paqh rotrn Salada Orange Pekoe Blend is incomparable in flavour "SALADA TEA Going -i I Fishiif? j& GORDON'S HARDWARE 1" . iFa EN ROUTE Return limit is 15 days, or until end of season (Oct. 31). Full details from your nearest agent. SI7 We have a very fine lot of tackle awaiting your inspection ; you can spend as much or as little as you want and still get your money's worth. J Rods Reels Lines - - - Spinners - Leaders - Hooks Sinkers - Salmon Eggs - Flics - Etc. McRridc Street Phone 311 THIS SUMMER A NY low summer excursion fare to Eastern points (effective May 15 to Oct. 15) permits a stop over at Jasper, famous for its - Lodge, its golf course and its magnificent mountains. The same privilege can be arranged for a visit to Minaki in Ontario's "Lake of the Woods" country. A summer 'vacation trip via Canadian National also gives you the choice of alternate routings via the Great Lakes at slight extra cost. Used Furniture At Reasonable Prices VM-M Dressers, Beds all sizes, Tables, Chairs, Kitchen Ranges, Hand-power Washing Machine, Refrigerator For the Baby Simmons' Steel Crib, English Coach Buggy, Fibre Carriage, Fibre Sulkie, Folder Carrier WE BUY MEN'S CLOTHES, ETC. D. ELIO PHONE GREEN 421 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Hotel Arrivals Savoy F. Murray, Forcher Island; Mrs Iverson and Norman, Oona River; O. Christenscn, Bella Coola; Roy Wicks and Roy Wicks,' Port Es-sington; A. H. Jones, Mary Max-!sam and Agnes Olson, Terrace; L. : A. Leroux, city; E. W. Moren, C.N R.; H. J. Smith, J. J. Marrs, J. B. Armour, K. Hardy and P. Wicks North Pacific Cannery. Royal W. Herman and R. Mitchell, Sun-nyside; C. Holland, Victoria; F. W. Taylor, L. H. Evans and A. Bour-geoisr C.N.R.; Rupert Ross," Lawrence Duke and C. J. Duncan. Haysport; Chong Yee, Hu Me, V. Favero and A. Shrubsall, Prince Rupert; John Cotton J. Mclntyre, W. McKenzle and P. Peterson, Vancouver; Dudley O. Little, Terrace: A. H. Vick and A. Olsen, Inverness. H. Taylor, Cassiar; W. Sim, Por cher Island. Prince Rupert Miss D. Plte, Mrs. J. A. Brown and Miss Ada Brown, Port Esslng-ton; W. E. Keyt, New Westminster; Dr. W. K. Feasby, Toronto; O. M. Lyon, Prince George; F. J. Sharpe. George F. Tough and L. F. Barrett, Inverness; R. H. Gurd,' Cassiar Cannery; T. Kaye, Vancouver. Knox M. L. Clark, Georgetown; F. W Hughes, J. Lyngnes and J. Larsen, Vancouver; C. Burton, Winnipeg-. H. Loakes, Digby. The Alaska Fishermen's Co-operative Association started canning red spring salmon aboard the floating cannery Retriever at Sitka on Saturday. IN TUB SITKEME COt'KT OK ItKITISII COU'MIIIA IN I'KOIUTB IN THE .MATTER OP THE "AIIMIMS- TKATION ACT" AMI IN Tilt MATTEK OF THE ESTATE OI. JOHN JOY, Defeated; TAKE NOTICE that by Order of H' Honcur Judge Fisher. Local Judge of the Supreme Cqurt of British Columbif), made the 22nd day of May, 1936. I wa appointed- Administrator of the Estati- of John Jry. Deceased InU state, lat of Prince Rupert. B.C., -who died on Ur 25th day of April, 1936. All persons having claims against the said estate arc horcby required, to furnish same prr perly verified to me cn or before tht 2oth day of June 1938; otherwise position of the said Estate will be mad wnuvai, ii-gatu nwrrnj. AU parties n- attea to the said Estate are required to pay the ameunt of their lndebtd-ne5 to me forthwith. DATED this 22nd day of May 1936. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. LAN II ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Purchase Land District of Queen Charlotte Islands and situate rm th North ihn i. Cumshewa Inlet immediately South ol Take notice that the Allison Loggln? ) company umitea or Vancouver, B. C i. Intends to apply for permission to the following described lands:- Commencing at a post planted at the ' S. W. corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I, thene? 1 60 cliatrts East along South boundary jof Lot 45; thence due South to shoreline; thence West along .shoreline to point of commencement and containing 40 acres more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd. Dated April 21, 1936. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leawr Land In Prince Rupert Land Recordlrg District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate on Cumshewa Inlet fronting on unrurveyed Grown Land which Is situated Immediately South of Lot 45. Queen Charlotte Islands District. lane notice that the Allison Logglup Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C. intends to apply for a lease of the following described Foreshore Lands :- Commencing at a pout planted at the S. W. Corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 20 ohalns due South; thence 60 chain dUe F.RXt thpnA Hna HnHh t Qhn.i. ..v. vyj uuvi c" line; thence West along shoreline to yjuMv m commencement and contain ing ou acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLI80N, Pres. Allison Logging Co, Ltd. Dated April 21. 1936. LA Nil ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leiur In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range 5 Coast, and situate or Island cIoee to 0aJlowy Rapid Bridge Take notice that I. Martin Miller of Prince Rupert, B.C. occupation Lumber-man Intend to apply for a lease of the luuuwuig ae&criDed lands: Commencing at a post planted sp proxlmatley 3 000 ft. north of lots 115 i 251, Range 5 Coast thence u west; tnence 760 ft. south thence 660 feet eawt; thence 260 ft north thence following the shore line i puBt pi commencement and containing ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Dated March 8. 1930 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL I1ULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY . .PHONE: 58 and 558 DAILY NEW8 Pentecostal Revivalist LEE ELLENWOOD Lee Ellenwood of Pacific Grove, Calif., who has been holding large Bible conferences at Victoiia, Vancouver and on the northwest coast, Is expected In Prince Rupert on Thursday of this week to hold a Bibfe conference at the Pentecostal Assembly on 'Fifth Avenue. The nature of these addresses will be on the Holy Spirit and the deeper truths as revealed In the Bible. The meetings will continue from May 28 to June 4. lis ' fflLfllKfe WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, arrived in port at 7:30 Sunday evening from the south and sailed at 9 p.m. for An-yox, Stewart and other northern points whence she returned here this morning at 10:45, sailing at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Nine halibut vessels landed catches at Butedale last week, receiving prices slightly better than LAM ACT Mitlre of Intention to apply to Lea-, Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis '.rict of Range $& Coast, and sltuit clone to OaJloway Rapids Bridge, neat iTince uupert, a. c. Take notice that I, Martin Miller o Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation Lumber man Intends to apply for a lease of t! rollowlng described Foreshore lands. - Commencing at a post planted approximately 3.000 ft. north of Lots 115-116, D. L. 251. Range 5 Coast Dlstllc thence about 500 ft. south to oppoxtt thore thence northerly following th horellne to pout of rotiitiiencetiiem nd containing it acres, more or lea MARTIN MILLER Dated March 6. 1938 ECONOMY SPECIALS Mean More Savings For You AH The Year Hound PORK & BEANS Llbby's 07 n 28-oz. family, 2 tins PLUM JAM Pure QQf 4-lb. tin OUK, I SLOANE'S MALT 2V2-lb. tin DOMINION HOPS Ws, 2 for BOTTLE CAPS-Jolntite 1 gross pkg. YELLOW SUOAR 10 lbs WESSON OIL 1-lb. tin $1.13' 15c 27c 55c 32c (For baking, frying, mayonnaise) Cherries Arriving Wednesday MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents P. O. Box 575 Thone 18 Do You Return From 'Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SURE, When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME RA.IAUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands I those prevailing at Prince Rupert for a total of 99,800 pounds. The boats landing at Butedale were as follows: Mae West, 4,700 pounds; Sea Maid, 15.000; B. and Y 18,000; Jessie Island No. 12, 11,000; Percy W., 5,000; Canuck, 11,000; Cape Beale, 28,000; B. C. Bird, 3,100; Charmine C, 14,000. The Charm-ine C. arrived here yesterday from Butedale. One of the week-end angling parties was that of M. M. Stephens, Sid Benwell ard Jack and Fred Armstrong which made a trip aboard Mr. Stephens' power boat Vera S. Frye to Red Bluff at the south end of Pitt Island. Departure was made Saturday night and re- Iturn late last night. The water was found to be tod high for any success in fishing. Owing to stormy weather, sal- 'mon deliveries at Ketchikan last week were very light and It appeared doubtful Saturday night if the co-operative there would have enough fish for Its usual weekly carload for shipment to the United States via Prince Rupert and the Canadian National Railways on Monday. However, it was hoped that sufficient fish would be brought In Sunday. wanted GIRL wants light housework, I Phone Black 446. 121 AT ONCE! Two men ?21-35) r,f I neat appearance and fair education accustomed to mnfltlncr null. and willing to work 8 hours a clay. Average wceklv earning n start $20.00. Steady employment witn aii-uanadlan organization and opportunity for advancement. Local territory will be allotted; men with cars preferred Apply giving past experience Room 1. Bradburn-Thompson uiock. Kcimonton, Alta. 127 FOR RENT 6-ROOM house, thoroughly reno-vated. Apply. 700. Fifth Ave., W. FOR RENT 4-room furnished flat, j Monarch range. Phone 547. (tf)' COMPLETELY Furnished fully modern 5-room suite with oil burner and electric washer, close in, reasonable. Apply Box 12, Dally News. ,128) FOR SALE DELCO Engine, 32 volts. Supplies 28 lights. In very good condition. Apply Box 11, Dally News. (128) FOR SALE Two 11 passenger busses. Apply Box 789, Prince Rupert. (128) NEW 1936 Johnson outboard motors, Vancouver prices, W. R. Love Electric Co., agents. (124) FOR SALE Household furniture, roll top desk, tailor shop furniture. Apply Sam .Wood, 337 Second Ave. W., upstairs or at 5torc (123) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest, Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville', Vancouver. SPECTACLE jit IN COLOR "Trail of Lonesome Pine" is Outstanding Attraction on Screen Of Capitol Theatre "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine," one of America's best known and most beloved stories, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre for the first half of this week In a spectacular and beautiful technicolor version starring Sylvia Sidney, Fred MacMurray and Henry Fonda. It showed before large ano appreciative holiday audiences yesterday and will be seen again tonight and Wednesday. Based on the novel by John Fox Jr . "The Trail of the Lonesome Miss Joan Hallett. welfare officer for the provincial Department of Education, who is on a visit to this district on official duties, left on last evening's train for Terrace Built two .J I Pine" is a tale of hill folk In the i Cumberland Mountains and the feuds which set family to fighting family for causes long since forgotten. More than ninety percent of the picture was filmed outdoors. The film presents Miss Sidney and Fonda as members of the same mountain clan who all their lives have loved each other and warred upon a neighboring family. Ancient ways are changed, however, when MacMurray, a young engineer, arrives to construct a railway line through their hills. He wins Miss Sidney's heart while! Fonda, In bewilderment, sees the! collapse of the only code he knows to fight and kill for what he loves. The film reaches a climax when Fonda sets, out after Mar-Murray and the rival clan simultaneously sets out after Fonda. 's Wonderful THE FIRST ACTlnv ROMANCE Fluff D ENTIRELY IN NATURAL COLOR "THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE" The blazing story ol moua-tain folk . . . their loves thcr hates . . . their feuds ' all th? turbulent life of th Kentucky hills brilliantly in tcrprctcd by a magnificen casti - With - SYLVIA SIDNEY Fred MacMurray Spanky McFarland 'At 7:23 & 0:25) ADDED Colored Cartoon "HONEYLAND" WOKLII NEWS EVENTS Tonitc and Wednesa Last Complete Show at 9:0 COMIMi! Thursday - Friday - Satnrda "CAPT. HLOOir , Children like Kellogg'i 1 Rice KrUpics for supper. They're so crisp thej crackle in milk or cream. 1 Nourishing. Easy to digeit. Promote sleep. V Kcllofig's Rice Kriipirs , arc fold by grocers every- where. Ready to serve. A Mother Goose story on the hack of every package. ' Made by Kellogg in d London, Ontario. Quality RICE KRISPIES 1 guaranteed. SO CRISP they actually crackle in milk or cream Outlast WASHERS Easy on itself . . . easy on the dotbei Let us show you the feanrcs and explain the Easy LIFETIME guarantee. $ 109 50