Todays Weather Hon. T D. Bouchard, mlnls- ot lands and forests', Hon. C. A. nana, attorney central, auu portfolio, were the only mem- i oi 'lie linnnoiiL raninet io ue ANY ARF. ADDICTED Those Usinff Drugs aval Station Inspected I'- lfitC ilipinl Administration ew w - Is Swept Out of Office In Yesterdays Polling Union Nationale Party Scores Smashing Victory, Winning Large Preponderance of Seats Premier Personally ucicaica uupicssis wins QUEBEC, Aug. 18: (CP) The Liberal government of one defeat at the hands of the Union Nationale, Con- nnA inciirnrpnt T.ihprnl rnahtinn. in vesterdavs .. .!.:,! nlnfinn Prominr firirihmit was nprsnnnllv rip- yVlllVlC! - --- 1 ,i finrir minlpssls. leader of...a..a.A 1 1 r jxi.u.vw " i - tttb...". ... ni..rc Thu rnsiiH marks t hp j. or m rwrn r fratrp X ' tf nilClSi l.v awwh.w ... . . - T- , I . l.l.r.l. I 1 . 1 f 111 ii i -, 4Via lef IrAcHcrA rf thp 1 Taschereau administration. hnnr onH a half aftpr thp x. closed last evening It was 4 tut nlnhtaan TTnfnn Ma. I 4 1L 1 1 Lllilli Libit V. V Wav , - i successful In three seats. Later tiniifn nA t a final ctanHtnt? ATTrxr a n. fro, na nV thmicnvifl nMf rtMAfl Hrifiv nfi in t Ft a Unit vimAtM nnn 1 1 111 vn m a Turn t rr nr riiuv 11 vnar ima TirriitBC fiirr nn British health ministry and PLACE OF HIS FATHER 4 IN HOUSE OF COMMONS BATHURST. N.B.. Aug. 18; (CP) Dr. C. J. Venlot, Liberal, COLLAPSE She . .... 1 l 1 1 i i A J. IiaiC IdMUlUa ILJ - " rf while only three Liberals had 14 day to represent Gloucester In 4 the House of Commons at Ot- tawa, succeeding his father, the late Hon. P. J. Venlot, who morning was 75 seats for; died recently. Tnere was no jn Nationale and 15 for the' other name on the list when . a-tnw m a t Inn n ilnrnH A uramsnr -w- iiiiiiiiiiliiiiia i.jcu. tlUiuviiv " !1 HIltllLlIlIl LI1 UUUIAIUVI --... r III I I IT- iril 'llnKllli: UU lll i - . . . t m June suiierea personal ue-i OF PACT .. ... ... ianti Kncaeed in New and Large Program of Construction WASHINGTON. Aug. 18: Early pollanse of the recent London naval ormer Conservatives arc numcr-. . . toj urp , rnnfiripn- ' W AO tAfVWkVU "Vv, Hai mnnrt-q from Janan indicate i ... . . . . klUi K' w A ly oui it win De tne nrst ume nA , rnstrrt.inn nro- Quebec's hlstorv that no Conser- T 1VOQ no .nnwnr-nM 4 nrl In Assembly. new auu " & w. f grams In the Nipponese naval yards. Some Revival On New York Market 1 NEW YORK. Aug 18: The NeW i i . 1 n rovtvat 1 xorK marKei. niuhi-u w ....... on Saturday after the slump of Friday when industrials fell of: on the average by 1.85; rails by .87; utilities by .43, and bonds by .12. Game Officer Was In North For Long Time After having been away from here since May 28, Inspector TVan 1UH1KTA Allot IP- inn T rirrt Tlrr nh A hnai IOr Ui Ul U1C Bttllic ...... iu. IUi J -MJJh V . U..V... " nada, inspected the Esqulmalt val station yesterday following arrival from the east which was yed for nine, hours by mud-s on the railway line, before ivmg at Vancouver. 4 FOUR FIREMEN Kll.t rn AND THREE MORE MAY DIE FOLLOWING FIRE MONTREAL. Aue. 18: (CP) -Pnnr. 1.. . . nicmcn were Killed and Jiijuji-u. inree nrrvnnniv Van Dyk also visited other points in the upper Stikine River as wen as Tulsequah. Sun Bathing Is Out For Harlow Suffering From kJt vvu Second Degree Burns tini.T.YWOOD. Aug. 18: Suffer ing second degree burns from the sun. Jean Harlow, film star, was tally, as a result of an ex- ordered to remain at least a week ii lvzirvM .. i . . i i. v a. wntrnrv inc. iiiv pro n. uy Kuoa3 store t m wcu . . , 'doctors said that she had burned her skin severely and oraerca n to never again lies on the beach. Pontificial Mass Reception In Evening Here is an excellent informal snapshot of King Edward and his brother, the Duke of York, heir apparent as they reviewed the Royal Air Force. Wearing sun glasses and attired iri RJV.F. uniforms, both flew in the same airplane during the review. It was remarked at the time that a disastrous airptane crash might have made 10-year old Princess Elizabeth a queen. BISHOP IS HIS BODY WELCOMED IS FOUND Rt. Rev. J. R. Coudert Conducts Remains of "Beaver Jack" Thomp- Rt. Rev. John R. Coudert O. M.J., co-adjutor bishop of Catholic Church for the Diocese of j "Beavor i kins, Believed Dead a Month, Recovered The badly decomposed body o the Roman . John Thompklns, better known a. tunlty to meet Bishop Coudert per- Df death. Jack,", an old age pen- Northern British Columbia and sioner, was found on mud nats Yukon, was welcomed to the head- Inear Moore's Cove, south of Clax-quarters parish In Prince Rupert ton Cannery, and has been on Sunday, following his arrival at brought to the city by the prov-the end of last week from the lndal who afe lnvestlgat ecclesiastical duties here. i44V " r"' " Oft Sunday morning at the wat-. depending on the stage Church of the Annunciation, Bi- of the tide, and the old man 1? shop Coudert conducted solemn believed to have been dead for at Dyk of Prince George, district game j pontificial mass before a large con- jpast a month. warden, arrived in tne city irom gregatlon. It was a cnorai service nisvorv of the remains was the north on the prmce u (ad others participating were tne yesterday and proceeded by -last , bishop Rt. Rev E. M. Bunoz O. M. SunnysUh evening-strain to hU home In the,i., Fa her .Maurice Smith, the par- Ca whlch adylsed th(J interior. Inspector Van Dyk spent jish priest; Father Anthony Meulen- lncial Uce at 2.2Q yesterdav the most of the time at McDamesiberg of Stewart; Father J. Byrne afternoon; Tlle boat P M on Dease River where a new post,Grant 0f Smlthers, and Father OTnt ,lt rPt,md with thr iha's been established by the Gameiprean of Hagwllget. 1 remains last evening. in tne evening tnere was a re- A nost-mortem examination I n. i . . ' 1 1 U,,l1f Tnendritnr it .l l r. 1 1 tr.11 4m ( ... . .. .... ..... l i LiMiiin r imvamn, r . n n n m i r t H.nrnan i r,i' i h uk. uuuh liwuvbw. rpii .1 in hi. i.iim fi'iiiiin riiiii i.i i i . i : n v. n v. l j . -1 v- .n .. , uuitlllUi VJCllViUt Ul.watubll .. . I " iAJ uc IIUJU WlUll i view W UCIUIAVV the people of the the parisn oppor- y establishing the actual cause sonally. The speakers. In addition) Thompklns, who, although some- to Bishop Coudert, included Bishop what of a recluse, was well known Bunoz, Father Smith and M. P. Mc-j in -the Skecna River district, was Caffery. o born near Windsor, Ontario, In MURDER CHARGE IS SEQUEL TO FATAL VANCOUVER !FIG HT' 1858. He was formerly engaged In fishing and trapping. Today s Weather Triple Island Clear, light west northwest wind; sea smooth. VANCOUVER, Aug. 18: (CP) Langara Island-Foggy, moderate Joe Blanco was charged with , westerly wind; sea choppy. murder yesterday following the 1 Alice Arm Clear, calm, 58 death of Victoria Guizzo from j a fractured skull suffered In a fight on Sunday night. , . '. Stewart Clear, calm, 48. Terrace Clear, calm, 57. Hazelton Clear, calm, 62. Smlthers Clear, calm, 61. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 51. Tomorrow's Tides (8 AM.) High' .1 2:19 a".m. 20 6 ft. Rupert Clear, light northerly prince 14:40 pjn. 20.6 ft. wind; barometer, 30.10 (rising) Low 8:39 ajn. 3.0 ft. temperature, 60; sesmooth. 20:59 p.m. 4.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV No. 194. i. i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1936 FRICE: S CENT3 - j. .. . GOVERNMENT IS DEFEATED SPANISH CABINET IS READY TO TAKE TO FLIGHT King and Brother Go Flyir g Airplanes Standing by to Carry Members ot Government Away As Fall ot Madrid Appears Likely SPANISH PRISONERS BURNED TO DEATH " ' , SA1NT JEAN PE LUZ, France, AUg. 18: (CP) Oer- man sailors reported yester- day that five hundred prison- General Opinion is That Capital of Spain Will be at Mercy Of Rightist Rebels in Short Time Now MADRID, Aug. 18: (CP) Members of the Spanish Socialist government, fearing the fall of the capital into rightist rebel hands, today held three airliners ready for speedy flight at a moment s notice. Insurgents in Guadar- ers held as hosUges by the rania Mountains north of Madrid are firmly established bpanisn leiiisi. governmwi t Hn(j have oniy t0 await reinforcements before opening a : ZPSJTS' "SI .ttock on the ayML IUs ..plnUmttat fire to their prison warehouse. . t ' TERRORISM AT JAFFA tne rebels win nave Maarm ai tneir mercy wunin ten aays. Duke Of Kent And Wife Had Narrow Escape VIENNA. Aug. 18: The Duktl and Duchess of Kent had a nari irow esoaDe while motoring near (here at the week-end when their Arabs In New Outbreak Two collided with another which Jewish NurMKniednMlrR pmnd 'in(d'-lake. -There were dents Ordered to May no serious Injuries, . Indoors JERUSALEM, Aug, 18: (CP) Sequel to a new outburst of Arab terrorism, British authorities threw a "cordon, of troops around Jaffa today and ordered all residents to remain in their homes until tomorrow. Two Jewish nurses were killed last night by Arab bullets. Funeral Is Held At Terrace For Harry Richmond The late Harry Richmond, whose death is reported from Terrace, was formerly employed as a pump man by the Canadian Natloral Railways until the time his health made It necessary for him to give up work. Barn la Burleigh, Ens-land, April 9, 1879, Richmond is isurvlved by a widow and family residing on Kalum Road. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at Terrace under he auspices of the Canadian Region there, deceased having served In France during the Great War. Two Million Go to Farms United States Has Big Migration To Farms In Six Years WASHINGTON. Aug'. 18: United States census bureau figures show 'hat 1,995,253 persons have gone to '.ive on farms since January 1, 1930. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, iCPj Bar silver was unchanged at 443,4c per ounce on the New York metal, market oday. 4 f HUGE INCREASE IN 1 TRADE OF CANADA 4 OTTAWA. Aug. 18.: With a third of the fiscal year elapsed, Canadian total foreign trade has Increased $95,068,812 over the corresponding period a year ago. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .32. Big Missouri, .50. Bialome, 7.50. B. R. Cons, .05. B. R. X.. .ll2. Cariboo Quartz, 1.97..-Dentonla, .16. Dunwell, .03. Golconda, .10. Minto, .422. Meridian, .08. Morning Star, .02 &., National Silver, .022. Noble Five, .02. Pend Oreille, .81. '. Porter Idaho, .04V'2. Premier, 3.12. Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 1.22. Relief Arlington, .31 V2. Salmon Gold, .092. Taylor Bridge, .09. Wayside, 10. ;; Toronto Beattle, 1.45. Central Patricia. 4.15. Chibougamau, 1.68, -x"' Gods Lake, 1.20. Int. Nickel, 53.00. Lee Gold, .08. v LltUe Long Lac, 6 00. McKenzle Red Lake,- 1.95. -Pickle Crow, 7.35. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2.20. San Antonio, 2.00. Sherritt Gordon, 1.65. Slscoe, 4.30 Smelters Gold, .13. Sturgeon River, .43. ": Ventures, 2.19. McCleod. Cockshutt, 4.00. Hardrock, 2.88. Oklend, 3. Mosher, .58. Bousquct, .122. Bldgood Klrkland, 1.70. . Gllbec, .052. Jowscy, .21. Lake Rose, .65. Madscn Red Lake, 1.25. May Spiers, .46. 1 Sullivan, 1.75. Stadacona, .65. Greene Stabelle, .69. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVERTAug. 18: (CP)-Wheat was quoted at $l.028 on the Vancouver market yesterday and at $1.02'2 today. BEER HELPS IN FARMING American Agriculturalists Profit ing from Cereal Production : ' WASHINGTON," ATig" 18-Amer-" lean farmers are Iproflting from production of cereal, according to ah anlysls compiled by the United States Bureau of Economics.. Use of farm products In the manufacture of beer ad ded more than thirty-six million dollars to their income during the iscai year Just closed, the figures jhowed. This was an Increase of ninety-five percent over the. "near 'jeer" market of 1932. Seattle P. 1. Is Still Held Idle Four-Page Sheet, Published By . Strikers, Makes its Appearance on Streets SEATTLE, Aug. 18: As picket3 patrol the streets and prevent those who would from going to work In the plant, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer continues to be tied up by the strike of newsmen and editors. The strike was called late last week, having resulted from the dismissal of a photographer and a dramatic critic whom the management declared were Inefficient but whom guild members claim were let out for guild activities, A four-page sheet, the Guild Dally, has made its appearance on tne streets, it nad one tun sporting news page, the rest of the Issue consisting largely of stories and editorials attacking William Randolph Hearst, owner of the Post-Intelligencer, Halibut Arrivals' American ' Grant, 39,000, Cold Storage, 9.9c and 7c. 4 SOCIAL CREDIT LEAGUE 4 4 REJECTING COALITION 4 4 WINNIPEG, Aug. 18: The 4 4 executive of the Manitoba So- 4 4 cial Credit League has repu- 4 4 dlated the reported agreement 4 4 of the five legislature members 4 4 of the group to support the 4 4 Liberal Progressive govern- 4 4 ment of Premier Bracken. 4 4 4444