I. EGGS EGGS "A" Grade, large Shamrock or Brookfield 2 doz -75c ork Butts per lb. Pork Butt Chops jier lb. tegs of Lamb Der lb. fiyrshire Bacon fper lb. raiamona a uacon- per lb. :a:stern Oysters per pint hell Oysters er doz. ftTilpping Cream : pint 1 'KTSI u October 9, 1923 Wdaft O&IC? HBW3. POULTRY FOR THANKSGIVING young Turkeys- -All 'A' Grade Birds, average 8 to 10 lbs. Fre-h Killed Roasting Chickens weight 3 lo 4 lbs. QO, per lb. Boiling Fowl - 90 per lb. A' fresh Killed Frying Q ichickens. per !b. OO- BUTTER First Grad'3'lbs. .87c Jork T inders jer lb. MADE IN B.C. Tomato Vegetable Clam Chowder, Cream of Oyster 28c 23c 25 c 25c 28c 28c 50c 60c 25c LOCAL NEWS NOTES W. J. Hicks Is sailing tonight on the Cardena. lor a two weeks trip to Vancouver. Misses Q, Wllllscroft and P. Wllllscroft; who. have been visiting at Port Essington, sailed-last night on -the Prince Rupert ou their return to Vancouver. Kenneth Warner of Smithers arrived,, in the city from the interior, on last night's train and sailed aboard fori Vancouver. The Regular monthly meeting of ! ithe Prince Rupert Shrine Club! was held last night in the Ma-1 sonic Temple, business being of; a' routine nature. J. S. Nelson, president, was, in the chair. On account of Indisposition of the managing secretary, H. w.f .Birch, the regular monthly meet-! Ing of the board of directors of tthe Prince Rupert General Hospital has been postponed from this evening until next Tuesday. NOTICE ON.R.A. Badminton meeting, Sunday, Oct. 11, 2.30 p.m. Election of chairman and committee. All members and prospective members welcome. (239) Save flylmer Stip Lifcel Fir I6rwm TIIM PLITE Here's your opportunity to quickly acquire a full tet of Genuine "Tudor Plate Silverware (Oneida Community) at a fraction of the regular retail cost. Supplied in the' beautiful' "Barbara" pattern to match your. AYLMER Soup Spoons. This beautiful Tudor Plate is the identical fine quality advertised in Canadian publications Silverware of chaste design heavily plated and exquisitely finished. Start saving AYLMER Soup Labels today! For free, illustrated catalogue of Tudor Plate ; and full particulars, . write: Canadian canners (wm) limited VlMMIffi J. C, Yomr Grocer sells AYLMER, Soup Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Ruoert for Vancouver: 'S.S. CATALA EVERT TUESDAY, 1:30 VM "ue Vancouver; Thursday p.m. '8. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:38 TM. Due Vancouver. Mondav ajn. ROUND TRIP PATtr a., R-nn P.M. cUlnr Ft. Simp- 'on, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River' returning Tuesday, H. Further information, regardlnr sailings and B M, ilSSliTH, Prlnce rtupert Agent, Third Ave. Dance, Night. If 5. Moose Ilall, Head COLDS 1 Put Menthol Alum In I Monday (239) Mrs. R. Scherfc: sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Van-couver. Miss W. Dockrill arrived in the city on last night's train from Telkwa and sailed, aboard the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Hnrrv T.lnvir. rv,jt,. the Prince Rupert ( National Railways general' office Bailed last niEht on the Prinr Mr. u,f.. Watts T"TA , - ; Rupert fbr a holiday trip to Van-Mrs. dancing classes forjeouver and Vancouver Island ' children start Saturday, otc. 10 at 2 p.m. For highland dancin " 1 ' .. (and classes for adults phone B'uej S4.4. (257 i ' the nostrils to relieve 1 1 Irritation anil promote clear breathing. AimouncementSf United. Church Supper, October 6. Ladles' Music Club Tea Muslcale Oct. 14. Canadian Legion Bazaar, Oct-j ber 15. Anglican Tea at Mrs. Wlnslow's October 16. Hyggas Bazaar, October 23. Elks' Dance, Boston Hall, 25i . Baptist' bazaar carnival, Oct. 24, Gyro Hoedown, lAoose Hall, October 30 Hill 60 Tea, October 31. Presbyterian bazaar, November S: O. N, Bazaar, Moose Hall; No vember 13. li..O;.B. A. Bazaar. November. If ; C. C. F. Bazaar, December 2. St; Peter's Church Bazaar; December 3. Orange Hogmanay Dance-, December 11. Hie brld? was given In marriage by Her father. R. Moore and' W. H. M. Colli- kn were ushers and during the dgnlng of the register, Mr. Howell iang "O Piomlse-Me" very beauti fully. After th ceremony a wedding breakfast was held in the Church hall at which. , upwards of' 100 guests sat down. Dr. V. Agnew was toastmaster or the occasion. The toast to the bride was given by H; B. Campbell In a very- happy vein to which. the groom : responded. The toast: to the bridesmaids was proposed by Rev, W. Mcintosh and was responded to by Ken Warner. Mri and Mrs. L. B. Warner both spoke very tellingly. The bride has grown up in the Bulkley Valley and Is very well mown by everyone. She has always been a very popular member I of the younger set In Smithers and will be greatly missed by a very large number of friends hroughout the district. Mr. Silver, had been in business ji Smithers a few years- ago but has been. In the southern, part of .he province for the last three j years. He had formerly lived at vanaernooi ana is weu Known throughout the district. The happy couple left on .the noon train for Prince Rupert car rying the good wishes of a multl- ;ude of; friends throughout the Jistrict to their new home in the Bridge River district. Mr. and Mrs. Silver arrived from Smithers on last night's train and sailed aboard the Prince Rupert for Vancouver' eriroute to. Bridge River. Bride-Elect Is Given Shower Delightful Affair Last Night. In Honor of Miss Joan Eyolfsen Who is to be Married Soon Mrs. Thomas J., Boulter an1 vlrs. Thomas H. Priest were Joint hostesses at the spacious home ol. ;ne former last evening with a Jellghtful miscellaneous shower hi hoiiot prilw clfsen, whoe Ijlirns Lake will ' take'irf'e-iQ: October 22. About two dozen friends were, present. . and tne rooms were attractively decorated with autumn flowers. Bridge was enjoyed, with Mrs. Gi Wilson winning first prize and Mrs. Persy Cameron, second. Following the serving of deli cious refreshments, the guest, of honor was presented with a beautl fully decorated goodwill-boat con tainlng many pretty, and useful gifts. On Thanksgiving Day, next Mon day, the general delivery and regis tration wickets at the Post Office will be open from 8 a.m. to 12-noon The public lobby will be-open from 7. a.m. to 8 pjn. It was announced at the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday, that the Boys' Band Association, had or- dered $300 worth of Instruments as part of the movement to rehabill tate the band. Rev. V. D. Grant Holllngwortll; pastor of. First Presbyterian Church, sailed last nighti on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to attend meetings of! the: Presbytery bf, New Westminster and of; provincial synod. He will be- away for two or three weeks; returning; here for the last Sunday of this month before leaving again to take- up a hew appointment in churlh organ ization work. 2J RlH3r for 1935-36: realized $245,502,685; FOR SALE rXiRiSALEtr-Buy the, best. Bunsen uji curlier, riiune. oiacK tui FACTORY SAMPLES MUST GO We need the space. 10-Plece Lpose-Pillow-Arm Chesterfield Suites $72.50; lb-Piece Bed-Chesterfield Suites $79;50r 3 Room Groups 60 high-grade pieces, sensational bargain $160. Terms If desired. Free storage. Julius . Shore Mall Order House; 1402 Beklns-BIdg. Vancouver. HELP WANTED YOUNG- Man with knowledge' of bookkeeping. Temporary work. Apply. In own handwriting to Box' 2; Dally News; tf, PERSONAL. OVER. 900 have' Joined our group forming to provide each member with. $1000 ! protection for loss of life-from any cause, up to 60 years or age accepted without medical examination, estimated cost $10 to $12 per year, write for our "Over the Top" drive offer and particulars, Western Mutual Benefit. Ass'n, Vancouver; B.C.. (tf) MEN Get vigor, at once. NewOs trex. Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators- and' other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands; It not delighted) maker refunds- few cents- paid: Call or WTltc, Ormcs Limited, tf. - --lilirw.T " 1 " TJ:- V".111' Jgj'' " ! ! . ; 1 V k ' '. '"'-.. :i k -p. t . ' The Prince Rupert. Rotary Club yesterday decided to refuse several requests from organizations for financial assistance, this being necessary as the Rotarians plan to use all their available funds for other purposes. Mr; and Mrs. G; A. Bryant and Mrs. P. N. Good will be returnhi" to the city on tomorrow night's train from the interior. Mr. Bry ant has been on a hunting trip to the Lakes district south of Burns Lake, while Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Good have been visiting in Smithers. Hotel Arrivals Savoy ,Mrs. C. Iverson, Oona River' Roy Wicks, O. Hatten and B. M Letnes, Port Essington; W. Burke Port Simpson; I. Mi Miller, city; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Leary, Queen Charlotte City; Mr. and Mrs. P K. Richardson, Tlell; Miss Betty Williams, Port Clements; Mrs Nelson Brew and son, Marvin Haysport; B. C. Leonard; Tet. Jaune. Royal E. Yamamoto, L. Pritchard an 6 N. Karoway, city; H. Reid, Port Essington; Thomas Colllver, Terrace. Prince Rupert R. A. 'Gorman, G. E Norrls anc Rev. Dr. S. S. Osterhout, Vancouver; D. D. Flewln and. Mrs. P C. Freeman, Port Simpson; Mrs A. E. Young, Stewart; W. T. Reid Prince George. Central M. Fadslt, M: Monsen, A. Pet-tersen, R. Nelson and H. Anderson, city; J. Patrick, Pacific; Mi Polluk and J. A. Bradford, C.N.R ! iit.nntt,iw ft"""'. 'IIImk. Mis Marjorie Warner Becomes Bride of James. Silver SMITHERS, Oct. 9: One of the prettiest weddings ever to take place in Smithers was solemnized yesterday morning, when. Miss Marjorie Warner, daughter of' Mr. and. Mrs. L. B. Warner, became the bride of James Silver, formerly pf Smithers; and now of Mlnta City, Bridge Rlveri The Catholic Church was filled to capacity to witness the cere mony which was performed by Rev. Father Byrne Grant. Miss Geraldlne Warner and Mis? Agnes McLeman were the brides maids while1 the groomsman was Hen Warner, brother of the bride; Little Miss- Beverly Warner, niec of the- bride; was a very pretty little train-bearer m ;,' . id Of course we know that every baby kcepa mother awake sometimes. But on the whole a healthy baby is contented. I f he cries and fusHee, ,he may need milk that is easier to digest-' easier to absorb, Borden's St. Charles Milk is easier for babies to digest and convert. into firm, Bolid flesh. It is uniformly pure, safe, sterilized, ' and, of course, irradiated, for extra Sunshine Vitamin D . to make strong bones and sturdy, well-shaped bodies. No .wonder doctors prescribe it! Borden's St. Charles is fine whole milk from selected British Of, . Columbia farms evaporated in the shining South Sumas plant. And ' its quality is assured by the most rigid tests in all the dairy industry. . Back of every tin is 79 years of experience in producing better f milk for babies. Ask your doctor for advice on feeding YOUR baby. LONDON, OeU 9: GP)wBeautul ficatlon of villages .and countrx towns in connection, with Corona tion Year will be encouraged by the .Coronattoort Planting Committee- in the way of. competitl.ivs with flowers and trees: LOYVESTOETy Eng;, Oct. 9: (Cn- Sudden appearance of great shoals of Haddok; th" the' Nbrtii Sa atter almost a- famihei. fbi two years is reported; by txawlers. Fishermen are unable to account for the return of the flsli) I SYDNEY, AUsC ,Oet'. 9r: (CP) According to a review issued by the National Council of WooVSel- lng Brokers the- Australian clip .CHARLES MILK THE S f T T t S UlADUTtO CVtrOllTESt MILK The Very Latest in Vitamin Products Introducing (tones Highest Potency VITAMIN EMULSION (With Iri?h Moss) Emulsifying in a palatable form the Vitamins- of Halibut, Tuna and Cod Liver Oils. - One Teaspoon- full of Emulsion is equivalent to six teaspoonfuls'.of" Cod Liver Oil in Vitamin A and two teaspoonfuls of 1 1 T! r!t :. tt!i n ou. ijiver un in v namm u. Recommended for the prevention of Colds and other infections.' iiv.b.p adults and children'. An. eff icierit generalvtonict'vlV; t Price, $1.00 Manufactured by Ormes Ltd Vhe, Pioneer Druggists Thi RxU 9tf Phones: 81 M Open Dally From 8 jn. UU 10 P-m. 8undays and Holidays Vrom 12 noon till 2 p.m.r pra-.tfll f.ta. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT every Thursday, 10:30 p:m: Canadian National Steamskips V8-38 ma 1 It;s interesting to know- when5 reading the- Dailyi.Nwa that the people of the .whole district re, doing the iame.