pacji Form I 1 UNRESERVED Auction Sale Of High Class Household Furniture To be Held in the Store Formerly known as BAKRIETS, MOOSE HALL BUILDING on Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. and Thursday, Sept. 3rd. Commencing: at 2:15 PJM. Each Day Instructed by the owner, Mr. E. Davidson of Seal Cove who is leaving lor the Old Country and for the convenience of the public I have caused to ba moved to the above premises and will sell by public auction the following: WEBER UPRIGHT PIANO, 10-TUBE VICTOR ALL WAVE RADIO, 3 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, Walnut Dining Room Suite, Singer Electric Sewing Machine, large Serapl Wilton Carpet, large Supreme Wilton Carpet, several small Rugs, large. Mirror, massive Mirrored Overmantle, Gurney Lauren-tic Range (good as new), Dominion Circular Heater, Zenith Electric Washing Machine, 2 Walnut Bedroom Dressing Tables, Chiffonier, Simmons Ivory Steel Bed with Beautirest Spring Filled Mattress, Slumber King Spring, Walnut Bed with Ostermoor Mattress and Rest-moor Cable Spring. Premier Duplex Carpet Sweeper, Kitchen Clock, Kitchen Table and Chairs, Hot Plate, Ice Box, 2 Lawn Mowers, Dishes, Pots and Pans, Pictures, Garden Tools, Hose, 3 Glass Window Sashes, Clothes Dryer, Garden Tools, Etc., Etc. Note: These goods are in exceptionally good condition and can be viewed either Sunday or Monday prior to sale at Seal Cove after which same will be moved Into town for sale. Terms Cash. Geo. J. Dawes AUCTIONEER Blue 471 Phone Red 633 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye 1 PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Coal All Kinds Of Dry Firewood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Big Air Liner Is Missing On Gulf of Persia KARACHI, Aug. 31: Several aircraft were engaged on a search in the Persian Gulf Saturday for the air liner Hortha, missing with twelve passengers on a flight from Iraq to Karacrue. Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.D. Phone 843 OVERWAITEA TEA per lb. OVERWAITEA EA COFFEE COFFEE per lb. .. SUGAR 100 lbs. . 10 lbs. . per Jar PICKLING per lb. . 55c, 50c, 45c 35c, 30c, 25c JAM Cherry, Raspberry, TOILET TISSUE Leader . 6 rolls TOILET TISSUE Milady 6 rolls SPICE PEAS Sieve 2 2 tins CORN White 2 tins CORN Golden Bantam 2 tins TOMATOES 2 VVs 2 tins OXYDOL large pkt FELS NAPTHA SOAP 10 cakes SAFEGUARD CARBOLIC 5 cakes PEARL WHITE 10 bars ROLLED OATS 6-lb. sack OATMEAL 5-lb. sack QUICK QUAKER $5.50 57c Gooseberry, 4-lb. t,ln BRAMBLE JELLY 4-lb, tin MARMALADE Grapefruit, Orange & Lemon, 4-lb. tin ORANGE MARMALADE 4-lb. tin PINEAPPLE MARMALADE 4-lb. tin PINEAPPLE MARMALADE 2-lb. jar OATS- Plain, 2 pkts QUICK QUAKER OATS China, per pkt. KELLOGG'S or QUAKER CORN FLAKES, 2 pkts. . SALT Plain or Iodized 4 cartons 55c 65c 49c 45c 63c 39c 19c 45c VINEGAR In gallon jars, jars in cluded. WHITE per Jar MALT $1.00 $1.20 40c 29c 22c 25c 25c 21c 69c 25c 45c (With 2 cakes Witch Hazel Free) ONIONS nr 7 lbs jfiOl POTATOES OCn 8 lbs Avis PEACHES Large size Q(?n per crate vtFV PEACHES Small size OP per crate OtJU ITALIAN PRUNES per crate COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PDONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.01 np 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 160 C0MEDYAND DRAMA HERE "Early to Bed" and "Sudden Death" On Double Bill at Capitol At First of Week Another Charlie Ruggles-Mary Boland farce "Early to Bed" and a story of tragedy and romance told against the ever-mounting toll of outo dead entitled "And Sudden Death" comprise a first of the week double bill program at the Capitol Theatre here. "Early to Bed" marks a new high in imagination for Ruggles-Boland comedies. The story is that of a couple who marry after a twenty-year engagement and, through a mix-up, find themselves honeymooning at a sanitarium. Charlie, brow-beaten clerk for a glass-eye firm, finds an important prospect and decleds to devote his honeymoon to a supreme effort at salesmanship. A murder and a Jewel robbery occur and Charlie, being a I sleep-walker, fears he has commit ted them. The hilarious unraveling of the mystery and the landing of the order permit of plenty of action. Randolph Scott and Frances Drake top the cast of "And Sudden Death." The former plays the part of a young police official and Miss Drake that of a young woman who has a mania for speedy driving. Complications arise when the girl's brother, Tom Brown, while intoxicated, runs down and kills a friend of Scott's, Miss Drake assuming the blame to protect her brother. American Flier Loses Life When Plane Hits Sea WILMINGTON, Del.. Aug. 31: Eugene R. Packard, 25, was killed Sunday "when his plane crashed Into the -sea off Wright's Beach. POLICE COURT FINES Police court fines for the month of August totalled $545 as com pared, with $225 in the same month last year. Fines for this year to date total $2926 in comparison with $1792 In the corresponding period last year. Reach the most people In city and district with an advertisement in the Dally News. School DAILY NHWB Monday, Aupujt ji WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront There were 251' passengers on board C. P. R. steamer Princess Louis which was In port Saturday afternoon southbound from Skag way to Vancouver. Seven persons disembarked from the vessel at this port while one boarded her here for Vancouver. Halibut landings at Seattle last week totalled 624,000 pounds, the dally price srverage being lOUc" to 12 Vic per pound which was unusually strong. Booth Fishe'ries was the heaviest purchaser for the week with 139,000. pounds. Sebastian, Whiz, San Juan, New England and Washington following In the order mentioned. On Saturday three boats sold catches totalling 74,000 pounds at Seattle as follows; Pacific, 36,000 pounds, lOV-C straight to Booth; Federal, 20,000 pounds, ll'ic and 105sc to San Juan; National, 18,000 pounds. lOVic and 10 VbC to Sebastian. Quite a number of Seattle 'boats, following the closing of Area No. 2 to halibut fishing, have taken up sable fishing until November 1. Landings of sablefish at Seattle are becoming ;o.ulte heavy, 51,000' pounds having been sold there Saturday at 33,ic per pound. At Ketchikan on Saturday a total of 62,500 pounds of halibut was sold as follows: Akutan,. '37,000 pounds, 7c and 6c; Garland, 8,500 pounds, 8',ic and 6c; Lansing, IT,-000 pounds, 8 Vic and 6c. Marlyn Fish Co. bought all three catches. ' Delayed by making an extra call at Ocean Falls, with returning school teachers'and other passen gers, Union steamer Catala, Capt, James Findlay, arrived In port at 11:30 last night from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound.- Completing her final voyage, of the season on the Alaska service, C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 8:30 this morning from Skag way arid other northern points, with a full list of passengers, consisting principally of tourists returning Supplies School Opening SPECIALS! 5c EXERCISE HOOKS 5 for 15c; 10 for 25c 10c EXERCISE BOOKS 4 for 25c 15c EXERCISE BOOKS 2 for 25c New Canadiiin Music New Canadian Music New' Canadian Music New Canadian Music Course Book 1 .23c Course Book 2 2jc Course Book 3 23c Course Book 4 30e New Canadian Community Sony Book 33c Canadian School Alias ,y ,t (." Highroads Dictionaries .. 33c Compasses 15c and 23c Set Squares and Protractors lUc and 15c Tcrraehroine Crayons !1. 15c Drawing Portfolios 10c Kulcrs 5c. and 10c Pencils 5c, 10c, and 15c each Beeves Paints, 5 colors ....-l0c; Belllls, 2 for 5c Paint Brushes 5c to 15c McLean's Pen Holders .1'lOc McLean's Pen Points 5 for 5c McLean's Writing Pads, No. 33 .15c Music Dictation Books . 10c Beeves India Ink 20c Higgins India Ink , 50c Map Drawing Books 10c School Bags and School Cases Loose Leaf Note Books : Loose Leaf Befllls Science Loose Leaf Books II. ...1.1 !.... tl $1.00 to $2.23 25c and 35c 10c; 3 for 23c 50c 2.1 ijuuKKL-L-jiiug i-ujier joe pu lyping l'ads : 15c; 2 for 25c Shorthand Note Books, centre line, 15c; 2 for 23c Fountain Pens 75e Uj, Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets 1.25 up Rose, Cowan ALatta Ltd. BESNER BLOCK, 3rd STREET - Phone 234 S EUROPE IS PROSPERING Impressions of Theo Collart Who Will Soon be Home From Vimy Piigrimare A postcard receiwd from Theo Collart from Louvaln, Belgium, stales that he is sailing for Canada on the Empress of Britain from Southampton and will soon be home. The weather was hot on the Vimy Pilgrimage and,, since sailing from Prince Rupert, only three days of rain had been ex perienced. He mentions that, many people are travelling and spend ing money, (the trains being so busy it is difficult to find a seat. Writing again from Liege, after spending three days in the industrial part of Belgium, Mr. Col Jart tells of the wonderful crops of all kinds: in France, Belgium, England and Holland. There are also new buildings all over the place. "It seems , to me," he observes, "that; depression is only In the minds of the people. south, and sails, at 3 oclock this afternoon for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River.- The Prince George will be back here Friday morning from the south and will be withdrawn from service on her arrival to be .tied up for the win ter at the local dry dock. The George had 254 passengers on board including, northerners going south for the winter as well as tourists. The Ketchikan motorship New Zora was in port this morning with one carload of halibut for transshipment East over Canacfian National- Railways, Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Ini perial, with Capt. 8. II. Slmms in command, arrived In port at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Ocean Falls and. after discharu lng fuel for the. local tanks, sailed at 11:30 pjn. for Ioca. Capt. Slmms, who Is in temporary cdtn mand. while Capt. A, S. McOaw is on vacation, is about to assume command of the company's tanker Nanaimolite in successlori to Capt. M, McKay, formerly well known as an officer of Canadian National Coast Steamships, who has been appointed to the British Columbia pilotage. tember, MUSSOLINI'S VISIT BERLIN, Aug. 31;The expecte:!' visit of Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy to Berlin to confer with Chancellor Adolf Hitler is under- stodd to be planned for late Sep Try, a Dally News classified ad vertisement for best results. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 Specials Boneless Stew Beef 3 lbs. ; Short Ribs Beef 3 lbs Hamburger, 3 lbs. it t lb. Onions Round Steak 3 lbs Sirloin Steak 3 lbs T-Bone Roast Beef 6 lbs Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. 2 lbs. Tomatoes PHONE 9S1 Rump Roast of Beef, 5 lbs. it 2 lbs. Tomatoes Shoulder Steak 3 lbs. ............ ...... Good Corn Beef per lb; Legs of Veal per lb. .i.-.;. Shoulder of Veal per lb. ... Veal Btew; 2 lbs. St 1 tins of Peas Veal Steak per lb Veal Chops 2 lbs 8tew Lamb, 2 lbs. & 1 tin of Peas Shoulder Lamb 4 lbs. ;.. Sweet Pickled. Pork per lb 25c 25c 25c 40c 50c $1.00 i 75c! 75c! 35c 5c ta 15c 10c 25c 20c 35c 25c 50c 20c LOCAL NEWS Miss Jessie Rothwell, who has been spending the summer at Re-guia. returned to the city on the Catala last night. - Mr. and' Mrs. E. E. Yager and son and daughter sailed Saturday eve ning on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. G. Stephens and daughter, Miss Olive Stephens, who arrived by train from Smithers Friday night, sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver. Mrs. Rochester and daughter, who have been visiting here with Mrs. Rochester's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Morgan, are leaving by this evening's train on their return to their home In Montreal. Local school teachers returning to the city on the Catala last night after spending the summer vaca tlon in the south included Miss Mary Easthope, Miss Mary Sim,. J, C. Hutchison, Miss E. P. Orassle, Miss Marjorle Shlel, Miss Lalng, Miss Mary Hartln and MLss Edna .Vlckers. It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S pur prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE OIPT COUPONS for a Din ner Set and Rogers Silverware Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE TONIGHT and TUESDAY Last Complete Show, 8:29 1111 Start Laughing Novv! CHARLIE RUGGLES MARY BOLAND in - "Early to Bed" It took her 20 years to jtthin, . . and then she rnnirWi him! He's a sleep-walker who Just won't stay home nights . . . and her sweet A Jove becomes a nightmare 0 with -GAIL PATRICK (At 7:1? tt 9:50) TLUS Randolph Scott Frances Drake -ln- "And Sudden Death" Eighty-mues-an-hour drami of thrills, danger, romance , . . with a girl who thought ,she could get away with any. thing! with - Tom Brown, Fiuiy Knijht (At 8; 29 Once Only) WORLD NEWS (At 7:00 it 9:34) Try a Daily New ciauihea u Specials for SCHOOL OPENING EXERCISE BOOKS Best Quality Ink Paper Regular 5c size, speclai, 10 for Regular 10c size, Speclai, 4 for 180 and. 200 Page High School Exercise Books, doz REEVES SCHOOL PAINTS, 12 pan, 5 color box Complete with brush .'. SCHOOL PENCILS, 2 for .'....'......!: 1 First quanlty, H. B. Rubber Tip, 3 for -r. per dozen Seconds, 5 for per dozen REEVES SCHOOL CRAYONS, 12's REEVES INDIA INK School Paste RULERS Measure Compasses Erasers, Art Gum, Red Pencil or Ink and Pencil, each Protractors, celluloid Drawing Portfolios 25c 25c $1.00 ii S2.00 35c it 10c tOc Jc ,10c 15c .20c 15c 5c, 10c & We 15c 5c 15c 10c Complete Stock of Text Books for All Grades Standard Government Prices Terms Strictly Net Cash. No phone or delivery service. Postage on Mail Orders Extra The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.