CLEVELAND, May 26: George Lansbury, former British Labor Party leader, and Mayor Daniel Holm, Socialist chief magistrate of Milwaukee, were speakers at a Democratic convention Saturday. Both advocated the elimination of the profit motive and production lor use They agreed that the capitalistic system had outlived Its usefulness. The convention was marked by the breakaway of the rightist section of the party from the left wing hich renominated Norman Tho-mar. as presidential candidate. Canadian Legion Uniforms Arrive Team Will Co Into Action Against Sons of Canada in First Game Of Season Friday Night Snappy new .uniforms for the Canadian Legion, new entry in the Senior Baseball League last season, have Just arrived. They are grey with green stripes. The Legion team will be seen In action against the Sons of Canada when the league season opens this Friday night. I i AGED GERMAN IS BEHEADED "tnt to Block on Saturday for Luring Twelve Boys to Their Heaths SCIILESWIG. Germany, May 26 An aeed clockmaker was be leaded here Saturday after being convicted of the murder of twelve young boys whom he lured to their eatli with friendly gestures. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE MONTREAL, May 26 Gold wa3 selling at $34.87 per ounce on the Montreal metal market Saturday. FOUND RING OF More Trouble Between Arabs And Jews Highlanders Used To Restore Peace Italians Blamed Propaganda is Said to be at Bottom Of More and More Serious Disorders JERUSALEM, May 26: (CP) There was a recurrence of severe street fighting Saturday in Jerusalem between Arabs and Jews. A regiment of British Seaforths Highlanders was called upon i to re- store order.- The mobs werejsoon dlsDersed but not until after the soldiers had been stoned by the Arabs over whose heads bullets were fired. Five young leaders were arrested. Disorders continued today when trans-Jordan troops under British officers engaged in long range rifle fire with Arab snipers. Hidden in a hillside, the snipers began firing into the Jewish settlement of Belth Alpha. No casualties were reported. The disturbances, which are becoming more serious daily, are blamed in authoritative circles on Italian propaganda. Only One Escaped Convict is Still Out in Oklahoma McALESTER, Oklahoma, May 26: A. T. McArthur, another of the convicts who escaped from the Ok lahoma State Penitentiary recently after slaying a guard, was re-cap tured on the outskirts of this city Saturday. Although armed with a knife and a gun, he put up no struggle. But one of the escapeJ convicts still remains at large. Alaska. She takes north the usual .argo of supplies for the isolated people of that country In addition Stormy Session In Democratic State Meeting ABERDEEN, Washington, May 26 A stormy Democratic state convention was in session here Saturday and Sunday with little business accomplished on Saturday as Liberal and Conservative elements clashed throughout the meetings in the effort to obtain control. Twenty-seven resolutions were fl- inally carried, one urging produc-(tlon for use and another an o'd ...... v-, Driver Proves His National Convention ' Honesty 3 by Returning It fa we" named and Roosevelt was endorsed NEW YORK, May 26: New York; his car. It was vaiuea Cooper received a $75 reward on returning it to its owner. Today's Weather (8 a.m.) Dead Tree Point palm! barometer, 29.66; Overcast, ture, 46; sea smooth. Triple Island Raining, light westerly wind; barometer, 29.60; sea smooth. Langara Island Cloudy, light southwest wind; light swell. Terrace Rain, calm, ou. Anyox Raining, calm, 48. Hazelton Raining, calm, 50. Smlthers Raining, calm, cool. Burns Lake Raining, calm, 50. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 48. Many Town- $10 000 VALUE a8e Pension plan along the To send line. Twenty delegates to the in Phlladel- for reno- mlnatlon. Edward H. Carroll of has at least one honest taxi driver. miuee man- After driving a woman passenger,' diamond ring in the cushions of j Belgian Election Is Quiet Affair Candidates For Senate And Lower House Seats BRUSSELS, May 26: The Belgian national election went off quietly Sunday, There were 552 tempera-' candidates for 101 seats in the senate and 1100 candidates ior zuz seats in the lower house. Fewer Persons VICTORIA, May 26 There were 3,789 fewer persons on relief In WCT0r , r Today's Weather 4 Tomorrow's Tides (f M.) High 5:59 a.m. 16.6 ft. Prince Br6 - Foggy, rain. 19:10 pjn. 17.4 ft. barot. 9$ O. 62; tempera- calm; Low . 0:00 a.m. 8.8 ft. . i,.wi Kfa Vi 12:29 pjn. 6.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV., No. 123. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS SIX ARE DEAD IN CRASH IN QUEBEC KING'S CORONATION SET FOR NEXT MAY Date of Ceremony Now Officially Announced; Preparations Started Youthful, Earl Marshal, the Duke of Norfolk, Will Be In Charge With Actual! Crowning to be Perform-; cd at Westminster By; Archbishop of Canterbury. LONDON, May 2G: (CP) The coronation of King Edward VIII will take place on May 27, 1937. it was officially announced today. The youthful Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal, is in charge of preparations for the spectacular ceremony in which full pageantry will be carried out. The Archbishop of Canterbury will perform the actual coronation in Westminster Abbey. BRITISHER IS HEARD George Lansbury, English Labor Leader, Talks at Socialist Convention JERUSALEM HAS RIOTS Three Men-Two Bandits And One Police Officer-Killed During Hold-up in Ontario SARNIA, Ont., May 26: (CP) Norman F. (Red) Ryan and Harry Checkley were fatally wounded after Ryan shot to death Constable John Lewis during a hold-up of the Ontario government liquor store here Saturday night. Ryan was paroled from Kingston Penitentiary ten months ago after the then Prime Minister R. B. Bennett and other public officials interested themselves in his behalf and he was pointed to as an example of a reformed criminal. Sergeant George Smith and Detective Frank Mc-Girr, who followed Lewis into the store, shot down both robbers after they had killed Lewis.- Ryan had taken $394 from the till while Checkley held up 25 customers and employees. They were about to leave when the officers, informed of the hold-up, appeared on the scene. Sailing Ship Going North Windjampier Holmes, Leaving Seattle Today, Will Take Post Plane From Point Barrow SEATTLE. May 26 The sailing vessel Holmes leaves here today for her annual voyage to Point Barrow and the Arctic Coast of M rs. Bartholomew Is Given Access , To Her Actor Son LOS ANOELEs7May 28: A court order was issued here yesterday giving permission to Mrs. Llewellyn Bartholomew to tee her son, Freddie Bartholomew, the noted Juvenile screen star, at "any reasonable time." The mother has1 DETROIT, May 26: Sixteen arrests have been made by Department of Justice operators as a of the investigation Into the I Detroit and vicinity and 135,000 ANGLICANS been seeking through the courts!'1 '"' women ae- to obtain custody of the boy from I Partmett the aunt, lomcw. Miss Millicent Bartho- to a knockdown church building for Point Barrow. On her return Sheriff S Deputy south, the Holmes will bring out. Slain hv Nevro s the Ill-fated airplane in which Wi- ley Post and Will Rogers lost their lives In a crash near Point Barrow last August. I ! ' HOUSTON, Texas, May 26 - While attempting to place a negro under arrest, Joe Trapolino. a ' sheriff's deputy, was shot dead here Saturday. The negro also shot an-i other deputy but he is exDected to recover. MURDER IS ALLEGATION Sixteen Arrests Follow Activities Of "G" Men in Detroit CONVENTION1 Visitors Expected in The City Week for 25th Annual Event Cathedral This Is a big week in Anglican Church circles; It is the 25th an-1 nual convention of the Caledonia Diocesan Women's Auxiliary combined with the Fourth Diocesan rally of the women's department i of the Restoration Fund. There' will be sessions all day Wednesday and Thursday and a number bi out of town delegates are expected to arrive tonight or tomorrow. Among those taking part in the proceedings will be Dr. Eleanor Lenox, MUs R. M. Davies, M. B. E., Mrs. O. A. Rlx, Mrs. C. V. EviH who will give the address of wel come. Mrs. F. W. Stamp Vincent. Mrs. Robert Bartlett, and Mis. J B. Gibson. Clergy taking part iii the proceedings include Right Rev. .O. A. Rlx, D.D.; Very Rev. J. I. j Gibson. Rev. CanGn W. F. Rush-brook. B,A. Visitors requiring hls-Ipitallty will look to MrsJ.O. Johns 1 to place them. I ' TU . ,1 - - -1 - i iiuf uiucr ui piuce?uuig luuuws: I Wednesday. 10' ajnj-Holy com-' m union at he CatheaT7ceIebrahtr Rt. Rev. O. A. Rix D.D.. assisted by Very Rev. J. B, Gibson; preacher, Rev. Canon. Rushbrook BA, S3. 11 to 12 A.M. Business Session of the W. A. I 8 P.M. Caledonia Diocesan ral- i extended to men, women, young people, Sunday School teachers,' members of the Woman's Auxiliary 1 and delegates. Special reports from ; the women's department and the mens department, restoration fund and special addresses given by Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Bishop O. A. Rlx and others. As Diocesan organizer of the Women's department restoraUon fund, Mrs. Q. A. Rlx will preside. Business sessions of the Caledonia Diocesan Board of the Woman's Auxiliary to the M. S. C. C. will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 11 to 12 a.m. and on Thursday, May 28 at 2 p.m. when reports of , Halibut Arrivals Six American halibut boats sold ratrhps totalling 09.000 nounds on activities of the Black legion which 'the loca, nsh Exchange yesterday President,15 m w uavc, u?w lc'"ire's m! morning at 7.3c and 6c to 8.1c and 6c. Two Canadian vessels received memDera mrouguoui ine country., fi anri s. nnri B8c and 5- for 5.. Nine of those arrested were charg-500 ds ga,es were foUows. ed yesterday with the murder of Pacific, McKmley 42i0oo pounds,- Charles Poole, who was shot to1-, d aeatn, wniie tne otners are cnargea with conspiracy. Pleas of not guilty were entered. No bail has been granted. Fifty persons are said to have been on the Legion's "death list." One of the alms of the Black Legion, it is declared, was to seize control of the federal government and establish a dictatorship. FISHING TRAGEDY KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont., May 16: ! (CP) Three members of a fishing Dartv were drowned Saturday nleht , . Are on Keliet 1 when their boat, caught by a squall, was overturned on the smooth wa ter of the lake, 100 miles from here. The body of Dr. Early Kay, dentist, British Columbia this April than in was found near the upturned boat, the same month a year ago, it is announced ernment. by the provincial gov- Zarembo, 14,000, Atlln, 7.9c and 6c. Tuscan, 14,000 pounds, Booth, 7.7c and 6c. Visitor, o.ikju pounas, voia outage, 8.1c and 6c. Canadian North Foreland, 2,500, Atlln, 7.8c and 5c. Fanny F., 3,000. Cold Storage, 6.5c and 5c. NEW YORK MARKET STRONG NEW YORK. May 26 The New York stock market has been show- ling a distinctly upward trend of The other dead are Harold Parker late In Saturday's trading Indus' and Harold Murphy, members of the Klrkland Lake fire department. 1 trials were up an average of I rails up .31 and utilities, .28. Plane and Passengers Come to Grief on Way To Visit Mine Fields INTEREST RATE CUT British Columbia to Get Money From Bank at ZVz Percent Hereafter 1.07. VICTORIA, May 26: "The way to get lower interest rates is to establish confidence by sound financing," Hon. John Hart, minister of finance, said on Saturday in announcing that after June 1 the province will get its bank accommodation at 3', the lowest rate in the province's history. This is a cut of V from the rate paid for the last year and compares with 5 paid up to late in 1933. "I have taken this view since assuming office in 1933," Mr. Hart added, "and it seems to me that the present cut in Interest rate confirms it. By putting our financial house In order', by showing that we Intend to pay our debts as due, we have built up a new feeling of cinfidence among investors generally. Now we are reaping the reward in reduced carrying charges." a coraiai invitation is i iciu inuonui o periodical and diocesan officers ; ,ies,oences ur" . will be given. Also addresses by the j following will be heard; Mrs. J. B.: Gibson, Dr. Eleanor Lenox and Miss R. M. Davies M.B.E. ; Baton Presented To King Edward LONDON, May 26 The ceremony of presentation of a Field Marshall's baton to King Edward VIII. took place at Buckingham Palace today. The presentation was made by the aged Duke of Con- naught, senior field marshal, who i was accompanied by six other field (marshals. BURNING WELL of MENACES CITY Gallons of Oil Go Up Corpus Christl At CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas. May 26 An oil well was burning uncontrolled close to one of the residential sections of this city Saturday night. Two homes had already been destroyed as thousands of gallons of oil went up in smoke Tacoma Youth Is m mm w w - Accident victim Nineteen year Old Boy Sustains Fatal Bullet Wound While Shooting Birds' Nests TACOMA, May 26 Bert White head, nineteen old youth, died heie Onah, 13,000 pounds, Royal, 7.8ciSaturday as a resuit 0f a bullet and 6c. 1 wound. He was accidentally shot Emma, 11,000, Booth, 8c and 6c, fwhile engaged with a companion in shooting down birds nests SILVER IS DEFENDED Senator Pittman Thinks It Will be Future Standard of Exchange WASHINGTON, D.C., May 26: Leo Snrinirer. Prominent Operator, is One of VictimsBad Flying Conditions Held Responsible For Tragedy. AMOS, Que., May 26: (CP) Pilot W. H. Clarke, Mechanic George Millhan and four passengers were killed in the crash of a Gen eral Airways plane between Chibougamau Lake and Sen- neterre, Que., on Sunday. The dead include Leo Sprin ger, prominent Canadian mining man and head of the Ceres Explorations Limited, and three others believed to be prospectors whose names are not available immediately. Airmen blame bad flying weather for the crash. Com pany officials have gone to the scene to conduct a preliminary investigation - GORDON! CANDIDATE Son (CP) Defending the Sliver Purchase Act in the Senate on Monday, Senator Key Pittman of Nevada forecast that, when Inter- of "Ralph Connor" Again C. F. Standard-Bearer In Victoria American Ship Is C. VICTORIA, May 26: Prof. King Gordon, who unsuccessfully con tested the seat against D'Arcy Plunkett in the general election last fall, will again be the candidate for the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation in the by-election on June 8. Following his acceptance, the nomination was formally made Saturday night. Prof. Gordon, who Is at present in Ontario, is the son of Rev. Di. Charles W. Gordon of Winnipeg, better known as "Ralph Connor," the novelist. Former Premier S. F. Tolmie will be the Conservative candidate. The Liberals, who had virtually chosen the late B. C. Nicholas, publisher of the Victoria Times, have not yet made a new choice. Damaged by Fire Flames Break Out in Hold of Cotton Laden Vessel at London LONDON, May 26: Extensive damage was done to the American 'reighter McKeesport here Sunday when fire broke out in cotton cargo in one of the vessel's holds. The conflagration was extinguished with considerable difficulty. Another Grace Liner on Way Pickets and Protests Fail to Stop Santa Elena From Leaving New York NEW YORK, May 26 Despite the protests of unions at the vessel carrying fifty Chinese seamen, the Orace Line steamer Santa Elena sailed Saturday from New York, for California ports, Prior to the .departure of the ship, police national exchange was stabilized,! officers guarded the dock from the jit would be supported by silver, threats of plcketers.