fi I Si pag roxm MURESCO The Ideal Wall Finish Economical to Use, and Easy to Apply Muresco's beautiful tints give to the walls and ceilings of your home a rich flat finish that will not rub off, crack, chip or peel. 75c per package GORDON'S HARDWARE I has siood for J V Highest. Quality Good old Silver Spring has been favorite with two generations of those -who like a real, malty beer. It is still brewed In Victoria to the same perfection of quality that has won unswerving loyalty to this brand throughout the yean. Silver Spring LAGEll BEER t. On Sale Everywhere This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE NEW FLOOR COVERING Printed Linoleum, by square yard .80c 'Linoleum Hugs, size 6x9, price $6.75 Linoleum Rugs, size 7jx9, price $8.50 Linoleum Rugs, size 9x9, price . . . .$10.50 Congolcum Gold Seal Rugs, size 7x9, price .$6.75 Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs, size 9x9, price . .$8.50 Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs, size 9x12, price $10.50 Jaspe Linoleum Mats, size 18x36, price . ....... 85c Feltol Mats, size 27x51, price . .65c Rexoleum Mats, size 18x36, price .20c Cocotex Door Mats, size 16x27, price 0 Cocotex Door Mats, size 18x30, price ... $1.35 USED FURNITURE Reds, Dressers, Dining Room Suites, Kitchen Tables and Chairs, Kitchen Ranges, Electric Washing Machines, Hand Power Washing Machines and Water Power Washing Machines, Singer Sewing Machines, Electric Radios, Battery Radios, Etc. Household Goods Bought Outright Phone: Green 421 MURESCO S3 AM i w McBrUe 8t Phone 311 MOTORS IN LEAD TOO Scored Clean Sueev to join Three Two Taxi and Oilers at Top Of Commercial League kalen Motors, by scoring' a thro same to nil victory over Biological Station In the Commercial Boiling League Friday night, moved into a tie With Three Two Taxi and Oilers for the league leadership. The Three Two Taxi vs Can adian National Recreation Association fixture in the Commercial League as well as all Five Pin league fixtures were postponed from Friday night. Individual, scoring In the Biological Station vs Kalen Motors fixture was as follows: Biological Station BIO STN. 1st. 2nd 3rd THs Brocklesby 104 123 130 357 Carter 126 97 103 320 Suttox 100 101 'Sunderland 93 111 Large .w. 87 104 KAIEN , Jack 142 105 Smith 97 133 Moore 93 101 Frlzzell 76 137 99 300 108 312 125 31C 1st 2nd 3rd T'tl- 112 35P 97 327 137 331 161 374 Rutter J39 158 121 Rutter" of Kaien Motors had the high average of 172. I Trappers and Dealers Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage 417 The League Standing W. L. Three Two Taxi .... 9 3 Oilers 9 3 Bankers ,..4J.. 8 4 C. N. R. A L...-..1.7 5 Kalen Motors 9 6 Butchers , 5 7 Watts Grocery 2 10 Biological Station 1 14 Have to fill my orders for all kinds of furs and will pay top market price. Ship your goods, as soon as received, money wired. Make your shipments and convince yourselves. GOLD BLOOM NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprietor "A nOiME AWAY FHOM nOME" Rates S1.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Cubs 8 3911 Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL 111 , BOWLING RESULTS Legion Blanks Moose and Rose. Cowan Jfc Latta Wins Over Elks in Ten Pins Canadian Legion scored a three game to nil clean sweep Victory over Moose in the City Ten Pin Bowling League yesterday while Rose, Cowan & Latta won two to one over Elks. High average scorer was Jimmy Ciccone of Rose, Cowan Sz Latta with ELKS 1st 2nd 3rd Murray 104 125 130 Johnson ......l64 161 133 Joy ......142 149 134 Clausen .........Il44 183 149 Arney : .160 137 175 Handicap 22 22 22 Totals ... R. C. & L. ...:..736 777 724 1st 2nd 3rd R. Franks L,...113 Vance 176 McCallum - 133 O. Franks 153 Ciccone 197 Handicap 30 124 121 141 167 143 30 Totals 802 726 MOOSE 1st 2nd F. Morrison 189 169 R. Morrison ..............149 136 Royer , .138 132 Morgan ..i.,..128 131 Russell .....". 106 150 Handicap 52 52 Totals .......722 770 LEGION 1st 2nd Schrlaber 128 Hill 173 145 Armstrong ...147 151 Storvick 170 143 Todd 175. Stacey j Handicap 24 M180 159 24 120 148 148 151 200 30 797 3rd 170 138 166 142 164 52 780 3rd 181 156 172 147 162 24 Totals 817 802 842 ' League Standing ! r P. , Grotjo ...r....... 24 Powef Corporation 24 'Knoi Hotel 24 I Rose Cowan Si Latta 21 .'Canadian Legion 24 jAtlln Fisheries 21 Elks : 24 Moose 24 BOYS' BOWLING LEAGUE , Trojans 6 4573 Squirts 8 5811 Timers 8 5D83 Punks 8 5427 Big Five 6 3751 , Bombers 8 4746 Wolves 8 4451 W. 18 16 '13 12 10 CO A L TO PLEASE. EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed,, - FAMOUS ED SON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye 9 Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Breaks London to Capetown Record Tommy Rose cut a huge swath from Father Time's beard when he flew from England to Capetown, South Africa, In thre: ti.ys. 17 hours and 38 minutes, clipping 13 hours and 17 minute; from the record made by Mrs. Amy Johnson Molllson. Picture above was taken at Hatfield, London, last year with the famous King s Cup he won In his Miles Falcon alrp lane. Semi-Finals In Badminton Are Played Sunday BASKETBALL SCHEDULE National Recreational Association's ' School Scous vs- Jr Moos- Badminton Club's champ lonship, tournament were played yesterday with results as follows. Men's Singles Mcintosh beat Young 15-10, 9-15, 15-12. Mcintosh beat Greggor 15-11, 18-17. Men's Doubles Murray and Blake beat Mcintosh and Poole 15-4, 15-1. .Mixed Doubles O. Palmer and Mcintosh beat O. Munro and Blake 15-8, 15-13. Mrs. Young and Horton beat K. Fortune and Bartlett 15-9, 15-1. Ladies' Singles 8 11-0. .Monday's Games 8 p.m. Horton vs . Mcintosh (final i Gwen Palmer and Mcintosh Vs 762. Mrs. Stamford and W. Murray 748; (semi-final.) 726; Gibson and Horton vs Murray 678 : and Blake (final.) 625 j Tuesday 5P3j 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Horton vs E. 556 Davis (final.) 489, 8:15 pm. Mrs. Young and Hor jton Ts winners q. palmer and Me- Reach the most people In clty;into$h and Mrs. Stamford and and district with an advertisement ', Murray. i in the Daily News. 9 p.m. Mrs. McAuley and Mrs. Horton vs E. RIvett and E. Davis. Laundry Cinches Five Pin Bowling Kmvroved 'Standing' 1y "winning Over Lamble Stone by Default Second Place Tie Pioneer Laundry, which already had pretty much of a cinch on second half' honors In the Five Pin Bowling League, won by default over Lambie & Stone In a post poned league fixture yesterday, getting credit for three games in the standing. Old Empress de feated rive Jokers two game to one and these two teams are now tied for second place. High aver age scorer was Eddie Smith of Five Jokers with 218. The standing to date: Pioneer Laundry 19 Five Jokers ji Old Empress ....n Lambie It Stone 7 60 PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. PHONE 60 17 March 2 Moose vs. Lambic ii Stone. Legion vs. High School, Annettes vs. Grotto. Scythians v. Jr. Moose. March 5 Moose vs. Grotto, Le gion vs. Scythians, Grotto vs. High BADMINTON STANDINGS Standings to Date Thes tandlngs of clubs to date in the intcr-club competition is as follows: ' "A" League Prince Rupert i...:.r..zr.ZtZl2 C. N. R. A. 1 ,.Z .....r... 61 C. N. R. A. 2 as Catholic ... . 5 "B" League . Prince Rupert 62 Catholic 49 C. N. R. A. 45 ir March 2 c ; .ea br M Teh 5- ; E ette M rcli s. B! ette.N v- ' rdi l P 11 Ol,r,, rch ., A .Aw; riu- HOCKEY B( nd AUTOGRAPHED hr Gormen Chatnpi'.'i v W r "I.ll.VWI' tlnhblc . nd the -laM to I ' . -Montri-a!. s ' 8Dd ia t (roaftn)-1 ' . Umiti it drna uu-i httvl ;'.. iM pi. t :rm, will bete ' dirn ' ' Manihi, I! Armjiu! ' ' CDRM SYRll THE FAMOUS ENERCT1 etfrtorn cord j Canada com r SILVER CIOS1 UUNMir Tht CANADA ST " 31 0' Mcr rsri Willi 3 CAKS X iUHBl Bert Mar : S Ml Don' f 1'5 KOTCH WHISKY This advertisement la not published Liquor Control Hoard or b ' British Columbia. WW m good rim LASTS LON :' WlK-ii you use BAPCu be mre ynur home i-for a long 'lme to " roofs Is equally high 11 1 f THOMPSON HARDWARF O TheFxsh which made Prince Ku "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COP Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage M PRINCE RUPERT, ClltrJ li . li . OUR rAVOKTt m - Sri ElMVAltDSBtlJ ulv wh:t cow ml I'.; m 45f rnpricton iff