PAGE "TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor ? f ' ADVERTISING KATES . 1 . Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion ,rtf.,;.,;. Classified advertising, per w&rd, per Insertion -.., Local readers, per line, per Insertion . SUBSCRIPTION RATES ''V City delivery, by carrier, yearly1 period, paid In advance ...C . For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week . 'yy?, .u By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire. and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year .... Advertising and Circulation Telephone . 98 News Department Telephone .. 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Alberta Situation BUY YOUR XMAS GIFTS AT Dry Goods & Novelty Shop Children's Cpats and Dresses Hose, Cloves, Scaryes Novelty Evening Bags Novelty Jewellery Pick out your Christmas Gifts and we will lay them aside for yeu. 1.40 j.' it m J3 .02 .25 $5.00 .10 300 9J0O Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1936 William Irvine of Alhertn. writincr in "Tho flnnnrlinn . ' - j """q .m. W VUllltUlUii Unionist," organ of the All Canadian Congress of Labor, puDiisnea in loronto, is very critical of the Social Credit experiment in Alberta as being carried out by Premier A 1 1 A TT i Auernari. ne says m part:. "Political natronarre has hpen ramnnnr sinpp Mr Ahov l O' " . ' MKI. hart came to office. Able and trusted civil servants have been discharged wholesale without rhyme or reason except for the sake of finding positions for friends. The effect of this has been to demoralize the civil service. Moreover the scrip scheme which was to have acted on purchasing power like the infusion of new blood into the blood stream and keep on flowing endlessly, came to abrupt stop in a stagnant pool at the door of the provincial treasury. "To make matters worse, there is a serious schism within the ranks of government supporters. The insurgent elements boiled over at the recent special sessions of the Legislature, and were seen, to be directing the actions of the government from the back benches. The debt-reduction lgislation which they forced the government to pass while meeting general approval, is not without its drawbacks. It created a furore among retired farmers and small investors, who, while losing their means of livelihood, have not been otherwise provided for. "And on the top of all this comes the Premier's decision to muzzle the press. While some of his most ardent fol lowers will welcome this action, it will not be a popular move. There is an innate love nf frpprlnm in Alberta. Although-the press may oDpose the popular view aim eve mnougn it may oe true that things are at times iwsiepresemeu, tne people win resent any fasclstic en-croachments on civil liberties." Mr. Irvine charges that Aberhart is trying to aggra yate the Dominion government by encroaching on federal jurisdiction so far as, to compel disallowance of some of his legislation. "The reason of this obvious tactic is clear. Having at last become convinced of the absurdities which he undertook to perform, the Premier marches forth with 'God' on his hps and a chip on each shoulder. If the Dominion government would disallow an Act which could be claimed to be essential to the fulfilment of his promises, he would hail it with joy and put the onus of his failure on Dominion authority. Indeed, he has tried to force the press into that role and to attribute blame for his failure up to date to federal opposition. If the Dominion government or the banks or the courts take any action, no matter how sound the reason for it may be, Mr. Aberhart will stage a war to the death against the 'Big Shots,' and his following will be consolidated." "The writer goes on to show that the weakness of the opposition which is being consolidated is that it is only an oppostion and makes no proposals as to what is to take the place of the Aberhart policy in case of the defeat of the present government. If the new alignment is to have a chance of success, it must have specific and concrete proposals which will at least appear to be more adequate to the economic situation than those of the present Pre- There is the possibility that the Premier may come forward with a bigger and better attraction every morning, if it should be required. All opposition is, according to Aberhart being inspired by the "Big Shots" with thS result that the people of Alberta are beginning to regard the "money nower" as their chief enemy and will not f oC low thpse who are supporting it. -Mi ll:m of Toronto to be Im portant Visitors IIere This Week-find Visitors of more than usual Importance and interest to Prince Runert the latter uart of this week will be Commissioner John McMllr - . , ... . ..-i i tan or Toronto, head OMheAilyrtft tlon Army' for Catiada and New-' foundland, and Mrs. McMillan who are due to arrive on Thursday night's train from the east. A civic welcome will be extended at a meeting Friday night at the Salva tion Army Citadel at which City Commissioner W. J. Alder will re side and on Saturday night there win be a public meeting. Saturday morning Commissioner and Mrs. McMillan will embark aboard the steamer Princ-ass Norah for Ket- To VisiV ere Commissioner McMillan Mrs. .McMillan nlkan where a congress of native .irmy workers from Alaska and northern British Columbia will .be aeld, On Thursday afternoon' of ' aext week Commissioner and Mrs.' McMillan will be in Prince Rupert again ior a couple of hours going tnrough to Vancouver on the Prln- ess Norah. AccomDanvlne thp' :ommlssloner from Prince Rupert on the Ketchikan trip will be Bri gadier Walter J. Carruthers. com mander for Northern .British Co- lurnbia and the Yukon, who is here from Wraneell to meet ihm nH Adjutant Eva Laycock and Captain uooertson of Prince Rupert. commissioner McMillan born in Scotland, the son of Salvation Army parents. He came to Canada with his parents while a young boy, was educated in Toronto and entered the Salvation Army Training School there. He was later made private secretary to Commandant Herbert Booth, son of the first general. After serving In that capacity for a time he was transferred td Australia with the Commandant. There he rose to be Field Secretary 'of Australia, the third -highest-office on that continent, i He returned to Canada as Chief Secretary, the second highest office htre, only to be returned to the Old Country as Chief Secretary for field affalrs,and was: stationed in London; His roext'-movs wago Chicago 'as ,'Command'erti3frthe Central Territory and later he was transferred to New York, the most important territory in the United States. In November last. Commissioner James Hay retired from the position of Commander of the Salvation Army In Canada, Alaska, Newfoundland and Bermuda and Gen-' DAJLT'NEWC SALVATION 'Anniversary Of H f 1 1 ft I . A surprise parly' wits erlvcn last ;- nignt ror Dr. and. Mrs. W Commissioner; Vnd' 'laijiC Jofih! Mc!h AMnalL' pli 'M) Writtcnl M ?i Lord Tweedsmuir t lodios, Mrs. B. Dalgarno and Mfs;' K. Wv tuckec: rrioriv.. L C. Ebvi On First Flight; Views Edmonton EDMONTON, Nov.- 25: Lord Tweedsmulr, dovefnor Oeneral cf inada, took his first airnSano H ght hrre yesterday; when Jv? went :lt for a .slira-seeln? fllo-ht of half an hour In a We tiansnort plans of the Canadian Air av: with Pilot Stan "McMillan a the controls. y S. Sabmen, formerly of the University Barber Shorrtn Edmonton, hxs arrived to take, a position In Nelson's Barber Shop here. eral Evangeline Booth aooolnted Commissioner McMillan as Terri-. torlal Commander. Commissioner iclci-llllan has the distinction of beingf the first Ca-; nadian trained of flce'r to hold this hlh office. ". , Mrs. (Commissioner) McMillan ' ha? taken a keen interest In women's work, particularly in the' Home League Department. In this i connection while stationed in Oreat i ,iuu uivict ftci uii ri;- tlon between eighty, , arid ninety ' ' " " thousand women. r ' nl . ... Body Going From Terrace to Prince George For. Burial The bodv of Bror OstenrAstrom, ' Canadian National Railways pow-dcrman.who lost his life In ,n. blasts iiTL, Sunday... Is .Vein? tsciW from Timely Recipes POACHED WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT Four whole wheat biscuit, 2 ' . 4 tn"lc V-..' n i . .-. t it r I 1 W- l - ti.lltan " fttvc 1 "cu1- r thlrtV-slxUl aivn vnrrarv nt tJio r . . ... wedding. The evening s spent '"torment will be madeW -casket & m. paying bridge, the' winners being the B. C. Undertakers. pan or pie pan. Sprinkle with isugar; dot with butter and pour ar, n-f r a...j.v, -'i i v-iiueh A. Mustnrd of Mnntpsnnn milk around, DlsciULs. Place Dan in vff rvuu J4H AJfer'tefrpfihm y .lwah4 wa a nassenger aboard th-a hot en (450 dearees-F.) about 15 thf gufists .. present, "Ijrlde, and groom Thos.' present were Dr. and Mrs. town. reettUly passed away. The Asp'nall, Mr. andMrs. Ben Dal- Iremaini'wlU be taken south for; Mrs J H Carsnn nhaqW,,' jarr.o, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Eby. interment. . nn ' and Mrs. W. Gilchrist. Mr LerMO,i .t.'. i ia Mrs. H. S. Meadows and Mr.l :f vnu wish t -.,v, r. i .. and Mis. E. W. Tucker. tv a rlasslfleC . iftF,rnn KEEP DRY! Use THL ELGIN Storm King loots A" ii-length rubber boot, shiny finish, that will protect.. you from the weather. Sizes 11 to 6i i I ' i i Where Most People Trade j F AMILY SHOE STORE ITU. i ; j ; HIONW51 . ,IEtab..J3Q8 TIIIIII1 AVKNUK Ij sjjjffjf "I make A 'I yyRom an ce la stT Wednesday Kyember 2J ur, iju Order Your Xma, SUIT or COAT today from House 0f Rt or House af Hobbedm cS? Large selection. ,t teefl: LING : The, Tailor 817 Second Ave. JJ COAL TO i'LL'ASK KVKHYliOtiY Satisfaction Guaranteed I'AMUU.S AMllKi COAL I'KixNOK RUPERT FEED 'JOAIIWNY HIIONK:- SX and 5M DELICIOUS SUMMIT 1CH CUKAM lii H-Gallous and Gallons VALE.STI.N UAW -': .: . f . FOK FRESH MILK Phone Red 608 Produced from our own cows dally You can whip our cream but you can't beat our milk. Dominion Dairy HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelli Pr6prltoi -A IIOMK AWAY FHO.M iiomj;- lUtes $1.1)0 up 0 Rqonis. Hot It Cold Water Prince Uupert B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PERFECTION1 IN ('ANN EI) SALMON GOLD SEAL Kancy ' Red Sockeye ' "I love delicate, shapely hands. I'd hold 'em myself if I could but I 'can't; so I do the next best thing . . . keep them in shape for holding. That is, I keep them out of scalding water and off the knuckle-bruising, nail-breaking scrub-board. I end washday backaches and headaches; too : do my best always,, to make June Brides STAY June Brides by ending washday toil for them. They just give me the washing, snap my switch and I do the rest, speedily, thoroughly and without damage to the daintiest fabric. I'm YOURS for a small down payment. Find out about .. how I worki and; haw,.easy to own." or 1 Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited mm PINK SEAL Kinest Pink Salmon Packed Dy tne only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round pajr" & Prince Rupert. Transfer Quick Delivery COAL WOOD Chairs & Tables For Rent PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue