PAQ1 TWO DA1LT,NIW8 Annual Sale 1 Purchased for SCHOOL OPENING, shipment of I WONDOW SHOES for CHILDREN at lower DAILY EDITION prices than before. For Growing Girls SCHOOL OXFORDS and the fashionable SANDALS SCHOOL ROOTS and .OXFORDS for boys artf youths. Call in and see values and lower prices. We .emphasize perfect fitting Where Mpst People Trade F AMILY SHOE STORE LTD PHONE 357 (Estab. 1908) W CHANGES IN SCHOOLS iecord ordv THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For .lesser periods, paid in advance, per week 10 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid lh advance 3.00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion 02 Local readers, per line, per insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit llurtau of Circulations Monday, August 31, 1936 There is. to be a change in the outlook of the 'public schools, 11 the enorts 01 Dr. Weir and his associates at Victoria are successful. A new curriculum is being worked out, designed to "orient the child in life rather than cram him full of facts." According to a despatch from Victoria the second bulletin of a series is being sent out which makes provision for social studies in the lower grades and geography, general character education and, elementary science-in the middle classes. Other changes are to be made, according to the despatch. While there does not seem to be anything very new in the suggested changes, it is probably a good thing tq emphasize the higher things of life and it is to be expected that along similar lines particular stress will be laid in fu ture bulletins on the value in education of music, litera ture and art. There was a time when a big fight was made for the right of every child lo an education m reading, 1 i mi. i 1 i? 1 a mi 1 1 writing ami armnneuc. ine nexi Dig ngnt win lie 10 se cure to every child at least preliminary training in mu sic and the other arts with a view to developing a fuller life and better appreciation of the things that hjive in the past been the privileges of the wealthy. There would be no extra cost in this, Already in some of the provinces of Lanacla every teacher is equipped for the teaching of ele mentary music including the theory of sound and harmony. The total cost is the acquiring of a pitch pipe or tuning fork. The day has evidently arrived when the time of the school should be devoted to something other than learning how to acquire an .education through reading, writing and arithmetic, important as these preliminaries are. Actual education should commence in the schools instead of being relegated to the haphazard post-school period. rJI Ti I I Ik EL The purest lorm in which tobtcco can be imoVti.-fynctt MacPhee Rink Trophy Winner Final For Woodland Memorial In Lawn Bowling Played Yesterday In the final for the Woodland Memorial Trophy In lawn bowling competition yesterday, D. A. Mac-Phee's rin,k defeated D. ,G Bqr-land's .20 to 18. Play was close and keen .as the score Indicates. Frank Vjckerg and Dave Borland were the star players. Jesse Owens Has Turned Pro Now Colored American Sprint Sensation Signs Theatrical Cqntrac.t At coimnhus CQUJMBIJS, Qhlo, Aug,. 31:--Jesse Owens, colored American Olyropic sprint $tar, definitely turned piofesslpnal on Saturday when he signed .UP tor a theatrical contract with Marty Forkinst theatrical agerjt, who is now handling his affairs for an indefinite period. Fprkins has been handing Bill Robinson, negro stage and screen star, for 31 years. Social for East E rulers; Surprise s Party For Trainer A social was held at the recreational hall on Saturday night for McClymont and Seal Cpve playground Intermediate girs and Junior boys. Game? were played tallowed by serving .of refreshments. The prpgram closed with singing. A surprise party was held by In termediate boys and girls of Acropolis and Westview playgrounds, for Assastant Instructor Laughlan Gillies at his home, the affair be ing very enjoyable. Baseball Scores Pacific Coast League San Fransco, 4; Portland, "Los Angeles, 6; Seattle, 0. Hotel Arrivals a. Savoy Mr. ,,and Mrs. G. Haldane, Mr and Mrs.' Cecil Ryan, .Mr. and Mr 1 H R. VohnsQn, Mr. .and Ms. P Leig'htan. Miss M. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Musgrave and child Paxils a,nd. two bays and W Tfapmpsan, city; Mr and Mrs. Vic tor Johnson, Vancouver; Rev. M. H. Lawrence, Claxton; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Price and Bob Hughes Port Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. Mat Leighton, Inverness.. Cannery; Wll lie BaHey, Jimmy White and Bren- da White, Metlakatla; Mr and Mrs Lawrence Atkinson and Lawrence Faber, Ketchikan; Percy CHadr stone, Odgen; "Valentine LeC&ir and J. J. McKenna, Stewart; O. Cormack, Premier; Charles H Soar, Santa Cruz, Cal.; S. A Checseman and William Jone3. Victoria; W. H, Simpson a,nd J. A. McDonald, Smlthers. Royal H. Malnes, R. Flnnila, M. Snr- helm, W. Herman, P. Bergseth. Edward Hope and Henry Cho?. city; Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ander son, Petersburg, William Hanson, Smlthers; Eng Sun, G. Luyea, Chong Qulen, Gee Man and Lee Kung, Vancouver. Prince Rupert Alex Sinclair, T. G. Garrett, W. C. Wright, A. C. Knight, A. D. Bowker, Capt. Murata, Capt. Lewis, L. B. Cook, H. R. Charter and . L. Rolston, Vancouver: G. II. Tv- cho, C. KJesrud and' J. McNeil, Smithers;; Mrs. N. Sherwood, R. A. Makepeace and C. L. M. Gieeev. ITerrace; Ray Winters and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davles and son. Prlncs Rupert; H. W. Chambers, Klemtu; iJ. W Wheatley, Reglna; A. Taylor. G. M. Lyon and A. Watt. .C.N.R D E. Bell, Wlnnlpegi C J. Duncan land Alan Hate, nayspoxt; Mr. a'd Mrs. J. L. White and Master White, Edinburgh, Scotland. WORKING ON PULP MILL CAty Conunissupner W. J. AWer reports that F- h. Buckley Is at pre J sent In New York,, stl parking on ipe local pulp mill project. Other Interests are also, looking " into ' the possJibUtles. . Col. and Mrs. J. V. a,nJ son and daughter returned to the 'SPORT' Granville Wins GIANTS WIN Saratoga Race' STREAK OFF finished One Length Ah' ad pf Bis.-1 . y ' . , . 'Suffered Defeat at Hands, of PitU- covery m American mn ' . . I rg Pirates Saturday-Cards A M Ciasslc ,v Satutdaj i second Place SARATOGA SPRINGS, Aug. 31: Wa,lker in the first inning of Sa turday's game between New York and Detroit. Twp stitches were taken In he wound. Crosetti will probably not be able to play moie than a week. 'Frisco Girl Is Golf Champion JMiss Dorothy Traung Takes Western Title at South Bend SOUTH BEND, Ind., Aug. 31: Dorothy Traung, San Francisco, captured the women's western golf championship Saturday with a de cisive six and five victory over Beatrice Barrett, Mlnenapolis. Miss Barrett was runner-up In 193,5, SPORT CHAT Contrary to general expiations the man behind the gun pn the prairies will npt enjoy the banner season predicted In 1936 when the ducks started their annual flight from the northand. Lowering of water levels In th: nurseries across the three pralria provinces and the drying up pi pot holes, sloughs and lakes ha esulted In a shortage of waitr-fow,l according to early reports. Thousands of duck reported to have perished. Largest nesting area for game birds on the American contineut couth and southwestern Saskatch ewan and Alberta have suffered rnost from lack of rainfall. The situation is not serious in Mani toba where concentration U reported at wider Intervals' than In former years. The far north remained a question mark on the. duck croD chart. Conditions bordering on the crtUabd werc"'re-ported from extensive sections pi southern Saskatchewan. Sonw SDecles of duck were met- with 01y at rare Intervals while others were so reduced in numbers they wore said to be in need of more protection. Breeding conditions for canvas- backs and redheads were1 at a dangerously low level in. the wheat province, a government survey stated. The suddIv of ereon- wlnged teal and ruddy duck was near depletion, officials of the Saskatchewan game branch sa'd Similar corylltlons pi-evalfed in southern Alberta. Northenu'areas. with more water than in previous years, have benefitted from the drought conditions to the south. To wnat extent breeding grounds in the far north will .contribute t? ine nunter's restricted bag thh year was not known. Biological survey parties are engaged in a widespread survey In the Viiko.i and other districts. A survey conducted by land and air last year showed more than duties nesting in regions $ljacen.t, to the Qreiat Lakes. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manl .toba with large Increases In bor- Jder Map avrnrn 4 A 1 a I city on Sunday night's train from states .to the south. Largest "leu suuuurt norac i ianeise migraUon In six "years, was reported . . . . fc , . in tnnnprr i 4 v Vt PITTSBURG, Aug -3.J: (QP) The ville won the iuty.vehth-nip-:,e7,M,8""ul'w"! Giants , to. an end Tor came ping of the Saratoga Cup turf classic here Saturday by six lengths0" Saturday when they were de-over to 4-by- the- PitUburg Alfred J. Ya,nderbUfa Discqv-1 'eatf erv. the rest' of the field beimr far'"4- Four .PtChera were ynable !to the attack Of the hhinri The trnrk was a sea of mud and the time tor the one and three quarters miles minutes 4-5 seconds. was three Frank Crosetti Is Out For Week Yankee Shortstop Suffered To Hand on Saturday Pirates who made 14 hits. The Xliants, however, maintained a three-game lead In the standing over the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals who went Into a temporary tie for secorfd place as a result of the former losing to Boston Bees after having won six straight while' the Cards ended 1 their losing streak by blanking the Injury J Phillies, Yesterday the Giants I.Carl Hubbel pitching the first and Mel uu rutting a nomer in tne se-ii NEW YORK, Aug. 31: Frank iCOnd won two games of a double- Crosettl, Yankee shortstop, war. i header from the Cubs, who were kicked on the left hand by Gerald j driven back into third place below ' the -Cards who split with Brpoklyn1 Dodgers, the second game going 13 1 innings before Dodgers won. Dizzy ( Dean pitched St. Louis to victory, for! in the onener. 1 In the American League N,ew' York Yankees again vanquished the j Datrolt Tigers and "School Boy" Rows. - j The St. Louis Browns Are npw. in the cellar below Philadelphia Week-end Big League scores were as follows: SATURDAY SCOIIPS National League New York 4, Pittsburg 7. Boston 6, Chicago 4. Philadelphia 0, St. Louis 4. Brooklyn 2, Cincinnati 12. American League Detroit 4, New York 8. Cleveland 13-3, Philadelphia 2-5, Chicago 5, Washington 4. SUNDAY SCORES National League New York 6-8, Chicago Brooklyn 33, St Lpuis fl-2. Boston 2-1, Pittsburg 4-3. Philadelphia 3-3, Cincinnati 6-4. American League Chicago .1-1, New York 8-4. Cleveland 2-1, Boston 3-5. Detroit 3-4, Phlladejphla 5-2. St. Louis 4-4, Washington 5-7. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. New York 77 47 St. Louis .74' 52 Chicago .., 73 53 Pittsburg ..60 61 Cincinnati 60 65 Boston 58 67 Brooklyn .1..:. .51 74 Philadelphia :....42 82 AMERICAN LEAGUE . . . W. L. New York ,....?5 42 Cleveland 69 58 Detroit 08 62 Chicago 67 61 Washington 66 62 Boston 64 65 Philadelphia. 47 81 St. Louis 46 81 Pet .621 ,587 ,579 .520 .480 .464 .408 .339 I pet! .669 M3 .523 .523 .516 .496 .366 .362 FIGHT TONIGHT August 31st, at .9 P.M. Boston Hall Arena Doors Open 8:15 Fight Starts 9:00 MAIN EVENT BENNIE WINDLE vs. STEVE BRIGHT GOOD PRELIMINARIES ADMISSION Ringside $1,00; Reserved, 75.C, Rush, 50c MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE and Home Furnishings Furnishings for all ypur home Coverings for all yo.ur floors We invite you to call in and look around 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 Monday, August 31, j93j Synopsis of Land Act . PRE-EMPTIONS TrACANT, unreierved. lurvertj Ct.. land! mr b prt-mptea bj BrttS tllen An dccUrlng Intention to British iuojecu. condltlon.l opoa "t,!f dtnee. occupation and Imprommtnt. PU lplormatlon concttnuij ,tioni la Hen In Bulletin mV i LS 8rl, '-How to Prt-empt Und: copiu which can U; obtained lr ot chunk. addtcnini th Department of tui.di vi, torla. B.C.: Bureau of Prolncul luforii." Hon. Victoria, or an Government A,"nt. Record! U. be granted coverin. eon land iultable tor agricultural puroci. within reaaonable dlatance of road icholS and marketing ftcllltlea and which u iot llmberland. cfrrelni ovtr 1.000 bo.rJ feet per acre et of the Coait Kanee InS 1 000 feet per acre wet of that Rase. Appllcatlona for pre-emptloni are to m addraued to the Land Commliiiontr ol the La.pd Recprdlpg Dttltlon In which' the land applied tor la (ituated. on printed forme p(tind (toip tbe CommUiloner. Pre-empliona muit be occupied for five jeara and Improvement! made to value of 110 per ' Includlnft clearing and cutti. vatlng at least five acres, before a Crota arant cun be received. Pre-emptions carrying part tune conii-liens of occupation are also granted. Pl'RCIIASE OR LEASE Application! art received for purchue of vacant and unreserved Crown lindi. not being for afrlcultuii piirpcsea. . Minimum price of flrst-cltu larablei land la IS per acre, and second-class igrailngl land. 12 50 per sua Further information la lives rt Bulletin No. 10. Land Bcrlea. "Purchase and teue of Crown Lands," As a partial relief measure, reverted lands ma be acquired by purchase In tn equal Instalments, with the first psymcnt suspended tor two yean, provided uus I are paid when due and improvement! ire made durlne the first two year; ol not less than 101 of tha appraised value. Mill, factory or Industrial sites cm tlm'jer land, not exceeding 40 acres, au; be purchased or leased, the condHlocs including pajrment of stumpage. Unsurteyed areaa. not eiceedisi a aires, may be leased as tipraesites cootu. tional upon a dwelling bring -r-etd fa tha first year, title beln? ohtuced stio icildrnce apd lainroTement conditions are fulfilled and land hss been lurvyiil. Por. graslng and industrial purpose areas not exceeding 640 acres may t. I. . sci ij- one person or a company. ' Cnder th Orating Act the Province It divided into graslng districts and On raare adrnlr.Utered under grazing rriuls-' Hons amended from Clm to tune to meet varying conditions. Annual grasui per. miu art issued based on certain monthly 1 ratei Ptr head of tock." Priority In pu-Ini privileges ! given to resident stoci owner! Stock-owners may form auocu-I tlona for ranae, management. Prei or partisllr fret permlu available for settlsri, ismpfrs n4 fmcUtii, Bp to tea This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, T1IR CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Tit AIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Hrand Chemical Fertiliser Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia. Superphoi- phatcs Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Rrand Metals Oold, Silver, Electtolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. Union Steamships. Limited 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1;3Q PJtt Due, Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJrL Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving: Sunday 8:00 P,M, ?alUne Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Kaas River returning: Tuesday, $.4 Further information regarding sailings and tickets from R, M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agrent, Third Ave. Phone 56i This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or hv the Govern ment of British Columbia,