AERIAL SEARCH IS NARROWED flier and His Bride learca Lost Last Sunday in Vicinity ui Ketchikan Coastguard vessels are search ing at present north and south of Ketchikan for an airplane with Albert Almosllno of Seat on tle, cxperiencca pnoi, ana nis bride aboard. The plane, to be I delivered to Alaska, left Seattle last Saturday for Juneau and put at Alert Bay for the night. two The next day she left Alert Bay in continuation of the flight north. Skipper of a cannery tender from Alaska reported that I he had seen a plane flying In a In snowstorm near Lowe Inlet in I firtnville Channel Sunday after- noon. The search for Lino and his Ibride had, apparently, centred to la distance of some fifty miles between Cape Fox and Ketchikan a today when It became known according to radio advices received a here, that a plane believed have been Almoslino's passed Tree I'oint lighthouse about 5 ip.m, on Sunday, The plane was J seen by the lighthouse keeper at i prte Point. SIGHTED BY SEVERAL I I This would coincide with the rmorts that the plane had been I rated about 3 p.m. that day by Othe cannery tender near Lowe Net in Grenvlllc Channel and nbout an hour later by people Pol the west end of Prince Rupert 'fjlng low over Dlgby Island in Very poor visibility. It Is also re and ported to have been seen flying near Metlakatla and Port Nmpson. It was stated here this morn- !'nc that the coastguard cutter had left Ketchikan to tisane frch the area. Tree Tolnt is some thirty or Sjorty miles north of Prince Ru pert and is In Alaskan territory. Later the search turned north i pf Ketchikan with the coastguard fitter Alert prowling around I i pvilla r.lgedo Channel. I Weather conditions have been extremely unfavorable for fly- I K and it Is possible the shin has ln forced to take shelter from It the elements although, as time ' ''apses, anxiety as to Its safety .the creases. Mr. and Mrs. Lino tre married In s rink. p. ' 'ks ago. The steamer Canlcna, arriving "ere this morning from various Joints along the coast, Including yvt Inlet, had no Information Carding the missing plane. Nor the Princess ArielalHi. ar. fivinff yesterday afternoon from suth, have any word. If the "c U safe at all. it must he ! smc vcrv Isolate point. 'remicr Pattullo Has Left Ottawa I rime MinUlir r "14 Mas tin AnnAtMMAMAM Tn fl'akc as to Progress of NcRotiatlons ! l&A,.. April. 11: Fnllnwln PROVINCIAL LIBRARY Vj r , Today's Weather omorrow s Tid es' 0Q Prince Rupert Raining, strong High 3:49 a.m. 19.3 it. southeast wind; barometer, 29.94; 17:04 p.rh. 16.0 It. temperature, 42; sea choppy. Low 10:45 a.m. 5.3 ft. or 22:45 p.m. 9.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Ho. M. "V XXV, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS Vol. nvprences with the federal mains were placed to be taken to ffih nv?r nnanclai affairs 'Vancouver for Interment this nattPrV Ii,Y.lumoia and i uiiivii,.. ptherrforn.-n ..nder iindir Masonic Masonic auspices UUAUICCS eft n ,c"cr T D PattUllO lore W,7.:" Thursday night. Be - lipnt ne "ad no announce- V tiPffn.,ir,ake as 10 the progress lN Flip. J2ND0M, AprTil:C. J. Me;. 1,slance fiw u ... . JL s ana yesterday for a. flight to iiiSASTERS NOT FAR AWAY FROM HERE Alberta Debt To Be Refunded Soon Treasury Now Working on it, Says Aberhart Hopes For Success Within Ninety Days EDMONTON, April 11: (CP) "The entire $160,000,000 Alberta debt will likely be refunded within ninety days," Premier William Aberhart said Thursday. "The treasury department is working It now," he added. The Alberta Legislature pro rogued this week after the first session under the new Social Credit government. One hundred and bills were passed during the session, one of the last being that authorizing the setting up of a provincial bank. Social Credit members have been caucus since prorogation to consider means of implementing promises made to the electorate during the election campaign. Overtures to B. C. Alberta government overtures to British Columbia government with view to establishing a bl-provin-clal bank were reported today to be possibility. Premier William Aberhart would say only: "It might be an Idea but we haven't done anything about It yet." Premier Aberhart Is going to the Pacific Coast next week for a holiday. MARILYN MILLER IS LAID AT REST) Many Pay Final Tribute to Stage And Screen Favorite NEW YORK, April 11: The funeral of Marilyn Miller, dancing singing star of stage and screen, took place Thursday afternoon from St. Bartholomews-Church here. Thousands paid tribute to the memory of the highly popular entertainer Two Men on Trial; Rnhhprv Charepd Townsend. founder of the Town-noooery Knargea Cnd old age penslons plan declar. . David Anderson and James Lawlcr of resigning as head of the organl-I Are Before Assizes in Van- zatlon but Intended to stay with It ' rouvrr Now untl1 H waS PUt into effect. : Dr. Townscnd stated that he to Induce Corner was endeavoring vAMpnnvrn VANCOUVER. April Anrii n-riviri 11. -Davit. gm vlce.preldent of the pen. Anderson and James Lawler aie si0ns organization, to run as sena- now on trial at the Supreme Court tor In Oklahoma. 'Assizes here on charges of rob-1 ...111. I -1 - . n nAHHAAtn Derv wiiii vioicuti; m cuimrenuii Iwlth the hold-up of a branch of Commercial Drive and Grave-j ley Street branch .of the Royal Bank of Canada when bandits es- with $3000. Anderson and ; r1. t . Phi J lawicr were aucsicu .a.i v,...- cago and extradited. The trial was adjourned from Thiircrinv until Tuesday and the w Jury was locked ud meantime. Masons Pay Final Tribute to Memory Of Leading-Member There was a large Masonic assemblage Thursday night to pay final tribute to the memory of the late Ocorge A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil Co. and prominent pioneer citizen, who died suddenly on Tuesday. A full i i i -i i Masonic service was i.em m , u.c Masonic Temple alter wnicn mere to the steam was a long procession un w.v. v.w .v Cr prince Hupcit u.i". I 1 with Empire Lodge m wuB "'" Rev. H. B. scuaamuic onn.unB. At the wharf there was a garnering of ex-service men Including veterans of the South African campaign. There was also a guard of honor from First North B. C. Regiment. The widow and niece, Miss Gertrude MacKenzie, accompanied the remains south. PROGRESS IS REPORTED TOWARD SETTLING RHINE LAND ISSUE GENEVA, April llLocarno Pact nations met yesterday to consider the Rhlneland remlll- tarlzatlpn situation with spe- clal reference to the French and German plans for a settlement of the crisis. It was intimated after the meeting that "satisfactory progress" had been made towards hav- lng France agree to a British plan of agreement .on the Rhlneland issue. SPAIN IN TURMOIL Ousting of President Zamora Falls 1 To Bring Order j MADRID, AOrir 11 ClvP co dltlons are still far from tranqul 'n Spain following the political upheaval at the middle of this week as a result of which Diezo Mar-Inez Barlo, Republican leftist, assumed the presidency In place ol Nlceto Zamora. president since Ihe declaration of the republic in 1931. who was ousted by the Parliament of Deputies on a vote of 238 to 5 m the grounds that he did not sxerclse his functions properly in -onnectlon with the dissolving ol me last rarnamcnt. zamora, an ardent Roman-Catholic, had been gradually incurring the enmity of the leftists. Political disorders In various parts of the country are still reported. Dr. Townscnd To Stay With Plan Denies That He is Resigning As Head of Old Age Pension Organization j BALTIMORE. Md., April 11: Contradicting reports published earner m tne week, Dr. Francis E. ed nere mat rw .had no intention KooseVelt IS In Washington After Holiday Cruisel WASHINGTON. D.C.. April 11: pr.,1(,.nt tv9ntiin n nnnspvplt. following his seventeen-day cruise to the West Indies, returned to Washington yesterday to resume nffnlaii W anK landed at ..ia,i? Ul He had Miami on Wednesday . and spent Thursday at Warm Springs, Ga. ! Influenza Zd xl At Ocean Falls! Schools, Theatre and Beer Parlor Closed as Malady Sweeps I Paper Town ' Owing to an epidemic of lnflu- schools, theatre, beer parlor . d th ub,. t 0cm Falls have been closed down this week, according to word reachlnp the clty yesterdayi A large , per- of' the popula pulalon of the ... I. l I fm in faci tuwii 13 5UUCUUB "ui" v" complaint which is general throughout the district. PENSIONS IN MONTANA HELENA, Montana, April 11; All arrangements have been made by this state for a system of' $30 a m6hth'6ld' age pensions, payment of which will commence on May 1. , Late Telegraphs J KIMBERLEY WINS FIRST WINNIPEO, Klmberley Dynamiters defeated Sudbury Falcons two to nothing Thursday nUht in the first of the two out of three final series for the Allan Cup. i LEAFS BEAT WINGS TORONTO After traPing Detroit three goals wlh seven minutes to go, Toronto Maole Leafs accomplished the feemlngly lm-Dossible Thursday night, tyln-r tho 'core In the dying moments anrl winning four to three In 31 second-of overtime. The Reel Wuvs now have a two to one 1 advantage in tames in the three out of five series for the Stanley Cun. The fourth game will be "played in Toronto tonight. KILLED ON BRIDGE VANCOUVER Herbert Delf of Abbotsford and Mrs. Daniel Win-ton of Vancouver were killed almost instantly when -a car believed driven by Delf crashed Into a gir der on the Granville Street Bridge early yesterday mornlmr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davies vt Vancouver. Miss Sonlca Johnson of Altergrove via Daniel wingtor, husband of the dead woman, are In hospital with serious Injuries.' those of Mrs. Davies being critical , i SIR FRANK BARNARD DIES VICTORIA Sir Frank Barnard.1 82. Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia from 1914 to 1921. died suddenly today. HINDENBURG 'LANDS FREIDRICHSHAFEN The new German dlrlelbte Hlndenbure was safe hack here at 0:30. last evening SURF INLET MINE f, BEING REOPENED ' The famous old Belmont mine at Surf Inlet.'ln wjilch ! new capital was recently, ln- terested by the Princess Rdyal Mines Ltd., is being reopened v at once. Aboard the steamer t Cardena, which was In port this morning, was a party of nine men, who will be em- ployed at the property, as well ! as supplies. The Cardena Is I calling at Surf Inlet today on her southbound run. The steamer Catala Is also brlnz- lng more men north from ' Vancouver this week-end eri-route to Surf Inlet. ' TALKS TO LAB0RITES i Rev. C. D. Clarke Speaker on ''Co- operation" Before Trades And Labor Council Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church and leader In the local Co-operative Commonwealth Federation movement, appeared before the Prince Rupert Trades it rWsVSY.i and delivered a strong and inf or - 1 mauve address on the sublect of ;tne co-operative movement. He and Influence to Norway and other 'Scandinavian countries and j apreaaing io unuea states and from" her f irst"?llght V Brazil. -.hav-f told'hoW the'taovement; had 'had its Incr limned hnme with engine loreln In Ensrlanrf. o-rnwlncr (n cmns trouble. IU.HM1 mis hijs Kirk was elected on Thursday to ii a. n it rw-ti j 1 1 ilderman for Ward I." He defeated J. H. Shinnlck 665 to 559. EMPEROR IN FLIGHT ROME His uniform abandoned. I his beard shaven of f and disguised ! is a peasant as he rode a donkey, Smperor Halle Selassie was repot- ted yesterday to be in flight after a narrow escape from hostile na- tlves. Meantime the Italians con-1 tinue their advance from Dessye towards Addis Ababa. SITUATION IS There was a large attendance at!natlonaL.S.mens ,Unln' and tkA i n ii a Macdonald was In the chair. Cre- identlals from the Canadian Legion King, executive secretary of the t0T Jack Preece and George Mur- Pacific Coast division of thp Mar- ray were presented as well as for fnaJ "i,,?, in , mnnpltfnn ,ne Firmens Union. connection R. G. Macaulay of the Electrical ; Workers' Union, succeeding F. W.,with the current lntra-unlon dls- jments are adhered to In local Jap Lieutenant Reported Killed Inistorcs. This was complied with and. Clash With Russians (members were urged to support merchants who were endeavoring i to comply with the regulations lnl TOKYO, April 11: (CP) Reports L rcSDect to hours of work and mini-. Harbin. Manchukuo, said Tn.Msri thnt a Jananese lleuten- ' ' 7 . , , , ant had been killed j In a new clash icu yUh Russian soldiers as feeling between' the two countries became : more . tense. Tt It was stated ctatPrt that that a a Russian Dano naa invanea man- chukuoan territory and that both sldes started shooting at the same time. Terms of Pact Published MOSCOW, April 11: Terms of the mutual assistance pact between Soviet Russia and Outer M6ngolla hiivp hppn nnhllshpri hpre. Thfi riant provides for the one country to, go (n th.'.Un nth,nt,ni i MI Hit. lUU Vt bllV V- I1VV WJ resisting but in preventing attack from an outsider nation, The Nationalist government of China has officially protested at the treaty. Way Is Clear For Administration To Sfnrt Rill Wnvhtntr " OTTAWA, May 11: (CP)-r-As a -esult of the last minute spurt be- fore adjournment Wednesday re suiting In the National Employment I Commission Bill being given third reading, rushed through thei Senate and accorded Royal Assent, j the administration has free scope , during the Easter recess to make the necessary appointments and start the commission going..' ifatamp - vincent who has left the city. ... There was a resolution from the unemployed association protesting against employment conditions In , the city. The council gave ehdor - : satlon to the resolution and Janws 1 oiacK ana j. j. uuns were appointed delegates to a mass meet- lne to be held ADrll 24. A communication from the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Asso:latlon aslwd co-operation of the council In endeavoring to see that Hours of Work Act require mum wages. The council pledged itself to co-operate in every way possible with the association in fnls matter There was a letter from Adam Bell In reply to a protest sent in connection witn conditions at tne reductlon plant In the matter of nours of worlc Mr BelI potnted out that the plant was exemdt un- der the act but that a thorough In vestigation wouia oe maue. The mpptlnp nrntestpri at the nollcv of women belns: reauired to work' for relief In Prince Rupert, No other municipality in the pro- ,owed thls pollcy. lt was statedi I j j i r Admiral Usumi Urges Japan To Be Strong Armed TOKYO, April 11: Admiral Os-uinl, militarist-leader of Japah, In an Interview here, declared that, In view of the present state of lni tetnatlonal affairs, lt Is essential fpr Japan to keep her army and n&vy ud to the Deak of strength. Admirai Osuml alluded especially Un thp nrmlnff nrtiult.lps nf Rliiulfl.. Great Britain and United States with which he felt lt was necessary for Japan to keep pace. AUTHORESS OPERATED. ON NEW YORK, Aril 11: Mary Roberts RInehart, notedauthoress, underwent a minor operation In hospital here yesterday; . She Is doing well and will be able to re turn to her home In a few days. Roosevelt Favored For President Over Borah In Wisconsin MILWAUKEE, April 11: In presidential primaries for Wlscon- sln, resident Franklin D. Roosevel. was favored oyer Senator William E Borah by a vote of 29,000 to 23,-000. Daniel Holm, Socialist mayor oJ Milwaukee for twenty years, ha been re-elected by a majority o.' 13,000 over his nearest opponent -T Early Resident Of Prince Rupert Dies Late B. R. Harrison of Vancouver Passes -Mrs. Reddle Goes South Mrs. J. O. Reddle sailed last night for Vancouver where she has been called to attend the fu- Incral of B. R. Harrison, husband of her niece, who passed away suddenly. The late Mr. Harrison will be remembered In the early days in Prince Rupert, having been engaged for a year or so In the paint (merchandising business here. For seven years he has been in the ,mPrUn& and exporting business at Vancouver. Murder n j Conspiracy Charges Dismissed . Intra-Union Marine nisnuU rmi tinues In Saiv Francisco, ,v. SAN FRANCOSCO, April Jl. Charges against Ivan Hunter, Chi cago, vice-president of the Inter- ' -i a jji p.h imp a Wjth conspiracy to murder Ea:l .pute among Pacific Coast seamen, were dismissed here Thursday, Kln aiwed that a man had been ivn?a'leg 7 . !?J? . j, hired by Hunter for $500 to de pose of him (King.) Hunter com- pletely denied this charge. 2'01d Country Soccer GOOD FRIDAY SCORES English League First Division Arsenal 4, West Bromwlch 0. Aston Villa 4, Wolverhampton : Blackburn 2, Liverpool 2. Bolton 1, Preston 1. Chelsea 1, Derby County I. Everton 1, Brentford 2. I Grimsby Town 3, Stoke City 0. Manchester City 1, Leeds United , 3 Portsmouth 0, Huddersflqld 0. i Sheffield Wednesday - Middlesbrough (unpiayed). 1 ' Sunderland 2. Birmingham 1. TODAY'S SCORES : English League; First Division Aston Villa 2. Manchester City ?. Brentford 3, Grimsby Town 0 Derby County 2, Leeds United 1. Everton 5, West Bromwlch Albion 3. . Huddersfleld Town 1, Birmingham 0. Middlesbrough 2. Arsenal 2. Portsmouth 2, Chelsea 0. Preston Northend 3, Liverpool 1. Sheffield Wednesday 0. Black burn Rovers 0. Wolverhampton Wanderers I. Stoke City 1. Scottish Lea;ue: First Divhion Aberdeen 6, Albion Rovers 1, Airdrieonlans 1. Motherwell 1. Arbroath 0, Celtic 2. Ayr United 1, Dunfermlllne 2 Cldye 1, Hearts 0. Hamilton Academicals 1, Rangers 0. Hibernians 3, Third Lanark 0. Partlck Thistle 1. Dundee 1. Queens Park 1, Kilmarnock 0. Queen of South 1, St. Johnstons GOLD PRICES TWO DEAD INCRASH Ketchikan Pilot and Mechanic Meet Death in Search For Missing Couple KETCHIKAN, April '11: As they were starting on a search for Albert Almosllno and his bride, missing somewhere north of Alert Bay on a flight from Seattle to Juneau. Pilot Charles Anderson and Mechanic Clyde Lynch were killed in the crash of their plane two miles south of here yesterday. It is believed they struck an air pocket. Both were killed Instantly -and the plans was virtually demolished. It burst Into flames near Sax-man Indian village. Big Day's Wheat Business at 'Peg Six Million Bushels Sold Last Wednesday For Year's Record WINNIPEG, Aprijl 11: Thu largest day's business on the Win nipeg grain market since last Nov ember was done Wednesday with .he sale of six million bushels of wheat, five million bushels belns disposed of by the Canadian wheat board and one million bushels pri vately. . Prices advanced an aver-ogelot, jan'6f cent. May- futures i.clos- !ng at 80 ''c p"er "bushel. Trail Parents Are Still Clinging To Hope For Little Boy NELSON, April 11: (CP) Hope Is' still held by the parents of little five-year old Julian Burtnick' of Trail that he may be safe somewhere after having been' missing iince last Saturday from his home, in some quarters it is feared that the little boy may have fallen Into the Columbia River and been drowned but the parents still cling to the hope that he might have istrayed away and still be alive. It was on the basis of this hope that arrangements were made, for a Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. plane to take off' from Vancouver for Trail, bringing E. H. Cour-Barron and his Boberman-Pinscher dog to Join In the search. Th3 plane was, however, unable to mane me irip irom Vancouver on account of unfavorable weather so . the master and dog made the trip by train to Pentlcton and thence here by "plane. The dog will "start his search today. Suspect Arrested In Wendel Case Disbarred Lawyer is Still Held In New Jersey- NEW YORK, April 11: Arrest was ordered yesterday of a suspect In connection with the alleged abduction of aul Wendel, disbarred New Jersey lawyer, who made a confession to the Lindbergh kldnap-murder which he later repudiated. I Wendel is still being held In county Jail at Trenton, New Jersey, on four charges of embezzle-:ment. The kldnap-murder charge 1 against him has not yet been formally removed although the Mer-jcer County Orand Jury refused to indict him. ! Governor Harold Hoffma has " 'assumed full responsibility for the MONTREAL,. April 11: (CP)- Use of a state-owned car. In con-The bar gold price here was $35.01, nection with the Investigation ot up 3c, as compared with' $31.99 In j Detective Ellis Parker which, led London rind $35.16 In Washington, to the arrest of Wendel.