wriay, May 16 DAILY MWI WELL KNOWN : QUAKER WOMAN DIES mmmm a 4Sm jiis. Louis Lerfiiit Passed Away. On 7 HLk Sunday Afternoon A well known local pioneer woman in jU,e Prson Mrs Nellie tprnux, wife of Louis' Leroux, ve teran member of -the Canadian! u Cold Storage Co. staff,-passed away Sunday afternoon at jjpr home J803 Seventh Avenue Ea.st lifts. Leroux had been ill for some time and recently spent sev-fral weeks Ss a patient In the prince Rupert General Hospital receiving surgical treatment. A weclt or so ago sn nad shown im; provement arid-had been permitted to leave for her home. Mrs. Leroux was 56 years of age j" and was born at Centrevllle, Minn. She had lived In Prince Rupert for 24 years. In addition to the wld-j ower who will have the sympathy of many friends, Mrs. Leroux Is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Ida Burque oi teauie Mrs. jonn, Stapleton of Cloquet, Minn., and ! Mrs. Thomas Sevlett of .St. Paul, i Minn. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of B. C. Undertakers and interment, it Is expected, will take place next Saturday with rites of the Roman Catholic Church. SATURDAY NIOIIT DANCE The Saturday night dancing party In the Commodore Cafe at the end of the week was again a successful affair with about -forty couples in attendance. Music was by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra anil Water Smith was master of Mrs. Jack' Woods (Annette Stone) returned to the city on the Catala this morning Irom a business trip to Stewart Motorshlp Zapora, with two car? loads of fish for trans-shipment 'to the United States over the Canadian National Railways, was In port yesterday, returning north after havlngdjscjprjedv Latest word reaching the city, Is to the effect that Jack Keefe, who recently underwent treatment at Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Mlhti., Is steadily Improving. He Is at' present ylsitlng with a sister1 in Iowa and expects' to return to the city shortly, The program at the regular weekly iuncehon of the prince Ru cert Gyro Club tomorrow will fea ture a debate on the subject "Re solved that Sanctions are IneffeC' tlve as a Means of preventing War," Rev, W. D. Grant Holllng orth and 'Norman L; Freeman will take th affirmative side and T W Browri and O A. Hunter, the negative. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In H. Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 57 Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and In order to induce trappers and dealers to shlp thelr skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them In and we will wire the money immediately. GOLD BLOOM The Old Reliable r 0- tiNl vreri Cote, havintr suffered a fracutred arms and head injuries) when struck by a timber in thei Princess Royal mine at Surf Inlet, was brought to the city on the Ca-, IU1U OUIlUajf tumi6 .vww treatment in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Rev. G, L. Harvey,, United Church pastor at Burns Lake, and Mrs. Harvey, after having attended the recent British Columbia conference In Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on the Catala Sunday evening and proceeaea w t,he interior on last night's train. J. M. Buchanan, general mana ger of the British Columbia Pack ers, arrived in the city irom Van couver on the Catala sunaay ev- pnlntr and paid a visit yesterday to the company's plants on tne Skeena River. This' afternoon he left by the Catala .on his return to Vancouver; Mr. uucnanan was accompanied by Mr. Rlvenberg, i Portland Insurance man. mMm -3 i TH.-fAwcoroe-CAHAtu mm aaaai yss: :bbm ''bbbl aaBBBBBBB tWtdSetOm FLAKES ! ax . . i.i ft h r l Because only Quaker Corn Flakea g)v you theto extra feature thay are better value. Money . back tuaraniea of bcrtei flavour pnnceJon every package. rreihneti and rrlapntM inured r wai. wrapping tad inpla-alna. Coupon in even patkaaa -eachaai. able for valuable mrrcbandiae Enrichment with betlib-glviof Sua. kbioc Vitamin U. and MOTHERS, don't forget our . . yoor money back if Quaker Corn Flakes are cot the best, most cious corn flakes x V ' V"" j vbu ever tasted. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Tonight's train, due from East at 10:20, was reported morning to be on time. tne this Trevor Williams returned to the city , on Saturday night's train tromsjuholiday. trip to Edmonton.,. Dr. W, R. Feasby arrived from Toronto on Saturday night's train and sailed aboard the Catala Sun day night for Port Simpson to Join the medical staff of the Simpson Oeneral Hospital for the summer. The case of Mrs. Mary MIchalu&, charged' with contributing to Ju venlle delinquency, was adjourned until this afternoon on coming up Saturday afternoon before Magis trate Thomas McClymont in city police court St. Paul's Lutheran Church La dles' Aid concert in the church, May 26, 8 p.m. Silver collection. (123) Mrs. W. S. Hlckey returned to the city on the Catala this morn-ins: from 'a trip to Stewart and Premier. writ 1 1 ( 1 J U1 A.. J V after making the round trip o Stewart and Anyox on business. William Noble, well known pioneer of Stewart, after spending a few days in the city sailed by the Catala Sunday evening on his return north. Constipated Rundown-No Vitality! Now well and happy thank to FRUIT-A-TIVES gara mother of aeven children. "An injury at childbirth rtsntted in chronic coMtipation. For year tried all aorta ot remedies but no relief. I felt run-down, lacked all vitality when I started Fruit-a:tives. Now I am up at 6:00 A.M. every morning doine my housework. I am quite regular and my lew complexion is' improved," Mrv M. Seyftert, Toronto. Fruit-a-tives contain extract from ten of nature' most health-eiving'lngredients. They work naturally to cleanse and tone up' the entire system. Try them today I P. M. Glllls of Hazelton, who li navlne a visit to the coast, sailed Sundav nieht on the Catala lor Stewart. Mrs. Walter Scrimgeour of Stew art, after spending a few days v. the city, sailed by the Catala Sun day night on her return north. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hatton of Stewart, after a visit of a couple of weeks In the city, sailed by the Catala, Sunday night on their re turn north. Mrs. William Keith, formerly of this city and for the past ten years residing in Belfast, Ireland, hay ing paid a visit here once since that time, Is, returning to Prince Rupert shortly. She will sail from Belfast aboard the stoumer Du chess of Atholl on June 12, Leo Paulcer, formerly of Alice Arm, was a passenger aboard the Catala Sunday night going north from; Surf Inlet to Alice Arm for a visit. It is five years "since Mr Paulcer was last at Alice Arm. He has since been located at Atlin and Br.ldge River and is now employed at the Princess Royal mine at Surf Inlet s I'VE TEAMED UP WITH QUAKER. AGAIN, TO MAKE TH0USAN0S.0F BOYS AND G1R15 HAPPY WITH THE SWELL BASEBALL GIFTS SHOWN HERE, YOU CAN GET THEM FREE WITH BOX TOPS FROM QUAKER. CORN FLAKES. SEND ME THE COUPON BELOW, QUICK Boy! Are Quaker Corn Flakes good! Believe me, you'll want them for breakfast, for lunch, for supper and every time you can get them. Try some. They taste great! Theyre full of health-giving LIMP 6 WM A Gold Plated Baseball Ring or Girl's Bracelet To delight the heertt of baseball fani, inn chit beautiful beautiful ring ring or or bracelet braceiei tor A r)ii.k rAm Plalcea box toot or 2 Quaker Corn Flakea box tops and 10c prof0al J. J. Little, general manager of the Northern B. C. Power Co., sailed on the Catala Sunday night for a trip to Stewart on company business. . R. E. Moore, manager of P. Burns Ltd.. returned to the city on the Catala this morning after making the round trip to Stewart and An yox on business Mr. and Mrs. J. Bteen of Wales Island were passengers' aboard the Catala this morning' going through to Vancouver for a trip. Mr. Steep William UUIUUWUIH iC.UiUCU . . ,!.f,, tn en f for C CP the city on the Catala this morning, thp m fMlirp nt nrm cent accident but he Is making a satisfactory recovery! There were. good-sized congregations at St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Sunday, the morning service beings conducted by the pastor Rev. L. C. Jensen, in Norwegian and the evening in English. Next Sunday there will be confirmation services. M. J. Doughecty, who has been making a survey of flood damaee the Dolly Varden Railway at Alice Arm for the . provincial de partment of public works with a lew to making necessary repairs, returned to the city from the north on the Catala this morning. Dr. and Mrs. J, W. Vosburgh of Stewart were passengers aboard the Catala this morning going throush to Essondale where Dr. Vosburgh has taken an appoint ment on the medical staff of the mental hospital. Dr. M. Morrison, graduate of the Universities of British Columbia anl Alberta,, is Dr. Vosburgh's successor as physician and surgeon at Stewart. He went north last week. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret, ,,, ,,, Norman June 3. si ow's. Wllks' piano recital, P. T. A. tea, June 5, at Mrs. Win- Eastern Star tea Allen's, June 9. at Mrs. F. W, Prince Rupert Tennis Club an nual tournament Saturday. June 13. Canadian Legion Island, June 14, Picnic, Dlgby Presbyterian Missionary Tea, on June 16. Hill 60 tea at Mrs. Macey's June 17. , Anglican tea. Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, June 18. ' . . . VOU 11 like them. Baseball t2SiM energy that helps to give you strength and stamina you need in base ball and other sports. Take a tip from me and eat Quaker Corn Flakes regularly Laaruai Baa). ball Regulatioa tiae and weight. Horse-hide cover- Double-sewn, ribber centre. For 14 Quaker Corn Flakes box tops or 4 Quaker Cora Flakes box tops and 29 c. ToaorrUelPlataa-Madeoffine fiualitr stamped steel with screws or attaching n.-mljr to your .hoes. Juscwhat you need to travel fast around the bases. Babe Ruth's gift rc you for 6 Quaker Corn flakes box tops or 4 Quaker Corn Flakes box tops and 5c. M. A. Burbank, divisional engi neer for the Canadian National Railways, who has been on one of his periodical trips to "the interior on official business, will return to the city on tonight's train: "Build B.C. Payrolls" Here's To You Robert !6l We all love good cooking and pride doesn't fall a friend of the writer who can cook well. Bob finds in Pacific Milk Just, the flavor and richness that "gets there," and the nice dishes set before you at his table shows how skillfully he uses It. Last night was an instance. The pudding tasted so good we still wonder how it was done: Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE NEW ROYAL HOTEL ' J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Cold 'Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 180 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye mm ?JBt.ao? PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Cap Grev wool fell with black and xrceo visor. Sweat band, senr lor 12 Uualcer Com Flake bo top or 6 Quaker kcr VTOessionailcauA I o,M,n Center J corn riakt Dux iri arn I Girl's Beret Allwooi. O n piece betel, with c b i c French tip la while, cnpri; blue, red. Svou l Quaker Corn- Flaket bnx topi ot 6 Huaker Cera akel ham 2lmnirn'a Watch Fob Scorn Indicator tnmand 10c. Who woulan t be p.'oua la own one oi the . .. Bab Huih i picture: on on aide and complete icorc indicatotbn the other. All (or 8 Quaker Cora Haket box lopa or 4 Quaker Com Flakea box topi and 5c. y) MAIL THIS NOW Babe Ruth, co Tbe Quaker Oars Cocipaoy, Depi. CF-t, Saskatoon, sask. . Dear Babe 1 am enclosing- Ouaket Corn Flakes box tops, fleasc send rue yout free baseball gift .which I have marked oo I bo chart. Name - " " 1 Address - - - I City - r Gold Plated Baseball Ring ' D Girl's Gold Plated Baseball Bracelet ! D Professional League Bascbill , C Toe Plates , C Heel Plates I C Umpire's Watch Fob I 0 Btsrball Cap I Girl'i Betet White I Check -Prov.- (You taagciasrnany gifts as you want imulysenti theteriuiredQuakerCorn Flakes box cops for each u.'. Or.il ou want more than one of the same gilt. ut send u Ih.-l njnv more hox lops.) This SPECIALS Klenzo Child's Tooth Brush and Rubber Sponge Ball Both for 19c 25c Mi 31 Shaving Cream and 20c Mi 31 Tooth Paste Both for 35c 35c Mi 31 Tooth Powder and 25c Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c Sharp's Assorted or Rum and Butter Flavor Toffee 30c lb. Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate Buds 50c lb. OrmesLtd. Dftft Pioneer JD ruo oi'sts the RexaU BiM Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. DELUXE WALL TINT The bright and cheerful colors of De Luxe Wall Tint will fill your rooms with sunshine. Easy to mix. Easy to' apply. And it costs you less. fiP 5-lb. package .Vtfl THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE PHONE 775 24 Only Simmons All Felt Mattresses All Sizes 7 en from M.t)U MAIL ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY Third Avenue Prince Rupert Phone 775 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.