It Pays to Play If It's For Sport We Have It" KAIEN Hardware Blasting Supplies Paint and Glass Toys, Crockery Sporting and Electric Goods Buy at Mussallem's QUALITY GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES Mall orders receive prompt and careful attention Confectionery Store In Connection MUSSALLEM'S! ECONOMY STORE MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE JULY SALE Wicker Chairs, siurdv and strong; regular $7 50 CC 7C V J MUIV - Phone 775 327 Third Ave. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PIIONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 n SO Rooms Hot St Cold Waker Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Light Delivery Service PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Gyro I Boys and Girls Arc Asked The Playground's Call Come one, come all, Come to the Playground's call! - We will sing as we go, For well we know That we thrive and grow As we dance and sing, And merrily swing, And caper about, And shout, "Ad in, ad out," As ws toss the ball Over the netted wall. Come to the Playground's call! Come one, come all, All ages and races Find the wide spaces The best of all places. And when we come in We are all of one kin. The whole year 'round Good times abound On our Playground! Come one, come all, To the Playground's call! The Long Trail There's a long, long trail a-windlng Into the land of my dreams, I Where the nightingales are singing And a white moon beams. There's a long, long night of waiting Until my dreams all come true, 'Til the day when I'll be going down That long long trail with you. Let Me Call You Sweetheart Let me call you "Sweetheart," ITn in love with you. Let me hear you whisper that You love me, too, Keep the lovellsht glowing In your eyes so true. Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm In love with you-. 1 Little Brown Jug My wife and I lived all alone In a little log hut we call'd our own, She loved gin and I loved rum. I tell you what, we'd lots of fun. Ha! Ha! Ha! you and me, "Little Brown Jug" don't I love, thee! Ha! Ha! Ha! you and me, "Little Brown Jug" don't I love thee! Smiles There are smiles that make us happy, ' There are smiles that make us . blue, There are smiles that chase away the teardrops, As the sunbeams steal away the dew. There are smiles that have a tender meaning, That the eyes of love alone may see, But the smiles that fill my life with sunshine Are the smiles that you give to me. Darling Nellie Gray There's a low green valley on the old Kentucky shore, Where I've whlled many happy hours away, A-sittlng and a-slnglng by the little cottage door Where lived my darling Nellie Gray. O My poor Nellie Gray, they have "ac" you away, And I'll never see my darling any more; I'm sitting by the river and I'm weeping all the day For you've gone from the old Kentucky shore. "TILLIE THE -LLO, BOLTCXJ "tl-US IS MAC - !OUSALL OF SlMPKtNS AMD GO, CAM YOU COME Si TBS DAILY Playground Songs to Cut Out This Page and Keep it For Community Singing at the Stunt flights. Solomon Levi My name is Solomon Levi, and my store's on Salem Street: That's where to buy your coats and vests ! (And everything else that's neat; Seconded handed ulsterettes And overcoats so fine. For all the boys that trade with me . At a hundred and forty-nine CHORUS O, Solomon Levi, Tra-la-la-la-la, Poor Solomon Levi, Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la. Mother Machree heiSht of lts contents to see. There's a spot in my heart whlch,The no colleen may own, There's a depth in my soul never j0n' brinS back my Bonnie to me. sounded or known, ' There's a place in my mem'ry, my;Chorus: Bring back, bring back, life that you fill, jOh, bring back my Bonnie to me, ;No other can take it. no one ever will. CHORUS Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair, And the brow that's all furrowed and wrinkled with care, kiss the dear fingers so toll worn for me, O God bless you and keep you, Mother Machree! O.CANADA 'Word by WEIR. M$e hy LA.VAIXEQ Canada! Out home, our native land! O True command, patriot love in, all thy sons With glowing-hearts we see thee rise, The rue North, strong and free, And stand on. guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee, O Canada, glorious and free, We stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for'thee! Smile Song (Tune: Till We Meet Again) Smile a while and give your face a rest, Stand up straight and elevate your chest Raise your hands up to the sky While you wag your head so slowiy, Turn around and limber up a bit As you were and now before you sit Reach right out to someone near Shake his hand and smile. We're Here For Fun (Tune: Auld Lang Syne) We're for fun right from the stare. So drop your dignity-Just laugh and sing with all your heart And show your loyalty-May all your troubles be forgot, Let this day be. the best; Join In the songs we sing today, Be happy with the rest. The Bear Went Over The Mountain The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mnuntjiln. The bear went over the mountain, Xo see what he could ,ee! And all that he could see Was the other side of the mountain, The other side of the mountain, The other side of the mountain. Was all that he could see! TOILER" mac TlLUE D0U6 ALL -I'LL BE You RIGHT OVET2. TO MV Bring Back (Tune: My Bonnie) My mother's an apple pie maker, My father he fiddles for tin; My sister scrubs floors for a living,!, see, ' ... T h.arH. ,, nu ,u. ii. ii 'When tru the voice that I heard, like wit, ijuj i nun uie uiuuvy iuiu uu Chorus: Rolli.ln! Rolls in! Oh, Boy! How the money rolls in, I rolls in! Rolls in! Rolls In! Oh, Boy! Hows the money roll in! My Bonnie leaned over the gas tank 1 1 lighted a match to assist her;. I to me. Bring back, bring back, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me. 'The little dog ran 'round the engine, The engine ran on through the fog; I heard "a yelp that the engine ' couldn't help, 'Cause the engine couldn't run 'round the dog. i There is a Tavern in the Town There is a tavern In the town, in ' the town, ' And there my true love sits him down, sits him down, And takes his ease 'mid laughter free, And never, never thinks of me, thinks of me. Fare thee well, 'for I must leave thee, Do not let the parting grieve thee, And remember that the best of friends must, part, Adieu, adieu, kind friends, adieu, adieu, adieu, I can no longer stay with you, stay! with you, . j IH hang my harp on a weeping willow, tree, And may the World go well with thee. Old Black Joe Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay; Gone are my friends from the cotton fields away; Gone from this earth to a better land I know, I hear their gentle voices calling, "Old .Black Joe." . I'm coming, I'm coming, For my head is bending low, I hear those gentle voices calling, "Old Black Joe." In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree In the shade of the old apple tree, Where the love in your eyes I could the song of the bird, Seemed to whisper sweet music to me; could hear the dull buzz of the bee In the blossoms as you said to me, "With a heart that is true, I'll be waiting for you, In the shade of the old apple tree. When You and I Were Young, Maggie wandered today to the hill, Mag gie. To watch the scene below, The creek and the old rusty mill, Maggie, Where we sat in the long, long ago; . The green grove is gone from the hill, Maggie. Where first the daisies sprung; The old rusty mill Is still, Maggie, Since you and I were young. Soup Song (Today is Monday) Today is Monday, today is Monday, Monday wash day All you Canadians we wish the same to you. Tuesday, string beans; Wednesday, soup; Thursday, roast beef; Friday, fish; Saturday, pay day; Sunday, church. Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree Under the spreading chestnut tree, Where I held her on my knee, We were as happy as could be Under the spreading chestnut tree.' Playground Song When the laughing sun appears. Over the mountain tops, When the merry stars peek out, And night's curtain drops- CHORUS: Come, let us be on our way, Let our voices In song resound; For wide free spaces and friendly faces Abound on each Playground. The Playground calls to Its friends, Across the grassy sward, And beckons most incitingly, Nor mite nor man is barred. The Playground is a well-known place. Around it stands no wall; And each may feel it as his own, In summer, winter, spring and fall. mi The Morc w Wc fiet w Together 1L lTune: For He's a Jolly Good Fellow) The more we get together, the mnrp tx'o wot trmoffoor Copy Cat , WLL IISUfcEL'rf MAC come in- !l ccM&Kiem OFFICE? - ' The more we get together, the happier are we. ' The happier are we, the happier are we, . The more we get together, the more we get together, The more we get together, the happier are we. God Save the King God save our Gracious King, Long live our Noble King, God Save the King! Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the King! MOW, -TIL UE. I aJAMT Y&O TO COMPAttE My MUSTACHE TO &OLTOM-S ft T HARD TO TAKE laugh tonic that't the doctor orderedl greatest of all their comedy musical treatsl At gypsies now, her6 nobody s business t out evei body's funl. LENGTH COME-DX IT'S NOT a 90-minute just what Jhe FEATURE - WW with music, I 1 1 1 JflCTUW 1 JACQUELINE ANTONIO Ik w kf DirtcW by JAMES PLUS - - The liarnum & Bailey of Westerns! Harry Carey, Hoot C.ibson in "Powder Smoke Range" With "Boots- Mallory (At 8:13 Onr? Only: SAVE as girls, spectacle! mltk MORENO WELLS "Micsl Di'Ktw. Nhil tktlk-x, W HORNE and CUIUS ROGtlJ PAY Convenient Long Term Singer Plan enables you to own a New Singer Sewing Machine without difficulty. At 7 :03 & 9 27 Last Complte Show 8 !3 Tonight & Thursday you Pay as you Save By Westover For practical economy use a Singer for home sewing Singer "Make It Yourself" plan shows vou how. I his special service is yours for the asking without extra cost $5.00 places a modern Singer in your home ?o.uu a month will keep it there For full information enquire at, , MaAs.M It's interesting to know when reading the baily News that the people of the whole districi are doing the same. W?v? 4tf ( MAC, IT'S Wlk tifimrMxk A PERFECT l s&'m Ww4$M copy to -c i . I coNTiMutrp V CSKaiEQl