f ao rotm (low Science Explains Why So Many Peppje Past 40 Feel Tliat They're Slipping L8liJgTheirMGrjiWonthii,jr, Many people 'round 40 think they're crowing old." They feel tired a jot , , . "weak." Have headaches, dizziness, stomach upsets. Well, scientists say.the cause of all this, in a great many eases, is simply an acid condition of the stomach. Nothing more. AH you.havc to do is to neutralize the excess stomach acidity. When you have one of these acid stomach upsets, take Phillips' ;Mjlk of Magnesia after meals and before? going to bed. That's all!'' ' Try this. Soon you'll feel like nnother person! Take either" the familiar liquid "PHII.MPS' " or the convenient new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Made in Canada. ALSO IS TABLET rOK.lfi Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tab-Mi are now on. sale at all drue stores vywtwrf . Lacti tiny Ub pwuin let utli equivalent oj a twpoonhjl d Cm- n.. . . . SPECIAL Chevrolet MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 1936 Licence Just Like New $950.00 - Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Easter Lillies And All Kinds Of Cut Flowers ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave. Phone 635 We sell circulation. We have It. Garden Hoes Rakes Turfcdgers Buttp.nl Button I wo's. got rjiwj tbuttons.i The. DoUir' Store ,ot! icpurse. " fr days. I Miss Viola Johnson arrived In i the city on Thursday nighty train! ;"v aujiyoj leacniflg, quiies in the Interior to spend the Easter vacation at n.er nome here. idUs. as part of its. Easter decora tions much like the bjg city high' class shoe stores, ' sqi Miss Helen McCaffery. arrived !n the city on Thursday night's taUf ifrom her school teaching dUjtijs jat Hubert to spend the Easter vacation yflth her parents, Mj;. and .Mrs. M, P. McCaffery. B. s. Morgan, manager of the iBlllmor Spruce Mills sawmill at I Porpoise Harbor, returned to, the jetty on the Princess Adelaide ye?-terday aftei(nobn from a brief I business trip- to, Vancouxer. 1. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party Commodore Cabaret. Queen Mary Daffodil Dance. Eas1 ter Monday. ' Easter Novelty - Dance, Hall.' April '13 - ' '' Moose Hospital Charity Radl. April 15, Moose Hall. Premier prchestra. St. Andrew's Cathedral Easter sale. April 16. Dancing display, Oddfellows' " Hall, April 17. . , J Free public mass display of physical education, program, Saturday, April it 'ExHJ.bltlon Building: Cambral Chapter "Leap Year Dance" April 24. United Spring' Sale. April 30.- ' qyro 'Hoedpwh; Mppse -all. KJa.y St Peter's Spring Sale, May 7. Elks' Kiddles Flag Day May 25: ' Supplier Spades SfcX?U Mftttttcs, Wheelba9.V SEEDS THOMPSON HARDWARE QQ, The fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish.& Gold St$ foM PRINCE RUPERT, B.O. Cash for old gold. Beri, (tf) Mig. Jaclj Woods, (nnette; Stone,) Y f-PnciP.POnce. Rupert ior a holldav trip f of ?9tM Street School. saned Vftvnnpn;;; - Thursday night on the rnceR-; "' " i iur apner trip, to Vancouver.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jov sailed . ,, ' j Thursday night .on the Prince u- tis-'lz sPtor L 9l.&)& pert for a trip to Vancouver;; They Prince Rupert for Vancouver andjjacJc Jr. 1 ' Victoria to sj$n& this .'hoilfi . " : Miss Eleanor Motley, arrived In. city, on, Thursday, night's,: "train from her school teaching duties at Pacific - to; spen& the Easier Xacaiion at her home here. Miss Janet and Rochester left on I i-K. . - , t - -- - LOCAL NEWS NOTES Master, llaj-ry. In.l . I ' I .. vapt. VY, P. Armour, manaeer of 41" . . . r . ' ' I ivirs. james A. urown. Biuiiuiiiuiiier, v . , j lalde yesterday afternoon from a' MUSIC TEACHERS AND PUPILS Tk Toronto CoBwrvttAnr of Mmic MU-atintmor Local niiiiiio(i for KJ6'MU to held titougljout. tl IXraiolon fat June and Jul neit.-J'AppllcitloB anI-er of Candidal ftom Vrttiik Coltmbja; Alberta. Saakaicbtwail, ManiuA and North Wit! era Ontario (Sautt Sit. Mafje Treat afdi mm readi Uk Conservatory not later una MAY irr, ias ' Application 'forma and Annual Syllabi can-Uiainj (ull particulars wilt ba called e - - request. - - TOHONTO CONSERVATOR OK rVJUf IC " TO6NTO a K. Bonallo of Sunnyslde cannery, sailed Thursday night on the, Prinqe Rupert for a trip to Van bijiel business tr,ip to Vancouver, J . Q w,.m . :beeri'a patient In the Prince Ruperi' I Uhi'prtn if eo u ?tlJ 8 ".eneraj Hospital for three, mon, I . hW U. evidenced VT' W abieW leae yesterday for her even m Family Columbia Teachers' Federation 1 Miss Connie Morean arrived In the -city on Thursday' night's train (rom her school teaching duties'at Colleymount, Francois'' Lakej to spend th? Easter, vaatlpn, vijlth her parpnts, Mr and Mrs. Bert M9r- ?an, Leeas Apartments. Dr. A. L. Prltchard of the staff of the Biological, Station at De parture Bay, Vancouver Island, WMt Q th? city on tbe.JPrinc?ss Adelaide-jrestor aftfrnopn fjrpjn, the .south and 'sailed last night on ie Prince J9hn fpr Massett It In' connect.ipjft with' pirc alinon Investigation there. Miss M, O. Blackstock of Medicine Hat, Alberta, arrived In the. eft oh 'the' Princess Adelaide yesterday atternopn from the south, to pay a visit with her brother and "'sister-in-law1, Mr. and Mcs w. M. Blackstock, lrs. Jj. H. Mair. after having month longer. K. A. Hunter, who has been identified with. t,he staff, of Qrmes Limited here for the past year or so, and Mrs,. Hunter will be ieaylng for Vancouver at the end ot the month. Orme Stewart, who! recently graduated in pharmacy, is returning here f'roni Vancouver. Tqdqots Weqtthpr Terrace Heavy rain, south wind, 38. " Ahyox Raining, calm, 34. Stewart " Heavy wet snow, calm, 32. . ' ' ijazejton Cloudy, caJhj, 45. Sinlth?r,s Xiht rafn, windy, mild'. Burns Lake Windy, 33. CHURCH NOTICES Preacher Rev. W. D. tirant Hollin gworth, B.A. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Stuh 11 A.M, Sermon Subjecti "THE; EASTER .VICTORY" U:15 Sulay SchbpJI :k:30, Vfestvlew School 7i30 PJM. A Dramatlatlonj pjf trie Easter. MeasagePresen-.'ted with new different and Impressive pageantry; Something that you will be pleased to remember! ' ,MrhlhgJ,unlor trio, 'fSwing Snowy Lilies." Antheip, "Christ i$ Risen,." Anthem, "Praise Ye the Lord," iolo.lst, Mi$s Bety Wood. Evening Antbem, "le. 1$ Risen (Witty). Anthenv, .'In b .. Cross of Christ I Qtory.' Solo, "Open the Gates o . Temple," Mjps. H. N. Brocklesby. '11 visitors welcome. Plan to, go to church Eatejf Sunday. " C. Df CLRKIE, Minister . jbojU L$a,d,er18 pr ganlst J?S."wilson, Geo. Wilson Miss S. Olafson, A.T.c!m. ESTEJ SERVICES, llAM., SubiecV- -"IN APTyEI WM$'J Muslif by the. Junior Chplr 'ltaQPAt.. S,ubetJ -THjE SI9WFICANCE Of. EAj3TEg"( 'Sojb; "Open ' :tie, Pfa,t?s. ' of the. Temple,. Mr. Norman " Redmatj WCOA.Ta ALL ; ie' exeiilr seryijce, will be brpadcast pyer sttljpn CPR. .'riM'' :'- -' " ST ANDMEWS CATUEDMAL (phurch of England.) Very Eev, X B. Gibson, Dean .11 A;M,., MPiJhiiiJPJCftyeX andJioly. Cpmm union Subject, '-'TUB RESURRECTION' Anthem, "Hall .Risen Lord" 'V ; Andrew l;lVltoK. G. LenoxMEv Presentation of Lenten offerings 7:30 P.M., Evening Praye and Sermon 'Subject, "THE, PO.W.ER. jjV xyg URJRETWN" Anhem "Tley. fl$ Taken, Away My, Lpr" t$T PAUVS LUTHERAN CHURCH LAWRENCE C. JENSEN, Pastor EASTER S UND A Y " .,; 11 A.M., "THE 'nESURRECTED CHRISr' (English) Anthem, "Christ the Lord Is Risen Again," Girls ..Choir Solo, "He Arose,'" Mrs. Karl Dybhavn 7:3ft p.m,, "imm wm. m w m m-9mmw (Noreglanl All Are Welcome v W. J.pnes, Port Eslngton schqpt prthclpaj," . sailed Thursday nlgatl on the - Prince Hupert to spend Xita Easter holidays In Vancouver. ; .Tonight's, train du?; .'tepm thft . iasi at u:i:u, was r,epoi,ea in mornlnsr 'to be ' ttyo hours late which would bring, it In, Ojt, I2:2ftj miamgni. Thomas Anderson. suDerinten- !dent pC the Tucks Inlet leducjion ,paant, sanea jast, mgni on me. Brmce&j Adeiaiae ior a tup to " yanMuyeir, i Miss Patricia Nlcholls, daughter of CoL and Mrs. :J. "W. Nicholl?,' sailed Thursday nkht 9ri l IhfiJ rruice tuiperi, tu, cpeitu ine r.usier holidays in Victoria. Her mother ajid. brother are already In the, south. Miss May Jones arrived in tbe city pn T.bufy nights .train trorn ner scnocu teacninz duties at Cedtfrvale to "spend the Easter iiuuaays ui iter iiuintr iieref Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson and spnpl Smlthexs. arrlved.h the, city. uom vne, lnvcrjor on inursay night's train and sailed aboard the "Prince Rupert for Vancouver." Mr, Thompson, who Is dispatche? for the Canadian National RaU-i ways, at smitners. recently met wim an acciaent 10. nis leg ara. has. to use crutches to get 4r(uhcf. ClAssiFiEO FOR RENT CLEAN, well furnished modern' apartment. PJaone Red ' 444. (86) FOR RElfr Fle. roomed .modern uat. pnone Red. 12s. (tf) ' 1 -' L MODERN 5-room house on Biggajh t-iace. pnone oreen 378. (tf). ?OR SALE QUEBEC Heater, linoleum, kitchen trie rngette. Green 938. (91) TROLLING Boat: for sale, 'complete" . with gear. $550 cash". Phone. Black 461. . .(tf) FOR SALE econhan .doors jgppd as new. tH. Mcpherson. .Phone Black 442. , (87) ' ' ' " . . GEN.TLEMEN Personal drug" SUnJ "iica. UI0UC itHkC&U. UCJ Ivered, l5'for $i. fplaln wrapper), Tin Mt in Cimnln TCI 'n.nV..M Vancouver. GIRL For housewTOk, iveS; ex- ' ' ' T I .1 n . i months." Write C; A: McCpuiough, Premier. B.C. (88) MALE HELP WANTED LESSON from the depression-' vEe a :C1y1. Servant ppstnijan, Customs Examiner,. Clerk,, dten ographer, etc. Free "BopKleV "How. to get a .Government. Job.?. M.C.C. Civil ServlceSchool, Wim. . nlpegi : PERSONAL PRIVATEllome Kindergartens pay (We start-.you'. The;Canadlan Kln?j (l:dergarten Institute,'' Winnipeg.' Tmn& Coal Cartag e mm m atuidajci April-. 11, J9S8 II ' ut ad rr- rr RASPBERRY JAM TT)it. pur Im, Ji icltl for lunchej nd one : ttt conenfa of tin, 90 ever t(o. iiicn (rtti Chocolates Easter .Ait'.- &PPS (Vancoyr), - . , NELSONS ' -4 m Gfte .:' CADBURVS .(English) SPRING e 11 f. .4 eURS (English), TRAP CHOCQL i. h m l-;lb, bpx OrmesLtd The Rcxall Str Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays nd Holidays From 12 noon 'till 2 p.m? J p.m. till 9 p.m. iT. -ZZT - - - - . v 444iuU4, If you shpulrj-improve your home with new furni- ;'':t we buy what you cannot use. Used Furniture AT REASONABLE PRipSl Beirs; prefers, nirintf Room Suites, Chma Cabinets, Tables; '.Chairs Iackihes, Electric Y?sWn.?. iVaiAincs,' Radios, Etc. offic 31a Stcoad Avmif. mm X D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE