0. Borland, manager of the on tonight's tr?ln frdm Lakelse1 r ih i ir i r: lie iiiu uccii a uciiuiiik . i..f it if f-iA-1nu J aaugniers are remaining ai rthllF KPriTlV flftlVM IT TFA on the Catala Sunday from Dollatfon hear Vrin- evening, Announcements u .j a r 1 1 ri rt iu - j Tin nvriirria IS. IS. 0. B. A. Bazaar, November 19 MM) ACT Uiid rrmce Rupert IaoA Recording Di Of TLanA n.natt anri ft trut. In uuna&A uianas. wing on-nau f uth of th most northerly ot th mvmh uib nvucn i v nniim, wiruivc Huut i 1 if vJ . . - VH - J VlltttlUI. 1 w U1V11VC IIVIVII: - , iioiii'itT nif.v ntvivr. nLHfi nntw na LAND AC1 IJIIid b uui nic iiurun biiuiv vi n -4wreiii ui blip Mura mi auuii i notice that Robrrt IrT.'ne. oi Ruprt, oocupition Shli dl "g a6criW IorBhtir lajid: ue most smrUuirl nf tK Nurti Ui IS chalru thence mat is chatiu: nonn 15 chain to uolnt ot wort or lees. ItniiF.RT nirv invlvv --u wt VW, 1830. tut: sri'KF.MK roruTOFimiTiHii in ritoniTE .'iiur or tub Administration ACT 4 .. . Th Matfr f The EMate of Martin AKE NOTICE tliat bv order of H( -- -uSc risncr, Local uuage o uprnne Court of nrlttah nntumhla. - m my oi AUgUSt, 1W30, i . appointed AdminJMrntr of th " ii v. . muiira. UTVTnom. l-ne will ainjrMvv lot. 4 Pn.pt lRtiTi u- wno nl on the low - "urnwa to the ald Entnt 5 u" w-h day ot August, A.D. NORMAN A. WATT .Official AdmJnlitrator ftlAot' Rupert, B. 0. 1f.l,f.. 1. lTI LOCAL NEWS NOTES As King Edward Hotiof eel Canada's War Dead .c ppter Jensen rcmmcu w uk, tv, Catala tsunaay nignt t . iDAham UlSlltTITLUL ui ..nrt rm the Catala Sunday Pa-'oa"- ui fHn tor stevan on oi- .t Dnunor nf Amlt.hPPA-r- priiicwi ;" - . fi X j4 n A T - n mm l ..ij a rnp ' i v mua v aiict iiiun- IltV "w - I 4u. HmmH fr n to Stewart and lilt IU"" --t- ... nn t no vi rii nir i uiuiia. VUA Ul v iii.iAfT lirrn i ii n nri i I1C 1 lvv - r" " in regular monthly business ses- . . it- nreslrlv Innrhpnn tomnr. !n the Boston Cafe. LtMi Wnlltr loft nn In-ct (v. . 111 .Mnrtr4 ilialr O V t" 1 1 Q 1 VQ in . li.. tries HtMrlroH fro t" Ir ra. .... J v. i UIllKllo iia(iit uwt wiii i.i. . 1 4 V. ftft ...lit . U-A .. , VlMKM , wl I IV IlilUULra it 1 1-1- 111 Ml f ., 11L1V.1 dispatcher's office. I j Moose Lodge meeting Wednesday, 8 o'clock. iQdi Jack Johns left on last' evening's train for a business trio to Usk. X H. Orme and son, Eric, salleJ yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for their new home In Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Annan of Endako returned to the Interior on last evening's train after spending; a couple of weeks In the city. Lieut. Henrietta Thlrslein of tire Salvation 'Army sailed yesterday morning on the 'Princess Charlotte or 'Ketchikan. . T -. T1..11 M 1 - t naxry utui, jor arunicenness. was fined $25. with oDtton of spvpn day's imprisonment, In city pollen court this morning. Don Arney has been appointed to the Staff of the city fire de partment In succession to R. B. t8klnner, resigned. Edward McLean of the City Hall Staff" returned to the city at "the end of the week f ram- a two week' holiday trip to Vancouver, J. in. Short, boiler Inspector; arrived In the city on the Catara'Scm'J day night from Vancouver, being' here on official duties. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'George W. Fairbanks arrived yesterday rhorning on the Prince George fforh !Ki-chikan and proceeded on fast'eve fling's train to St. Paul, Minnesota' ;B. A. Lfttta, superintendent of Canadian National Express, leU by last evening's tralfr on his Return to Edmonton after a 'Visit to this city and district on official business. Sisters St. Paul and St. Brlgld of St. Patrick's Convent In Vancouver are calling by the Catala this evening 'on their return south after a visit here and at Mrs. Charles 'Nlcholis U return ing on the Cataia ttils evening to twr home ffj Seattle', having come north to attend the funeral of her brother, the late F". W, Wesch, Sisters Mary. Ita and Mary Freda of the Smlthers Hospital left by test evening's train ori Ihelf re turn to Hie Interior after having come' here to aX(end the reception to Bishop Coadjutor J. R, Coud ert on Sunday. Rev. Father J. Byrne Orant of Smlthers, having spent the week end here to' attend the Installation of the new coadjutor-bishop, Rt. Rev, J, R. Coudert, left by last evening's train on his return to the interior. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dale arrived In the city on the prince George yesterday from Jurieau and proceeded by train last evening rA uicU tn ttTnchtrnxt'm-t-nO inl -, a ( o. V iw . . ... . o . . - . -- 'racroT? 'iDover-Foxcroft, Maine -They will return via unicago, Lenver ana Seattle. Mrs. R. 0. Coppersmith bf Ta- coma, who has been visiting her for the past few weeks with nr sisters, Mrs; Thomas BaUlnger and Mfs. F. W. Wesch, and Mrs. uai- Inger left on last evening's train for Terrace to pay a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haudenschlld. Mrs. Coppersmith will be back her? Frldayhlght and will sail by the Prince George Saturday evening on her return to Tacoma, Hotel Arrivals Knox Hart. Blllmor; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sharpp, Winnipeg; u, McTavlsh and P. Murpny, ciiy d. M. Richmond, CNJt. Central Mrs n R. Stone. Prince Rupert Hugh McDonald, Stewart; James Thorn WlnnlDeg; Mr. and tnincSL.0,.iu.ti ??" A1 PST.W. Bevnon. Port Simpson ZYJ ' required to furillsh aarne MtK wln to me on or before th day of September. 1B36: other- QwpOhLtlnn .vf tki ..i t!-... wiit a without regard thereto. All Mrs : Mrs Rattle: R. P. oasln . n Rnrlflft! M. nos, uarnaDy; r. Polluk, Edmonton; E. v. C.N.K.; Mr. and mxs. ' Fairbanks and William Donnelly Keitchlfcari. Ilnval r, uninmhn c.N.R.: Ole Weln s t a vin-w city. SACRIFICING Factory samples. 10- "plece" 'Chesterfield Suites $72.50; 10-Plece Walnut Finish Bedroom Suites $69.50; 38-Piece Breakfast Room Groups $21.00. Many other bargains. Terms if desired. Julius Shore Mall Order House. 1402 Bekins Bldg., Vancouver. PERSONAL MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted maker refunds few cents paid Call or write, Ormes limited, it GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville. Vancouver YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Mi Home Permanent Wav tM mg and uurang Macnine C.O.D. $3.00. No electrl cltv or exDerlence need ed. Will not harm the finest hair, Curls Guaranteed to last seven months. All sunDlies for six heads. Postage prepaid. MARVEL WAVE CO., 1183 East 41st Ave Vancouver, B.C. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In ',5-Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Ceremonies last many hours, but each one has a fleeting few seconds In which a single action or a few words epitomize all the symbolism and richness of the occasion. Such a moment Is this. King Edward, on the speaker's platform at Vlmy Ridge, has pulled the cord. It dangles in the air like a strand of a woman's hair. The flag of Great Britain unfolds from the heroic memorial to Canada's .war dead, on the site of one of the most memorable battle of the World War. France, after the war, deeded the hallowed ground to the Canadian government. This moment climaxed the pilgrimage bf thousands of Canadian veterans who travelled to France to honor their dead comrades. SUES FRIEND BIRMINGHAM, Aug. 18: (CP) Riding with a friend in a motor car, Eric Evans, 24, was blinded when the vehicle crashed Into a standing car. Evans sued his companion and was awarded $32,500 damages. STAFF INCREASED JOHANNESBURG. Aue. 18: (CP) Unprecedented demand for be- lap Artntatori Virtvo nt ft rrnru tlm 0EO FOR SALE FOR SALE Scottish Collie pup Male. A beauty. $15.00. Phone Blue 824. (194 FOR SALE Cabin pleasure boat, 20-foot, snappy, good engine. $125.00. PhDne Green 186. (101' SPECIMENS OF MARINE LIFE HERE Moon fish and Turnicate Brought In by Halibut Boats Identified At Fisheries Station has created 50 new posts In the De- Two strange marine creatures partment of Labor and Social Wei-! Caught in waters oi tnis cusinci fare heVe. were recently brought to the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station for identification. The halibut boat Melville, Capt. John' Ivarson, brought In at the week-end a fish which took bait In 130 fathoms of waters north of Langara Island. It was an unusual and exotic specimen which was identified by Dr. A. L. Pritchard of the Nanaimo Biological Station, who was in the city, as a moonfish or ppah. The moonfish Is brilliantly colored with silvery to purplish scales and vivid vermlllion fins. This specimen was 27 inches long and 15 Inches wide, weighing 23 pounds. The usual habitat is in1 southern Atlantic und :Paclflc yi&- teTsTwo were: caught nea'rTOut ii.. ...... .u. -Jrf"-" - iiuiniu tuny .ins year uub uie uiic brought here by Capt. Ivarson Is the furthest north ever recorded. On Friday last Capt. Clarence Campbell of the Joe Baker brought In a peculiar object about five inches long and resembling a cob of corn which was snagged during j halibut fishing at a depth of 130 1 fathoms 25 miles off Rose Spit buoy; It was identified as a representative of the turnlcates, a form of marine animal life which, although simple in appearance, Is one of the highest forms below the fishes since it has the rudiments of a splfial cord. CRASH REVIVES DRIVER CeHIGH, la., Aug. 18: (CP) When Ira Smith, a farmer here, lost consciousness while driving his automobile, the machine crashed Into a tree. The shock brought Smith to consciousness without in juring him. C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays S p.m. Frdm the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10:20 p.m. If you wish to swap a clasiliied. Try a Daily News classified advertisement for best results. 0yp CORN FLAK!? TMhr Don't let the high cost of feed-' ing your family discourage you. There's still one delicious food that hasn't gone up in price. Kellogg's Corn Flakes nourishing and rich in energy are one of the biggest values you can buy. Ask your grocer for Kellogg's, and serve them often. Nothing takes the place of CORN FLAKES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials BEEF Short Ribs of Beef 3 lbs Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 1 lb. Onions Steak, 2 lbs. & '2 lb. Kidney Pot Roast of Beef 4 lbs Round Steak PHONE 951 ? lbs Corn Beef, 4 lbs. & 1 Cabbage LAMB and MUTTON Shoulder Veal per lb Loin of Lamb Chops per lb Legs of Lamb per lb Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. & 1 tin of Peas ..... Mutton Chops 2 lbs Stew Veal, 2 lbs. it 1 tin of Peas Ayrshire Bacon per lb 25c 25c 35c 35c 40c 25c 10c 25c 25c 25c 35c 25c 25c Fitch's Complete Scalp Treatment 1 Fitch's Shampoo . . . . . . . .55c ritch s ideal riair i onic Zbc I Fitch's Scalp Brush . , . . . SOc 1 $1.30 Value All three for 69c OrmesLtd. Ufift Pioneer Druqgtsts ' il, Ux. Hurt Kniines: Hi & 83 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays From 12 noon till ! p.m 1 p.m. till 9 pjn. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave" Prince Rupert for, Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 tM. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Monday am. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 PJtt. calling Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.40 Further Information regarding" sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH,' Prince Rupert Agnt, Third Ave. Phone 868 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Fajls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaldt" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. ."Princess Louise," Aug. 1st. 15th, 29thy Sept. 9th, SS. "Princess Alice," Aug. '8th, 19th. ' SS. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 22nd. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Alice," Aug. 3rd, 14th. SS. "Princess Louise," Aug. 10th, 24lh, Sept. 4th. SS. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 17th. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Ropert, B.C. Furniture Beds in all sizes, Dining Room Suite, Dressers, Breakfast Room Suite, Upholstered Chair,' Arm Rockers, Etc. Used RADIOS, GRAMAPH0NE, BANJO, MANDOLIN, 'GUITAR, ETC. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue