Is i TORONTO 1 OTTAWA f MONTREAL QUEBEC -HALIFAX rom ' ' 1 1 ' "JU"'- 1 , r -l J"'t. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Loose Lod8e meets tonight 8 p.m. IMr and Mrs. W. 0. Fulton and Ml . th rttv nn -Inst. revuncu w Imlly .- fight's train from their summer t , (Mr and Mrs. J. A. Frew returned . . -i... nf tho first of the week ciiy - : Sine ter spending a couple of weeks Sjlidaylng ai wmeiae Ijames Lamb, manager of Casslar innery sailed last mgni on tne Ula for Vancouver. Mrs, Lamn I be leaving on the caraena Fri- y night Rev W S. uooperk missionary J the Anglican Church at Greenly on the Naas River, Is paying to the city. jjvisit I The regular monthly meeting of be Junior oecuun ot ihc riwue upert cnamoer oi commerce, heduled fpr last night, was post- 1 lor one wcck. iMiss Lillian Davles wishes to an- the taking over oi me mi-ipdy Ifiunce Beauty Shoppe business. Miss jftvies is a local girl, having been fan In Prince uupert. sue quau- ii at the Maxine Beauty College 1934 and solicits the support of cal people for her success. Cour- ous attention at all times will be Bonn. Phone 655. (207) WAKE-UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Aai YouH Jump Oat of Bsd la tb Morning Rarin to G He Brer thoukl neat oat two noandj of liid bile 1st font bowtb daily. If this Ml b u So vine truly, your food deeaol Street. II tutixmrt In tlx bowtU. Gu bloeli as rear item h. Yoacvt miUpUd. 11 Armful potAOA 10 into im Doay. and yoo. Zeal eour, lank aad tbo world looke pank. A mm bewel nomnnl daren't atwtre ret at tlx reiue. Yon need aomethlng that work ee thi lifer a well. It takes thoao rood, old Urur'i Littla Urn Pills to rat tbon two ex on nowiny rreeiy and mako yon Iiaundi fml "ip and op", Harmlaaa and fen tie, they mike tht blkt flow freely. Thvr do tha work get eakmel bat hara no calomel or memiry In iwa ah lor carter uiw urcr mm by umi oiiDnonuy rains anytunc alee, Be DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM la H-Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, arrived In town on last night's train from Smlthers. He returns to Smlthers this evening. j Eddie Smith and Rudolph Kel son, wno nave been in Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. J. A. Hinton returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. M. Dowther returned to the city on the Prince Rupert th. morning from a business trip to Vancouver, Mrs. A. E. Parlow, who has been visiting for some time In Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thompson, who have been oil a trip' to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tobey and son, Ned, returned to the city on last night's train after having spent their annual vacation at Pentlcton on Okanagan Lake. Misses Helen Lakle and Helen Valentine, who have been spend ing the summer vacation In Vancouver, returned home from the south on .the Prince Rupert this morning. Alex Rlx, district manaeer. oi the Imperial Oil Co.. retuurned to the city on the Prince Rupert thl; morning from a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant dlj-trlct engineer for the federal de partment of public works, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from New Westmi.i-ster to make an inspection of work being carried on at the fish ermen's floats here. ' Lawrence M. Lambly is leaving on tonight's train for New York where on May 9, he will embark on the Queen Mary for the Old Country where he will o!n Mrs. Lambly who is on a visit there oi:d return with her about the end of next month. BARGAIN FARES RETURN LIMIT 45 DAYS IN ADDITION TO DATE OF SALE PRINCE RUPERT and Return Coach 5G.50 57.20 60.45 72.10 Tourist 7OJS0 71.35 75.45 90.40 Standard Good In Tourl.t Slrtrxri t,n ratmcnt of 1ruUr berth Ut t Good In SUndurd Sleeper on fmnt if muUr berth far Children, 5 years and under 12, Half Fare Stopovers allowed Winnipeg and East mm0NDIN0LY LOW FAKES MOM ITHER WIST'.RII mrilMJ. ALSO TO OTHER POINTS IN EAJTIIN C1NA0. For Additional Information, Atk Your Ticket Apent w:ms 84.45 85.50 90.45 108.35 TheFxsh which made Prince RapertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ' " OFFICE-WORK!5 HELPED BY NATURAL LAXATIVE FOOD All-Bran Corrected Her Constipation , ere ner voluntary, letter! For years I was a sufferer from constipation. It was necessary to take a laxative every night before r "J"' 1 n office-worker, and j did not get much exercise. "Some one told me Uiat Axt-Bran was a good remedy for' constipation. 1 bought a box, and lonnd that it helped my condition, fcince then I have not had to invest in laxatives." Mrs. Margaret Jones (address upon request). ,, Scientific tests have shown that Kellog's All-Bran corrects con-' Ption safely and pleasantly. This delicious cereal supplies mild 'bulk," as well as vitamin B And Iron. Two tablespoonfuls daily are usually sufficient. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Wouldn't you rather enjoy this natural food than abuse your system with harmful pills and drugs? Protect your family from the danger of common constipation Serve All-Bran regularly for regularity. Either as a cereal with milk or cream, or cooked in tempting muffins, breads, etc- Recipes on every package. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 'Cmtlfttion iut to aaajlrfeaf "bid" (a await. Inspector John A. Fraser, provincial police, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Hazel ton and other interior points on official Inspection duties, Staff Sergeant G. H, dreenwood chief of the city police, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after having spent a va cation visiting around Vancouver and Victoria. Miss Dorothy O'NelJl left j)n Mon day evening's train for Pacific, having received the appointment of school teacher there in succes sion to Miss Eleanor Moxley who has been appointed to Booth Me morial School staff here. Miss Connie Morgan leaves by this evening's train to resume her school teaching duties at Colley-mount, Francois Lake, after spending the summer vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bishopric and child returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this, morn ins from a trip to Portland, Oregon. Mr. Bishopric Is Interested In the timber, exporting business from here. W. J. Rimes, publisher of the Nechako Chronicle at Vanderhoof, after having been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning and will proceed to the Interior, on this evening's train. George Cripps, provincial as- sesor. who has been spending the past few weeks engaged oh reassessment work east and west..oJ Terrace following the recent Skeena River floods, returned to the city -from, the interior on last night's train. He will be leayln shortly for Stewart before visiting Bella Coola and Ocean Falls. Fred. Moore of the Stewart New3 staff, who has been on a three weeks' vacation trip to Vancou ver, Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning to Stewart, A. O. Franks, who has been relieving at Stewart during his absence', will return to the city on : the ' Rupert tomorrow night, 'accompanied by his daugh ter, Miss Elsie Franks. r i. Announcements Eaglfes' bridge series starts Sep tember 2. Bazaar for, Boys' Band Septem ber 16. Orange dance, September 25. Oathollc Bazatr, October 7 and 8. Canadian Legion BataaT, October 15. m , . . Baptist bataar carnival, Oct. 84, L. o. B. A.. Bur, Norimfcer r1 Rffig Approves Coin Effigies New British Mintage Will Not Appear Until Next tear LONDON, Sept. 2: (CP) The Kirig has approved, the designs for his effigy for "coins and medals which have been submitted by H. Paget and Percy Metcalfe. Mr. Paget designed the uncrowned effigy and Mr. Metcalfe the crowned effigy. The King has also approved a series of new designs for the reverses of the silver coinage which have been prepaied by George Kruger Gray, The new coins will not appear till next year. Mr, Gray designed the Imperial silver coinage of 1927 and the silver coinages of Southern Rhodesia, New . Zealand, Mauritius and the Channel Islands, as well as the col lar of the Order of the British Em pire,-the Archbishop of Wales's processional, cross and the mace of the1 Ulster government. Mr. Metcalfe, was chosen in 1927 to re-design the Great Seal of England. He also designed the coinage of the Irish Free State. Recently with Mr. Paget he had sittings from the King at Buckingham Palace for designs for the new coinage now approved. Mr. Paget, sculptor' and medalist, has de signed medals for the. Royal Mint, SUICIDE IN FEAR LONDON, Sept. 2: Thought to be fearing prosecution a driver whose truck hafl been In collision with two other cars took his own ife by drinking disinfectant. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club held its regular weekly luncheon at the Boston Cafe today. There were a few items of business to be attended ito with autobio graphical talks by three of the members rounding out the day's program. Giving these talks were T. W. Brown, H. S. Meadows and Qrme Stuart. Past President W. H, Tobey was in the rhalr. It was de elded to extend supervised play ground activities into September. Formal appreciation was expressed of the services of David Bell, super visor, and his assistant, Laughlah Glides. Guests at the luficheon were D. A. T. Cooper and L. B. Cook of Vancouver. BABY'S OWN SOAP JONES Family Market PHONE 957 3 jibs. Specials Ooheless Stew Beef 3 )bs. Short Rlbs.iBeef Hamburger, 3 lbs. Si i ;ib. Onions Round Steak 3 'lbs. Sirloin Steak 3 lbs; T-Bone Roast Beef 6 libs -4 Prime' Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & PHONE 957 2 Jbs. Tomatoes Rump Roast of Beef, 5 lbs. & 2 lbs. Tomatoes""... Shoulder Steak 3 lbs Good Corn Beef per lb. Legs of Veal per lb Shoulder of Veal per lb Veal Stew, 2 lbs. & 1 .Uns.of Peas Veal Steak ' per lb. Veal Chops ailbs. Stew. Lamb, 2 lbs. U 1 tin of Peas ........... Shoulder Lamb-p. I lbs. . ... S.Wf et PiCkred Pork per lb 25c 25c .25c 40c 50c $1.00 75c 75c 35c Hotel Arrivals Savoy 8. Ortqulst, Lewlft Island; F, Jer- wa, Lagoon Bay; P. Wicks and Mrs. M. Letnes and daughter, Norma, Port Esslngton; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ryan, Lowe Inlet; Mr. and Mrs. David Musgrave and child and Cecil Ryan, city; Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Dudoward, Port Simpson; T. Pro- kopkln, Pacific. Royal R. A. J. Little, Vancouver; O. Wlnther, Juneau; Mrs.. F. Mann, Rose Lake; J. L. Frank, Terrace; Terry Rice, Prince George; G. Nor-mann, city. 5c 15c 10c 25c 20c 35c 25c 50c 20c Prince Rupert H. W. Harris, Port Esslngton; II. W. Chambers. Klemtu: F. W. Holmes, Ottawa; W, C. Gordon. J.j M. Cave, H. P. Howell and L. B. Cook, Vancouver; Miss V. L. Bird, Port Simpson; Neal M. Carter, Montreal; E. Davidson and George W. Cripps, Prince Rupert; E. ttlemm, Haines, Alaska; E. Farmer, Calgary; W. S. Heaslip and G. D. Marson, Winnipeg. ni'ssiFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE The MacAfee resi dence on Ambrose Avenue, twoi lots, six rooms, modern, hot water j heating and garage. Apply S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Phone 130. (208) TACTORY SAMPLES MUST GO We need the space. lO-Piece Loose-Pillow-Arm Chesterfield' Suites $72.50; 10-Plece Bed-Chesterfield Suites $79.50; 3 Room Groups, ,60 high-grade pieces, sensational bargain $160. Terms It desired. Free storage. Julius .Shore Mall Order House,' 1402 Beklns Bldg. Vancouver. FOR RENT FOR RENT Clean, well furnished, modern apartment. Phone Red 444. (209)1 FOR RENT Furnished room, close to town. Rate reasonable. Apply 411 Green St. C212) tea LOST LOST Boy's black leather coat, size 34 with B. H. marked in lining and name in pocket, Reward, Phone Green 812. PERSONAL MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex. Tonic Tablets cbntaln raw oyster invlgorators - and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted', maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write, Ormes limited, tf . I GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies,) highest grade 15, for $l. Pacmc Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. K - Home-' FermanenAvayrr, ing and Curling Machine C.O.D., $3.00, No electricity br experience need-H Will niSt hnfm the finest hair. Curls guaranteed to last seven months. All supplies for six heads. Postage' prepaid. MARVEL WAVE CO.. 1183 East 41st Ave. Vancouver. B.Ci I USD ACT Notice of Intention to applj- to l.eae.J th !HriM flimM-t Ijimi Rooordlnff . Bli. ; trlct of Bang 8, Coast, and ltut In Hudson Bay rass miaway octwrru oi-on and Dundas Islands, being one-half mile south of the iot northerly of the Nam Islands. Take notice that Robert Irvine, oi Prince Rupert, ocoupatlon Shell dealer intends to apply for a leas of th following described foreshore lands: commencing at a pobl pianica mi rock one-half mile south of the most northerly of the Narea islands, Uienca west 15 chains; thnc south IS chauu thence east 18 Chains; inence nonn ts chains to point of commencement and containing 22.8 acres, more or less. iii.r.. Dated May 20th. 1838. LA NO AC1 Notlre or Intention to appply to l.eae land In Prlnc Rupert liuid Recording DU-trlot of Range 8. Coast, and situate fronting on the north shore of tn most southerly of the Nares Islands. Take notice that Robert InrJne . of Prince Rupert, oocupaUon Shell dealer Intends so apply for a leas of the following described foreshore lands; Commencaig at a pos planted an rock 300 feet north of the north short of the most southerly of the Mares Islands thence west IS chains; thsncs south 18 chains thenot east 18 chsenj; thenoe north 18 chains to point o commencament nd containing 32.8 acres, ' mars or less. . . ROBf.KT OLES I-1NB Dated Uiy ot&, lit. School Opening Go Back to School With a Waterman's Prices from $2.50 Note Books Scribblers Pen and Pencil Sets Students' Sundries at Ppular Prices Ormes Ltd. "3fui Pioneer Drttqtjists the Kcx&U Stan Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2. p.m, 1 p.m. t(U 9 p.m. Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct . ... SS. "Princess Louise," Sept. 9th. 17th, 25th, Octa4th, 16th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd. t To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway '' SS ''Princess' Louise." Serit. 4th. 13th. 21st. 30th. Oct. 12th. SS. "Princess Norah,' Oct. 21st, 30th. ''... frf;'.; V J For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, U30 PJVt Dire Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 TM. Due Vancouver, Monday am. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 PJU. calling Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.18 Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH. Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phttne SM Used, Furniture 'i Divanette in solid oak, Double Beds, Dining Room Suite. Beds all sizes, Atlas Couch, Odd Chairs, Kitchen Ranges, Washing Machine water power and hand power, Singer Sewing Machines, Radios, Gramaphones, Buescher Guitars, Girl's Bicycle, Etc. School Books Bought. Sold and Exchanged. D. EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avew