PAQI TWO DAILY NKWB HARTT SHOES for men for comfort 950& ll-00 Sole Agents For HARTT Shoes They fit better, look better, wear better. Canada's Best Stocked in 4 qualities Priced from $7.00 Where Most People Trade F AMILY SHOE STORE LIU PHONE 357 Advertising and Circulation Telepbone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCK KUPEUT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prlnc Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue a P. PULLEN Managlng-Edrtor BUBSCRUT1QN KATIES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ... . By mall to all parts ol British Columbia, the British Empire and By mall to all other countries, per year . 98 80 $r. you Wednesday, July 22, 1936 IMPORTANT ANNIVERSARY The celebration of the C. N. R. anniversary yesterday calls to mind the value of such a railway to the people of Canada. The consolidation of a number of railways into one huge state system was an outstanding event and one ,,,1,; i, .. ..ii.. . i. j? n .1? i 1 , wmcu win eYcmuuuy nume. xur ijunauian solidarity. The railway started put in an auspicious manner. reached a point where it was practically self-sustaining when the depression struck the world and railways suffered along with all other businesses. Even the great am wealthy C. P. R. had to suspend paying dividends. The competition of motor traffic added to the troubles of the railways until it looked as if many lines would have to close down. A few did but by the help of . the . Canadian i. iX 1 1 Ml j i n 1 taxpayers it nas Deen possmie 10 Keep most 01 them oper ating. With the return of better times there is a noticeable pick-up in railway business. Travel is on the increase and the next year or twb should see the railways through mos of their troubles. We all like to see the railways prosper.' If they do well so does the whole country. They have not lost any more money proportionate to their size than nearly every other Canadian business. They have not had to borrow anv more money in proportion to their capital than many Prince Rupert businessmen, We hope the Canadian National will become so busy that it cannot handle all the traffic and especially would we like to see this end of the road paying well. PROSPECTS GOOD There never was a time when the youth who wanted to make his way in the world could do so without rustling for it. Effort was required. In the old days it was the thought that if a young man had not enough energy and brain to rustle for himself, he would never amount to anything. Dr. Louis I. Dublin, statistician, says the young man of today has an even chance for a long life and his chances of getting a job are excellent so long as he continues to train himself in some particular field. His chances are four out of five even in a depression period. The average youth will attain to what, is considered an income adequate to a fairly good standard of life. Nine out of ten will marry and the average couple will have three children, one in each 85 having twins, while one in every 7,G00 will have triplets. The chances for having boys are slightly better than for girls. Evidently, according to this authority, the outlook for the ypung generation is just as bright as ever it was in the history of the world, probably much brighter. SCOTCH WHISKY w .BB m ssi ssr VI II III' This adverUsement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by, the Government of British Columbia. 'SPORT' YANK LEAD BEING CUT:: I Now Have Eight Game Margin Over Cleveland Chicago Cubs Still Forging Ahead St. LOUIS; July 22 (CP) The New York Yankees lost a close 5 to 4 decision to the lowly Browns at St. Louis yesterday and hid their margin of leadership In tne American League further reduced to eight games over the Cleveland Indians who, playing at home, wori by the narrow verdict of 6 0 over the Boston Red Sox The world champion Tigers, playing at Detroit, took a double-header, thi first game by a score of eight to nil and the second 9 to 8, from the Philadelphia Athletics, and moved back into third place ahead i of the Red Sox, The Chicago White Sox, losing at home by the close score of 6 to 5 to the Wash ington Senators, slipped from the fifth place tie into sixth position. In the National League, the Chicago Cubs continued their pennantward drive by winning a to 3 victory over Brooklyn Dod gers, at Ebbetts Field, Tne uuds- margin of leadership Is now three; full games over the St. Louis Car dlnals who were losing two to on to the New York Giants at tne Polo Grounds. The Pittsburg Pirates routed the Phillies 17 to 6 at Philadelphia and are in a third place tie with the Giants now. In the fourth National League game yesterday the Cincinnati Reds de feated the Boston Bees 3 to 2 at Boston. Yesterday's Big League results in a glance: American League Philadelphia, 0-8; Detroit, 8-9. Washington, 6; Chicago, 5. Boston, 5; Cleveland, 6. New York, 4; St. Louis, 5. National League St. Louis, 1; New York, 2; Pittsburg, 17; Philadelphia, 6. Chicago, 5; Brooklyn, 3. Cincinnati, 3; Boston, 2. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Chicago 54 31 St. Louis 1 34 Pittsburg .45 41" New York 46 42 Cincinnati 43 41 Boston 41 45 Philadelphia 33 53 Brooklyn .--30 56 AMERICAN LEAGUE w. New York 57 Cleveland 50 Boston 48 Detroit 48 Chicago 46 Washington .48 Philadelphia 28 St. Louis 27 L. 30 39 42 40 41 42 59 57 California Girl Is Making Good Alice Marble Advances to Third Round in Tennis Tourney BROOKLYN, Mass., July 22: Alice Marble, Callfornlan, making her first appearance in a major tournament since 1933, gained the third round of the women's, invitation tennis singles at Longwood today. With her in that bracket were Jane Stanton and Oracle Wheeler, both of California. Misses Marble and Wheeler drew byes lh the first round. Ramage-Rowsey Bout Cancelled Los Angeles Wrist and Veteran- Fractures Cannot Go On LOS ANGELES, Cal, July 22: A scheduled ten-round boxing match next Tuesday night at the Olympic Club between Leo Ram- age, heavyweight, and Frank Rqw-seh, veteran Los Angeles fighter, today was cancelled after Rowsey had fractured a wrist in sparring practice. FIGHT NOW IN OFFING OGDEN, Utah, July 22: : Ancil Hoffman said today he i has accepted terms lor Max j. Baer to meet Jimmy Braddock it m Mauisqq pquare uaruen u September of this year, if the Garden does not sign a heavy- weight title fight between Braddock and Max Schmeling. AMATEURS TURN PRO Chicago Bears and Cardinals Bolster Ranks With College Material CHICAGO, 111., July 22: The Chicago Bears of the Nation Professional Football League have signed Don Elser, Notre Dame fullback, an all-round track star. Cardinals, Chicago's other representative in the league, have ad ded Clarence Kellog, 205-pound fullback from St. Mary's College of California. 3 1 Tinker Rink Pet .635 .600 .523 .523 .512 .477 .384 .349 Pet. .655 .562 .533 .544 .529 .523 .322 .321 Still Winner Again Stays in Running For League Lawn Bowling Championship MacPhee 7 Macdonald 5 Watson L..4 Borland - ;::5 Frew ....'...::: ;.:...4i Tinker :.....5 Preece 4 Hill 4 Dibb - '. 2 Little 0 Frankie Klick Is Beaten In CUy The Tinker rink stayed in the running for the season's honor in the City Lawn Bowling League by winning 21 to 14 over Jack Frew's rink last evening. Dav Borland's rink defeated Jock Little's 20 to 10 and George Hill's won over Jack Preece's 20 to 16. The standing of rinks to date: W. L, Non-Title Bout LOUISVILLE , Ky., July 22: -Jimmy Kaughan, 133 V2 pouvuh, ! Cleveland, won a ten round de cision here last night over Frankie Klick, 124, San Francisco, Junior lightweight champion, In a nor-title bout. Football Schedule Time-Table For Mobley Cup League Competition Is Announced j I he Letter box City The following schedule for the Mobley Cup (City League cham pionship) football competition is announced: July 23 Dominion Dairy vs. Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. July 27Canadan Legion vs. Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. July 30 Dominion Dairy vs. Canadian Legion. August 3 Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve vs. Dominion Dairy. August 8 Canadian Legion vs. Dominion Dairy. August 10 Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve vs. Canadian Legion. Joseph Allen, for drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of 'teven days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning. FOOTBALL THURSDAY, July 23 Naval Reserve vs. Dom. Dairy UNl'LEASANTNESS trustees I find the same motion Included in the secretary's annual report. I cannot support this motion so am resigning- as a trustee. I would like my friends to know just why I feel constrained to resign so would be much obllscd If. you would publish the enclose! copy of my letter of resignation N. SHERWOOD. Letter of Resignation 'C. H. Thomas, Secretary. After the meeting of trustees this morning I have decided to resign my position as one of the trustees. I am doing this because hi my opinion the Annual Report, which goes to Victoria, is biased and untrue. A motion was proposed at that meeting calling on th? trustees '.o resign, which was lost on a show of hands. In your annual report you ha''e included4 the arguments in support nf th motion but nave ien the arguments which defeated the motion. In my opinion a motion! which failed to carry chould not. 1 be Included in the annual report I at all. 1 m net a t'n yy nllt lnri(fi Editor. Dally News: leacners names . A little unpleasantness has crop- i In connection wun wiiiu we ped up here in connection with the; port call a "wild party, cnarges annual school meeUng. At that Hike this against the teachers, proposed be supported In some way meetln" a motion was (should calling on the trustees Jo rNUn or . the floor is leit open or iuw. and setting forth some serlcfflslanA family prejudice, and ip this charges against them.The motion lease the annual meeting was not ivph nnnrt ami n a show of iconvinced that the teachers are bnHc un 3 Inst guilty of this sort of thing xt.., t tho firt niNUn! if Droved by the fa as, t that the. motion did not carry. : I consider it is quite wrong to! thus cast a slur on any teachers' reputation and I entirely disagree, with the attitude of the Board, j N. SHERWOOD 'Reach the moat people in city and district with an advertisement, In the Dally News, Wednesday, July 22, PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye ' I fir . PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert. Aircraft Service TO SM1THEKS During railway tie-up. $30.00 a passenger pro-vidlng full load of five passengers can be arranged for TO STEWART $12.00 single fare; $22.00 return. Fishing Trips to Khatada or other lakes and. Special Flights to any point arranged. For more Information apply: .PACIFIC AIRWAYS For information enquire Union Oil Dock or Phone 32 Taxi Chas. Elliott, Pilot Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited It's easy to own an Electric Range. Jut make a small down-payment the balance on comfortable terms. Combination electric and coal or wood rangea are available lor those who require heat for warmth. Valentine Dairy Local Milk From T.B. Tested Cows Phone 657 VALENTIN "I'm the fellow that tteps Into old fashioned kitchens and transforms them. First off, I banish fitful, sulky fires, their costly fuel and the ashes and soot they leave behind them. I keep the air cool. And I strike off the shackles that once tied you to the kitchen for hours on end. For all you have to do is snap my switch and leave 'the cooking to me, knowing that my perfect, even cooking heat never fails and that my one ambition is to hold every last bit of flavour and nourishment In every dish entrusted to my care. Let me bring my New Deal into YOUR kitchen." THREE LEADERS Uulklcy Valley Milk Pure and Riqh Pasteurized Birelcys Oranpade DELICIOUS Order by the pint or quart ard haye it delivered . your milk. with DAIRY