PORCH DRESSES Fast prints, varied styles, all sizes, each WOMEN'S PURE SILK HOSE Assorted shades, 2 pairs - -.t- WOMEN'S LISLE HOSE Fawns and greys 5 pairs - - ......- BOYS' TURN TOP HOSE Assorted greysjand fawns, 4 pairs - GIRLS' FAWN RIB COTTON HOSE y 4 pairs vjr "tir""' CHILDREN'S ANKLE BOX Assorted colors 7 pairs PUKE WOOL BATHING SWITS All clearing at cost. Saturday Closing 8 P.M. 'tat WOMEN'S MESH & COTTtSN ANKLE i SOX 5 pairs - y $1M 19c $1.00 LADIES SWEATERS In if ancy-knitpullpyer style.. -fl A - $1.00 $1.95 75c $1.50 50c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Phone 9