PAOE TWO LOW HEELS ! ! ! The Low Heeled Sandal Type of Shoe is the Vogue Smart for all occasions We are showing a wide variety in WHITE, BLUE, BROWN, GREY and BLACK The materials are such that they will SUIT ANY COSTUME Suede, Patent, Calf or Linen The ideal, shoo for the well dressed lady. Priced from r $Q25 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. FRINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SALT LAKES SWIMMING SCOTCH WHISKY Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupen Dally News.. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid m advance . By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the BrlUsh Empire and By mall to all other countries, per year For lessor periods, paid In advance, per week . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Jncn, per inserUon ciassmed advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line , Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION r h sum mv 11111 98 86 0.00 ll 1.4U as Tuesday, May 26, 1936 While everyone would like to have a swimming pool nearer home than the Salt Lakes, for the present it is the best resort of its kind and provides excellent accommodation for those wishing to enjoy salt water bathing. All that is needed is to keep up the dressing room arid diving facilities there. The provincial department of public works, under instruction from Premier Pattullo, looks after the upkeep of the walks and landing facilities. The water at the Salt Lakes is so warm that it has been suggested there is a hot spring there, but this is not thought to be probable. Being landlocked, the waters warm up easily by the heat, of the sun, the only waters running being the streams of surface Al 1? 1 mi . water . . draining . from Liie surrounuing musneg. mis causes the water to be slightly discolored just as is the water we drink, but the muskeg stain is not injurious to either the skin or the digestive organs. Several times a month the tides overflow into the lake in sufficient quantity to keep the water saltv all the time, although it is not as salty as sea water. The scenery around the lake is outstanding and visitors from the south all exclaim at the extremely picturesque setting of the park. It should become a tourist resort when proper facilities are provided there and boats run to and fro regularly. OUT FOR HOLIDAY Marking the opening of the angling season, the holiday was celebrated by many people by spending a day or two on the streams or by the lakes of the district where they fished for trout more or less intermittently. This year more people than ever went, to Cloyah Bay and the chain of lakes beyond it. Access to these resorts has been made possible by the completion or near completion of the road to a point a mile or so beyond Cloyah Bay. Peonle who own cars in Prince liunprr nrp vow Venn f j. . j iivhi wvy have the highway extended farther so that they mav be ame w visit oiner lanes anu sireams larther still from the city. This is in addition to the prospect of some day reaching Terrace by highway. This advertisement Is not published' or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the government of British Columbia, RAIN HITS FLAG DAY Outdoor Program is Postponed, Crowning: and Dance Proceeding In Evening. Yesterday's extremely rainy weather caused the postponement of the outdoor proceedings which were to have taken place in connection with the Elks' Flag Day celebration. TThe May Queen crowning ceremony in the Exhibition Hall and the big dance at the Moose Hall proceeded as scheduled last night, drawing good crowds. The Exhibition Hall was crowd d to capacity for the May Queen crowning and attendant ceremonies. Sam Jurmaln, exalted ruler of the Elks' Lodge, opened the proceedings vith a brief speech af ter which City Commissioner W. J. Alder spoke appropriately. Then the guard of honor, con sisting of Girl Guides, under Lieut. Muriel Brewerton, members of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, under Chief Petty Officer J. Anslow, and the Elks' senior and Junior patrols, drew up. After the singing of "O Canada," the crowning of the May Queen proceeded. The 1936 Queen, Miss Phllhomena Murray, was duly crowned by the 1935 Queen, Miss Emllle Christopher after which the flower girls presented flowers to the queen and maids. Maids of honor were the Misses Marion Erickson and Kathleen O'Neill and flower girls. Fay Ingram, Sheila Andrews, Pat Bees- ley and Helen Balagno. Miss Marie Schaeffer, one of last year's maids of honor, was also In attendance. Beautiful Costumes The May Queen's charming cos tume was of ruffled taffeta with cape and crown, those of the maids of honor of crepe back satin with chantilla lace and hats of embroidered organdie, one pink and one yellow, and those of the flower girls dainty frocks of white satin. ankle length and period style with colored flowered organdie, hats. The court training was In charge of Mrs. C. P. Balagno and Miss William Brass with Annette's In charge of costuming. Maypole, Scotch, Irish and Dutch dancing numbers followed, Dresen- tatlons of chocolates to the parti cipants taking place after each dance. List of Dancers The Maypole Dancers, pupils of Miss Lillian Halliwell, were as follows: Irene Montgomery Lorraine Cornish, Betty Ladicos, Eleanor Barber, Anne Stevens, Leonora Raabe, Helen Wicks, Mavis Thaln, Brenol Sorenson, Maureen Patmore, Audrey Caraven, Bernlce Horton, Lawrence Hankinson, Mel- Vln Thompson, Jack Vulkovlch, Louis Campagnolo, James Ladicos, Frank James, Donald Hartwlg, Da vid Stevens, Sidney Youngman. Jimmy Olsen, Howard Melo and Freddie Wicks. Scotch and Irish Dancers, pupils of Mrs. James Watt and' accompanied by Piper Sam Leslie, were as follows: . Irish Jig, Bernice Eastwood and Jean McAfee. Reel OTulloch, Dorothy Davidson, Isabel Gay, Thomasina Krause and Dorothy Smith. The Dutch Dancers. dudIIs at Mrs. Jones and ncoomnnnlpri hi Mrs. E. Anderson, were Mlllicent Anderson, Doris Hodgson. Hilda Hodgson, Kathleen Shrubsall, Pat McClymont and Audrev Haworth presentations of; candy were also maae to an members of the court; Mrs. James Watt, Miss Lillian Hal liweu and Mrs. D. L. Jones. thi dancing instructresses; Mrs. Ernest Anderson, accompanist; Mrs. C, P. uaiagno and Mrs. William Brass, in cnarge of the training of the court; Miss Marie Balagno, accom panlst, and S. O. Leslie, niner. The guard was dismissed and the proceedings closed with the singing oi -uoa Have the King." Dance Bit Success f The dance which' followed later in the Moose Hall, with the Queen and court in attendance, m n i great success, attracting a crowd 01 oi over over mree mree hiindrprt hundred nerenn. persons. Tf opened with the Grand March' i.rf by the Queen and the exalted ruler of the lodge. Music was bv Charlls uaiagno's orchestra. Refreshments were served at midriiirht bv the Junior Elks and, during "the supper nour, tne drawing took, nlace for trip to Vancouver or $25 cash, Lee Gordon being the winner. The drawing was In Andrews and the lucky number was DAILY NT5WB Tuesday, May 28, m 'S PO RT' GIANTS ARE AFTER FLAG Rained Ground as Result of Week-Knd Play Double-Header Games NEW YORK, May 26: (CP) New York Giants drew up again to within half a game of the leader-hirj of the National Leattue Satur day by blanking the . Phillies - 9 to 0 while thi leading dinals were losing 7 to 2 to the Chicago Cubs. Boston Bees took both ends of a double-header from the Brooklyn Dodgers, the first by a score of 6 to 4 and the second, 5 to 4. Cincinnati Reds defeated Pittsburg Pirates 4 to 3. In the American League, the New York Yankees had two easy victories over the Philadelphia Athletics, the score of the first game being 12 to 6 and that of the nightcap, 15 to 1. The Washington Senators defeated Boston Red Sox 8 to 7 In 10 innings. Detroit and Cleveland split a double-header, the Tigers takine the first name 13 to 5 and the Indians the second, to 3. The St. Louis Browns lost the first game to the Chicago White Sox 8 to 3 and won the second, 5 to 1. F.rrorless Game The New York Giants and the Phillies played a tight and error less game yesterday, the Giants winning with a single run. The winners made five hits and the lasers, four. The Boston Bees won over the Brooklyn Dodgers with a shut-out to Join the Cincinnati Reds, beaten by the Pittsburg Pirates, In a tie for fourth place ahead of the Chicago Cubs who! 1 were dropping a close one to the! St. Louis Cardinals. Week-end scores were as follows: SATURDAY SCORES . National League Boston 0-5, Brooklyn 4-4. Philadelphia 0, New York 9. Pittsburg 3, Cincinnati 4. Chicago 7, St. Louis 2. American League St. Louis 3-5, Chicago 8-1. Detroit 13-3, Cleveland 5-4. New York 12-15, Philadelphia 6-1. Washington 8, Boston 7. SUNDAY SCORES American League St. Louis 5, Chicago 7. Detroit 0, Cleveland 7. Washington 12, Boston 4. New York 25, Philadelphia 2. National League Pittsburg 1, Cincinnati 12. Boston 2, Brooklyn 11. Philadelphia 5, New York 13. Chicago 1, St. Louis 7. MONDAY SCORES American League Washington 0, Boston 6. New York 7. Philadelphia 10. National League Philadelphia 0, New York 1. Boston 8, Brooklyn 0. Pittsburg 9, Cincinnati 2. Chicago 1, St. Louis 2. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. St. Louis .'....22 11 New. York 22 12 Pittsburg ..: ...17 10 Cincinnati 17 is Boston 17 18 Chicago 10 17 Brooklyn 14 22 Philadelphia 13 '24 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. New York 25 12 Boston 24 14 Detroit 20 10 Cleveland' 19 10 Chicago 17 15 Washington ' 19 19 Philadelphia 11 23 St. Louis n 9 Pet .667 .647 .515 .486 .486 .485 .367 .351 Pet. .076 .632 .556 .543 .531 .500 .324 .222 ENDURANCE RECORD VICTORIA, Australia. Mav 26 fr: P) G. GUlam, long-distance swim, ming champion of victoria, claims the world's endurance record swimming three miles a day over a 12-month period or aDnroxi- mately 1224 miles in the year. drawn by the Queen. George Peters was chairman for the dance and Waiter Rmith charge pf James ter of ceremonies. The dance broke up at 2:3) a.m.J1 BAITING OF FIGHT FANS New York Hears Reports That Joa Louis is Not Looking: so Good NEW YORK, May 26: It may be eyewash for the L mflt of the flht fans but there were reports here Sunday from the training camp of Joe Louis at Lakewood, N.J., that tYo nrrtwrt Pnmrir iirVin la vn vnoaf vtiv utiinii j-wiv. , n iiu vv i- v. St. Louis Car-. Max schmellne at Madison Sauare Garden on June 18, is not looking so good and that his training cam paign Is, to be speeded up. His. tim- Ing is said to be joor and he lacks customary snap and power. On the other hand, Schmellng'ls declared to be looking exceptionally good and Is making things tough for his sparring partners. Bold Venture Breaks Tendon Double Winner of Kentucky Derby and Preakne&s Will Not be Able to Race Again This Year COVINGTON, Kentucky, May 2 Bold Venture, winner of the Kentucky Derby and the Preak-ness Stakes this year, broke a tendon yesterday while in training for the famous Belmont Stake next week-end and, as a result, ho will not be able to appear on the race trace again this year, It 1 announced. AMERICAN TENNIS TOURNEY In an American tournament at the courts of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club on Sunday Philip Edg cumbe and Mrs. J. A. Barry, winners of -group one, defeated H. J. Horton and Mrs. F. M. Davies. winners of group two, 18 to 16 in the final. Twelve couples took nart in .the tournament. ...ARGENTINE TOUR MANCHESTER, England. May 20 (CP) A British rugby team of 23 players will tour Argentina this summer as guests of the River late Rugby Football Union. They leave June 20 and return In mid- September. HOLIDAYS For Adults and Children on the Famous North Beach, Graham Is. Fishing, Bathing. Badminton, Picnics,, Scenic Drives, Shooting in Season. Cottages, fully furnished, also Tents and Dining Room. Oood plain cooking at reasonable rates. .Apply for full particulars to MRS. DUNN, Sangan River, Near Massett, B.C. Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue TODAY'S STOCKS -j Courtesy B. li. JutiUsioti Cu. ... - Vancouver B.C. IHckel, .3i, Bi? Missouri, fisV UralOine, 7.4 V B R. Con!, B.R.X., .15. Cariboo Quartz; 1.49 Dentnnta, .17 '4. Duhwell. .04 y ' , '"' (lolconda, .13. Mlnto, .69. v... t V Meridian, MM. ' Morn. Star. .024: .. National Silver, :03'5. Noble Five, .03. Porter Idaho; :04'j Premier. 2.3.V Reno. 1.30 Relief Arlington, .2a Salmon Gold. .08,;, Taylor Bridge, .10 Wayside. 124. Toronto Beattle, U0. Central Pat, 3.30 Chibougamau, 2.14 Gods Lake: .99. International Nickel, 46.6.i. Lee Gold, .04. . , . " I.itlle Long Lac. .8.80.' McKenzle . Red Lak' 1.70. Perron,. 1.50. , .' ; Pickle Crow, 5"90. ' i Red. Lake Gold Shore, L41. ' San Antonio. ' 2.30 ' Sherrltt Gordon. 4.11 isco. 3.50. . " Smelters Gold, .12 Sturgeon River, ..55. Ventures, 1.96 McLeod Cockshutt; 3.90. Hardrock 2.57. Oklcnrt, .52. , Mosher. .60 Bousquet, .16 Bldgood Klrkland, 1.95. Gllbeo, ,09. Gold Eagle, .75. Jowsey,' .25. Lake Rose, .49. Madsen Red' Lake, .44. May Spires, .35. Wertdlgo, .21. If you wish to swim somethlne- Try a classified. GO FISHING the 24th Boya' Outfit R5.1 Llue and RfelAII pM 89c 'Other Outfits, $1.89 '; and up Fish. Baskets $1.45 ' and up to $5.50 Play tennis Us; 8IAI.I)IN(J llAUS with the new cover; club price, 3 for $1.25 Regular 50c each Everything; for Sports at Kaien Hardware WANTED Camp Run Hemlock Logs. IMiont Green 687 or Write Stanley Hishoprick jr. I'rlnce Rupert CO PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always In stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Service THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superplios-w phates, Complete Fertilisers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals j Gold. Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium. Bismuth Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; TJ3.S. CAT ALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1 :30 P.L Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m.. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJH. ' Due Var.iouver, Monday a.m. Weekly salljfngs to 'Port Simpson', Stewart, Xhyox and Naa Rlv Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding.' sailings an4 tickets from R. ,M. SMITH. Prfnce Rupert Agent1, Third Ave. phoneSM TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.