paoi foua TEA is delicious Try a Dally News classified advertisement for best results. itn IVPP1 fTP - - WHIFFLE 15 From the Waterfront MacKENZIES FURNITURE At least one large school of fly- ing fish Is reported to have been . . teen during the past summer on , " To insure ,0TO comfort and restful ocff, ... T1,.to . the Langara trolling ground! These sleep, sleep on , a Slumber Cimh-r uirxr King: . , . . . ... . . are a tropical fish and it is De- Sprinp and innerspnnj Mat- flc ... .... lieved t to be tha first time the tVlv tress which bears Simmons the Islands. Toi. A & have been seen on famous f,mne beading noo name. ... .. large sawfish was recently washed 327 Third Ave. Phone "75 up 0n the shore at Langara Island. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BDLKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY POONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye 0!m PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company wi'th an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Telkwa . and Black Diamond COAL Dry Vood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue tinues poor, according to latest reports from the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s packer Drier Star-rett, Capt. fnge Valen, is the only packer now buying there. Owing to heavy rains, the seining has not been amounting to much either. Union Steamship Co.'s freighter Chllliwack, Capt Ernest Sheppard, was at Queen Charlotte City last week with a shipment of mining machinery for the Skldegate Gold Mines on which work is being steadily proceeded with. The shipment included the parts of a 100- ton mill which is to be installed on the property. Bruce Stevens of this city was a recent visitor on the Queen Char lotte Islands, buying salmon for N-slson Bros. Fisheries at Langara, Skldegate and Cumshewa. Onlv one baat told halibut at (Seattle yesterday, this being the ttesoime wnicn aitposea oi 3t,uuu pounds to the San Juan Fisheries at llc and lObc. Northland Transportation Co. mctorr.hip liner Northland, Capt Len Williams, arrived In port at 8 o'clock th s morning from Ketch- :kan and, a Ver discharging five carloads of frozen halibut and eannsdt salmon for transshipment East over Canadian National Rail ways, sailed at 12 noon In continuation of her voyage to Seattle. The J. R. Morgan Logging Co.'s tug Prince Albert was in port this morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands for fuel. Capt. Neil McLean has taken over command of C.N.R. steamer Prince John on the Queen Char lotte Island run for the winter and is in port with the vessel her present voyage. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In V4-GalIons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 DRAMA IS on C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Henry Anderson, is due in port at 7:30 this evening from the south and will sail at 10 pm. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Pilot Charles Elliott, after hav ing been away at Stewart for the past few weeks carrying mining supplies into various parts of th district, arrived here at 11:30 this morning from the north with ht Pacific Airways Junkers seaplane He brought In a sick child with its parents from Stewart and left shortly after noon on his return north. He Is now engaged In bring ing men and freight out of the Unuk River area before the freeze up. HALE I'Mttlt IIIATTKI, MOKTO.Mli: We here-toy offer for Bale by tender certain gas boat named "Stacey" belr. 28 feet In length, 7 - feet and 6 Inches tn breadth and 3 feet and 6 Inches in depth. Installed with six hone power Palmer Gag Engine, which boa U now at our wharf at Caapaco, Slceem River B.C.. and was seized by our bailiff for default In payment under our Chattel Mortgage. Tendeire will be received by us at the offices of Brown tc Harvey, Prince Rupert, British Col umbla until 2:30 pjn. on Tuesday, tho 13th day of October, 1936, the highest or any (tender not necessarily accepted. TERMS OP BALE--CASH. Dated at Prince Rupert,. B.C. this 29th day of September, AX). 1938. CASSIAR FACKINO COMPANY LIMITED UNUSUAL Robert Taylor and Barbara Stan wyck Top Cast in "His Brother's Wife" With the attractive, co-starring team of Barbara Stanwyck and Ro bert Taylor in the leading roles. His Brother's Wife." a play of hu man emotions under tremendoui strain, comes as the feature offer ing to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end. Taylor, who has won screen po pularity in a remarkably short space of time, appears as a venturesome scientist about to embark on an expedition into the tropical jungle. On. his final fling in New- York he encounters a red-he.aded girl and Instantly falls In love with her. He considers quitting the ex pedition but his brother. John El- drldge, persuades him to carry on. In her bitter reaction of anger and disappointment, the girl marries the brother at home. This Is tlu situation to which the young ex plorer returns. Her love for him is ;ust as reckless as ever and they renounce the world to go into the Jungle together. There, after her husband has divorced her, the young scientist turns on the girl Here the story takes ,a surprise turn which provides an unusual climax: Jean Hersholt and Joseph Cal- lela are other important members of the cast. CATIIERDAL ADDITION CAPE TOWN. Oct 9: (CP) The new north transept of. St. George': Cathedral was dedicated recently The chancel and" part of the nave had been completed previously and an appeal is being made for $125, m to finish the building. O ) RtnraiNC a household uses up lot of energy. If you find yourself feeling fagged-out' by mid-afternoon, try a bowl of crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk. They help to restore energy. And they're wholesome, easy to digest. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Nothing takes the place of CORN FLAKES THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Save Our Free Gift Coupons For Dishes, Silverware, Gifts APPLES Mcintosh Red bulk CELERY 8c to .J ..... BANANAS 3 lbs. PEARS per doz FANCY GRAPES 2 lbs '. ORANGES Juicy family size, 3 doz GRAPEFRUIT 4 for . BRUSSEL SPROUTS 2 lbs. BUTTER Mussallem's First Grade, 3 lbs $1.69 CRANBERRIES Cape Cod 97p 11VW iSWLAt JBt., HI CAULIFLOWER Large 25c and VEGETABLE MARROW per lb TOMATOES per lb, .-. , - CUCUMBERS Large each 30c 7c DA2LY K1T!T3 Kitchen Snower For Mrs. Arthur Alger Is Held Xfrmbers of the Ladies' Aid and Mission Circle of First Baptist Church gathered at the home of Mrs. Frank Morris. Second Street, last night in a surprise shower for Mrs. Arthur Alger who Is leaving tonight on her return to Usk after a visit here. Many pretty and use ful gifts for kitchen use were brought by the visitors who also came laden with their own refresh ments. Games and music were en joyed and the evening was alto gether very delightful. Those Dresent were Mrs. F. w. Dafoe, Mrs. Sid Hamblin, Mrs. Wil liam Bussey, Mrs. Berg. Mrs. M, Lemon. Mrs. Smith. Mrs. H. Day, Mrs. O. W. Johnstone, Miss Edith Johnstone, Mrs.. J. C. Gllker, Mrs. Jack Armstrong, Miss Ellen Arm- trone. Miss K. Watson, Mrs. F. Glass, Mrs. R. Walker. Mrs. W. W. Wrathall, Miss Audrey Wrathall, Mrs. C. O. CamDbell. Mrs. H. M. Daggett. Mrs. H. M. Hale, Mrs. Nor- nan Fraser, Mrs. Vic Houston, Mrs, H. Linzey, Mrs. H. Leaper, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. J. A. Lindsay, Mrs. George Hlbbard and Mrs. Bert Q. C. ISLANDS Madame Rajaut of 'The Dunes," Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands, and Mrs. J. C. Dunn of the Sangan River resort on the North Beach of Graham Island both report having done a good business this year with holiday-makers, both 7c 10c 20c 25c 20c 25c 69c 25c 25c 89c Tune in on CFI'R Radio Station every Wednesday at 12:15 noon for our programme of timely recipes. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE resorts having proved highly pop ular. Particularly good patronage was received from Prince Rupert people, there being quite a num ber of repeaters and some third year guests. John Mathers and J. Kltson of Sandspit were recent, visitors to Queen Charlotte City. Both re port good crops on their farms this year. ... .. Mr. and Mrs. James Denholrre of Tlell were visitors to Queen Charlotte City and Skldegate at the end of last week. Mr. Den holme reported that deer wer destroying green 'vegetables on his land. Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Charter and Miss Stewart, nurse at the Queen Charlotte Hospital, paid a visit ecentiy to Skldegate and Sklde gate Mission. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. D, Johnston Co.! Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .40. Big Missouri, .49. . Bralorne, 8.90. , B. R. Con.. .04. ' B. R. X.. .12V2. ' Cariboo Quartz, 1 82.- I Dentonla, .13. I Dunwell, .03. Golconda, .09. ' . , t Mlnto, .27. , ; -Morning Star, .02. Noble Five, .028'. Pend Oreille, .78. Porter Idaho, .04, Premier, 3.15. Reeves McDonald, .05. Reno, 1.35. Relief Arlington,' '.40. ' Taylor Bridge, .09. . Wayside, .10. United Empire, .022. Toronto Beattle, 1.25. :-4, ; ' , Central Pat., 3.85., Gods Lake, .84. Irtter'l Nickel, 62.00. Lee Gold, .05V2. Little Long Lave, 6.10. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.61. Pickle Crow, 6.10. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.72. San Antonio, 1.85. Sherrrtt Gordon, 1.65. Slsco, 4.35. Smelters Gold, ,07y2. Ventures, 2.30. . McLeod Cockshutt,.4.25. Oklend, 21. Mosher, .47. "' t . . Bousquet, .12. Gllbec, ,03y2. . .; Lake Rose, .55. ' Madsen, .93. May Spiers, .45. 5 Wlnoga Patricia, Ati Sullivan, 1.90. Stadacona, .60. Green Staybell, .46. Frontier Red Lake, .17. Francoeur, 1.06. Manitoba & Eastern, .15. Perron, 1.64. New Augurita, .45. f South Keora, .12. Moneta Porcupine.M. siaden Malartlc,: lil4f" Bouscadlllac, .36. Lapa Cadillac, .53 r Old Diamond,. o.'4f Tonight & Saturday RAILWAY RUNNING Cumshewa Hears Clang and Toot ing of Locomotives for First Time The clang sf bells and the toot ing of whistles are now heard for; the first time at Cumshewa In let, Queen Charlotte Islands, as two locomotives rush out flat cars laden with thousands of first grade Sitka Spruce log3 over the logging railway which has . Just been put in operation by the A p; Allison Logging Co. The up-to-date dining loom and cookhouse Temlnd one of a biz hotel at some summer resort ana are a marked contrast to the ancient totem poles at the nearby native village of Cumshewa. JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 957 THANKSGIVING SPECIALS VEAL Leg Roast of Veal 7 lbs Rump Roast of Veal- per lb Veal Chops 3 lbs Fillet Roast Veal per lb LAMU AND MUTTON Rolled Shoulder of Lamb per lb Leg of Mutton per lb Mutton Chops 3 lbs. Shoulder of Mutton 6 lbs BEEF Prime Rib Roll 5 lbs. . T-Bone Roast per lb u;. Sirloin Tip per lb. Rump Roast ' per lb Round Steak 3 lbs. Sirloin Steak r W IU4 Pot Roast 6 lbs. :. Legs of Pork PORK per lb. ,..'.v Loin of Pork per lb .lMi.... POULTRY Turkeys Average weight 12 lbs., per lb No. 1 Fowl per lb Fresh Killed Chickens per lb $1.00 15c 50c 20c 20c L MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2:30 . frWk M 18 c 50c 75c 75c 18c 15c 15c 40c 50c 50 c 25c 25c 30c 25c 32c M : 1 'JTTiTI -HHJ Last Complete Show 9:07 Feature at 7:38 & 9:43 BOB tAYlOR, thor lovfng men, itepi fight' into your heart at' he turn hit love loots on Barbara (how the can take it 1J in this ex. Citing romance., it't breath-taking with love thrilltl Qpntmutitl JEAN HERSHOLT JOSEPH CALLEIA W.S.VAN DYKE production jton H.tiholt tep hit grtaf prformanc "Th Country Ootlor" and W. S. Von OyW who mad "San fianclito dlftctttf ill I rZilkvi.'11TmjJMiS fTWn&nM ADDED TREATS OUR GANG "SECOND CHILDHOOD" Walt Disney Silly Symphony roby Tortoise Returns World News Events READ the New Boob Recent Additions to Our Ever Popular Rental LIBRARY "Sing Sister Sing" Baum ' "Drums Along the Mohawk" Edmonds "The Last Empress' Vare "Limping Sway" McCulIoch "I Am the Fox" :..VonEtten (A.M. $10,000 Prize Novel) "The Long Night"- , Lytle "Whiteoaks Harvest" do La Roche "Far Forest" Brett Young "Case of the Missing Corpse" Sanger "The Sunstone" . . . . de Vere Stacpoole "Enchanted Voyage" '."Nathan "The Need We Have" Gibbs "The Island of Sheep" Buchan "After All" ..Clarence Day "White- Banners" Douglas "Stormalong Gert" . . .Thomas "The Fort in the Jungle" Wren "Fair Company" Leslie and many others that you can enjoy. New books are btlnj idiN continuously. Join at once and use your leisure time pleasantly by reading new books. Only 75c for one month change yoi" book as quickly as you like. No other charges. We loan you free a complete Home permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All ypu need is send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping ana the oil for 6 complete Permanents. Ml" harm the finest hatr. Any one can gn.T a perfect wave with this machine No eiccw city or experience needed. When you have used these.' supplies moreoU can be obtained from us at fifty cents a p mancnt. Marvel Wave Factory J 1183 East 41st.. Ave. Vancouver, B.C. , Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 pm. To Vancouver direct ' SS. "Princess Louise," Oct. 4th, 16th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd, 19th. To Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway S3. "Princess Louise," Oct. ,12th. SS. "Princess Norah," jOct. 21st, 30th, Nov. 15th, 29tn. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. If you lose anything, try a classified ad.