February 10,1936 Etching Cold ? hp-, fhis unique aid AST " remrlcbl! ,ucce. V.' M ?.r Vi.ek d"P W nose ana and iur upper h t0 BrougKt .core, of imita- thr08t where most WjM tion,. tht trMir.nark COlds Start, Its timely Va-tro-nolisyour proteo me helps' prevent 1 " tion in gettinB thil exclu. u . . t fnWaa'jt :.i.. r .. . Jutta few drop. A-TDANOL V et Tiis Drug Store Be Yoar Drug Store We Can Supply Everything tlie Baby Needs re Keep a Comnjcte Stock of Various Makes of FUNNELS- For filling nursing bottles. GLASS GRADUATED l'or measuring mine. HOT WATER BOTTLES For stomach pains. NURSING BOTTLES For baby's food; RUBBER NIPPLES For nursing bottles. ABSORBENT COTTON For plugging nursing bottles. BOTTLE BRUSHES For cleaning nursing bottles. GAUZE For cleaning baby's face. RUBBER SHEETING- To- prevent baby wetting bed. BABY TALCUM POWDERS For baby's delicate skin. BABY SOAPS For baby's bath. SAFETY PINS For fastening baby's, clothes. THERMMETERS For takln8 baby's temperature. BORIC ACID SOLUTIONSv-For baby's eyes. RUBBER SYRINGES For baby's ears. SPONGES For baby's bath. Our Baby Scales Arc Always at Your Service his is the Store that Rive SERVICE' that SERVES Ormes Ltd. "Jita Pioneer DrMQeytete' lit Rcull BUn Phones:: 81' Si 8? Onen Daily From 81 a.m. till 10' p.mV indajs and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. D. ELIO Furniture Exchange feds, Springs, Mattresses, Cribs, Dining loom Suites, Standard Lamps, Buffets and Sideboards, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Kitchen fables and Chairs, Coal Ranges irt good condition at reasonable prices'. Furniture Bought Outright Phone: Green 421 heFsh which made Prince RupertfaM6nsi "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Youi can- rent a. car at Walker's as low as $150 a day, plus 7c a mile. Just received, large shipment ol flannel slacks. Annette's. tl W. R; McAfee returned- to the city on the Catala last evening, from a brief trip to: Vancouver. Ilia-little daughter made the trip; with him. Mrs. Sam Woods, who, has been on a visit to Vancouver; Seattle and elsewhere in the- south, returned home on the Princess Norah yesterday morning. IL Messerschmldt, pioneer baker of Juneau, was a passenger aboard at Whltehorse; . George Rose, chief engineer of the Atlln Lake steamer Tutschl; and Mrs; Rose and' family, who have been spending a vacation in the south, were passengers' aboard the Princess Norah yesterday morning returning to their home at Atlln. Edgar Anderson, agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway at Ketchikan, and Mrs. Anderson were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday morning returning to the "First City" after a three weeks' vacation trip to Seattle. Announcements Ladies' Music Club Tea Musicals, February 12. "Unlted 13 ruary 14. Valentine, Tea, February i Cambral Valentine Dance, Feb- Varden Concert, February 19. Valentine February 20. tea, Oddfellows' Hall, C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, Hall, Friday, February 21. Sons of Norway dance, February 21. Elks' Skuesplll and Toe H. Bridge, February 26. "I wlllI I' won't!" Comedy. United Church, March 5 and 6. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 2. TUOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts . $25.00 Dances 25.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meeting is now available on the ground floor,, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone trie Club Steward. 640 or Red 412. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy- Red Sockcye Look for the ' WHITE LABEL with" the mm Packed, by the; only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round; payroll in Prince Rupert. DAILY" NEWS'" ' ' ' . 1 111 111 '! - 1 J1 local news iin TG o i 15 SKEPTICAL H' HHi- HfljH Basketball tonight; Tp-m; Just received, large shipment of printed' dresses; Annette's. Canadian1 Legion B: E. S; L. exe cutive: meeting- tonignx; Mommy meeting Wednesday. (34) Zero weather ia here? How about your antifreeze?' Protection is better' than- new- radiators. Free testing, Parker's Garage. (31-3-5) Mrs. SteVe King1,1 who has- been spending' two or three weeks In the south, returned from; Vancouver on the Catal'a last evening. John W. Quiner, who has be.en the Princess Norah yesterday morn-', spending- the' winter here with- his ing returning, to the Alaska Capital after a three weeks' vacation trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the south. Mr. and' Mrs. J. L. Sansom were. passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday morning, bound for Wnltehorse- to take up residence ' following their recent marriage in the south. Mr: Sansom Is agent for the Yukon and White Pass Route sister. Mrs. Peter Black, at the Central' Hotel; sailed' by the Princess Norah yesterday" morning on his return to Ketchikan. He ex pects to be back here again-In. the fall. Rev, Evan Baker, former, pastor of Rupert East United Church here and now In charge of the Anyox and Stewart pastorates, preached yesterday morning In First United Church here. Mr. Baker will be leaving Wednesday afternoon on the Prince George on his return north. Alex Duncan and his bride, the former Miss Winnie McGrelsh. re turned to the city on the Catala last evening to take ud residence following a honeymoon trip to Van couver and elsewhere in the south .They were married here a couple of weeks ago. i Rev. W. S. Cooper, Anglican mis slonary. at Greenville, was a pas senger aboard the Catala last eve ning returning to the Naas River after having been for the past two months In Vancouver undergoing surgical treatment as a result of which his health Is now greatly Improved. Hotel Arrivals T Savoy Rev. M. H'. Lawrence; Kltkatia: Mrs. Harry Wilkinson, BarkerviUc Royal P. J. Grant, Winnipeg; E. F. Mould and son, Rose Lake. Prince Rupert C. H. Sawle, New Hazelton; C Ebery and A. M. Rooke: Vancouver; Douglas Jones, Edmonton. Central H. Tolly, city: P J. Rolls. C.N.R. mm FOR RENT As FOR RENT Cleanj well furnished modern apartment, Phone Red 444'. (34) WANTED WANTED Dependable subscrlp tion salesman, Family Herald' and Weekly Star, good character es sential. See Mr. Jones, Prince Ru pert Hotel. (35) WORK WANTED YOUNG; Experienced bookkeeper wants work Phone Green 937, FOR SALE ROSES (35) TOBACCO Sample package, 10 lbs, mild, or strong leaf tobacco, with preparation to give good aroma to tobacco free, all for $1.50 or 5& lbs; $5; Agents wanted; The Capital Gasoline Light Co;, 44 Cumberland SU Ottawa, (35) Order your roses now for spring planting; Per. dozen, $3.00 andi up Other Shrubs- same price ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Glennle's Editor Dally. News: I read In your; paper of local travellers seeing six- feet of snow around Mount Shasta( torrential rain In San Luis Obispo Valley and bright sunshine In the orchards all In the same- day; That's quite-' a wonder to. see; I, lived in California for a few years, and believe you could see snow, rain and sunshine in one day but, for my part; if I ever undetake to see It, I'll take an airplane to go from Mount Shasta to the orange groves of Southern California. To, make the trip by bus in one day is hitting the dust too fast for me. A. DELORME. MOVING UP Result of. Cold Weather-Butter Alarket is Weak Oh account of the cold weather, egg prices, are nrming up ana, there have been two or three advances on the local retail market of late. The butter market IS weak while1 flour and sugar prices show little tendency to change: The severe weather will have the effect of finishing the supply of Brussels .sprouts and may also be expected to force up- the price of cabbage. Retail prices current here are as follows: 8XX Fresh" Extras, Grade A Large, cartoned, doz 22 Local, new laid, doz .37 Apples Delicious, fancy, 3 lbs 25 box ' 3.00 Spitzenburg, bulk, 4 lbs; .25 box 2.25 Spitzenburg;. fancy, 3 lbs 25 box - 2.50 Yellow Newton, bulk, lb'. .07 box - 2.00 fancy, 3 lbs 25 box; - 2-85 Wlnesaps, bulk', lb. 07 hnx' 2.25 sack Fruit Pears, Anjou, doz. 30c to 45 Lemons, doz. 25c to 45 Oranges, doz. 14c to .65 Grapefruit, Cal:, each, 4c to 7 Cjrapefrult, Florida, 10c to 18 Bananas, lb .12J Emperor Grapes, lb. .25 Butter Fancy cartoned, lb .34 No. 2' Creamery, lb 31 Lard pure, lb. 22 Vegetables Potatoes, Terrace, 10 lbs 25 I Jk IB HI 2.25 Sweet' Potatoes, 3 lbs 25 A&hcroft Potatoes. 9" lbs: 25 sack 2.50 Okanagan Onions, lb 03 Garlic, imported, per lb. .35 Cabbage, B.C.. per lb. 4c to 06 Cauliflower, Cal., 20c to w Psirslpv: hunch .06 Carrots; bulk, 8 lbs 25 Turnips;-, up-river, 8 lbs 25 Beet's; 8-lbs. 25 Parsnips, 6-lbs. .25 Celery, Cal., head 18c to 25 Mexican Tomatoes, No. 1, lb 22 Lettuce. Cal., head 8c to 10 Sm'nach, 2 lbs -25 Brussells Sprouts, lb 15, Egg Plant, lb. 25 Squash, lb ; 07 Leeks, bunch J" Rhubarb, lb. 08 Fowl', NO. U lb; reed' Hay, Bulkley Valley. Timothy. 100 lbs i. Wheat, Alberta z- Bran - - 1-'3 Middlings : 2.10 Shorts Oats Fine Oat Chops Barley Laying Mash Oyster Shell Mean- Roastlntr Chicken, lb 1VABOII TEA Is specially Mendrd from the choice lender young leave of the finest Indian and' Ceylon crops. When you want a really good tea he sure to order NAISOIt. Writa for Frm Premium Catalog to KELLY. DOUGLAS & CO. LTD. VANCOUVER, CAUUKT a wiiwrea Fish Halibut, frozen, lb 20 Smoked Kippers,, lb. .... 15c; and .20 Salmon, red spring, fresh, lb. .. .25 ' White, lb 15 Honey , Extracted Honey, per jar 22c to 30 Comb Honey . Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled 35 f Walnuts, shelled halves, lb .45 Almonds, shelled, lb. .45 Chestnuts, lb 25 Walnuts, No. 1, lb .25 Filberts, lb .20 ! Brazils, lb .20 1.751 2.101 2 20 2.10 2.75 1.65 , 25 .32 Ham, sliced,, first prade 45', Ham, picnic, first grade, lb; Bacon. slde,.sllced, best grade Pork, dry salt, lb. .. .21 Pork, shoulder, lb .201 ' Pork, loin, lb. Pork, leg, lb. Hour Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat .. 2.00 Second Patent 1.85 FOOD BARGAINS That31"ean REAL SAVINGS This Week's Specials QUAKER' OATS per pkg. MOLASSES Kay Barbadoes, 2-lb. tin MAPLE SYRUP Pure per pint bottle CHEESE Mild Canadian per lb CREAMETTES per pkg. LIFEBUOY. SOAP per cake JOHNSON'S WAX- . Glocoat. Der at. tin .... BRAN FLAKES Kellogg's per pkg , CORN SYRUP- 2-lb. tin TUNA FISH Solid pack 12-lb. lln 45' JUICY LEMONS per aoz 2j SWANSDOWN FLOUR 25 1 per pkg. 25'SALADA TEA Browrt 25' L,aDei, per 10. 19 c 22c 20c 18c 8c PORK & BEANS Royal 7p 7c 81.07 11c 16 c 18c BV CI BUTTER Guaranteed First Grade 9Qp per; lb. J ibs. .. Ml V 85c LYNN VALLEY PEACHES OOn ddl 2 tins LARGE PRUNES Cello-packed. 2 lbs SEEDLESS RAISINS. Australian Cello-packed 2 lbs. COWAN'S COCOA Vj-lb.. tin EMPRESS JELLY-POWDERS, 2 for 24c 13c 9c ORANGES Family Size, 3' doz; ., 41c Medium Size, 2. doz 49c 22c 32c 60c s rribTi&to:::: c i Veal, ,' shoulder, i, ,h lb, , M is. Head Lettuce, eacn nrrru. 5 fnr Beef, bollinir, lb; 8c. to .iu - 5c 10c 1 SST.:: SjTBrift Cash & Carry Lamb Chops, lb, 25c to 30 mmmmmmmmmmmm' Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, BEDS SPRING iMATTRESSES All Kinds Phone 775 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 186 For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PH1LP0H EV1TT & Co. Ltd. 651 and652 1 't It ; : IS It i: .' 1 I ... i 4 1 .! i