inesdayt July,22. 1938 ev J. T.. BlrchaU of Hazeltpii, , has . been op a trip south, aril in the city, from Vancouver ; the Prince Rupert this morn-1 and will proceed to the in-1 or on. this evening's, train. Mrs. 5 hall arrived from the interior; this morning's train to meet1, ry a Dally News want-ad. isTIPATIOtr MAY BE MORE SERIOUS THAN YOU THINK (t Causes Discomfort, May 1 Even Lead to Disease Constipation is not a condition o b treated lightly. Continued neglect of regular habits of elimination tend to lower your resistance. Then there is the actual Jiscomfort For constipation is ne cause of headaches, poor appetite, listlessness. Common constipation usually de-relopt when you eat meals that lack sufficient "bulk." Yur system fails to get needed internal exer-cise. Fortunately, today, you have i eenerous source of effective "bulk" in Kellogg's Aia-Bran. Within thei body, the "bulk" fei All-I! ran absorbs moisture, and fdims a soft mass, which gently cleanses the system. This natural laxative food also supplies vitamin B and contains iron. i Serve 'Atk-BrtAN as' a" cereal, with" tnilk or cream, or cook into muffins. ireads, etc. iwo taoiespooniuis laily are usually sufficient. Stub. flftener. If not relieved this way, your doctor. rnsult Aix-Bran is guaranteed by the Kellogg Company as an effective laxative food for constipation. Bold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. I fCmitlpttia to iuajlrW "bulk The Dunes ISurl bathing at ITlell, B.C (below). WHIFFLETS Prom the Waterfront Northland TransDortatlon Co.'s imotorship liner Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived in port at 5 o'clock this morning from KeU , chlkan and, after discharging one 'carload of frozen fish for trans shipment East over Canadian Na tional Railways, sailed for Seat I e Union freighter Chllllwack. mak ing her first call here in some I time, is due here today for stores The vessel, which is in command , of Capt. Ernest Sheppard, has been delivering frieght to cannery points along the coast and loading canned salmon. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 33,500 pounds, 8c and 6c and 8 lc and 6c. Canadian 31,000 pounds, 6.5c and 5.5c to 6.7c and 5.5c. American Rap III, U.500, 8c and 6c, Paci fic. Wireless, U.500, 8c and Cc. Paci- flc; Cora, 10,500, 8.1c and 6c, Cold Storage. Canadian Thrasher, 5,000, 6.5c and 5.5c Pacific! . Vikjng. 19.0P0, 6.7c and 5,5c, Cold Storage. North-Foreland, 7,000, 6.6c and 5.5c, Atlin. H. N. Brockiesby ofthe scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Staff was the speak er today at the regular weekly lun cheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club, his subject being "Salt-" S J. Jabour, past president, was in the chair. . : ; . - I . a. .m&l V 2' Spend your vaca tion amidst tne at "THE DUNES" beautiful surroundings of Tlell (above) at reason able cost. Write for literature & rates to MADAM KAJAUT Tlell, B.C. M- fcssjMMBBMHMBHMBBBHs1i 1mm HM Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Vr rorts SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct . SS. "Princess Alice" July 4th, 18th, 20th, 5:30 SS. "Princess Louise" July 11th, 22nd, Aug. 1st, 5:30 p.m. SS. "Princess Charlotte, July 15th, 25th, 5:30 p.m. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SSi "Princess Louise" July 6th, 17th, 27th. 11:30 a.m. 20th, 11:30 ' am SS. "Princess Charlotte" July 10th, 13th, 24th, Aug. 3rd. 11.30 a.m. SS. "Princess Alice" July For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. TheFxsh which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. LOCAL NEWS Furniture for sale, Apply Q. H. Munro, 310 Fifth. tfi Musical Program at Lutheran Church. Tonight at 8 pjn. P. H. Linzey, the newest member of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, will be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the club toT morrow. His subject will be "British Israelism." don. Ontario, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. W. B. Morgan returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Morgan and grandson are remaining in the south for a while longer. Theo. Collart writes from Mont real that, up to then, the Vlmy Pilgrims had had a wonderful time. The northern people were all In the same car and they were the most lively, happy bunch la the whole train. Weather was not so hot, being partly cloudy all the way. The regular business meeting of the Women's Labor League was held in the Canadian Labor De- "The Bohemian Girl," a full length Laurel and Hardy feature, and "Powder Smoke Range," a new western thriller with Hoot Gibson, come to the screen of the Caoltol Theatre on a double bill this mid-week. "The Bohemian Girl" presents a succession 01 new gags mie- srjersed through a delightful story that is embellished with the tune- some music of the great Baire opera. Stan and Ollie. as members of the notorious Gypsy band, give hilarious- performances, the se quences with baby Arline, whom John Cretien Is I" L Oddfellows' Head Is Installed as New Noble Grand Of Lodge at Terrace TERRACE. July 22: At the Odd - fellows on Mopday the officers for the next half year were Installed. John Cretien is noble grand with J. Fair, vice-grand. At the conclusion of the ceremony the lodge members adjourned to the supper room for refresh ments during which Mr. Cretien thanked them all for the honor conferred upon him. Announcements Tea and home cooking sale, aid) r . . i of Boys' Band, Mrs. J. Joy's, Third Ave. E., Thursday, July 23. Eagles' Picnic, Grassy Bay, July 26, Bazaar for Boys' Band . September " 19. October PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Catholic Bazaur, 7 nd 8. DAILY K3V3 ?&amncxaa Local Teacher Was Married ' Miss Jessie Moffatt Bride of Sum. merland Man To Live in Okanagan A pretty wedding took place In' Vancouver recenty at the home of , Mrs. C. B. Porter when Jessie I Douelas. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. j John Moffatt of Summerland, was united In marriage to Alfred" Wal lace Johnston of West w r, i j r.i me ceremony, wwnessea uy u mis. j. n, urine um auu, twm - close friends and relatives, was who have been on a trip to Lon-I performed at 12:30 noon, Rev. J. Dlnnage Hobson officiating. The bride wore a floral chiffon in apricot shades, with a large picture hat to match, and a beau tiful corsage of white gardenia and bronze roses, She was given In marriage by C. B. Porter. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary East-hope of Prince Rupert looked inarming In a gown of powder blue chiffon with large white hat and accesorles. She wore a corsage of pink carnations and maiden hair fern. The groom was supported by his brother-in-law, Charles Glllly, of Reelna. Following the ceremony an in formal reception was held. The luncheon table was centred with a beautiful cake, and the tapcr3 were white and gold. Mrs. Elizabeth McGulre presided at the urns, and Mrs. Charles Gil- rence League uau nm y- oQm cut the eral iteips of-impoitonce being dlJ - m&s Jejm ,pf cussed. russea. Miss miss Clara" uiara Dahl Lani was was in in the iuc 1 . ,. chair and the meeting was well at tended. BOHEMIAN GIRL HERE Operatic Vehicle For Laurel And Hardy Fun Towder Smoke Range" Western me Dnae, ana miss ameii rjus- bury were servlteus. The toast to the bride was proposed by James Hutchinson and suitably responded to by the groom. Mr. and Mrs, Johnston spent a few davs in Vancouver on their honeymoon and ttien motored ti the Interior. They 'will reside on Prairie Valley road. West Summei land. For travelling the bride chose a gold crepe frock, with brown suede shoes and accessories, and a gold felt hat. Her coat was a plaid swagger model in shades of gold and brown. The bride .was until recently H the teaching staff of the Prince Rupert public schools. SALVATION ARMY PICNIC The young, folks of the Sunday School and the Ladies of the Home League of the Salvation Army held their annual picnic yesterday on the beach near Cloy-ah Bay. There were the usual races, distribution of ice cream, they "mother," giving them a: peanut scrammes ana picna chance at serio-comic lnterpreta- lunches and everybody enjoyed tlons. The supporting cast Includes j tne event to tne iuu. SUCH YfCH IWIUWif 44BUH- w Moreno, Jacqueline Wells and Mae Busch. Blazing action thrills vie with romance and robust comedy in the drama of the open spaces, "Powder House Range.' -It is a typical chap ter In the turbulent history or tne western frontier. A sinister plot to steel a rich ranch property causes! FOR SALE guns to flame in a savage range , war. The cast, featuring a number; FOR SALE or RENT- Hoot Gibson, Harry Carey and Wil liam Farnum with blonde Boots MaJlory as the feminine lead. C0EB House, Apply tf. FOR SALE 1932' Chevrolet cSotfch , small mileage. Phone Green 917. MUST BE SOLD Leaving town. McClary's stove with oil burner. Dresser, Singer Machine, Rocker, Heater. Apply 228 9th Ave. East. (171) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sundries. Highest Grade Latest. Del ivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver FOR RENT MODERN Flat, apply 1203 Second Ave. or phone Black 709 after 2 p.m. (171) FOR SALE OR RENT FOR RENT or SALE Building known as Hyde Transfer, hard wood floors, 171 Third Aye, Phone Blue 714. (171) SUMMER PRICES FUR COATS Five dollart will hold any coat until fall. Make money by buying nowl GOLD BLOOM FOR BETTER CAKES Hotel Arrivals Savoy MlsS A. Jones and Miss M. Russ, Skldeeate: A. Johnson, city: J. Hunt. Queen Charlotte Islands; F, M. Hall, Terrace; S, Turner, Mc Bride. Royal R. Piche, city. Prince Rupert S. E. Nood, D. J. Bartlett and Harold Linnlng, Vancouver; Mrs J. Z. Burchlll, Hazelton; Ken Ma- theson, Prince George. WAKE -UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed" to tha Moraine Rarin' to Co Tb Htm ahoold poor oat two voandi ot IU.1J kiu . twul. If thilhiU i- t An ... fwl. mi f mill ilnnan't HirUt II jail wry t " us powtw. vm nww . year tomch. Yoa ct eontipUd. (lumfal poiaont go imto the body, and yoa tool own, mrtA K worlH tool nnnk A mart bowal nmmtit doxn'tatwar rrt M th eoatm. you ooed somcthins that worka on tlx Htm aa writ. It takw thoM rood, old r . ' . t i. . 1. iIm Mil. in tkM. ton poanda of bil flowing: tntj and maka too tool "ap and pp". Barmlaaa aod caoUa. Uff maka tha bite flow f raaly. They da tba work pf ettornal but hara Da calomel or nrcary is vmo. Aaa lor wwr a urw rum uj cam I Btubbsralr refua anithiaf olaa. ffie. L.XI) ACT KojUr 9f Int'iititiii t apply to Lfae 1 .aim In Prlnra Rlinort ATiA RpCOTdlnZ Dl trtct of Range S, Coast, and tltuat In iuiudvu J : , UXD ACT Notlre of Intention to ap)l) to Lease Una Xn Prince Rupert Land Recording Dts? trlct of Range 5. Coast, and situate fronting on the north shore of t"e most southerly of the Nares Islands. Take notice that Robert Irv'ne of Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dealer Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore lands: 1 mile scutn, 01 me, mow wrmenj ui wr Tk notic that Robert Irvine, of Prince Rupert occupation Shell dealer Intends to apply for a lease of tae following described foreshore lands :-- nnMimHini, at. a nnt nlanted on 0 rock one-half mile south of the most northerly of the Narea uiania, uieiue west IS chains; thence south is cnami thence east 15 chains; thence nortn io hon fn noint of commencement wid containing 22.5 acres, more or less. ROBERT OI.KN 1RVIE Dated May 20th. 1936. Commencing at a po piain vu melt 200 ft north of the north shore of the most southerly of the Nares Islands tnence west is cnauM. tt south 15 chains thence east 15 chatns; thence north 15 chains to point o commencement and containing 23.5 acres, more or less. UOHKUT C.I.EN IRVINE Dated Vlsv 20th. 1938. IN THE SITKEME TOI KT OP BRITISH ( f)l.l MIW Y IN PRORATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "AHM1NIS- TH ITIHV Af'T" AMI IXTJIF. MATTER 01' THE ESTATE OP, JOHN JOV. Deieaeil TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hi Honour Judge Fisher, local Judge ot the 8npreme Court of British Columbia made the 22nd day of May, 1936. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Joy Deceased Intestate, late o! Prince Humeri, a. a- "ii - 25th day of April, 1938. All persons having claims against me wu nr i hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 25th day of June, 1938; otherwise deposition of the said Estate will be mad . . . . . . All 1m. wltnout regara wiercw. jj""'" " debted to the said Esate aaie required to pay th amount of their Indebted- nesa to me lorxnwiui. Dated this Zand day oi aiay, ioo. linpUIN A WATT. Official Administrator, prlnc Rupert. B.C. offer you a health service at a price you can afford R. A. TRETHEWEY Palmer Grad., June '25 CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Red 907 Hours: 9:30 to 5 Evenings by appointment DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In -Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PUONE 657 always dependable t. Stationery Special Highest Quality Plain and Fancy Linen PAPETRIES Special One-Third Off Jonteel Bath Powder Special, 60c Duska Bath Powder Special, $1.00 Cara Nome Bath Powder Special, $1.00 Ormes Ltd. Vhe. Pioneer DruqSt'sts the Kexau Bter Phones: 81 & 82 Onen Dailv From 8 a.m, till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Fropi 12 noon till 2 p.m., 1 p m. till 9 p.m. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJtt. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY, 10:30 PJH. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 PJI. calling Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.40 Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 BUY USED FURNITURE YOU SAVE - AND WILL MONEY We Have a Good Selection of Furniture and Different Article! at Very Reasonable Prices D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue