PAOl roun It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell lor less. Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Modern Chesterfield Suites, Studio Couches, Blankets and Flannelette Sheets, Beds and Bedding 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EOSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY rilONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 tip 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye till PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Telkwa and Black Diamond COAL Dry Vood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Double Shower Saturday Night Mr. and Mrs. Vernard Fossum And Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fossum Are Honored by Friends Mrs. Jack Ivarson, Miss Anna Johnson and Mrs. H. Johanson were Joint hostesses at a delightful mixed shower on Saturday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Vernard Fossum and Mr. and Mrs. Ray fos sum who were married a week ago. The affair took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ivarson, Eighth Avenue West. The early part of the evening was spent in playing bridge. The prize-winners weie: ladies, first, Mrs. Chris Fossum; second, Mrs. M. Skcg; men's flfst, Henry Llndseth; second, Ray Fossum. During the serving of refresh ments a toast was fittingly proposed to the brides and grooms by Oscar Larsen. The grooms From Baby Days On Up 86 I at - 1 JVAPOKHTEB. Ypstprriav we received a letter Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE JONES Family PHONE 957 Market Specials Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 1 tin Aylmer Soup Boneless Stew Beef. 3 lbs. n I bunch Carrots Boiling Beef,- 4 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Pot Roast of Beef 4 lbs Rump Roast of Beef per lb Prime Rib Roll, '4 lbs. & 1 tin Aylmer Soup Round Steak 3 lbs i Sirloin Steak 3 lbs T-Bone Roast of Beef per lb Lamb Chops per lb X Veal Chops 2 lbs Loin Pork Chops per lb ; Spare Ribs 2 lbs Good Corn Beef per lb PHONE 951 25c 25c 25c 35c 15c 75c 40c 50c 20c 25c 35c 25c 25c 5c WOMEN FOR MINISTRY United Church General Council Hears Result of Presbytery Voting on Question OTTAWA, Sept. 28: (CP) Reports of a commission on theological colleges and of a remit on the ordination of women were received lit the week-end by General Council of the United Church of Canada which passed a resolution favoring ordination of women In principle. Opening of the ministry to women on terms of equality with men the question to all the presbyteries of the United Church for co-ordinate docision on enabling legislation. Since the last General Council the votlrig had taken place In the presbyteries on the following remit: "that the ministry shall be open to both men and women." It was dis- 5nower waBn. preuny aecor- closed m repart 80 presby. a ted in pink and white and sur- terles- voted in favor of this leeis- mounted by two little miniature laUon and 26 presbyteries were op-brides, carried numerous pretty and posed. No result was available from ukiui pic&enus irom me many elgnt presbyterles. menus present. - "Build B.C. Payrolls" ' Theological education in the church was the subject of a thorough-going report by a commission of which Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles is chairman. One report stated that J reduction In the number of colleges and questions of curriculum and standards of examination have caused "much discussion and considerable dissatisfaction." The commission recommended a temporary policy of .mergers, with St. Andrew's College, Saskatoon, to serve as-the one centre of theological educatlon on the prairies. from a mother who has raised I Queen's College Mergers Theological College, four children and Is raising ajKingston, Is to seek co-operation small son and Is giving him Pacific Milk. She uses Pacific Milk in everything and all like it, she writes from the ypungest child to the oldest member of the family. with Emmanuel College, Toronto, according to this report.- It is recommended, that a council on theological education be formed to have oversight of curricula, scholarships, postgraduate work and the qualifications of professors. In or der that greater care be taken in me admission or young men as candidates 1 for the ministry, the using of a questlonairre for ap plicants; was urgecVA uniform age or retirement ror professors was recommended. The commission on secondary schools recommended that a small expert committee be formed In accordance with the Massey Foundation Committee report to have oversight of these institutions. The commission urged that these schools be declared financially independent of the church. Fourteen teams, many of then. army players, are partlclpiting ln the All-India Rugby tournament this month. First-baseman Les Scarsella and outfielders Ival Goodman and Harvey Walker of the Cincinnati R?ds were judges In a contest tc select Miss Cincinnati for the Atlantic City beauty contest. Dutch Rauchenbach made more dough during the summer than any other Louisiana State grid der. He worked In a California bakery. .Under the heading "Awful Style of1 Women" a writer ln the News-Chronicle says "the huge majority of women players disfigure their stance and style by bowling from an ultra-Tow crouch' "TILLIE THE TOILER" SEE THE WILD MAM HACOOUcSAU. . 'WW. y IX 7 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Sealed tenders are being called by the federal department of public works for alterations and additions to Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve building for which an appropriation was made at the last session of Parliament. The tenders will close October 13. It has been estimated that the cost of the work will be about $7000. The snagboat Essington, Capt. J. D. Watson, having completed her season's work, arrived in port Frl has hpen aeitatpd for vears. Two day and was tied up at the ocean years ago the General Council ad- dock over the week-end until today opted the principle arid remitted when she moved over to Dlgby Island to be hauled out of the water on her ways for the winter. Union steamer Catala. Capt. James Findlay, arrived In port at 8:30 last evening from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence 5he will return here tomorrow afternoon Th-5 etchlkan motorshlps Zapora and Klngsmlll were both in port this morning with fish for transshipment East. The Zapora had fwo carloads of frozen fish and he Kingsmlll a carload of tierced mild cured salmon. Pilot Herb Munter was ln port Friday from Juneau with passengers on his seaplane.. He arrived from the north at 2:30 p.m. and returned to the Alaska Capita! soon after. iCompletely overhauled from top to bottom since she was last here, the Anglican mission boat Western Hope arrived ln port yesterday af ternoon from Massett with two patients for hospital treatment here. It was a big job on the Wes tern Hope, of which Rev. A, Abraham is missionary ln charge. The provincial government granted $300 In view ol the vessel's general emergency service. Other donations Included $25 each from the Cana dian Fish & Cold Storage Co., At- lln Fisheries and B. C. Packers. ? : Officers For Junior Moose McLeod is 'New Dictator Ensuing Year For Election of officers of Junior Moose resulted is follows Saturday night: Dictator, N. McLeod. Vice-Dictator, F. Eby. Prelate, J. Schubert. Sergeant at Arms, M. Davcy. inner Guard, A. Strachan. Outer Guard, Don Blake. Treasurer, M. Erlckson. Trustees R. Cameron and D. Wlnslow. Past Dictator, 'Bob Elkins. Governor, D. d. Schubert. IX THE SI I'KKMfc COIKT OF IlKITlSII COUMIHA in mourn: In the Mailer of the "Administration Act" And In the Matter of the Estate of I'eter DrRoer, Dec-eased TAKE NOTICE that by order of llus Honor, w. e. Fisher tbe 21st day ot September. A. D. 1966, I was appointed Administrator with will an nexed of the estate of Peter DeBocr, deceased, and all parties having claim against tne saw estate are Hereby re quired to furnish same, properly veri fled to me on or before the 21st day of October, A. D. 1938. and all Dartles Indebted to the estate are required to pay me amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C. DRAMATIC FILM FARE "The Three Godfathers" And "Roaming Lady" Coming Here At First of Week "The Three Godfathers," a force ful drama of the desert Irom the pen of Peter B. Kyne' and "Roaming Lady," an adventure-romance of thrilling tempo, comprise the double bill program on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the first of this week. Kyne's tale of three bad men who find a dying woman and herj baby ln the desert and who, one by one, sacrifice their lives to bring j the child to civilization arid safety) is told with elaborate staging ln "The Three Godfathers," Chester Morris plays Bob, the leader of the outlaws; Lewis Stone, second in command, and Walter Brennan, the comedian of the trio. Morris gives a virile, convincing performance and his scene with Irene Hervey, ln which he deliberately kills the girl's love, is one of the dramatic highlights. The story of "Roaming Lady" moves from San Francisco's Nob Hill to a rebel camp in bandit ridden China. Fay Wray Is seen as a blue-blooded debutante in love with Ralph Bellamy, an aviator In her father's employ. There are a 'eries of hair-raising adventures after the father of the girl endeavors to separate the couple by sending the young man on an assignment to far off China where the girl follows him. Timely Recipes TRAIN MEALS A safe day's menu for a train traveller would be: for breakfast sliced bananas with corn flakes, scrambled eggs, Melba toast and coffee; for luncheon, clear soup or tomato juice, salad bowl, bran muffins, cantaloupe; for dinner. clam bouillon, broiled ham, baked squash, hearts of lettuce (mix! your own dressing), and fig pud-' Ing. Crystal Palace English Football League team has signed J. H. Dav-ies, Newport County wing halfback, for a month's trial. Plans are being made for a trav elling "circus" of London Inter national table tenni3 players, for exhibitions In the south of Eng-' land. OEALED TENDERS addressed to t.i undersigned and nd reed 'Tende' for alterations and additions to R.C.N, V.R. Bulldlnar. Prince Ruoert. BO will be received um'.II 12 o clock noon Tuesday, October 13. 103(1, for altwa Hons and add'itlcns to the R.C.N.V.R Building at Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. Plans end specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at th offices of the Chief Architect Depart ment or public Works, Ottawa, th-Resldent Architect, Post Office Build- in, victoria, B.C.. the Caretaker, Post Office Building, Vancouver, B.C. atid the Caretaker. Post Office BulMlm Prince Rupert, B.C. Tenders will not be considered imlai, made on the farms supplied by the D- iuiintb mux m accordance with the condition set icrth therein. . Each tender must be accompanied b a certified cheque on a chartered banicl In Canada, payable to the order of th-Honourable the Minister of Pub!. 3' Works equal to 10 ner cent' amount of the tender, or Bearer Bor.di of ithe Dominion of Canada or ot tin Canadian National Railway Company and Its constituent companies, uneon. dttlonally guaranteed as to principal and Interest .by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bond and certified cheque If required to ma!. up an odd amount. Play Boy! By order, J. M, SOMERVILLE, Dne?Q-,ihla 2Ut'day September, I Department of Public Works, SAFETY GLASS COMPULSORY LONDON. Sept. 28: (CP) - Through a Ministry of Transport regulation, all motor vehicles on British roaods must have safety glass for their front windows and window-screens after January 1. The Blackest Rogues That Ever Lived . . . Became The Whitest Men that Ever Died! Monday, September 2j - COLOR FOR OLD LONDON, Sept. 28; man wr armct . ,. iuia i.n4. l .. confiscated 1 following a ibv, extra film jobs, in which 50' galose and Punjabs took w rru Christian St. (At. 7 00 & 9:42) Fay Wray and Kalph Bellamy in "ROAMING LAD" (At 8:33 Only) News (8:20 Only) 7nmt If Juhid MORRIS BRENNAN 5WH1EWEY Dirtcfd bt RICHARD BOLESLAWSKl Produetd bt JOSEPH U MANK1EWICZ Peter B. Kyne'j great novel has been made, into an unforgettable screen drama ...of three men who found romance. . . only when they courted death! TONIGHT and TUESDAY Last Complete Show 8:20 MAGNIFICENT 16J7 ' '" " 1 pTHIS 'CTIjj ftKniw ram Modal 9K-1 Other RCA VICTOR Models from 39.50 1 1 167.50 ffiBB tm h the tontl corriilor thil Kiikti potubl the Irring voodot ol Mitit Vnttl dear, nrr Toice-t' tot'v Volet RCAVie-tor"i exclusive devclopo that his .brought to nJi the oice cf ahwhite rnJ-ism. In its swift pF through tke sHerf tooe-controlling pipes, kwm loses til its rofchuiol quality. Voices tni instruments rrflw the beauty that only naturalness can fp-Heir die Mic Vokt la ouf ihnmxn ind be cootiocti It jj thrillini ... ii ( wiuit By W.stover ' g.Oft. PUJTZ SAID -QU WAMTED Hd J XS " . 1 ftwr-A-CAKcPAxucAw ,N kJL ns absolutely &5 l-E-ysso VES MlSJ TOMES, I ' -4iLJ VlOOEV ) W S"5efviTIAU TO fOrj L Seg F? f AL" Ipl 'l ' II I -7Z 3 .r OkXXlLUJSTiA r-..-n