PAGE IOUB TRAPPERS: Do not sell on the waterfront until you have seen me and got my price on your furs. You will get 20 PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Special Low Winter Excursion Rates effective November 1st, 1935 to. February 29th, 1936. Prince Rupert to Vancouver and return $32.00. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. VENTURE FRIDAY, 10:30 I'M. Due Var ouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from U. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 Come and See Our NEW WALLPAPERS A large shipment of the newest patterns of "Sunworthy Wallpaper" has just arrived. The prices of these popular light resisting papers are now so low that they come within the reach of every purse. And, while It lasts, we are going to sell the balance of our last year's stock of wallpaper at 25 discount! Get it now while the selection is large. Gordon's Hardware Many "Build B.C. Payrolls" more from me. Think what you can TLonlre buy with twenty cents on the dol- 1 nanKS lar more by bringing your furs up m towh arid sjiowing them to me. IYuS. vJ. GOLDBLOOM i Th Old Reliable Don't Put a Dollar On Any New Car Until You Sec the . . . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clyinder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Hyde Transfer For Sale Six-Cylinder ENGINE CHEAP Oood for Car or Boat m JVAPORHTflJ. l 1 mmmBmgBBmammlmmmm "I have lived in Vancouver nearly 24 years," writes Mrs. G., "I can't say just how long I have used Pacific Milk but I have used it for a number of years and find it lovely in tea, coffee and on fresh fruits, in cooking and baking. I have used it for all purposes with great satisfaction." Many thanks. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE Overwaitea Ltd. First Grade Butter SSC 14-lb. box $4.10 Overwaitea Orange Pekoe Cfp Tea, per lb. OVl Overwaitea Best Coffee lAf per lb "A" Large Eggs fij-i n 2 doz OXl Oxydol- Q large pkg Xt7l Curry Powder QQst large tin O&l, small tin 14c Rice or Wheat Puffs jp per pkg J. 31 Phone 8t3 Phone 813 X!:ii:;i:i;!:;:iii:ix:B:cB::!;i:ii:;BiB;iii:K!r,s:3l Try a Dally. News classified advertisement for best results. Another King's Memorial Held At Metlakatla Another memorial service for the late King George V was held last week in St. Paul's Anglican Church Reader Peter Haldarie. Special es sons were read by William Leask and an address was given by Peter Ryan. The King's favorite hymn "Abide With Me" was sung and "The Dead March ln Saul" was played by the organist, Mrs. William Campbell, followed by a two minutes' silence. After another hymn, the service was closed with the benediction. Local unemployed held two meetings last week when matters concerning relief formed the principal topic of discussion. One meeting was held in the C. C. F. Hall on Monday evening and the other in the C. L. D. L. Hall on Friday night. T. McKenzie presided. Family Meat Market PHONE 357 PHONE 95 Meat Specials Round Steak, 2 lbs. & E? A0 1 lb. Kidney UUl Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 90 2 lbs. Onions -501 Prime Rib Steaks 50C Sirloin Steak 20C Pot Roast of Beef "I ftp per ib. J. VI Lamb Stew Qfn 3 lbs -Wi Pork Hocks 1An per lb vt Shoulder of Lamb 50C Lamb Chops 50C Shoulder of Veal "I An per lb. J.VI Stew Veal aen 3 lbs. - Pork Chops AtZn 2 lbs wl Ayrshire Bacon 9(Zn per lb FTLEg8i 65c Monarch Knitting Co.'s Guessing Contest 1 Box of Monarch Dove FREE Each week for 10 weeks See Our Window REGAL SHOP "TILLIE THE TOILER" HEARD A Wrro i DAILTNKWa Monday, February i0 Junior Moose Busy Saturday Evening Mcetlnjr, Banquet and Theatre Party Enjoyed by Younjer Brethren Daughter Honored At Birthday Party Mr. and Airs. Charles Sunbcrc Entertained Saturday Night Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sunber;; gave a very enjoyable birthday party Saturday night for their jrcscni ana an enjoyea mem-selves untii the small hours of the mnitl,. 1nMn.t it, -4 - t I STORY BY GOVERNOR John Buchan's "39 Steps" Pictur-ized at Capitol Theatre at First Of This Week Members, of the Junior Moose lThc 39 steps," thrilling and at Metlakatla, the entire popula-1 Lodge, under their dictator, Bob rnmnntlc nrtlnn drama adantpri tn tion of the village assembling -to Elkins, were busy Saturday evening. the screen from a very successful pay tribute of respect and affection First there was a lodge meeting at book ty jonn Buchan (Lord to the memory of the late monarch, which five new members were inl- Tweedsmuir, Governor General of Members of the village council, tiated following which a banquet Young Men's Benevolent Assocla- was enjoyed at the Knox Hotel with tion, Ladies Benevolent Associa- W. B, McCallum and T. O. Morgan, tion, the Women's Auxiliary and prominent members of the senior the Church Army all paraded to lodges, as guests of honor. At the the church which was draped In banquet occasion was taken to pre-crepe. jsent to Louis Cromp a comic cup The service opened with the won by tn Junior Moose as a re-singing of the hymn "When Ourisult of a basketball game following Heads are Bowed In Woe." General . the Moose installation meeting last prayers and special prayers for the I welc ln which the Juniors deieated Royal Family were offered by Lay itne Seniors. Tommy Morgan made ine presentation. Alter tne Banquet the entire party proceeded to the Capitol Theatre in a body to see the picture show. His Story Here 1 WmiMm? H : WR$SMBg& Governor General of Canada who is the author of "Thirty Nine Steps." daughter, Miss who Jean Sunberg, Calladai) ls tne feature present. has reached the age of eighteen tinn thp sprppn of thp n.mitni years. There were thirty-six friends Thcatre nere fof tnc flrst of thls ...ux ub i w.B bwauu, ui hlgh.spccd pursult episodes hlter- music by Julius Welle's Orchestra. spcfled wlth clcvcr and humorou, dialogue and situations Highlights The tea and sale of home cooking held Saturday afternoon by the CASH SPECIALS 15c 14c 29c 27c 39c 17c 55c 24c Sauce, 10c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents"! P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 week. The picture offers a scries of include the spectacular escape oi the hero from a moving train, the Girls Branch of St. Andrew's Ca- humorous interlude when the lead-thcdral Woman's Auxiliary at the ln8 nian is handcuffed to the lead-home of Mrs. G. P. Tinker was lnS lady and has to sPend ths quite a successful affair, considering the unfavorable weather. It was a very pretty event and about $14 was realized. COMPLETE SATISFACTION Of our customers is what we arc striving for. Let us try to make you a satisfied customer. Leave your order today. I FREE! FREE! With each pas order of $1.00 or more, well will give you FREE 1 lb'. Mixed Nuts TOMATO SOUP Libby's 2 tins DESSERT PEARS 2 squat per tin '. .. BEEKIST HONEY 2-lb. tin SHELLED WALNUTS Pieces, per lb ' BROOMS , each DRIED PEACHES Libby's per lb. EMPRESS JAMS Assorted, 4-lb. tin BISCUITS Sweet Mixed per lb. HERRINGS In Tomato Gold Seal, 1-lb. Ovals per tin nignt wnn ner at an mn, ana dn effective last scene when a spy gang ls rounded up in a London variety hall. Robert Donat has the leading part of a young Canadian spend ing a holiday In London. He come.i An Active Market Telephone Bridge Party by Hill 60 Enjoyable Affair Friday Night With Play at Homes of Five Members An enjoyable telephone bridge party was held Friday night by Hill Sixty Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, with Mrs. H. B. Rochester, Mrs. H. A. Breen Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby, Mrs. J. A. Frew and Mrs. H. L. Landry as hostess for the evening. The prize winners were: Auction Ladies first, Mrs. W. L. Sandison; consolation, Mrs. W. C. Aspinall; men's first, James H Thompson. Contract Ladles' first, Mrs. H. A, Breen; consolation, Miss E. A. Mercer; men's first, W. D. Vance. Mrs. Harry Wilkinson of Barker ville arrived in the city from the interior on Saturday night's train and sailed last evening on the Ca- tala for Stewart where she has been called on account of the Illness of her son. to the rescue of Lucie Mannheim, a girl in danger In a riot in a music hall who turns out to be a spy. Madeleine, as an English girl who becomes involved in the plot has the principal feminine role. Godfrey Tearle is another important member of the cast. Rrlicvr the distressing III ft) niilom by applying III Mrnlholdlum in nostril HI and rubbing on chrtt. On Cold Mornings an Oil Burner "V Certainly is Great . . . Nice warm kitchen, lots of hot water, no ashes and no waiting for heat. A New SILENT GLOW With enamel burner base, made especially to burn Diesel Oil, guaranteed for five years, needs very little cleaning which can be done in a few minutes. Our installation service guarantees you the maximum of heat and a long blue flame. , Arrange n'ow for real home comfort with the latest Oil Burner with enamel base. U? T'Ll jBADLCARUgP a m I I . - "ill ' I I j . fj I . . II B--B -p- HBHm 1 ' ' ' I 1 I , I X I I raillVIltlm HJfcSniy The National Entertain Hit you've been waiting1 All Canada has Shtl John Buchan's (Lor.1 &1 mulr, Canada's new General) Famous Novel a,T most enjoyable British B?tS! oi we year Principal great story Is a youns ki? dian Donat, brilliant ICrlsto!" Played by rqC remembered forT Cou"t of Mon" ,Be advised Don't miss The MAN who put the MAN in roMANce in his first picture since "Monte Cristo". . . , tj-k ROBERT Donat Carroll MADELEINE lull annua . twin mm ntct iMam At 7 42 & 9:45 - ALSO chaumi: ciiasi; in "PUBLIC (illOST NO. 1 World News and Oddity FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 Grotto Taxi 456 3 CAIIS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert iMorKun & Bud lUrrh Don't forget the number 156 Kaien Transfer For Coal and Wood of all kinds Haulage & General Transfer Work Service is Our Motto PHONE 60 By W.stover VEAH , t KNOW, ILLlt I'M OM EKiD OP Tjfc UUE AND CAM'T 3taT I p3MTIklUb