?AQB rOUK DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In li-Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHOXK Ti57 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS L1JSON AL11ERTA COAL BULKLLY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY rilONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, ProprlcUn -A IIOME AWAY FROM 110ME" Rates $1.00 op 60 Rooms Hot Si Cold Waiei Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 199 Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SURE, When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME RAJAUT Hell, Queen Charlotte Islands Hyde Transfer Card Tables and Chairs For Rent Graham Island 3X and 5X SHINGLES PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue bemiue . . . Bottled in London, England, and brought to you with none of its superior qualities impaired. Of greater strength than any other imported Gin. Extra measure in bottle.- the full-size CORDONS r n nt la not published or displayed by the Liquor Be aW or by the Government of British Columbia, Man in the Moon The editor says he was praised for what he said yesterday, which means he will be damned for what he says today and cursed again tomorrow for what he omitted saying. There's lots of fun in editing if you have a streak of humor in your makeup. Some city people are so ignorant of farm life they don't know the difference between a Rhode Island Red and a New England Communist. Jake says he's buying a gun and he plans to shoot the next man who asks him to buy a ticket or put his name on a subscription jlist. I always thought a lot of jJake and now I think more of ihim than ever. An Englishman wants to kno-v why they are always making jokes about Scotch people. Scottie say Encllsh neonle are rldisnlo'.is a'.? joke about them. A local Scotchman was given a pair of spats for a Christmas pres- jent and they say he went around to McArthur's shoe shop the othr day and asked to have them half soled. Motorist "111 give you fifty cents for this hen I've killed." Farmer "You'd better make it a dollar. I've got a rooster that thought a lot of that hen and the' I shock might kill him, too." A very good specimen of basket fish has Just been received by the museum and placed on evhiblt. The name of the donor is not LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to trase Land In Prince Rupert Land Recordlrg District of Queen Charlotte Islands, sod situate on Cumshewa Inlet fronting on unsurveyed Crown Land which is situated Immediately South of Lot 45. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Take notice that the Allison Logging Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C. Intends to apply for a lease of the fol lowing described Foreshore Lands:- Commencing at a post planted at the S. W Corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 20 chains due South; thence 60 ohalni due East thence due North to Shoreline: thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 30 acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co, Ltd Dated April 31, 1938. IX THE Si ritEME COl'RT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IX PROBATE IX THE MATTER Or THE "AUMIXIS- TKATIOX ACT" AMI IX THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN JOY, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that bv Order of H(j Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge of, the Supreme Court of British Column!, made the 22nd day of May, 1938. I wa' appointed Administrator of the Estate1 of John Joy, Deceased Intestate, late of Prince Rujjert, B.C., who died on the 25th day of April. 1938. All Demons i having claims against the said estate are noreoy required to furnUh same pro- ijrny vrruiea to me on or Derore the 25th day of June 1936; otherwise disposition of the said Estate will be made wnnout regard thereto. All parties Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their lndebtd-ness to me forthwith. DATED this 22nd day of May 1938. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. Concert Sunday 1 At The Capitol The following program has been Deep," John ONell Selection, "Operatic Mingle" (Berry), The Boys' Band. Vocal solo (a) "Where the Bee Sucks" (Arne), (b) "Wales" (Folk Song), David Jones. Novelty, "The Clock" (Welles), Junior Symphony Orchestra. Clarinet duet, "Liebestraum' (Liszt), Messrs. Johnson and Hicks Vocal duet, "Waters of Minne- tonka" (Lieurance). Dr. and Mrs R. G. Large. Overture. "Golden West" (Mac- kle-Beyer), The Boys' Band. Instrumental trio. "Selected," Messrs. Brocklesby, Cameron and Walker. Vocal solo, "Little Bateese" (In character). Dr. R. G Large. March, "Fort Royal" (Hoff), The Boys' Band. Xylophone solo. "Polly" (Zamec- nlk), George L. Rorie. Selection, "Ole South" (Zamec-nlk). Junior Symphony Orchestra. "God Save the King." Conductors R. Greenfield, H. N. Brocklesby. Accompanist C. P. Balagno. monton. Dr. Hotel Arrivals Royal G Normann, M. Tanaka and E. Yamamoto, city. Savoy M. Johnston, Vancouver; Mr. Mrs- W H. Taylor and Mrs. M. I the time and there Is no need to!d jonnsion, sun romi Mine; w. March, George O'Leary, S. Moe, F. Gallant and V. Hayes, Cumshewa; E. Bresnlck, H. Smith, O. Aker, C. Ludvlgsen and T. HJlldnes, Queen Charlotte. Prince Rupert J. G. Rice, F. T. Richardson and W. G. Mitchell, Vancouver; James ThP h,,inp acv n,'Martta- A- Ferguson and A. Rob- fromertson' MasseW; w- M- Hart- Ed" to publish a little clipping one of our country contemporaries: I "If you have frequent fainting, spells, accompanied by chills, cramps, corns, bunions, chilblains, epilepsy and Jaundice, It Is a sign that you are not well, but liable to die any minute. Pay your subscription in advance and thus make yourself solid for a good obituary notice." THE DAILY NZVTS rrtday, Jtmt 19, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront arranged' by the central committee of citizens in charge of raising : Dr. H. O. Johnsen, local dentist, funds for the re-habllltatlon of is deserting his professional busl-Prince Rupert Boys Band, and will ness in the city for the next jbe presented Sunday night next,: couple of months to go salmon June 21, at the Capitol Theatre at , trolling at Squadaree or wner-9 p.m. Admission by program 25c; ever the fish are running. He Is now obtainable at Capitol Theatre. now getting his trolling boat Part- The program Is as follows: j ner, which he brought from Van? "O Canada." icouver early In the spring, in readiness and expects to leave The Boys' Band. Selection, "Cossacks' Revel" (Tschakoff), Junior Symphony Or- rhpt.ra about the middle of 'next wee. Mrs. Johnsen and family will be leaving In two weeks for, Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands, to spend In the!the summer vacation Trombone solo. "Asleep Making her first voyage on summer schedule, C.N.R. steamer Prince -Rupert, Capt. Neill McLean, arrived in port on time a 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 3 o'clock this nffpmnnn fnr Anvnv anH 'stpiL I I list were 105 Indians who came around via Jasper Park and Vancouver from Hazelton and Kitwan-ga to be employed In the Skeena River canneries for the summer. They proceeded to the canneries' on this afternoon's train. Armour Salvage Co.'s big power ug Algie, Capk Reg Green, re-urned to port yesterday morning after an absence of about a month engaged In a job of towing logging ailway .equipment from the mainland to Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, for the A. P. Allison Logging Co. In about a week the Algie will be leaving to tak" jp a salmon pacKing cnarter lor Nelson Bros. Ltd, carrying fish from Langara Island to New Union steamer. Cardena, Capt John Boden, is due in port about 9 o'clock tonight from the south and will sail at 10:30 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and FLANNELETTE SHEETS Plain White English Sheets, full double size, twill finish Qfl A A Dollar Day, each tJX.UU UNBLEACHED SHEETS Heavy quality English unbleached Sheets full double size J1 A A Dollar Day, each J)1.UU MATTRESS CASES Full size mattress cases, made from strong unbleached drill, all finished ready to use. fi- Aff Dollar Day, each iJX.70 C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Henry Anderson, Is due In port at 7 o'clock this evening from the south and will sail at 10 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Try a Daily News classltled advertisement for best results. OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS Size 36x50 Inches, assorted colors, won't crack O fTp quality; Dollar Day, each O0s DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS 52x52 Inch colored border damask table cloths;, fast colored borders, Dollar CJ-j A A Day, 2 cloths for J).UU BABY BLANKETS Eider-down baby blankets, pink and blue animal patterns size 36x50 inches, c- A A Dollar Day tJJl.UU SHADOW CLOTH 36 inch Shadow Cloth, fast colors, 3 designs only, British make. Dollar Day o-f A A only, 3 yards for tJl.UU SHADOW CLOTH 48 Inch Shadow Cloth, English make, assorted patterns, Dollar Day, qq REPP SHADOW CLOTH 52 inch Repp Shadow Cloth, 3 patterns only, English make, extra heavy, suitable for drapes, loose coyers and upholstery. Reg, $1.50 yd. fl A A Dollar Day JUU CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOX Lastex cuffs, assorted colors, sizes 6 to 84, CJ-j A A Dollar Day. 5 pairs for t?UU ORIENT HOSE Full fashioned pure thread slllk, seml-serylce weight, made with all the newest features and all 7Cp new shades; Dollar Day, pair I Dl COMEDIES ! FEATURED "Dancing Pirate" and "Brides Are Like That" at Capitol Theatre This Wcek-End "Dancing Pirate," a musical romance with Frank Morgan In the principal comedy characterization, and "Brides Are Like That," a comedy romance with Ross Alexander and Anita Louise In the leading roles, comprise a week-end double bill coming to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Technicolor photography Is featured In "Dancing Pirate" which is said to be replete with musical and terpslchoran surprises by scores of beautiful Spanish dancing girls. Charles Collins, young New York stage star, makes his screen debut In the title role. Steffi Duna, heroine of "La Cucuracha ," In the featured heart interest. The story deals with the humorous and ro- ventures of a Bos-morrow whence she returns here late to-l""' young on dancing master who Is forcibly afternoon southbound. In- transplanted to California In the in . Huded a eond -sized na.enr .... ... - .. learlv davs. His aesthetic soul. through the phenomenon of love turns to iron and he becomes a conqueror of pirates, renegades and the heart of a fiery Spanish beauty "Brides Are Like That" concerns the love affair of a presentable young college man with the belle of the village. There are a number of very amusing entanglements and a startling climax. PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SSI? SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Last Complete Show Starts at 8:25 DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY FRASER and PAYNE'S 8 o'clock Closing Saturday Night NOTTINGHAM CURTAIN NET Cream color assorted designs, 36 Inches wide, extra good quality, Dollar Q4 (in Day, 4 yds. for May-Belle Panties and Bloomers Tea Rose and white, new crepe finish delustered, all sizes, Dollar Day, pair 39c Kayser Bloomers, Panties and Vests Kayser make beautifully tailored garments In Tea Rose and white, Dollar Day, nn 2 garments for tJlsUU DANCE SETS Puic silk crepe de chine Brassier and Pantle sets, novelty lace trimmed, Dollar Day, set $1.00 SEARSUCKER CREPE PYJAMAS Ladies Searsucker Crepe Pyjamas, white with colored trim, all sizes, , Q nn Dollar Day OJuUU SEARSUCKER CREPE NIGHTGOWNS Colored Searsucker Crepe Gowns, assorted colored trims; Dollar Day $1.00 PRINCESS SLIPS Bias cut Taffeta Slips In Tea Rose and white, plain and lace trimmed, adjustable shoulder CJ-j A A straps, Dollar Day JX.UU LADIES' SPORTS PULLOVERS White and yellow, polo color, heavy knit, Q-f A A Dollar Day, each iJH.UU TONIGHT and SATURDAY 1936 JX I 21 T"l TM rmm a. W i H l TT V5f TTiTTHTTTl r TkrfsAlXftjfflfViTrkil if ft ! J II 'lil ii 1 1 1 niM ra'J.liHIH.MHM.lMiWil.m.H Aw I UU Si U 48 - PLUS Tonic of Love and Laughs! "BRIDES ARE LIKE THAT" With Ross Alexander, Anita Louise 'At 8 41 Onr Or.' WORLD NEWS) At 8 25 Once oniy If you lose anything, try a classified ad. TEA or GLASS TOWELS Red or Blue Check Towels, large size. 20x32 lnch3S Q4 A A A'UU Dollar Day, 8 towels for WABASSO PRINTS New designs, 36 inches wide; Wabasso Prints, 25 patterns to choose from, every piece fast color. Q1 A,UU (If) Dollar Day, 5 yd. for BLEACHED SHEETS Linen flnUhed Sheets, English muk;'. er.tra good quality, reg. value $195 each, full size Q4 OQ Dollar Day. each ?Xau CHILDREN'S SPORTS SWEATERS Waffle knit, sizes 32 to 34, assorted colors, Qi Aft 1,UU Dollar Day, 2 for , Boys' Pop-Eye Sailor Pants Heavy blue denim Popeye sailor pants for C-l HQ boys, sizes 4 to 10 years, Dollar Day BOYS' COVERALLS Blue denim red trim, double knee, sizes 3 to t?XJf (? QQ 10 years, Dollar Day. pair BOYS' BATHING TRUNKS 100 pure wool boys' bathing trunks, blue and black, sizes 6 to 1G years, C QQ Dollar Day, pair TOWELS! TOWELS! TOWELS! Job lot, all perfect, Canadian and English, assorted sizes and colorings, Si 00 "W"M4 St bUYYWltS V Extra large white and colored Towels heavy quality, Dollar Day 4 for 91.00 Turkish Wash Cloths, good quality and good 25C size; 6 for CHILDREN'S DRIZZLE CAPES Children's Rubber Drizzle Capes, dome fastening, colors red and green, absolutely fresh 09 C stock; Dollar Day, each LADIES' DRIZZLE CAPES Ladles' Rubber Drizzle Capes. 3 dome fastener colors red, green, blue, white, grey and 1,00 lawn, uuiiar uuy.