Lay, August ,31 1938 ' " .Avis' BAXLimn - - FAGH TSDUB Build B.C. Payrolls" fbat a .f .1 eaumui orning tVAMtRATEP. iugUSt Weuucuay... a.iu uluv happiness and conter.t- nent in the tnrong mat wav:nt?u he parade! Almost we ieei iikj nvtne about this mild and won derful summer climate. Wftat a nn to man and to mine! wnai pneficial effect upon the herds ind upon the milk milked here. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COUKSE DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In H-Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 back "T KNEW my wife'd stop fool in' X around with ordinary dress-ingi! Nothing can give you the rich, full flavor and goodness you get from real mayonnaise -Best roods!" That's because Best Foods is made only from the finest ingredients , , . choice salad oil, Bee out windows for the latest in Oxfords. Annette's. 1 freshly-broken eggs, a specially selected vinegar, and imported spices. All double-whipped for creamy smoothness! Why cot sec for yourself the difference rial mayonnaise makes in salads? Ask for Best Foods. It is so good . . . yet costs but a trifle per jerriog; BEST FOODS REAL MAYONNAISE Used Furniture (tf) Piano .classes will reopen for 1st ahd 2n.d year students n Boplh and Borden Street Schools. Aho private tuition In piano and theory. Margaret McCaffery, Pione Blue 936. (J05) Mrs. l. vy. patmore and two children left this afternoon on tfre Prince Rupert for Victoria Where the children will enter school. They expect to remain in the south for a year. J. Reld Wilson arrived in the city last night on the Catala from Vancouver where he spent the summer vacation. He Is leaving on tonight's train to resume his teaching duties at ITslr reawa Divanettc in solid oak. Double Beds, Dining Room Suite. Beds all sizes, Alias Couch, Odd Chairs, Kitchen Ranges, Washing Machine water power and hand power, Singer Sewing Machines, Radios, Gramaphones, E. B. Saxophone, Bucscher Guitars, Etc. School Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue LOCAL NEWS NOTES 3u6t arrived, ijew shipment of fall shoes. Annette's. . " (tf) Miss Marybelle Stiles, returned home at the end of the week Jrom a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. H. Yalpy and .Mlss:X Valpy sailed Saturday night on the .Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Lester B. Jones', Canadian .National agent at Skagway; Is .a pas senger aboard the Prince Qeqrgi today going through to Vancouver for the winter. toward Chambers, manager of Klemtu cannery, arrived In the city on the Qatala last night from dawn the coast for a brief business visit here. iimiig nay tux, son oi Mr. arm fectlve this week the local on .line temoon Jrom Vancouver where he of 'Canadian National Railways. 3pent the summer vacation. Trains will leayq fpr the east Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays at The "Mayfalr has restocked Its 6 p.m. and arrive Tuesdays, Thurs- &hoe tables with an entirely new days and Saturdays at 10:20 p.m. stock of Oxfords In browns and black. Regular values to $3.95. Special at $1.89. tt. W. E. Williams, well known former local barrister, after spending a few days at Billmor, sailed Saturday evening by the Prince Rup&it on his return to I Rt. Rev. E . M. Bunoz O.M.I, Roman Catholic Church-bishop for Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, (returned to the c'tv on last night's train from a brief trip to Teriace on ecclesiastical duties. Sergeant J. H. McClinton, provincial police, sailed by the Prince Charles Saturday evening for'Port Clements to visit various Queen Charlotte Islands in his official I capacity as chief of the district de-' tachment. Mr. and Mrs. W. -W. Wrathall returned to the city on the Catala last night from a holiday trip to Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Shortly Mr. Wrathall will be leav ing for Stewart to take up relief duty for a while for the Government Telegraphs. Olty Commissioner W. J. Alder returned to the city on the Catala i Sunday night after spending his J annual vacation at Victoria. Mrs. I Alder, who has been seriously 111 for ;some time with bronchial pneu monia, Is now somewhat Improved although in hospital at Vtqr torla, Rev. R. C. Scott; principal of Co-qualeetza Institute, arrived In the city on the Catala last night from the south. He Is in the north to plck up native charges returning to their studies at Caqualeetza Institute after spending the summer vacation at their yattous home MUs Edith Kergln sails by the Prince George this afternoon on her. return via Vancouver to Toronto to resume her nurses' train ing studies after spending a vacation with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergln. She is accompanied by her friend, Miss Irene Davie of Toronto. M,rs. Frank Feero and daughter, Miss Vehetia Feero, who have been spending a holiday visiting In Skagway, returned to the city from the north on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon. They were ac compAnled by Mrs. My ma Olsen of Skagway, another of Mrs. Feero's daughters. Still another daughter, Miss Geraldlne Feero, arrived this morning on the Prince George Jrom JuneaU, r Aftaouncenents Eagfesj' bridge series starts Sep: tember 2 Bazaar for Boys' Band Septem ber 19. 4. Catholic Bazaar, October 7 and Canadian Legion Bazaar, Octo ber. 15. Baptist bazaar carnival, Oct. 84 L. O. B. A. Bizaar. NpTfmbfr j Mrs. D. O. Borland and daughters! returned from LakeLse Lake .an last night's train. A- ft. Nichols returned to the .city Saturday evening on the Prince George .from a brief trip to Miss Betty Parlaw, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Parlow of this city, enters St. Paul's Hospital In Vancouver tomorrow to start a course of nurses' training. Mrs. E. M. McKinney, who has been spending a year at Mayo, Yukon Territory, is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge today returning to Vancouver. Rt. Rev. W. A. Oeddes DJ)., Anglican bishop of the Yukon, is a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge today bound from Vancouver to spend the winter outside. Oscar Landry, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs returned' to the city on the Prince George, this morning from a trip to; Whitehorse, Atlin and Telegraph Creek oh official duties. Gene FHzpatrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrlck, returned hqme on the Prince George thl3 morning after spending the summer teaching a Roman Catholic school at McDames in the Dease Lake country. Mrs. George Woodland sails this afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver where she plans on ,tak Ing up future residence. Mr. and Mrs. :J, O. .Williamson are taking up residence in Mrs. Woodland's hquse; on Fifth Avenue East. Rev. Father Leo Basse, Roman j Catholic Church missionary at Telegraph. Creek, ' arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Me .north and will be a visitor here for a few daxs before returning to the Stiklne River. Mrs. Ada Grieves of Keno IIIU. Yukon Territory, is a paswngcr aboard the Prince George today going through to Vancouver where she will take medical treatment. Mrs. Grieves Is a well known neer woman of the Yukon, having gone north In the days of "98, James Lamb, manager of Cassia r Cannery, which has concluded the season's packing operations,, came in from the Skeena River last night for a brief visit to the city before proceeding to Vancouver to morrow afternoon on the Catala. Mrs. Lamb is already here visiting with frer daughter, Mrs. James Parker,- and will go south next week. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, returned to the city on the Prince George this morn ing from the north after a trip into the Stlklne River country. He Inspected Improvements, Includlns a three-mile diversion, which Is being made to the road between Telegraph Creek and Dease Lake. Reward The. sum of Fifty Dollars ($50) will too given to any person finding the remains of Charles McNeil, drowned off old cannery site In Observatory Inle (Signed) SAM STEWART. Dated August- 27f 1938. WSD ACT Notice of Intmtkm to apply to Lew In Prjnco Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Range 3, Coast, and situate In Hudson Bay Pass midway between Bar on and Dundas Islands, beinz one-half ml(e 4QUth or tfx most nortneny oi tnaj Narra islands. Take notice that Robert Irvine, oi Prlnc Rupert, occupation Shell dealer intends to apply for a lease .of th following described loreor lands: Ccnmicing at a poet planted on rock one-hall nlle so,utn of the niosi northerly of the Nares Islands. Uiense west is chains: theiice south 18 chain thenoe east IS chains; thence north 15 cha,lnn to point of conuneoosinent aud containing 33.S acres, wore or less. Kuntiii ii.r. ikvim; Dated. May ?0th. LASD ACt H9t)n f Intention to appplj to Lease sua In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Range 9, ooast. sjid, situate; fronting on the north shore of tee most . southerly of the Nares Islands. Take notice that Robert Irv.'ne of Prince Rupert, occupation 8heU deaie intenoa o tiPfuy iv a ( f wt xvt lowlni described foreshore lands: Oonunenclfug .at a pct planted on rock 200 feet north oi the nortto shore of the most southerly of the Nam Islands thence west 18 chains: thence south IS chains thence east It chains: then oe north IS chains to point o commencement and containing 23.3 acres, mart or less. ilf fcOHEKT GLEN IRVINE OilU Ut-J 80th, m. Thrift Food Specials Prices in Effect Tuesday to Saturday CORN FLAKES X pkgs. ,OUD PUTCH CLEANSER ' 2 tins , SPINACH-Royal City per tin ' . PEANUT BUTTER 4Cn S)n Vs ORANGE MARMALADE 32-oz. jar , PHONE 179 15c 17 c 14 c iWV2ast 4 s'' 26c BUTTER First Grade 3 lbs. QUAKER OATS i per ,pkg . NABOB COFFEE- per lb CHATEAU CHEESE Spieads or Slices, V?'s EGGS "A" Large per doz , THRIFT CASH & CARRY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sutton and family arrived In the city on the Catala last evening after having spent the sum.mer vacation, visiting In Vancouver. Mr. Sutton is .3 member of the teaching staff of king Edward High School. FOR SALE FOR SALE Double brass bed, la dles' oak dressing table. Phone Green .219. (206) FACTORY SAMPLES MUST- GO We need the space. 10-Plecel Loose-Plllow-Arm Chesterfield Suites $72.50; ,10-Plece Bed-j Chesterfield Suites $79.50;. 3 Rqom Groups, .60 high-grade, pieces, sensational bargain $160. Terms If desired. Free storage. Julius Shore Mall Order House; 1402. Beklns Bldg. Vancouver.: WANTED WANTED Capable housekeeper at ' once. Apply McKerizIe's Furpl-. ture; (205) LOST LOST Terrier pup. Black blotches over each eye. Return to 1035 8th Ave. E., behind Johnson? Grocery. tf. LOST Boy's black leather coat, size 34 with B. H. marked In lining and name In pocket, Reward. Phone Green 812. PERSONAL MEN Get vigor at once. New Os trex Tpnlc Tablets contain raw oyster lnvigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up r gans. glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write. Ormes limited, tf. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary 8upplies, highest, grade 15 tor U Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. YOU CAN MAKE ftlOXEY Home Permanent waving and Curling Machine C.O.P. $3.00. No electffl- r I city or experience need ed. Will not harm the finest hair. Curls guaranteed to last seven months. All supplies for six heads. Postage prepaid. MARVEL WAVE CO.. 1183 East list Ave. Vancouver, B.C. School 88c 19c 37c 16c rs 30c 37c PRESERVING PEACHES Quality is excellent and our prices are right. The market is firm and we advise buying nowl CUBE PINEAPPLE Large flat tins each SHELLED WALNUTS Light pieces Mb. cello BLUEBERRIES Fine for pies per tin KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN - per pkg .! RQYAL CITY PEAS Choice, Sieve 5 5! tins- - TEA per Jb, 11c 28c 14c 20c 25c LIBBY'S OLIVES Extra Large Frjult 9-oz. tin .' TOMATO SOUPampbell's 2 tins , . CHOCOLATE BUDS jNellson's '2-Va. cello : RICE KRISPIES ' . per pkg : rc-MATO JUiCE--Malkln's Best, tall tins 2 for '. : 18c 19c 14c 10c 17c THRIFT BLEND TEA and COFFEE . , . . 4.4c COFFEE per lbi 29c A Ruled Scrlhbler FREE With Each Pound PURE X-ARD per lb ., .".1. ' CREAMETTES ' per pkg. PURE EXTRACTS- " V 2-oz. bottles ...,i.. 15c 8c 16c SUNLIGHT SQAP 3 large bars .... COOKED SPAGHETTI 16-oz. tin .GREEN BEANS Royal City Cut per tin FUESH FRUIT Seedless Grapes, lb. 10c Bartlett Pears, basket , . ! 30c Bananas, 3 lbs. 25c Terrace Yellow Turnips, 5 lbs 15c 19c 9 c 14c Red Malaga- Grapes, 2 lbs. . . ..... .25c Peaches, basket . .... , 30c Fresh Prunes, 3 lbs 25c Fresh Corn, doz 23c WE DELIVER Opening Go Rack to School With a Waterman's Prices from $2.50 Note Books Scribblers Pen and Pencil Sels,-! Students' Sundries at Ppular Prices Ormes Ltd. Ztfie Pioneer Druqtf iats jrh ReuUl Um Phones: II ft 82 Open Daily From 8 am. till 10 fsa. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 1 p m. tlU 9 pan. Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S3. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct S3. "Princess Louise," Aug. Ut, 15th, 29th, Sept Bth. SS. "Princess Alice," Aug. 8th, I9tbv ' ' SS. "Princess, Charlotte," Aug, 22jnd. ' ' To Ketchikan, WrangeU, Juneau and JSkarway BS. "Princess Alice," Aug. 3rd. 14th. SS. "Princess Louise," Aug, 10th, 24th, Sept. 4th., S3. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 17th. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. I 1 11