Blockade Ignored SUffs of German and Italian Env basslcs are Leaving Capital Of Spain Following Closing MADRID, Nov. 25;. Snow and; bad weather is now somewhat . holding upmiHtary operations In connection with the siege of Mad-, rid. Fighting aircraft have been held down but artillery Is still active The Fascist rebels claimed late last night to have advanced to a point immediately north of! University City and also an-j nounced that they were now ablei to cross the Manzauares River without being fired upzn. Lines, of communication have been Improved, The Socialist forces declared 200Q rebel troops had been surrounded in University City. Socialists charge last made night the that further Ocrman . i 1H11T1I NOTICE There Was Yusrn 'UfnnAnv Vnv lmer 23, ,in the Prince Rupert nd Mrs. Lawrence C. Jensen. 4 4 MONTH EAL CONCERN IS GIVEN ORDER BY GOVT OF BRITAIN FOR SHELLS MONTREAL, Nov. 25: The National Steel Car Co. an- nounces the receipt of a smail , order for shells from the Brl- tlsh government. The com- . pany is expecting further bust- ' ness of this kind. , PACT NOW SIGNED UP German - Japanese Agreement Directed Against Communist Internationale BERLIN, Nov. 25: (CP) Germany and Japan today signed an agreement directed against the Communist Internationale. The agreement asserts that the international Communist organization aimed at directing and I violating existing states with all means. rnc lrrrrment aisn uvi mil cable boats were laying mines out- , the two contracting governments wi. r" - "ooa , i believe that tolerance of alleged embassy sun leri Kus$lan interference threatens Madrid la night following the, world cloring up of the embassy by the So?.lal ?t govcmrnl:nl. authorities yesterday for al'c-jci impropci MA7IQ APF slviltsrlng .or rebel refugees and lll&ilO rVlvEi the Italian staff was preparing' IXTIMM A Mf to leave within twenty-four hours ; llNDluil AIN 1 Beth embassies icr some time- had j been manned only with skeleton staffs. The United States embassy The,r Irc Aroused by Award Of Is being removed from Madrid to Valencia for safety. Reply Unsatisfactory LONDON. Nov. 25: The British Nobel Prize to "Traitor- Argentinean Alsa Honored BERLIN, Nov.- 25: Nazi auth- amta idor, yesteiday delivered orities here Indignantly describe another ncto. to Oencral Francisco' as a "shamless Insult" to Oermany Franco, leader of the Spanish ln-jthe awarding of the Nobel Peace ffgents, demanding protection' prize for 1935 to Karl von Orvlet-fcr British residents In Spain and sky who' was only recenUy re-euarantee of their safe evacua-' I leased from an Internment camp Won Franco, however, would not "where he had been held In pro-commit himself further than to tectlve custody as a political en-y. as he had done before, that'emy of the Nazi state. German Wcty zones would be established. 'authorities dub von Orvletsky as ThU Is considered to be too In-'a "notorious traitor" to Germany. definite to be satisfactory as an answer, France Gives Notice PARIS, Nov. 25: France lias Announcement was made yesterday at Stockholm of the award of the 1935 Nobe Peace Prize to von Orvletsky as well as thf notified hnlll 'fflrtv. in ihn rivii tt-nr award of the 1936 prize to Dr. that it will not permit Interference Carlos Lamas, Argentinean foreign lth its shipping at sea and is minister and member of the per-Preparcd to defend It, If necessary, manent World Court at Geneva. tth its naval forces, Both Oreat lirltlln ,1 Tn i I 1 cum franco nave it-iuacu ... j w recognize the blockade of Bar-; Wpafhpt rOfeCaSl ttoels have not enough ships to enforce It anyivay. Neither Great Britain or France will recognize cither side In the civil war as bcl-"Krcnts. Warships of a dozen .nations were reported last night to be rush-ng toward the Spanish coasts to Protect their shipping Interests if "ccessary. A British cruiser and ,u"e destroyers had been dis-tened, It was reported. I KELOWNA CONVENTION KELOWNA. Nov 2S?T!hP Kel- ja Oyro Club is already making Preliminary plans for the district "invention of Oyro International 2 held There next summer. ure will bo delegates from all principal cities and towns of" Bri-Wih Columbia and Washington. PurnlahoH throUSh the OOUftciJ Ot t!.e Dominion Meicoroiogicai uuiwu i ken at 8 a.m. today and covers th 38 hour period enaing o. pju. Pressure remains abnormally high over this province and fine weather continues from the coast east to the Okanagan and Koote-nays accompanied by light frosts. West Coast or Vancouver lsiana Moderate north and east winds, partly cloudy with little change In tpirmerature. Prince Rupert Disirici Ligm shifting winds, partly cloudy and rold at night. Oueen Charlotte Islands Moder ate to fresh north and east winds, partly cloudy and mild with prob- ' WINNIPEG WHEAT PRICES WINNIPEO, Nov. 25: iNovcmber wheat -vas quoted at $1.07 oil market yesterday: $1.05 Mi. Downtown Store Is Burglarized Most of Goods Recovered and Four Boys Placed Under Arrest Constables Donald Stewart and Walter Mlddleton of the city police last evening apprehended four boys of Juvenile age and recovered most of the goods and cash which was taken during Monday night when McRae Bros, store on Third Avenue was4 burglarized. Entry -was made "'cro.SToCrv: to the store by forcing a side win- dow near'the rear. Some $9 In cash was, taken from the till as well as a variety of goods Including toy guns and knives. The boys, who have been previously In trouble, appeared before Magistrate McCly-moht this morning and were remanded until tomorrow. Robbers of Mail Are Being Sought Police In Vancouver Keep Up Hunt For Snatchcrs of Registered Sacks, in Fog, VANCOUVER, iNov. 25: fCP) Royal Canadian Mounted Pollcs and .other authorities are searching .'for thieves who stole ten packages of registered mail from The December price was $1.05 to"'nn .expresse truck during a dense 4 fogl'Monday night. '.W'--- . E ' Af sICTORIA, j.C Today's Weather " Tomorrow's Tides She Prince Rupert Clear, light High ' 10:58 a.m. 22.4 ft. . ' 23:53 p.m. 19.6 ft. barometer, north wind; 30.38; temperature, smooth. Low 4:40 a.m. 7.1 ft. 37; sea 17:40 p.m. 2.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1936 PRICE: S CENTS e nth Victim e ... . ...... . , i ....!. " . of J New Type of British 'Army Plaae 4t uneau Avalanche Fighting Though Weather Unfavorablejle Girl Succumbs SNOWFALL IN MADRID : rnfavkrable Weather Slows Up Fighting British Ambassador Makes Demand France's Warning Here are two excellent v.ews of the new type monoplane, recently completed for the British Royal Air Force, In flight at Yeovil during tests. The plane, known as tlw Westland army co-operation monoplane, is said to be capable of tremendous speed.- It Is exceptionally high in the wing and features a raised, transparent cockpit, enabling the pilot to see all around him. The landing wheels also are of unusual deslg n, streamlined and with powerful landing lights .built In. THREE MOKE GERMANS ARRESTED IN RUSSIA; SEEK STICKLING BACK ONE OF SIAMESE TWINS OlES; BODY OF OTHER DETACHEP BY SURGEON I Search tnstitutel For Pilot Chet Bvown and Manv Passengers In Gulf of Alaska COHDOVA, Alaska, Nov. 25: (CP) Belie vins that Pilot Chet Browh his. mechanic and twelve ra-'ciTT.s had been foreeJ down in a tri-motored plane in the Oii'f ,of Alaska or on a beach, search pilots today looked for clearing weather to permit a search for the plane which has BERLIN, Nov. 25: Three !made a flying visit, td Terrace,! more Germans, one an engln- 1 some miles east of Prince Rupert j eer, have been arrested on on the Skae'na River to look over' espionage charges, and are be- some timber limits and1 discuss j ing held Incommunicado, It means of transporting the pulp- was learned here last night. wood to the tidewater mill." j Although execution was set for today, efforts were still be- ing made here to secure com- mutation of the death sen- tence and exchange of Emll Stickling, German engineer, sentenced to death in Siberia : HIS DEATH IS SUDDEN for mine sabotage, for a So- . Heart Attack Proves Fatal to vlet prisoner' or prisoners be- ; George Broderius, Resident ing held In Germany. Chan- "ere Since Early Days cellor Adolf Hitler has threa- , tened to break off diplomatic 1 Oeor8e Brodortus, a well known relations with Russia if stick- resident of Prince Rupert Moscow late tnHnv wiwd witn a neart aitacK earner 33. - , 4 In the evening at his residence be tween First and Second Avenues near the Commercial Hotel. ' I Mr. Brcdarius ' came to Prince Live Longhand HaoDilv Rupert V"1' twenty-l8ht yea "aPPuy a?0 and built the ' old Orand- LONDON. Trunk Hoterproperty. For some, Nov. 25: (CP)-Enough , years he had been engaged In the of the right food, J easy access to occupation of longshorlng. I 1 iresn air ana sne:ter with comfort Atter Being Pinned In Wreckage For Two Days LurcoSr o7 the pair I Rescue Workers Continue Work of Digging For Further of sjamese twins, died of Bodies Believed to be Held in Debris of Avalanche pneumonia last lnght but the - - brother, simpiicio, still lived JUNEAU, Alaska, Nov. 25: (CP) Lorraine Vanali. today, having been parted by little three-year old girl, was dead today shortly after be- a surgeons Knue irom tne nfr otTmvQri fuQ body of the dead twin. BIG PLANE IS MISSING 4 Monday morning where she had been trapped for two days. Her cries having attracted rescue workers yesterday afternon, the child appeared to be unhurt when first she was found pinned under debris but she later died in hospital. She was the seventh known victim of the slide. Search is being continued for several others who are still missing. ITALY MAY ! PAY DEBTS Mussolini to Propose Sending Surplus Exports to United States WASHINGTON D. C. Nov. 25: It was reported last night that Premier Benito Mussolini, through his ambassador here, was about to not been reported since early (sutmtt to ths United States a Tuesday when it took off under proposal-fer th-payment ot Italy's poor" conditions!-V'!Ttr, y 'warr-dc'jV to the United States - - ,:wirh surplus experts. Y vT ' The Italian ambassador declared Kl II K I II II I that he had "celvt-4 no lnftruc- l JLil lTllljU tfons yet and both State and v w Treasury Department said that no y prpf I II I I firr I 1 n negotiations had so far been UllJLlJLl Ltl f JLl opened. ,.,., , It Is understood that Premier Pacific Pulp ami Paper Industry Mussollnl desires to float another Has Story Vbout Project ,oan , whbn he J ' . , " , .m , . -annot do as lon as the war The trade Journal "Pacific payments are-outstanding. Pulp & Paper Industry" published " In Seattle has half a Column In j the November number telling of, TTirbligh Trains construotlon men to Pilnce Rupert., KUnnmeI Again Mr. Buckley Infotmed the representative of he Journal that cvjrjfthlng was going nicely and I that the p:oJect "was ''teaching fruition after aiicr niaay many months monviis Through traffic has again been restored on the local line, of the Canadian National Railways. The first train to get in from the east oilin over a week arrived here at 4 .negotiation, interruption and dc-1 o'clock this morning, having cross- "ay." He also Is said to have stated efl ed thfi the SaivlIs Salvus hrlrfirp bridse. which which had had Vhat "a definite announcement ,- rf, u uUu i. : regarding construction Would be PVonno. rua iar .u - ' wttiiQt trt Mill tUi bllt .made shortly. jpst ,., horo nn HmD at The final bt the Pgraph ar-jocl0ck . thls even, , tide says: '"The Buckley party nnnn. .... mn Today's Weather (Government Telegraphs Triple Island Clear, calm, sea smooth. Langara Island Clear, calm to fresh east wind; barometer, 30.16; temperature, 45; sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.36; temperature, 36; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, calm; barometer, 30.34. Victoria Clear, northerly wind, 12 miles per hour; barometer, 30.38 Vancouver Foggy, calm; baro silica meter, 30.40. j ling Is executed. Stickling was the very early days, passed away Prince George Clear, calm; saved from death by a federal mi IU' Jn rrince "uperi Darometer, 3U.64. order, It was learned from Cfeneral Hospital after having beeh Terrace Part cloudy, east wind. Anyox CJear, calm, 30. Hazel ton Cloudy, calm, 26. Smlthers Fog, calm, mild. Burns Lake Fog, calm, 20. fcricis Teacup Nugget NYLSTROOM. S. A Nov. 25: Sixty-five years of age, Mr. Bro- (CP) There's a new gold rush and an easy mind, were the pre- dcrlus was born in the United with prospecting in full swing near rxriptlons for. roo health b Lord States 1 here, following a report of the Horaer . at the atf; Royal Medical School. 3SA fl I Currie Gets Contract For Naval Centre! 4 Olof Hanson M.P. has been advised hy the minister of public works at Ottawa that an .order-ln-councll hasten -passed awarding the contract for the alterations And additions to the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve building at Prince Rupert to John Currie St Sons of Prince Rupert. COLLISION OF TRAINS Ghastly Tragedy Just Outside Loop. District of Chicago Last Night CHICAGO. Nov. 25: Nine per-- sons were- killed and some sixty-; five Injured some probably fatal- '.y. In a collision of two elevated trains Just outside the Loop district during the busy homeward rush hour last evening. The causa of the craeh had not teen dfln-Itely ascertained last night. Both trains wera laden with workers hurrying to their homes. The crash was head-on and the trains met with such force thai they telescoped with ghastly re suits. Fire broke out altar the col- .lslon. One was a steel electric train and the other had wooden rail cars. ENGLAND HAS FOG Long Spell of Thick Weather Con-tinues, Particularly in Central Part of Country LONDON, Nov. 25: Half of England was still fogbound last night with one of the longest spells ot thick weather showing no signs of breaking. Leeds had , Its sixth straight day of fog which is prevailing for an exceptionally lonj period In central England London Is also getting Its share of the fog. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Nov.. 25: (CPi Wheat was quctled at $1.06 on the Vancouver Exchange yesterday. NEW YORK, Nov. 25: (CP) Bar sliver was trading at 45Vc Funeral arrangements. are. in the finding of d gold nugget "almost per ounce on the New York metal hands of the B. C, Undertakers, as big as a iteacup." market yesterday .