iy or how the men ol the post aped after the robbers had, bid them at the point of a gun. icteen bales ol furs were taken. iuthorltres In Alaska, the Yukon, Ithwest Territories and Alberta I co-operating In the hunt. pilwayHead For Province Visitor Here oard an extra train bringing p return fish extra which went . at the first of the week, B Chappell, general superintend of Canadian National Rail-p for British- Columbia wlti Bdquarters In Vancouver, ar- jed in the city early this afte.- pn, accompanied by W. H. To f. superintendent here, who met n at Smlthers. Mr. Chappell, 10 is on a trip of general in ktlon over the line following alr of flood damaee. will leave Is evening on his return to Van- iver via Jasper Park. C. J. Quan-, superintendent o'f motive power tl car equipment, arrived this iming in the course of a trip !r the line and will also go out pin tonight. ETHIOPIANS MOVING UP tavy Fighting Reported in New Advance on Addis Ababa LONDON, Eng., July 22; An ex- ange telegraph report from iiro today said the Egyptian for- fcn ministry had been advised by consul In Addis Ababa, Kassa, Bat Ethiopians were advancing Don the captlal with large forces. tavy fighting was said to have ready occurred. BAL SMITH TO TAKE STUMP AGAINST CHIEF EXECUTIVE NEW YORK, July 22: For- Imer Governor Alfred E. Smith IWlll mnkn nnn nr more speeches" during the preslden- fual campaign and will urge the defeat of President Roose- I velt but is still undecided on mentioning Governor Alfred M. Landon by name, the "Eve- alng Journal" said today. t LONDONJuly 225 (CPJ Ru? mors In court circles say the King may visit Canada and possibly the United States alter the coronation next year. He would visit Ottawa and the E. P. Ranch in Alberta, returning by way of New York. While In the United States, he would visit the President, the report states. Should Edward VIII make the trip, he would be- the first monarch ever to travel so extensively after accession. BIG AIRPORT FOR FRISCO fan-American Airways to Take Over Municipal Facilities SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July 22: Approving a 10-year lease of part of the municipal airport to fan-American Airways, the supervisors today had' paved the way to a super airport for San Francisco. Contingent upon completion oi three million dollars worth of Improvements to the airport the lease wll lstart June 30, 1937 and bring the city $30,000 in rents over the 10-year period. CONVENTION PREPARATIONS Associated Boards of Trade Ol Central British Columbia Expected to Have Big Do Word has been received from the secretary of the Associated Boards -r,rfp nf central British 'Colum bia that preparations are well un der way for the 1936 convention at Quesnel on August, i ana o. u.ui Hanson M.P.. J. O. Turgeon M.P, Hon H. G. Perry, m. m. ouimeu, member-elect from Omlneca and Mayor A. M. Patterson of Prince George have all accepted tnv ta-tlons to be present while tentative .,.ni.nfM have been received from Hon. T. D. Pattullo, E.T.Ken- ney M L. A, and W. J. Aiacr, rnncu Rupert city commissioner. deleeatlon is expected to be present from the Vancouver Board of Trade ana aiw Williams Lake and Lillooet boards associated boards and from the from McBrlde to Prince Rupert. Message ol S. J. Hungerford, C. N. R. President, to Telegraphers' Reunion WINNIPEG. July 22: In- con nection with a reunion of all te'e- graphers in Canada which war staged over the lines of the coun try last evening In connection with the observance of the centenary of Samuel Morse's successful ex periment with telegraphy, the fol lowing message was Issued by S J. Huneerford. president of Can adian National Railways: I am delighted to participate In the ceremony commemorating the centenary of the establishment of Morse telegraphy on this continent and extend my greetings and best wishes to all the old time telegraphers participating In this event tonight. The wonderful strides which the telegraph has made as the world's foremost media of rapid communication are exemplified by the fact that when you first put your finger on the key It took an Individual wire to send an Individual message. Todaj rl this vast hook-up from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the mala Jvires which ybu are using arc ;lmultaneously carrying twenty .hree other messages, in some :ases news dispatches fresh from the cable heads linking Europt ind Asia to Canada, and In other; nctln as the main arteries o? Commerce. Indeed so tremendou: aas telegraphic expansion beer, lhat on adjoining wires stretching from coast to coast, there are a Ihls minute being carried programs of entertainment that wll. be brought Into your homes oy the latest marvel of electrical transmission, radio. "I find it particularly fitting or. this day, when the first railway In Canada made its pioneer run ... Jus one hundrea years ago, mat century later we should celebrate the centennial of telegraphic communication which throughout the years has been so Intimately Identified with railway operation." REPLY FROM RAIL CHIEF Hungerford Appreciates Telegram Sent by Chamber Of Commerce In reply to Its message of congratulation on the celebration of the one-hundredth anniversary of the running of the first train in Canada, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce today received the following telegram from S. J. Hungerford, president of Canadian National Railways: "Sincerely appreciate your telegram conveying congratulations and eood wishes upon the occasion of the one-hundredth anniversary of the commencement of railway operation In Canada. We believe the citizens generally appreciate the Important contribution made by the railroads to the progress of this Dominion and we face the opening of the second hundred years with continuing confidence in the future of our country and the part to be played by railroads In development still tb come." A similar message was received by W. J. Alder, city commissioner, from Mr. Hungerford. PKOVINCIAL LIBHAHY VICTORIA, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides She (8 A.M.) High, ...... 3:55 a.m. 18.0 It. Prince Rupert Raining; south- 'wj. 16:26 p.m. 19.1 It. east wind, 10 miles per hour; barometer, Low 10:i4 am. 4.4 It. 30.00; temperature, 54; sea 22:45 p.m. 6.4 It. smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITlSn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV., No. 171. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1936 , ' PRICE: 5 CENTS EACE RIVER SEEKING AUTONOMY tAKE JOINS HUNT FOR FUR ROBBERS lincf lUKCd To Air in Quest 0 Ft. Nelson Bandits Salient Points in Connection With Episode Last imc Week in Peace River Block Not Yet Cleared Up-Various Authorities! Co-operating VICTORIA, July 22: (CP) Radio advices to the pro- ftCiai pOUCU lUlUiy BiUU Uldl i IV. U. ti left Fort Nelson by airplane tnis morning wun iwo nctnhlns nn .1 reconnaissance flicht over possible river IJ A SWV-'-fc'w---- :lets for six men who last week-end robbed the Hudson y post there of $32,000 worth of furs. t has not been determined how" 1 . . by canoes were used In the get- tTri HT i 7 MNb MAI PAY VISIT Interesting Rumor In Court Circles That Edward VIII May Come to Canada GREETINGS EXTENDED :iyiNNING 1 1 INTEREST KATE TO MUNICIPALITIES IS CUT BY GOVERNMENT f VICTORIA, July 22: (CP) Hon. John Hart, minister of j finance, yesterday announced ! a reduction from four and1 one half percent In the Inter- est rate charged by the pro- . vlnclal government on demand notes held against munlcl- oalltles. The reduced rate be WARSHIPS TO SPAIN United States Prepares to Evacuate Citizens There Monarchists Watching WARSHIPS SUNK Leader is Reported Killed MADRID, July 22: (CD-Three. Spanish warship , manned by crews loyal to thrLeftlst government were bombed and sunk in Cadiz Harbor, rebels in Seville claimed as civil war continued to grip the country today. A radio broadcast said that planes had bombed Cadiz after the sinking of the ships. The government claimed that it had regained control of Toledo. American Warships WASHINGTON D.C., July 22: Two American warships have been ordered to Mediterranean water? to evacuate Americans In Spain should it become necessary. Ar-louncing this move late today, the State Department said It was done although reports so far. from th. embassy in Madrid and from con sular offices In Spain Indicated that American citizens were safe. Monarchists Ready CANNES. France. July 22: The Roval Eaeles of the Spanish Bour bons began today to foregather in Cannes, their capital in exile, pre pared to make an open bid for return of the monarchy, should the reactionary rebels show further gains, a service was Informed by Royalist circles. Government Gains LONDON, July 22: (CP) Reuters reported here today that Leftist forces had recaptured San Sebas tian In Spain which was seized yesterday by Rightist rebels. Barcelona is reported In the hands of government supporters after bitter fighting. United States and British war ships hovered near the coast ready to assist their nationals If necessary. Rebel Leader Killed PERPIGNAN, France, July 22: (CP) General Emlllo Mola, rebel leader In Northern Spain, was reported killed today at San Sebas tian, according to word received here. Lewis Committee States Summons Not Within Law WASHINGTON D.C., July 22: The John L. Lewis committee for Industrial organization challenged today the. legality of the American Federation of Labor executive council's summons to stand trial on insurrection charges. WRITERS Rolla Girl First in Competition Junior Chamber May Hold Carnival At an executive meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Ru cess. The first prize is 9. tree trip to Prince Rupert with all expenses paid of $50 in cash. The second prize U $25 cash whllhe. five thers will each receive $5 In cash. Copies of the essays will be offered to the local and Peace River newspapers for publication. The four judges Col. J. W. Ni-holls, W. M. Blackstock. H. F. Pul-'en and W. J. Raymond were thanked for their services. Other Business The question of holding a car-Uval In the city this fall was re opened and It was decided to call i meeting of the executive of the Junior Chamber's carnival commit tee and request the Boys' Band car nival committee to be represented) at the meeting next Tuesday to consider a proposal for a Joint carnival. Local cannery managers will be ipproached requesting each to send In a case of canned salmon for dis tribution as souvenirs among the passengers aboard the steamer Prince David which will be here on Thursday of next week In the course of a Pacific Coast cruise from New York. It was decided to affiliate with the Canadian Junior Chambers of Commerce. The desirability of concentrating upon having the transprovlnclal highway from this end connected up with the canneries was discussed and S. J. Jabour was requested to interview the Prince Rupert Cham jber of Commerce on the matter. The secretary, T. J. Williams, an nounced that, as a result of the representations of the Junior Chamber, the federal Bureau of Meteorology had sent A. F. Mc- Cauley to instal a meteorological station station at at Langara bangara Island. isiana. Mr. wr. Mc- mc- weather forecasts in the national network, making them also avail able for the local station, in a service similar to that on the Atlantic coast and on the Great Lakes. Lee Gordon, nresldent of the Ju nior Chamber, was In the chair. Today's Weather Langara Island Cloudy, light easterly wind; sea smooth. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 443ic per ounce on the New York metal market today. ' Tired at Waiting For Action, Great Wheat Country Asks Change Committee Including Rideout and Frederick Will Work 1'Ul 1'uiui ui ill Miuiiui nnn-iii jTiuiiaivi Petition to be Circulated Coast Outlet Among Things Wanted pert chamber of commerce last PE;ACE RIVER, Alta., July 22: (CP) A five-man I n V-i . S. O J. T Jabour. TqKmtr chairman tholfTYlln rtt Of nnrnmittaa fij ?o itrnvlrin 1 L fnrlatr 1 i. ' antntinrtiv i. fny L fVio ; night, River:" First Thelma Wyles. Rolla, B.C. Second Phoebe Moll, Dawson Creek, B.C. , Equal Gwendolyn Anderson, Dawson Creek; Margaret Pron-crosf, Sexsmith, Alta.; John Reesor, Pouce Coupe; Gordon Stelnke, Sex-smith; Marie Stewart, Dawson .Creek. I The two first prize-winners have A llv V1U tV iikkaKSLBW i v I Cadiz is Centre ol Attack ol Rebels1 been notified by wire of their suc-1 . f n 1 1 CTlll 1 ! r-1 i t. I ... tt.l rr copiivo I A form of government fff WT(stricl.f Albertj. fii. hp mntt similar to that which prevailed in the Northwest Tern- for Peace River district school pu- tories previous to 1905 when Alberta and Saskatchewan Ipiis on the subject of "Prince Ru- became provinces is sought. The committee, consisting of nr) Trvr(o1 Ontlpt tnr thp Ppiirp " Rlripmit. r. VV FrpHprlrk TT. jyv, - . " - ' ' - REFUSE TO ARBITRATE Fishermen Adamant in Rivers Inlet Strike Government To Protect Strike-breakers ' VICTORIA, July 22: (CD-Provincial offers of arbitration in the Rivers Inlet cannery Hsh price dispute were rejected Tuesday by the central strike committee speaking for the fishermen, according to advices received by the provincial government. Provincial authorities have now announced that police protection uill be furnished fishermen in the area who wish to continue fishing operations and that at least one cannery will remain open to handle any catches STOCK MART HOLDING UP Strength Continues in Profit-Taking Spite Of! NEW YORK, July 22: Another forward pass to new recovery heights was accomplished by yesterday's stock market. Desylte profit-taking handicaps, selected rails, rubbers, mines, farm implements, motors and specialties held gains of fractions to three or more points. Utilities and steels were hesitant. The close was firm, Transfers were around 1,600,000 shares. The list was at Its best in the final half hour. SHRINE HEAD VISITS HERE Among Many Passengers Aboard Steamer Prince Rupert Here Today imperial council sessions in ocaiuc was a passenger on board ss. Prince Rupert, Captain N. McLean, todav enroute to Alaska. Mr. Sug den Is a member of Syria Temple, Pittsburg, and Is accompanied by Mrs. Sugden and their daughter. Following their Alaska trip they will visit Jasper Park Lodge In the Rockies. This week's sailing of the Prince Rupert is again at capacity with two large Chicago tour parties, namelv the Powers and Kendrlck tour parties, contributing 75 of the 207 passengers on board. The vessel arrived at 10 a.m. from Vancouver and sailed at 1 p.m. for the north. Adams, J. Phillipe and H. Williams, all of Peace River, was appointed after public meetings held through out the area. William Eager, Grande Prairie lawyer, speaking at a meeting last night, said that the Peace River was still awaiting a long-promised outlet to the coast, gravelled highways, public buildings and reason able freight rates. It was decided to circulate a pe- tltlon among the residents and, If 31,000 of 42,000 names can be ob tained, the petition for autonomy will be presented to the provincial authorities. "Can't Get Along With Dame Like That," Barrymore HOLLYWOOD. Cal., July 22: Elaine Barry's dream of an eight and a half carat diamond ring on her engagement finger was Jarred today by a gruff boast from John Barrymore: "I never was engaged to her," quotes the grey-haired actor of his twenty-one year old protege, "a man can't get along with a dame like that." They are not go ing to be married. SOVIET FLIERS ON LONG TRIP Trio .Making Good Progress 3000-Mile Non-Stop Flight MOSCOW, Russia, July 22: Oh Three Soviet Iliers, attempting a 3,000-mile non-stop Arctic flight, reported last night that they were flying over the centre of the Uak-uthk Mountains, having covered about two-thirds of the projected distance. CAMPING AT LAKELSE TERRACE, July 22: The Rev. Adam Crisp Is away at the Lake supervising, with the help of a committee of ladles, the large Walter S. Sugden, who was elec-lcamp oI boys and girls. The Cauley had promised to recommend led Imperiai chlcf Rabban of the ,weather Is all that could be wished that the weather broadcast service I . t i Mut n.r MnhW. i t- miticm auu nmun v""-'i iiiere sue auuie to wicic - be Improved by Including local . Musti shrin flt the recent, f - r , o . . I i r 141 RUSSIA AND UNITED STATES ARE ENEMIES, JAPAN DECLARES TOKYO. Japan, July 22: Soviet Russia was openly nam-ed and the United States again Indirectly identified as , enemies of Japan today, as realistic anti-air raid defence T uituiucuvica mute -w than six million residents or Tokyo and Yokohama entered the second of four days.