4 i a. 2 i PAQE SIX DAILY NEWS Monday, March 2; 1335 1 IF ,3 3. Head GOLDS I Put Mrntholatum In I 1 the nolri! to relieve 1 irritation and promote clear Itrealhlng. DEER HAS RECOVERED Animal Which Was Nearly Frozen I To Death Transferred to Fuel ,Shed at Tort Essin(on PORT ESSINGTON, March 2: Tlic big buck deer, which was rec-cued recently In a half frozen condition from floating Ice on the Skeena River near here, has coni- plctely recovered from the ex-j jperience and has become so lively i jthat It has been found necessary i ;to move it from the cooler of the. butcher shop to Stewart Donald-, son's fuel shed. I . The animal Is to be taken over1 by the game department and isj expected to be placed on Porchcr Island. Try a Daily News classified advertisement for best results. The Need for Immediate Information Is Desperate! In response lo urgent requests for more information about proposed Health Insurance Act, facilities have been arranged to allow J. S. Burton to be heard again Over B. C. Network Tonight 7.30 to 7.45 p.m. Dr. Weir's Proposed Measure is Rank Class Discrimination To the WclMp-DoItSays: "You fortunates earning over one hundred and fifty dollars a month may take hospitalization or not, employ a doctor or not; if you are a Christian Scientist or a patient of a chiropractor you need not pay for services you would not use." !To the Indigent and Unemployed It Says: "Stand aside! You don't contribute so the health measure has nothing for you. To Everyone Earning $150 a Month or Less It Says: T "You will take medical doctors and hospitalization and like it If you are a Christian Scientist or a chiropractic patient, O.K., but' you'll pay for doctors and drugs anyway. This has never been tried yet on the American Continent we're going to experiment at somebody's expense and you have been chosen." FRUIT AND VEGETABLE GROWERS ESPECIALLY CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS ADDRESS You'd better get your member to go slowly. It's too late to complain after your monthly deductions start. Ji If r CJAT, Trail; CHWK, Chiliiwack; CFJC, Kamloops; CKOV,Kelowna;CRCV, Vancouver; CFCT, Victoria From a bowl for keeping fishes To a set of china dishes; From a nest of new utensils To a brush Almost anything you re needing Is displayed in ads you1 re reading; So when shopping for essentials Do not rush! For the one who heeds these pages Vsthe one who truly gauges Honest bargains . . . truly sees The "goods" from "bads." You'll avoid the crowds and hurry, You'll save money, time and worry Just ' by sitting down at case ' i.-v To read the ads! n British Heiress Sees Broadway Tom Dbyhavn arrived In poit Saturday from Vancouver, where he has been spending the winter, coming north with his halibut boat and trailer Palander. He had in tow the 30 foot boat Partner which has been purchased by Dr. H O. Johnsen of thls.city from J. A. Rankin of Vancouver. Dr. John-sen is taking a berth at the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club for the mooring of his pew hoat. Taking Inspector John A. Frascr north on an inspection trip, the provincial police croisor P.M.L. 8 left at 1 o'clock this afternoon for Stewart, Anyox and Alice Ana 3&urn to port is expected to be made on Friday. RAILWAYMEN ARE CHAMPS Defeated Musketeers in Final At Title and Johnson Cup Canadian National Association won the Johnson Cup, emblematic of city bridge league champion-- ship, by defeating Musketeers in the final at the week end by a score of 7749 to 5100. The Tip Top Tailors Cup, for runners-up, goes to the Musketeers. Bigger Savings! Better Service! AT MUSSALLEM'S Ask For Our Prices BLUE RIBBON TEA per lb. GORGONZOLA CHEESE per lb. ., ROQUEFORT CHEESE per lb EPSOM SALTS Bulk - per lb. DOT CHOCOLATE Sweet V2-lb. pkg MOLASSES Sweet Adeline, 5-lb. tin H ED LUND'S BAKED BEANS, l's, per tin BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 tins .'. 45c HANDY SODAS I.B.C. OQp Dollar Size, per box ...V' 50c 70c 8c 29c 37c 12c; 17c Orders. 1.00 ur Over Delivered Free MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollxm Dave More Cents P. O. Box 575 Pbone 18 England has its heiresses to "five and ten cent" fortunes as well as America, and this one. on the left, is being shown Broadway's night spots by none other than Douglas Fairbanks Jr., the actor. She is Sheilah Stephenson, daughter of the chairman of the F. W. Woolworth Ltd. of England. The other giri is Drucilla Strain. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Cardena, Capt. fame Findlay, arrived in port at 6:30 last evening from the south nd sailed at 8 p.m. for Stewart, nyox and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning to sail at 1:30 111 the afternoon for Vancouver and waypjoints. SPY STORY ON SCREEN "Rendezvous'' Provides Gripping Mystery at Capitol Annette's , Spring Fashion Show Also A dramatic story of the famom American Black Chamber, the Institution which was brought into being during the World War in the United States to engage hi the scientific business of spy catching, is brought to the screen in "Rendezvous" which comes to the Capitol Theatre here at the first or this week. William Powell, who ha. the leading part, depicts the career of Major Herbert O. Yardley who elevated the counter - espionage" service of the United States iron , a hick detective agency to the mos: .scientific institution of Its kind in 1 the world. As a young army lleut-jenant who craves bloodshed on the I battlefields of Europe, he is. yank ed off of a troopship and thrust into a swivel chair Job at Washing ton What transpires Uiereaftcr provides mystery of the gripping type the adventures of a young cryptographer who tracks down a ring-of notorious enemy spies aim the expense of losing the woman he loves, Rosalind Russell. Blnnle' Barnes, English actress, also, has! ,an important part and outer mem-;bers of the cast Include Cesar Romero, Lionel Atwill and Henry Stephenson. Annette's spring fashion revue between shows Is also an attrac tion on tonight's Capitol Theatre program. The Daily News Is an A. B. C. paper. "Build B.C. Payrolls Pacific Milk Every Day SI I jr J - J!. We have a letter from a lady who says Pacific Milk is used every day in their home. In some letters the writers say Pacific Milk had been used for years. In other letters that.Pa-clfic Milk had been used for a definite number of years and the number is given. This patron says "every day." Any way at all in which a patron says a family or an individual Is a constant user Is appreciated. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, BEDS SPRING MATTRESSES All Kinds Phone 775 Third Avenue TONIGHT 1 and TUESDAY zgp-7 T-rn-piaaan TONIGHT M ! 1 'J b j I 11 and Lrl TUESDAY Deluxe Stage and ScreenShow! On the Stage ANNETTE'S SPRING FASHION STYLE REVUE The Cream of the New Spring Fashion Gowns. Coats, Jewels and Accessories Late t Creations in Shoe Styles- New Mannish Hats -The "Ginger" Rogers College Wrap and Dthei winning Fashions see them live stunning creations that bring out all the romantic glamor in your personality! 25 - Mannequins - 25 On the Screen It's That "Thin Man" Again You'll Get a Thrill Out of Hill! WILLIAM POWELL in " " Rendezvous There's never a dull moment when you keep a date With Dill Powell! Right now you'll find him confronted Willi -his most baffling mystery trying to catch one girl trying to get nd of another. Between thrills you'll agree that he has picked a grand new Screen Sweetheart don't miss this rendezvous with Thin Man" Powell in his gayest thrill-entertainment! with ROSALIND RUSSELL Binnic Barnes, Lionel Atwill TIME SCHEDULE OF PROGRAMME News at ... 7:00 & 9:35 Comedy at 7.10 & 9.4j "Rendezvous' at 7:30 & 10:05 Fashion Show once only at 0 05 7 IMPORTANT FEATURES! that assure a Long Blue Flame in your kitchen range 1 Vitreous Enamel Rase i 2 The Super-Heater Passage o Wide Inner Groove 1 Cleanout Dam and Carbon Leg 5 Rcversflo Filter G Microfced Valve and last but not least McRae Rros. tested and approved installation service. Save dollars with a McRae Bros. Silent Glow Oil Burner, using the cheaper and hotter Diesel Oil, designed and guaranteed for greatest satisfaction at no additional cost. Sold on convenient easv payment eMaMvs.JM THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL imiTISII COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phatcs, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals "old, Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth.