r 11 ivv V Today's (8 AM.) Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert High fog, calm; High .. 2:05 a.m. 22.1 ft. barometer, 29.84; temperature, 50; 14:26 p.m. 22.4 ft. sea smooth. Low 8:20 a.m. 22 ft. 20:49 p.m. ' 2.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV. No. 207. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS CANADIAN FISH AND COLD T0RAGE COMPANY ABOUT 0 INCREASE ITS CAPACITY few Million Pound Annex to be Erected For Especial Purpose of Handling Mild Cured Salmon Sharp Freezers to be Modernized 'J. W. Nicholls, general manager of Canadian Fish and Id Storage Co., announces that during the coming win- months there will be a considerable program of exten-ns and alterations to the plant. In view of the expansion the company's operations in mild cured salmon in re- t years, it has been decided to construct a small cold SESSION OF HOUSE OVER fcrrta Legislature Kiscs After (Enacting Social Credit And Municipal Interest Reduction 3MONTON, Sept. 2: After .sing legislation providing for setting up of the machinery of lal Credit distribution in Al ia and the reduction of muni- bonded indebtedness Interest es to a maximum of three per- jt, the brief special session of the crta Legislature adjourned last f.t Among those in attendance kpectafbrs at yestcrdayVsesslo'h two former premiers of the race -j. e. Brownlee and Her- i Oreenflcjd. rliff Closing of Area No. Two responsible For Decrease lalibut sales at the .port of pee Rupert for the month of lust this year, according to fi ts compiled in local fish houses, lled 1,469.000 nounds as corn ed with 1,825,000 pounds in the pe month last year. American sols accounted for 622,600 pounds August as against 786,000 Jnds in August last year while Canadian total for August 1936 846,400 pounds in comparison 1.039,000 pounds In the sme ith last year. The decrease is w Area No. 2 having closed Jier this year than last. Halibut Arrivals firembo, plh, fiemont, Summary nerlcan- 73,500 pounds. 7.5c to 11.9c and 7.5c, Sanadlan10,600 pounds. o ac and 10.1c and 6.5c. American BACK FROM VIMY H. Waddlncton 9.9c fajcstlc, 20,000, 11.9c and 7.5c. al, 10.8c flielma II, 13,000, 11.9c and 7.5c, 10,000, 11.0c and 7.5c, 'king, 16,500, 11.7c and 7.5c, Pa- 14,000, 10.8c and 7.5c, Canadian Suun Ireland, 3,500. ; 9.9c and Lold Storage. WCCl 7,109' 10.1c and 0.5c, test Branch staff returned to the l v., lne Prlnce , Rupcrt thlj Wng via Vancouver after hav k gone overseas with , vim., rlma8e to France. Mrs. Wad- IS now V s Hno. tr . ! island and u,in u i ut three weeks. storage piani, adjacent to the pre sent one, suitable for storing mild cured salmon. The storage rooms at present being used for storing mild cured salmon In the main plant are to be reconstructed and modernized for the storage of frozen fish which will add an additional storage capacity of considerably over one million pounds to the main plant. In view of the expected increase in the volume of fish to be frozen to take care of this extra capacity, a battery of six sharp freezers will be modernized according to the latest refrigerating practice. While the company enjoys .a very high reputation for its frozen fish products and is able to freeze fish as quickly as any other plant of the coast, it is expected that the mo- dernizedhprp. f reyjcrs .will, reduce tne freezing time considerably and thereby turn out a much better quality. Several other minor extensions and improvements are contem- llfflicf HnliUilf i Plated lnvplvlng a considerable ex- Uguol liallUUL penditurc of money such as an ex- I i tension to the employees rest Landings Lower room. Alt V V VJ fJIVHM W 44 IJ VJ tltVV through the winter months, as much as possible of the new work will be done by the company's regular employees. When the new work Is completed, it is said that this plant will be the most up-to-date on the Pacific Coast. Head of Tobacco Business Passes F. W. Crawford, President of Vancouver Tobacco Co., Was Well Known Here F. W. Crawford, president of the Vancouver Tobacco Co., which owns the local Orotto Cigar Store busi ness, passed away last night in Vancouver after a rather lengthy Illness, according to word received by Bert Morgan, manager of the local store. Mr. Crawford was well known in Prince Rupert through 'frequent business visits here and many local friends and acquam tances will learn with regret of his demise, Long prominent in Vancouver business circles, Mr. Crawford was about fifty-five years of age and Is survived by his widow and young son. POLICEMAN REWARDED LONDON, Sept. 2:-For stopping t. nlthnn rrll r a runaway moo jured himself, Policeman i.aw- rence Perigo was prcsenucu iui , I al A I n CM 1 Itl III! iTtlal certiiicaw: vvv from the Carnegie Hero irusi Fund. Funeral Notice The fuiieral wlll take place to- ThoHnv. at 3 p.m., Iron llaynor's UnderUking Parlors Rev C D. Clarke officiating, of Mrs. James McKay sr. Interment at Falrview Cemetery. Ontario Village Havinir Gold Rush Prospectors Flocking to Ardcn, North of Kingston, Following Finds KINOSTON, Ontario. Sept. 2- The village of Arden, slxtyftvc miles north of here, Is the scene of a miniature eold rush follow- ing several finds of the yellow metal. Many prospectors have been going in and there has been much staking activity. Private Imports Of Liquor Into States May End BUFFALO, NX, Sept. ,2: The United States authorities are starting a drive of seizure against all liquor brought Into the country by private persons from Canada. Such importations, it Is estimated, have been amounting to millions of dollars annually, Street Railway In Los Angeles Restores Wages LOS ANGELES,, Sept. ,2: The Los Angeles Street Railway Co. has restored wages of all its 1800 mployees to pre-depresslon leye's. Wages had been cut in September 1932. PASSES E VANCOUVER Ralph T. Ward, Representative Of Government Telegraphs at Port Clements, Passes Away District headquarters of the Government Telegraphs here has been advised of the death In Van- :ouver yesterday morning of Ralph T. Ward, agent on the Queen Char lotte Islands with headquarters at Port Clements, after an Illness of some length. Mr. Ward went south about a month ago for treatment and his death occurred In the Van couver General Hospital. Mrs. Ward was called south last week .and arrived at the bedside before he Mr. Ward came out from his na tive land of England many years ago and settled on the Queen Char- Iqtte Islands',' taking up land. He had already setved with the Im perlal Forces In the South African War and, In India and, on the out break of the Great War, he soon i , i . i Portland Gets Big Rainstorm Temporary Crippling of Power And Street Car Service In Rose City , PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 2: A sudden irain and electrical storn yesterday temporarily crippled el ectric r and street railway service? here. Half an inch of rain fell In a two minute deluge. MEMORIAL TO KIN4 OEORfiE SALFORD, Eng., Sept. 2: Salford's, memorial to (CPt Vlntr Georgo V wlU take the form of a $50,000 fund, for a recreatlonand sports ground, , GRAND Y MAY REOPEN BRITISH COLUMBIA . MINE, PAPER SAYS t NEW YORK. Sept. 2: (CP) The Oranby Consolidated Mln- ing, Smelting & Power Co. Ltd. 4 Is contemplating reopening its Allenby and CoDoer Mountain 4 4 properties in British Columbia 4 4 which has been closed down 4 4 since 1930, it was stated today "4 4 in the New York Herald-Tri- .4 4 bune. Officials are discussing 4 4 plans and proposals will be 4 4 submitted to the stockholders 4 4 at a special meeting in the 4 t near future, it is indicated. 4 4 The company went into 11- f quldation last January follow- 4 4 ing closing down of 'the Anyox 4 4 properties and sale of the ma- 4 4 chinery and plant to Consoll-4 dated Mining and Smelting Co, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 CLOSE CALL , FOR YOUTHS rwo Sons of It. L. Maitland K.C Have Harrowing Experience . 1 In 'Coastal Walters' VANCOUVER, Sept, 2: (CP)- Robert and William Maitland. teen lged sons of R. L. Maitland K.C, prominent barrister .and former cabinet minister acfev resoverlng today after narrowly escaping death in coast waters last night. The boys plunged into the water when a small sloop, attached to a barge, capsized when it hit a log. Bobby held on to an empty gas tin and yelled until rescued by men in a rowboat. William was dragged through the water from Lang Bay to the Lions Gate where he was rescued? by a police boat. The boys had hitched the sloop to the barge after dark and the operators did not know of the accident until they reached vuiu. iwciva ana aw miu iw-uaU that evening aboard the vice in trance, ne .returned to tnePrlncfe Rupert on hls n?tum Islands after the war and in 1924 dub wlll be In business ses-Joined the service of the .Govern- slon at lts culAr u.kiv l.m. about fifty-five' years' of, age, Besides the widow, there Is a sifter, Mrs.. Andrews of Hell. The funeral 'will take place, in Vancouver. District Governor To Pay Visit Here The local Rotary Club is expecting a visit from Its distnc; governor, Charles A. Mowry, next week. He will arlve on Wednesday afternoon aboard the steamer Princess Louise after visiting Ketchikan and Juneau and that evening will meet the heads of committees of the local club informally. He will address the club al ts luncheon on Thursday and will ment Telegraphs there. He was Chcon tomorrow and there will be no speaker. BRITISH ARTIST HONORED Naval Manoeuvres Off China Coast Seventy Warships of Japanese Fleet To Show Off Between Formosa And China Coast TOKYO, Sept. 2: Seventy Japanese warships are to participate in extensive naval manoeuvres between Formosa and the Chinese coast. The minister of marine left yesterday by airplane t witness the manoeuvres. ting's Yacht In Collision With Barge Yesterday LONDON, Sept. 2.-t-Word was eceived last night, that the yacht Nahlln, aboard which King Edward VIII is making a tour of the Adriatic, had another accident yesterday lH colliding with a barge. The Nah- nn was unaamagea ana none was hurt. Bandit Is Shot And Killed In Tilamook Town TILAMOOK, Ore., Sept. 2: One bandit was killed by police bullet-; And another made his essape Into the woods with a posse In pursuit yesterday after the pair had bee;i Interrupted In carrying out a safe-cracking job. INSURGENTS Vicious Rebel Attacks Ineffective In Dislodging Loyalists In Spain MADRID, Sept. 2: Vicious hU acks on San Sebastian and Irun by air, sea andi land yesterday met with stubborn resistance by loyal forces and all thrusts the Insurgents were successfully beaten back. Government militia men, fighting In trenches and from shell holes, were very effective and smashed up rebel bay onet charges. High explosive bombs dropped n San Sebastian from rebel planes and field artillery fro.n high points did considerable dam age In San Sebastian, at len1. twenty-seven buildings being struck. General Malo, northern rebel commander, declared that the at tack would be carried on until It reached a successful culmination Malo charged France with openly assisting government forces. The government announced that It was prepared to continue the defence of Irun and San Sebastian undiminished. Bombing Madrid Bombing of Madrid by the rebeU also continued yesterday but ' .e attacking planes were driven awny by anti-aircraft guns. , ANTWERP, Sept. 2: (CP) Frantf Brangwyn, R.A.. British ar- HilDftn Marv f tUt, who has exhibited in Bruges, UCCI1 lUal JT lo has been made a Grand Officer of i A l IT ' l the Order of Leopold. Awarded 1 rODllV CITY RELiEF NOW SHOWS DECREASE : ' i Or eat British Ship Declared Fast- est .Vessel in Crossing North ' ' Atlantic LONDON, Sept. 2: The, Halts TJIiio TJIKWnn Tmnh v mht(mtl( The total relief distribution of North 300 supremacy, rom the City Hall here dur- was (omally ,awarded neW ing the month of August this rjunard-Whlte Star line steamer year amounted to $2836.45, ,QUeen Mary yesterday. showing a decrease from $3,- j . ' 265.20 In the same month last PRODIGALITY IN ECONOMICS year. The number of people ' drawing relief at the City Hall ! LONDON, Sept. 2: (CP) Prof. last month was 438. the fieure HJS. Foxwell. whose hobby was including all dependents. In Uhe collection of works on econ comparison with 498 In the iomlcs, had more than 50,000 books same month last year. :' and tracts on the subject In his :.... - m t . -ti-tmii library when he died af Cambrlgc, t .. aged. 86. . . ' Pilot Steve Mills And Party are Missing In Kenai Peninsula Area Left Anchorage on Sunday and No Sign Has Since Reen Seen of Them Despite Search Yesterday Weather Has Been Thick ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Sept. 2: (CP) Pilot Steve Vlills and five airplane passengers failed to return from a ihort flight to Russian River on Kenai Peninsula on Sun-lay and today apprehension is felt for their safety. Ken-ieth Neese, manager of the Star Air Service, searched he peninsula yesterday and returned without track of he missing ship. Weather has been thick. ht Entered jVICTORIA : In Aerial Race; REFUNDING Three Men and Five Women Dash From New York To Los Angeles To BAR SILVER NEW YORK. tCP Bar silver was unchanged at 44?4c per ounce on the New York metal market! today. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. D. Johtutoji Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .33. Big Missouri, .62. JJralorne, 7.65. B. R. Con., .06. B. R. X., .11. Cariboo Quartz, 1.95. Dentonla, .I6V2. Dunwell, .04. Golconda, .09. Minto, .33. Meridian, .08. Morning Star, .0l3A. National Silver, .03. Noble Five, .02. Pend Oreille, 75. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 3.10. Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 1.22. Relief Arlington, .322. Salmon Gold, .11. Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .09. United Empire, .022. Toronto Central Patricia, 4.25. Chlbougamau, 1.13. God's Lake, 1.03. Inter. Nickel, 54.25. Lee Gold, .07. Little Long Lac, 5.85. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.92. Pickle Crow, 7.00. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2.28. San Antonio, 1.98. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.52. SLsco, 4.95. Smelter Gold, .08. Sturgeon River, .42. Ventures, 2.20. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.10. Oklend, .34. Bousquet, .11. Bidgood Kirkland, 1.66. Madsen Red Lake, 1.15. May Spiers, .47. Wlnoga Patricia, .28. Sullivan, 2.20. Stadacona, .61. Green Stabelle, .62. Frontier Red Lake, .22. Francoeur, 1.72., ".i Manitoba & Eastern, .25. Perron, 1.66. ' : "ft Capital City to Send Delegation Headed by Mayor David Leeming Abroad NEW YORK, Sept. 2:-Three' VICTORIA, Sept. 2:-A Victqrla men and five women filers are en- clvlc delegation headed by Mayor lered for the Bendlx transcontln- David Leeming wlll go to Toronto, ental air race across the continent New York and London In connec- rum ncie iajo nisra '"t uon wun a pian to reiuna tne. mu-lboufto commence. It is a race for nicipai debt oh the basis of a four' jolo fliers.. percent Interest rate, the city coun cil has decIdedAe'"""' August Was Fine Month Sunshine Was Ahead of Same Month Last Year While Rainfall Was Down The total of 145.8 hours of sun shine recorded in Prince Rupert during August this year compared with 110.4 hours in the same month last year and brought the aggregate for 1936 to date up to 887.4 hours as against 821.5 hours In the first eight months of 1935. The precipitation this August, amounting to 42 inches, compared with 6.2 Inches In August 1935 and brought the precipitation aggregate for this year to date up to 47.3 Inches as against 28 Inches even during the corresponding period of last. year. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 29.88; temperature, 54; sea smooth. Triple Island Overcast, showery, light southerly wind; sea smooth, ' Langara Island Thick fog, fresh southerly wind; sea obscured. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 55. . Stewart Cloudy, calm, 46.; Terrace Clear, cpjm, 55. Hazelton Clear, calm, 50. j Smlthers Part cloudy, cool, j Burns Lake Fog, calm, 45. 1 CANADIAN GOLD PRICE MONTREAL, Sept. 2: The Canadian gold price closed yesterday I r f . tIA TQ not ftnA AtintA DOLLAR IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, Sept. 2: The Canadian dollar was trading at par on the New York foreign exchange market yesterday. HELP SURGEON'S FAMILY LONDON, Sept. 2; (CP) A memorial fund has been opened for the family of Henry Phll-brlck Nelson, a young surgeon .who " died, from blood-poisoning, I caused by a finger prick while pperatlng. I