niinprt . Clou, KruiLc ----- A barometer, 30.14; temperat. sea 'rr Pol. XXV No. 205. suit of Purge Numerous Arrests Being Made Case of Trotsky Lway Indicates it Will Not Be Stampeded by Soviet Demand IMOSCOW, Aug. 31 : (CP) Re- of wholesale arrests being d out by the Soviet govern ed In the wake of the recent fa which was climaxed by the locution of sixteen "old Bolshe- i" have spread panic through ranks of all party circles In Soviet capital. A number of iportant government officials being arrested dally. With Dlc- Joseph Stalin facing a tense flltical crisis, the purge Is beuv.; intlnued with a firm and vlg- ous hand. Mrs. Lenin, widow of kolal Lenin, has been restrained pm political utterances. om political utterances. The So ft secret pollcq over the week-end tgan a sweeping drive against all iments In government, theatrical id literary classes suspected of sloyalty to the Stalin regime. note handed by the Soviet eminent on Saturday to the rwcglan minister demanding nt Leon Trotsky be expelled pm Norway .rnade,Hr plain that nays refusal .to expel the Md Bolshevik leader, who Is al- H to hive plotted against Dic- Kor Joseph Stalin and his goy-iiment, would prejudice good re- !;ons between the two govern- tnts and would be considered violation of International law Cere was no Indication, how- that the Soviet government fd demanded the return of the file to Russia. The Soviet protest Norwegian harboring of Trotsky, barged with fomenting a terrorist ot against the Soviet Union's pder, is a vigorous one. Norway's Reply lOSLO, Aug. 31: The Norwegian lemier yesterday Indicated that prway had no Intention of tak any further action in cornice pn with the peremptory demand! the Russian Soviet government Bit Leon Trotsky be Immediately fpelled. The demand was char-Cttrlzed as being an unreason- .e one and Norway Indicates Us Mention of handling the matter i own way. It was stated how- that Trotsky's Dermlt to re fill In Norway would expire on tcember 18 and that the Nor- fglan government would be elad he could secure a vUa to some jner country by that time. Today's Weather iTherc was calm weather with In at all points In the district morning, east to Burns Lake fid north to Stewart. Tempera- pres were: Terrace, 52. I Alice Arm, 54. I Stewart, 49. Hazelton, 50. Smithers, 46. Burns Lake, 44. STOCK MARKET IIP NEW YORK. Autr 31 -Tho Vvur trk stock market showed an up-pd trend Saturday. Industrial Page was up .13; rails, up JB1. uuuucs, up .08. aihvay Workor nd Stevedores 10 Up Cordova CORDOVA. Alaska a ho r.l . I iiT Cordova U blocked by Toronto Fair Is Opened By London Mayor And Premier TORONTO, Aug. 31: With Pre mier Mitchell Ilepbum and Sir Percy Vincent, Lord Mayor of Lon don, the principal speakers, the annual Canadian National Exposi tion here was opened at the end of the week. Roscoe Turner Smashes Plane Noted American Speed Flier Meets With Accident on Way To Bendix Races LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31: Col. Roscoe Turner, noted American speed flier, was back In Los An geles by train last night followinj the crash sixty-five miles south of Gallup, New Mexico, Saturday night of the plane In which he was on his way to New York to take part In the Bendix aerial races. The plane was badly wrecked and Turner was slightly Injured. He had taken off on Sat-UTday from Burbank, California, for the east.. Don Crcrar And Son Return Home From Vimy Rites Don Crerar and ton, Allstalr, returned home on last night's train after having gone overseas to at tend the unveiling- of- the-'Vimy memorial in France, an experience which was memorable to father and son alike. They Crossed to New York aboard the great new liner Queen Mary and were on the same train part of the way across the continent with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Waddlngton who are returning via Vancouver. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 194,800 pounds, British Soldiers 8c and 7c to 10.4c and 7c. Canadian none. American Vansee, 28,000, 10c and 7c, Pad flc. NcpAune, 26,000, 8c and 7c, Cold Storage. Arrow, 35,000, 10.4c and 7c, Atlln, Chelan, 25,000, 10c and 7c. Booth. Hazel H., 20,000, 10.3c and 7c, Royal. Betty, 20,500,10.3c and 7c, Atlln. Lansing, 17,000, 10.1c and 7c, Booth. Wabash, 5,300, 10.4c and 7c, Pacific. Pierce, 18,000, 10.3c and 7c, Cold Storage. . Killed by Arabs Troop Detachment Ambushed By Marauders Between Nablus And Nazareth JERUSALEM, Aug. 31: (CP)- Two British soldiers were killed and three seriously wounded on Saturday when Arab marauders ambushed a troop detachment on FiHralon Plain between Naoiu and Nazareth. Little Boy, Hit By Auto, Passes ini.irtix Prove Fatal to Billy Walter, Aged Six, of Vancouver vAwrnttVER. Aug. 31: (CP)- nitiw wltr. six year old son of w ir Walter, died in hospital of Injuries Saturday as a result sustained when struc mobile on Friday. JAP SHIP FOR LOGS Steamer Tonegawa Maru Arrives Here on Way to Queen Charlotte Islands After a speedy and uneventful voyage across the Pacific Ocean from Muroran, Japan, which port she left on August 17, the Japanese freighter Tonegawa Maru, Capt. S. Muto, dropped anchor in Prince Rupert Harbor at 8 o'clock last evening. After going through customs, immigration and quarantine formalities here, the vessel will leave late this afternoon or evening for Sedgewick Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, to load a full cargo of hemlock and spruce logs from the camp of J. R. Morgan Logging Co. for delivery to the Orient. Capt. A. E. Lewis of Nanalmo Is acting as pilot for the vessel and will stay with her while she is In coastal waters. Victoria Man Is District Chief; Kelowna Chosen SEATTLE, Aug. 31; William C. Hudson of Victoria was elected district governor of Gyro International at the district convention held at the New Washington Hote here the latter part of last week. There were three hundred dele gates present with S. J. Jabor.r the represenativeof- ;the- Prlnre1 Rupert Gyro Club.. Kelowna wa chosen, for the 1937 convention city. Social Credit Given Readings Alberta House Puts Measure Tc Bring New System Into Effect Through Committee Stages EDMONTON. Aug. 31: The Alberta Credit House Act, provldlnj for the inauguration of Social Credit in Alberta, passed commit tee of the whole stages In the Legislature of Alberta at the end of the week. Search Still On For Missing Man Still No Trace of Vancouver Accountant Who Has Not Been Seen for Ten Days VANCOUVER, Aug. 31t-Pohe officers are continuing the search for Bernard Hayes, 52-year old accountant, who has been mlssln? for ten days. He was last seen a week ago last Friday when he left his home In the University area for his office downtown. PREMIER IS BUSY Deplessis Reorganizing Depart mental Services of Quebec In Interests of. Security . QUEBEC. Aug. 31; (CP) Re organization of all government de partments "on a sound and logical basis" was announced at the weekend by Premier Maurice Duplej- si3, the new head of the Quebec government. Premier DuplessLs, as an opening measure, announced a stringent economy program which will Include cancellation of all Insurance- on government buildings and the replacing of crown prosecutorj and liquor commission attorneys ( on the throughout the province. today. LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Today's Ther Tomorrow's Tides (8 AJU.. She statin HALIFAX, Aug. :3l: ArrlviaT here at the wcek-jend arter attending the unveiling of tihe Can adian war memorial at Vlrhv 3ldie In France, 1 Major J. S Roper, noted Canadian Legion leader, spoke of the universal pop ularlty of King Edward VIII and expressed the opinion that, If ay me person could prevent war lit Europe, it would be' he. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johaton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .33. Big Missouri, .61. Bralorne, 7.60. B. R Cons, .06. ' b. r. x., .11 y2. ' ' Cariboo Quartz, 1.90. Dentonla, .18. Dun well, 03. ' Golconda, .09. Minto, .33. Meridian, .09. Morning Star, .01?4. National Silver, .03J5 Noble Five, .02. Pend Oreille, .75. Porter Idaho, .03." Premier, 3.05. Reeves McDonald, .06. Reno, 1.21. Relief Arlington, Zl'z-Salmon Gold, .11. Taylor Bridge, .09. Wayside, ,102. United Empire, .022. .Central Patricia, 4.00. Ghlbougamau, 1.75. Gods Lake, 1.10. v fnT. ' NlcEiir 53.85: Lee Gold, .07. Little Long Lac, 5.80. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.73. Pickle Grow, 6.85. Rod Lake Gold Shore, 1.95. San Antonio, 175. Shcrritt Gordon, 1.55. Slscoe, 4.55. Smelters Gold, .08. ' Sturgeon River, .42. . Ventures, 2.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.85. Hardrock, 2.95. Oklend, .32. Mosher, .51. Bousquet, ,11. . r Bldsoj?d,.Klrklandr 1.75. Ma'dsen Red Lake, 1.12. May Spler.i .39. Wlnoga Patricia, .28. Sullivan, 2.06. Stadacona, .64. Greene Staybell .52. Frontier Red Lake, .26. Francocur, 1.74. Manitoba & Eastern, 24. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 4434c per ounce New York1 -metal market NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER trocities Are USSIA IS AGITATED Bvitt Circles Have Jitters As He- PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, AUGUST 31, 1936. High,... Low aay nigni naa coverea 713 Knots at onamons before taking off on a speed of 31 knots per hour and a round trip flight from Nov 2000 knots at 30.59 knots per hour, I York to London and back. Poo' record, undlsputably beating the weather prevented their take-off The Queen Mary captured the;at the week-tend. westward record outbound a little' over a week ago and now has surpassed etery mark set by the Speedy Work By Police In Case Of (Jold Theft John Clausen at 10 o'clock this Meeting Of Two John Buchans In New Westminster NEW WESMINSTER, Aug. 31:- Two John Buchans met In Nev I Westminster at the end of tht , lr- I nomine reported to the city oollce I grader. They found that they had hat Hniw thP y mnnth hq'been bora In nearby towns in lhomi on F.tohth Avpmm West had I een robbed during his absence of a considerable quantity of gold ewelry estimated In value1 at up-yards of $70. Constables Stewart vid Mlddleton were soon on the ob and, as a result of tracing from nuggets and a ring which had been llsposed of at a Jewelry store, had irrested Kid Sang, Chinese, at his ' jabln back of the Armory by 11:3C a.m. Considerable of the missing lewelry was found in a grip at Kid Bang's place. He is charged with breaking and entering. Canadian Stream- Lined Train Fast Attained Speed of 103 Miles Per Hour on Prairies Yesterday PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Aug.j 31: The new Canadian Paciltc Railway seml-streamllned train which is to be put In service In Western Canada reached a maximum speed of 103 miles per hour yesterday after leaving here on Its way to the Pacific Coast. Little Daughter Of Pastor Loses Life By Drowning VANCOUVER, Aug, 31: (CP)-Dorothy June Creelman, three year old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E C. Creelman of Vancouver, wn drowned at Red Roofs summer resort on Half Moon Bay between Vancouver and Pender Harbor. Rev. R. C. Creelman Is a young Vancouver pastor and a close per-i sonal friend of Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, pastor of First Presbyterian Church here. Hansard Editor Dies in Ottawa George Simpson, Who Got Out House of Commons Debates, Passes Away Her Disappearance Is Still Unsolved Police Unable to Reach Solution In Case of Mrs. Mathew Davis VANCOUVER. Aug. 31: Police investigation of the disappearance of Mrs. Mathew Davis of Victor: i from the steamer Princess Joan between Victoria and Vancouver at the end of the week continues but so far without success. Tl t woman could not be accounted for after the steamer docked in Vancouver. It has been learned that she suffered a nervous breakdown recently. Premier Ends Island Tour Mr. Pattullo Back in Victoria Alter Flight In Which Number Of Points Were Visited VICTORIA. Aug. 31: (CP) -Premier T. D. Pattullo landed here Jate Friday after completing a flight around Vancouver Island In a chartered plane. Stops wer mad at sevearl nolnts fnr ifap. OFFICERS ARE SLAIN .. 0:44 a.m. 13:15 p.m. .. 7:06 am. 19:25 pm. 1 21.8 ft. 21.1 ft. 2.2 ft. 3.4 ft. fRICE: S CENTS Continuing in Soain 1 Laie Telegraphs Missionaries Slain ADDIS ABABA Word reached Addis Ababa today of the slaying by native bandits of two missionaries attached to the Sudan mission. One was a Canadian, Thomas L. Devers, and the other a New Zealander. King's Yacht in Accident ATHENS With King Edward on deck, the yacht Nahlin struck a bridge today in the Strait of Chalkis. The yacht, carrying the King on an Adriatic holiday, was apparently not seriously KING COULD PREVENT WAR Major J. S. Roper Says He Is One Man Who Could Keep Peace In Europe QUEEN MARY MAKES MARK Great British; Steamer Betters Round Trip Record Of Normandie SOUTHAMPTON, Ang. 31: (CP) The giant new British liner Queen Mary rounded Bishop's Rock at 8:12 last night, having set a new high speed Atlantic round trip re.tord; ulidlsputably beating the former record of the French liner' Landon To Make Principal Talk At Des Moines DES MOINES, Aug. 31: The major agricultural speech of his election campaign will be delivered here on September 21 by Governor Alfred M. Landon, Republican candidate for chief executive, It was announced on Saturday. Actor to Fly Across Ocean! i Madrid Is Terrorized Spanish Capital Under Martial Law Organized Massacres San Sebastian Siege U.S. Protest Normandie. The Queen Mary made ,,arry Rlchman and Dick MerriT Bombing of American Destroyer Is " Awaiting Suitable weather ' days, 23 hours, 51 minutes, three xo Leave New York 1 hours, 31 minutes less than the Latest International Incident Normandie's time. The average NEW YORK, Aug. 31:-Harry MAnmn a, 5i. ippmhh speed was 30.63 knots as compared Rlchman. noted sUge and screen u under vlrtual martlal law as with Normandie s 30.34 knota last and his 'ar, pilot Dick Merrill, troops. patrol the streets In the en-year. The Queen Mary up to awaiting favorable weather Vee tu people who have become terrorized and panic-stricken as a result of the first rebel air raid of the city. Organized massacres are being reported from all parts of the' coun try. Two thousand are said to have been assassinated in Madrid since the civil war started. Rebel forces were making another determined effort to capture Sari Sebastian, key port of the north coast. A rebel threat that Irunt northern Spanish town, r, i would be bombarded bv land, sea other a New Westminster lumbernd alr- as caused the flight ot wwiucu aiiu w intuitu nuui uicic ai Hendayey. France. ; There was bloody lighting on all frots-jesterday-wiUiJlttlechange-in the general situation. Prisoners Exposed IRUN, Spain, Aug. 31: (CP) Government defenders of Irun brought three hundred rebel pris oners into the bombarded city tonight and announced they would be exposed at the most dangerous points to insurgent bombs. All old men, women and children of Republican families were sent across the border to safety at Hen-daye, France, but anti-Republicans were forced to remain as combined land, sea and air bombardment was believed Imminent. Early bombing caused little da mage. Burnings at Stake BURGOS, Spain. Aug. 31: (CP)-, Public burning at the stake of seven suspected rebel sympathizers and murder of the bishops of Segovia and Cuenca were Included in a new series of atrocities charged against loyalist forces by rebel leaders today. American Ship Bombed WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 31: United States was projected Into the centre of the international si tuation arising out of the Spanish civil war last night when Secretary of State Cordell Hull, on instructions of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, sent a strong protest to both the government and rebels at of the attempted bombing of U. S. S purpose permitting the Premier to study local requirements. The plane was piloted by Capt. E. C. W Dobbin and the Premier was ac companied by his secretary, Ben Hethey, and Kenneth Drury, editor of the Victoria Times. Kane, a destroyer, by an unidenti fied airplane thirty-eight miles off the coast of Spain Sunday afternoon. The Kane was not struck but returned the fire of the aircraft, which dropped six bombs, without effect. The protest to the Spanish government was sent through the United States ambassador at Madrid and that to General Francisco Franco, supreme rebel commander, j through the American minister at Seville. The Kane had been sent to the Three Lose Lives at Hands of Men Spanish coast to evacuate Amerl- They Sought to Apprehend YREKA, Cal, Aug, 31: Deputy Sheriffs Martin Lange, 45, and Joseph Clark, 65, and Fred Seaborn, 48, United States Navy pilot at Mare Island, were killed Sunday In can refugees. Hecord Is Set In Vancouver To Prairie Hop LETHBRIDGE, Aug. 31: Her- J a gun battle with John and Cokert Holllck-Kenyon landed here OTTAWA, Aug. 31: (CP) George '( Bright, brothers whom the sheriffs at the end of the week after lop-Slmpson, aged 69, editor of the of-( sought to arrest for assaulting a'plng three hours off the pre-ftclal record of House of Commons neighbor. The brothers,, both of.vlous record for a flight from ths debates, died Saturday. whom 'are miners; fled to the hills. Pacific Coast city to this point. :it I